She Was Always Mine

By Adexuwa

676 169 13

Tara's goal was simple. Go to school, get good grades and graduate. Looking for love was not on the list but... More

The Intro
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note

Chapter Five

24 10 0
By Adexuwa

Chapter Five

It's Sunday afternoon. I've gone to church for the first mass very early this morning. My clothes were washed yesterday. I went to the market yesterday. I caught up on all my homework yesterday.

In other words, I'm jobless right now.

'go and read' 

Seriously, now my conscience is coming in my mom's voice. That's always what she says when I'm bored. Speaking of her, I should even call her.

I took up my phone and dialed her and she picked immediately. Trust mom.

"Hello mommy."

"Hey Baby girl. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You guys are back home right?" I asked wondering if she still had all those church meetings.

"Yes. What have you eaten today?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. Happy she couldn't see it though. Ever since that one time I mistakenly mentioned that I was hungry and lazy to cook, she'd always pester me on what I'm eating. 

"I took yam and eggs when I came back." 

"Oh good. We just finished taking amala" I glared at the wall in front of me. Mom has a way of making me wish I was home. 

"Why na. why did you have to say that?"

"Oya. Sorry. Your uncle in Ghana is going to get married soon o."

"Oh. That's so cool. She is a Ghanian?" I asked.

"Yes, we would have to go for the wedding"

"Awww. Why did it have to happen when I am already at school na?" I felt sad.

"It's still very far though. Maybe towards the time when you would come back home"

"Pheewww. Thank God. I can't wait to-"

"Did I say all of us?"

"Aww mommy naa" I whined.

Don't mommy me. Do you want to speak to your sister?" She asked and before I could even answer, I heard her screaming 'Tayo' multiple times. 

"Hello Tara" I finally heard Eyitayo's voice. She is my younger sister but just by a year. My older brother, Folajimi is in Unilag and he is older than me by two years and he is in his final year in the university. 

"Hey Tayo. Do you have what to talk about?"

"Nah. I'm trying to read wattpad and she just wanted me to talk to you." Yeah, we are direct and straight to the point like that.

"Ohh. What story?" I asked.

"Lupus Deus. It's a werewolf story-"

"Yes yes yes. I have read it o. Damn, I loved that book. Where are you now in the story?"

"Uhh. No. I won't tell you."

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because you always spoil it for me. You have a way of doing that to every story you have read before me." I rolled my eyes. I suddenly had an urge to just scream a spoiler or something. Just so I could annoy her.

"Whatever. Bye-bye. Go and read you wattpad. What of dad?"

"He's watching football." Damn. I miss TV 

"Don't worry. Before he says I'm the one that caused his team to lose the match. I'll call him later."

After cutting the call, I realized once again that I was jobless.

I searched through all my contacts and my thumb hovered around Daniel's name. I could call. I did. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello Omotara." I smiled. People hardly call me by my full name anymore, except my mom and dad when they are angry. 

"Hiya. What are you up to?" I asked.

"Nothing o. I'm sorta bored here."

"Me too."

We stayed quiet for a while. "Hey. Could you come to the gaming house at June 12 in like thirty minutes." I smirked.

"Oh yeah!!" I exclaimed "Gotta get ready. Bye!" I heard him laugh as I cut the call and started rummaging through my clothes. I finally settled on dark blue jeans and a black shirt that said 'brains and awesomeness' up at the back.

I laced up my converse and then loaded my bag. 'Money, notebook,(don't ask me why. It's just how I roll) a pen, my lip-gloss.....

Just when I opened the door, my roommate walked in with her boyfriend and I couldn't be more thankful to Daniel for getting me out of here.

"I'm just heading out for a bit. Bye!" I yelled at her and headed to school.

By the time I arrived there, I could see Daniel was already outside just playing with his phone. He had on blue jeans and a dark brown shirt. His short hair was combed up nicely. I had a feeling he had his comb in his back pocket like he always does.

"Are you ready to have your ass kicked?" He looked up and sent me a grin when he spotted me.

"As if you could cause any serious damage."

"You didn't'

"I did." He was mocking me. "Just a sec. let me go and tell them we are next." As he turned to go in, I realized I was right. He was with his trusty comb.

When it was finally our turn to play, Daniel chose FIFA. I scowled at him when I realized his game. I was not so good at it but that smug look on his face fueled my competitive spirit. He wants to play. 

Okay okay. Let's play!!

I lost.

Multiple times.

"Damn you Daniel. You chose what you could beat me in."

"That's just what a loser would say."

"You are a loser" I retorted and he raised his brows.

"Yeah sure." 

"You are so so so wicked." I face palmed internally. I'm always using that insult which isn't really even an insult. I need to search for 'how to insult people 101' on Google.

Then we played other games. I beat him twice out of three times we played. At least my pride wasn't completely destroyed.

We had already begun walking to the main gate when he started making use of his bragging rights.

"Oh. What was that you said? "

"What?" I asked in confusion but had an idea where this conversation was going from the sarcastic nature of his words.

"Oh yeah. You said 'ready to get your ass kicked'" He mimicked me then laughed. "Whose pride was mauled by a bear now huh?"

I scowled and kept walking. 

"Aww. Don't be like that Tara. Just acknowledge my awesomeness."

"Never!" he smirked but shrugged as if he had still won. He had though. "Ehen. When is your first match?" I asked.

"It's this Thursday. Yours?"

"Wednesday. Will you come?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss watching you play rubbish."

I was offended so I just gasped and increased my walking pace not wanting to talk to him.

"Tara. I was just kidding jhoor. Geez, you take things too seriously."


I heard him mutter women under his breath.

Oh, just don't start that with me. I decided to just let it be.

When it was finally time to take a bus home, I muttered 'thanks'.

"What was that?" He teased tapping his ear.

"Thank you sha." I was happy because I enjoyed my time with him.

I arrived home soon enough and dove into my bed with a smile on my face. 

"What's doing this one?" I heard my roommate ask and I just shook my head, not answering.

Hey wattpadders

I was just reading Lupus Deus when I decided to take a break and write this chapter. It's an awesome book. You could check it out.

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