The Assassin Of The Modern Er...

By otaku_love_anime

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In this story is about a modern world scariest assassin reader who had crossed time to an anime world. World... More

Chapter 1: Crossed time?
Chapter 2: My new life
Chapter 3: Yuan arrival
Chapter 4: Game
Chapter 5: Blood
Chapter 6: Marechi
Chapter 7: Reborn Of The Crimson Blood Rose
Chapter 8: The past to future
Chapter 9: Final Selection
Chapter 10: Survival
Chapter 11: Breath Techniques
Chapter 12: Mission
Chapter 13: Creature of the Dark
Chapter 14: Battle
Chapter 15: Battle II
Chapter 16: New encounter
Chapter 17: Part of the past
Chapter 19: A joined mission
Chapter 20: The Shinazugawa's
Chapter 21: A village for travellers pt.1
Chapter 22: A Village For Travellers pt.2
Chapter 23: The Upper moon 2
Chapter 24: New found Threat
Chapter 25: Demon Slayer Corp.
Chapter 26: New Pillar??
Chapter 27: Meeting the Mist pillar
Chapter 28: Fire & Stone pt.1
Chapter 29: Fire & Stone pt.2

Chapter 18: The Kamaboko's

14.8K 528 467
By otaku_love_anime

Here's another update! Sorry for taking so long.

  Family problem and my second brother birthday was on July 20 and I tried to ask if our mother could come here in the house to cook for us but our father don't want to, so there's nothing we siblings could do. To be honest this situation reminded me one of my sad moments in life that I really really want to forget.

   Anyway so to the story....

(M/n) - mispronounced name
3rd person POV

    "You're the guys from earlier." You said a little bit unsure as your memory were kinda bit fuzzy for a sec as you step inside their room.

    "Ah, I'm Kamado Tanjiro." The one with a hanafuda earrings said pointing to himself, "this is Hashibara Inosuke," he said pointing at the guy wearing a boar headdress at his left. "An- I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu! What's your name pretty lady?" The french fried hair like cut off Tanjiro's sentence as he introduce himself gleefully with flowers surrounding him.

   "Oh, how rude of me. I'm (y/n)." You introduced yourself as you took a seat in front of them.

    "So you three are part of the demon slayer corp." You said crossing your arms on top of your chest. "Well for a year now." Tanjiro said facing you. "Oi (m/n)! Are you strong? Fight me!" Inosuke said showing his two chipped nichirin swords.

  Your brow twitch at how Inosuke said your name and you never, not once, ever heard your name being mispronounced. To you, its like your name turned into an insult or some sort. Well that's new, especially to you.

     "Inosuke, its (y/n)! Not (m/n)! On top of that she's injured!" Zenitsu yelled at Inosuke. "What you wanna fight!?" Inosuke replied and then they began to fight like kids which you giggle at their antics.

   "H-hey, stop you two." Tanjiro tried to settle Zenitsu and Inosuke but failed as the two continuously hit each other. "Don't bother, its actually amusing to watch." You chuckled before facing Tanjiro.

  "By the way thank you for saving back there." You said with a smile and Tanjiro replied with a much brighter one.

  "It's nothing actually, its our job after all." He replied and you nod, finally the two already stop their childish fight and now both were panting for breathe.

    "That was a fun show." You snicker facing the two. Inosuke huffed crossing his arms and look away while Zenitsu look down in embarrassment. Laughing a little, you pat both of their head and Zenitsu's face exploded in a deep red with steam coming out of his ear, while Inosuke face can't be seen as his face was covered by his boar headdress but, your pretty sure he had a light blush.

  "Oh, I forgot to ask. What happened to Shiba?" You asked expression turning serious.

"Oh him? He's safe back in the village." Zenitsu replied sitting at his futon. "Is that so." You said as you unconsciously touch your hair to noticed it was loose down to your upper waist.

  'I guess I failed to retrieve it.' You sighed quietly looking down to the floor continuously stroking your hair. "Oh, (y/n)-san is this possibly yours?" Tanjiro spoke up noticing your eerie silence as he pull out something wrapped in cloth, handling it to you.

    Confuse, you unwrap the cloth and it reveal your phoenix hairpin. 'How?' You thought to yourself as you took the hairpin out of the cloth.

  "When you passed out, I noticed these hairpin had the same scent as you, so I figured its yours." Tanjiro said as if he heard your thoughts.

"It was made of Nichirin ore right?" He added and you look at him confused. "Nichirin ore? I don't know I received this as a gift." you replied.

  "By the way, how do you know it has my scent? And it was made of that certain ore? " You asked.

   "Well, Tanjiro has a keen sense of smell, while I had a keen sense of hearing." Zenitsu replied for Tanjiro who nod with a smile.  "Oh, well, Thank you." You sigh out of relief and smile at Tanjiro while you tried to fix tour hair up but wince from the pain of your right shoulder and Zenitsu noticed it.

