Assassin's Creed Destiny

By Assassins1997

19.7K 330 135

"We are never fighting alone. Get up, get going , I'll meet you there" - Monty Oum "Nothing is True, Everythi... More

OC apperance and Short
Votes and Opinion
Volume 1, Part 2 : The Shining at Beacon and meet a new friends
Volume 1 part 3: The First Step to become a Huntsman
Volume 1 Part 4: the secret behind the truth of Altair's mother family.
Volume 1 part 5: Jaunedice
Volume 1 Part 6: Forever Fall and Assassination of Lia de Russo
Volume 1 Part 7: The Stray
Volume 1 Part 8: The Encounter of Daniel William
Arrived at Menagerie Part I
Arrived at Menagerie Part II: Assassination of Michael Strike
Volume II: The Encounter of his Cousins
Volume II: The searching for Precursor Box
Update: Altair's New Attire
Volume III: Round One
Volume III: Altair Phoenix vs. Team DGTL
Volume III: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume III: Lessons Learned and Hunting down another Templar Agent
Volume III: Never Miss a Beat and meet a new Maiden
Volume III: The Fall and Stoping the Templar Plans
Volume III: The Dark History of The Remnant Rite of Templar Order
Volume III: The Destiny and PvP
Volume III: Battle of Beacon Academy and Assassination of Samantha Strike
Volume III: Heroes, Monsters, and Free Will
Volume IV: The Complete Part 1(Become a Mentor and Protector)
Volume IV: The Complete (Intro)
Volume IV: The Civil War
Character Update: Altair Phoenix
Volume IV: Assassins and the Templar Meetings
Volume IV: Team RNJR and Assassination of Le Chasseur
Volume IV: The Road Trade Block and Assassination of Kesegowaase

Volume 1, Part 1: The Encounter

1.9K 28 0
By Assassins1997

After the helping Ironwood who is allied to the brotherhood, Altair is been send by the Assassin Councilmen to Beacon Academy at Vale to become a Huntsman and helping the other huntsman and huntress as well. Some of the Assassin allied were : Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow and Ironwood who they were friend to Ezio Phoenix who been killed by the Templar during protecting Atlas and Vale convoy by The White Fang who were ruled by the Templar.

Altair arrived at Vale dock as he off the ship as he starting walking on the street alone as he's been company by his trusted pet "Taka" the Eagle Phoenix who is always be with him since she was little eaglet. He heading toward to Beacon Academy, his face is cover in shadow from his hood to cover his identity as the point of his hood is resemble the beak of eagle. 


At the Dust shop called "From Dust Till Dawn" The shopkeeper is prepare to closing his store but suddenly the henchmen were break inside the store as they pointed their guns at him and one of them been let by Roman Torchwick himself

Roman enter the shop as he approaching the shopkeeper while he smoking cigarette and place his hand on his counter.

Shopkeeper: "P...Please..sir i don't want any please take my liens..."

Just before he pull liens, Roman place his finger on his lips to give a shushes to calming himself down.

Roman: "Shh...we are not here to robbed your lien, we just here for your dust. Men take all the dust and fast!"

The Henchmen were starting to take all the dust inside the pot as suddenly he seen a little girl wearing a red hood and cape also carrying her weapon. He approaching her and aim his gun at her.

Henchman: "Hey little, this is a robbery!"

He feeling ignored by her as he poking at her shoulder, she lower her hood reveal that she wearing a headset as he pointed the headset to remove it.

???: "Yes?"

Henchman: "This is a robbery, i suggest you get down immediately!"

???: "Are you robbing?"

Henchman: "Yes!"

???: "Oh really?"

*With Altair*

After he walking for an hour to Beacon, he suddenly heard a glass broke and he seen a dust store been robbed then he sees a girl with a scythe weapon combined with sniper rifle on it. Roman order his men to attack her as she starting to attacking them.

Altair join the fight as he unsheathed his Katana and Wakizashi as he rushing helping the girl with red hood and scythe, Roman torchwick notice him as he smirks as he head toward to the rooftops while Altair and the girl facing the Henchmen and they finally defeated them, he started to check on her.

Altair: "Are you hurt?"

???: "I'm fine, but where their leader?"

Altair: "He's running to the rooftops, we can still catch him hurry!"

She nods and they chasing Roman torchwick quickly she use her rose petal to reach the rooftops as for Altair he jump from wall to wall for reaching the rooftops building, finally he sees Roman torchwich riding a bullhead, he looked at him and he already know him as so same with Roman as well.

Roman: "Well it's honor to see you two and this is very well."

???: "Oh no you don't!" 

She pull out her scythe and activate her guns mode then start shooting at the bullhead and same goes to Altair as he pull his sniper rifle then firing at the bullhead at the same time with young girl. But suddenly the girl with red dress firing her fire ball at them and they manage to dodge her attack.

Suddenly a blond lady appeared and using her magic to attack the bullhead but the red dress girl using her magic to block it as Roman order the pilot to fly away. When it's over Altair put his sniper rifle on his back but the girl looking at the Huntress.

???: "Are you a huntress? Can i get your autograph?!!"

*Meanwhile in Interrogation Room*

At the Interrogation room, Altair and the red hood girl were sitting side by side as they waiting for the woman who named herself "Glynda Goodwitch" slamming her hand on the table and begin to speak.

Glynda: "What were you two thinking?!"

???: "It was their first, they robbing the store of dust!"

Altair: "She is right, we helping the store and stop the robbery before they stealing more dust."

Glynda: "That won't tell me it means a threat, you two should be more attention again next time."

???: "Well...that won't be necessary after all. It seems they were very skillful"

Another voice enter the room as he's wearing a glasses, have silver eyes and he holding a cane while he carried plate of cookies and glass of milk for little red hood girl, his name is Professor Ozpin the head master of Beacon Academy. Altair already know him and both of them know him well as they pretend it.

Ozpin: "So, what's your name young lady?"

Ruby: "My name is Ruby, Ruby Rose"

With that she starting eating the cookies, Altair can see her eyes that it's silver, He learned about the Silver eyes warrior who defeating the Grimm long time ago. He waiting for the next interview line as Ozpin get closer to her then looking into her eyes as Ruby looking at him.

Ozpin: "You have silver eyes.."

Ruby: "umm...yes i am and i been trained by my uncle from Signal and i really wanted to be a huntress."

Ozpin: "So you really wanted to be a huntress and slaying a monsters"

Ruby: "Yes i am, i will defeat them like *Chopping like a karate style*

Altair chuckles of what she saying as he agreed to let her to enter the Academy, She so excited as he order Glynda to take Ruby away for her prepare as for Altair is looking at him and Ozpin looking at him as well while he drink his cup of coffee.

Ozpin: "And greeting Mr. Phoenix, i heard about you and your family legacy were legend. I am sorry about your parents death."

Altair: "Thank you for your words Professor Ozpin, i see you got a message from my order."

Ozpin: "Yes indeed i have, i suggest we keep this secret between us and i hope we can work together. Your Order of an Assassin were legendary in Remnant."

Altair: "I know Professor, i will working with you and join your beacon Academy."

Ozpin: "What a wonderful agreed from you Altair and we will keep this secret only for me, Glynda, Qrow and Ironwood"

Altair nods at him as the both shaking their hand and walks out from the interrogation room. After he meeting with Ozpin, Altair heading toward to the store where he will meet his old father friend named Achilles who is the former assassin who help his father for a long time.

He found the store as he enter the store and seeing all the collection as the old man named "Achilles" see Altair with smiles while he walking with cane

Achilles: "Ahh...Altair, it's so good to see you again my boy."

Altair: "Same as you too Old Man"

They start hugging each other as he release the hugs.

Altair: "Old man, i'm joining the Beacon Academy by Ozpin and i need a place for rest so i can head to Beacon Academy for tomorrow."

Achilles: "Yes i heard of it, congrats Altair and remember we need to focus on protect the fellow Huntsmen and Huntress. But most importantly the Silver Eyes Warrior."

Altair: "Yes i know it, Ruby Rose is the silver eyes warrior and i know that our enemy will hunting us down as Salem already know it well."

Achilles: "Agreed, i will inform the council for tomorrow so get some rest Altair."

Altair: "Thank you Old man and i will see you tomorrow"

Once the conversation is finish, Altair straight up to his room and he open the door to see a room.

Altair: "Hmm...this should be do nicely"

He said to himseld as he remove his Master Assassin robes, gears and weapons as well as he sitting down on bed and he looking at his mother and father photo.

Altair: "Mother...father...i really missed you guys and so as my grandfather as well, I will make sure every last Salem followers...die by my blade..."

He said with deep breath and relax as he laying down on bed and starting to fall asleep cause tomorrow is gonna be a new life for him as a Huntsman.

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