  "Uh here let me help you (y/n)-chan." Zenitsu happily as he take the hairpin off your hand and began to fix your hair up.

  "I'm surprised you knew how to fix a woman's hair." You said rather impressed after Zenitsu fixed your hair with the hairpin and he laughed nervously. Inosuke on the other hand were kinda just staring at you with his head tilted to the side.


   "Is this what they call a beautiful women?" He unconsciously spoke, despite the headdress he's wearing you can tell he was staring intently at you.

  You couldn't retort immediately as you were speechless with your mouth slightly agape. In all honesty, you were caught off guard by his unexpected statement.

   "Of course she's beautiful! Every women has their own charms." Zenitsu proudly state and Tanjiro agrees.

  "Uh, it's getting pretty late and I need to rest. Let's chat tomorrow. Good night everyone" You said as you carefully stood up from the floor and immediately headed towards your room.

"Have good night rest. Goodnight (y/n)-chan." You heard Tanjiro and Zenitsu spoke before you slide the door closed. letting out a deep breath, you ostarted fanning your face with your hands. '(Beep) when did I ever blush?' You thought trying to calm your hot face after what they stated.

   After a short while you tried to go to sleep but your body won't comply. Sighing, you stood back up and took a knife or two and hid it in your sleeves before going out of your room taking a quick stroll of the place.  Going out of the house, you noticed the place were surrounded by wisteria trees inside the walls of the gate.
    "Wow." You mumbled out. Moonlight shone from the sky illuminating the shadows of the trees. You took a sit at the edge of the porch under the roof as you closed your eyes, feeling the silence and nature around you. The rustle of the leaves caused by the nightly breeze and the soft chirp of crickets in the silent night brought peace and relaxation to you.

   But, the peace didn't last long as you sense another presence coming and the sound of the soft footstep. Sensing no danger, you didn't reach for your knife.

   Opening your eyes, you look to your side. "Miss, I'm glad to see you awake and safe." An old lady greet with a smile which you returned with the same gesture. "Thank you, oba-san."

  You already from the start when you woke up that you're in the wisteria house. You heard every Intel you need about the wisteria house from Taro, your stubborn Kasugai crow. So you don't need to question everything you thought suspicious.

    "Your injuries wasn't healed yet, I advised you to please rest for the night." She said sincerely and you nod standing up and you began to walk back in your room. Only stopping when you're already in front of your door.
   "Oba-san." You called out before the old lady disappear at the end of the hallways. "Is there something you need child?" She asked facing you. "Uh, could I get some bandages? Also needle and thread please." You asked hoping your not being so demanding.

    "Sure thing child, just a sec." She replied and you smiled. "Arigatou Oba-san." You said before entering your room sliding the door close in the process as you headed to your futon, sitting down carefully.

  A while later, the old lady knock on your door. "Miss, I had the thing you requested." The old lady spoke with her usual soft voice. You stood up rather forcefully due to your injury and over fatigue that was dragging you down. "Thank you so much oba-san." You said as you slide open the door to greet her.

  Taking the things you needed you bowed to her and so does she before she went back to her own quarters, while you just slide close your door.

   Sitting back on your futon, you started to undress your upper cloth. Exposing your right bare shoulder which wrapped in a bandages that were now soak of your blood. "The wound must have opened when I was moving too much." You mumbled taking the bloodied bandage off of your shoulder and as you expected, the wound really have opened.

   Its a five inches claw mark starting from your shoulder near your collarbone to your upper arm. The previous thread that used to closed your wound was now cut in half, separating the two end of the flesh(?) of your wound.

   Sighing, you look for something to use to pull out the cut thread when a knock came to your door. "(Y/n)-chan? Are you ok? I smell fresh blood." A little bit startled from the unexpected call you face your door where the source is. "Uh, yeah I'm ok." You replied already knowing who it is.

  You must have loose your focus from your fight with the two demon brothers that made your mind a little bit fuzzy that you didn't much hear Tanjiro's coming footstep and the situation is surely different from the caretaker of this wisteria house cause the aura she's giving off were unique, more like different from us demon slayer.

"Actually, Tanjiro-san would you mind if you help me for a bit?" You asked as your hand were already getting numb. "Uh ok." Tanjiro spoke as he slide open the door only to be freeze seeing your clothes nearly exposing your chest.

   "I just need you to help me with my wounds. Don't worry, I will cover any inappropriate parts." You said with a  small smirk teasing the poor boy who had a small unnoticeable blush on his cheek.


      "I'll bandage it up now." Tanjiro told you after you stitch up your own wound which so much painful for Tanjiro to handle so he stick with bandaging you up.

"Thanks for the help, Tanjiro-san." You said fixing your cloth back up to cover your shoulder. "Don't mention it."

  "By the way why are you awake at this hour?" You asked making yourself comfortable sitting down. "Well, actually I woke up by the smell of blood." Hearing his reason you can tell there's something behind how he mention the blood, like something happened in his past but you didn't question it.

  "Is that so, sorry about that." You said smiling sheepishly,you forgot that Tanjiro had a really keen sense of smell.

   "I better let you go back to sleep." He said standing up heading towards the door. "Goodnight." He added closing the door and you giggle for no reason at all before laying down on your futon to sleep.


    Morning come and you woke up quite a little late from your usual time.

     After checking your wound, you immediately change into your uniform, (after wearing kiko's special made sport bra of course) and keeping the modern clothes (the one on chapter 9) hidden in your small makeshift bag (an: just pretend) before securely placing your nichirin sword behind your lower waist and your knifes on your secret made pockets.

     You fixed your bedhair into a chinese female hairstyle with one small streak on either side of your head with your phoenix hairpin securing your high ponytail. (An: I hope you know what am I describing here. Cause I can't upload the pic and I don't know why.)

     Seeing your all prepared, you headed out of your room into the front of the house to see Tanjiro and others are there seemingly getting ready for departure.

    "Ah, (Y/n)-chan!!" Zenitsu greeted with sweet smile looking at you. "Morning to you Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke." You greeted back with a smile. Not a fake one but a real one.

   "(Y/n)-san, aren't you gonna rest for a while until you're healed? Why do you dress like that?" Tanjiro asked in concern with worries looking eyes. The face he's giving made you want to squeeze his cheek.

   "Don't worry, I've been through worse. I feel all healed up." You reassure him refraining yourself to pull his cheek.

"Caw!" A familiar sound of the kasugai crow, you three look up on the sky to see two kasugai crows along with a small brown (Philippine) bird (an: I don't know cause it looks the same hehe).

   One kasugai crow landed on Tanjiro's shoulder and the brown little bird went to Zenitsu's outstretch hand, while yours landed on your arm but were kinda reluctant to look at you as you show some terrifying grin.

"Caw! Kamado Tanjiro, you were ordered to let (Y/n) Nasumi join in your journey for awhile! Caw!" Tanjiro's crow informed and you heard it loud and clear but your busy enough to bring your attention to them as you look intently at your Kasugai crow.

    "Nice to see you again, Taro." He flinched as you spoke sweetly but behind those sweet tone lies a dark aura, Tanjiro and the others were inching away from you as they feel the scary vibe you produce. They knew your not so bad in their perspective but its just for extra precaution. You didn't notice it as you were having a friendly conversation with your crow.

"Leaving me behind that time out of the sudden?" You continued and Taro was trembling mentally, waiting for your scary punishment but it didn't came and your dark aura instantly disappeared making him look at you.

   "Well, I guess, I should forgive you for the work you done for me." You sighed nonetheless and the others on your back sighed in relief for no reason at all.

   "So, should we get going?" You asked facing the others. "Huh?" They absentmindedly spoke.

   "Doesn't your Kasugai crow says I will be joining you?" You asked more sweetly this time and they seem to snap out of their trance. "Yeah, let's go already! Gonpachiro, Monitsu (M/n)! Hurry up." Inosuke yelled with all your mispronounced names.

    After the old lady who's a caretaker(?) Of the the wisteria house send you off with prayers and blessings (?) You and the three went off to your next destination.

     You were used to be alone every time you had mission back in the modern era where you really are and you unconsciously reflect it in this world. You never notice that joining others on mission were kinda amusing and fun, its not just about them dragging you down but its about watching each other's back.

Please read till the end


  Does any of you want to support me on my YouTube account? My username is also Otaku_love_anime

   So, if any of you want to support me please subscribe if you have an account. If you don't want to its ok, I'm not forcing you. (But, please?)

I've been thinking, why won't we have a game?

   The winner will have the privilege to choose which character will (y/n) meet next in the next chapter and the winner will also choose what kind of plot on how they will meet.

P.s: sorry guys in advance but we'll be excluding Muzan cause he's (y/n) enemy here in the story not a lover. Hope you understand cause i already have the ending plot all ready, but the story is not gonna end yet.

  >> So the game is to guess:

   What's the name of the anime that had my ideal world/country where equality prevails where each races coexist and lived together in peace.

Clue: Doesn't have second season.
         :I'm currently reading its manga.

Whats your Answers?

  The first one to guess it right is the winner.

    I'll post who's the winner on my message board after one days time and I'll private message the winner to ask which character and what kind of plot they choose for the next chapter.

(if i ask a question at chapter 18 and someone got the answer right, chapter 19 will be posted)

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