summer nights, meeting zotto

By seriouslystruggling

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what happens when you fall in love with a boy who doesn't even know you exist? this is a story about y/n (you... More

chapter 1, meeting zotto.
chapter 2, the party
chapter 3, the next morning
chapter 4, adventures ft: zotto
chapter 5, drifting and drama
chapter 6, reunited
chapter 7, tea
chapter 8, d r a m a
chapter 9, calm
chapter 10, who likes who?
chapter 11, oblivious
chapter 12, ouchy
chapter 13, player
chapter 14, another "girl"
chapter 15, plan
chapter 16, fireworks
chapter 17, perfect or not
chapter 18, new boy
chapter 19, going through it :(
chapter 20, forgotten
chapter 21, hurting and healing.
chapter 22, again?
chapter 23, moving day
chapter 24, like old times
chapter 25, christmas vibes
chapter 27, confused
chapter 28, new years partAAy, and demons
chapter 29, "i don't want to say bye"
chapter 30, anything for you
chapter 31, a kidney 4 u
chapter 32, world keeps spinning.
chapter 33, back to normal
chapter 35, tense
chapter 36, not eternal
chapter 37, she was my juliet.
chapter 38, could've been
chapter 39, old feelings same past

chapter 26, a sad christmas

114 6 5
By seriouslystruggling

christmas eve, 8:55 am...

see i was peacefully sleeping until z 'accidentally' woke me up by playing christmas music on his speaker. but i wasn't even that mad, because it's christmas eve and i love christmas eve. alessio wanted me to help make breakfast with him for everyone so i did. half way through, we were making more batter for the pancakes and he had the bright idea to try and throw flour at me. and of course our mini food fight ended in a giant mess, but we still successfully made yummy breakfast for everyone. devenity, alex, and madi stayed over the previous night. we had a small get together type of thing. but they were leaving today along with half of the house, too spend time with their family. bella already left with kyrease back to denver so kyrease could finally meet her family. kenzie went back home, as well as lucas, and gio went with lucas, alessio's family wanted him home but he didn't wanna leave me. even though i tried to force him to be still didn't. which of caused a fight between him and his mom, it made me feel pretty bad because i don't even mind being alone. it's not like my mom cares for me, if she did she wouldn't be raising another kid all the way across the country. anyway, me and alessio finished his song kidd. i'm not sure when he's uploading it though. but everyone that was at the house grabbed some breakfast alessio and i made. i was planning on uploading our video we made the other day today, i'm kind of nervous to though. after everyone finished eating, we all helped clean up and then people started heading back to their family's homes. well except for alessio and i. we got ready for the day and took some cute christmas photos to upload on the gram. i also uploaded the yt video. and we finished up around 12, and quickly posted them.

(bahaha ik this couple looks old, but it's you and z) 🥴🥴

liked by gio.pilla, lucas stadvec, and 180,979 others...

y/ i love christmas 😼

@deventy.perkins: absolute parents
@y/n_isugly: don't know why alessio even likes her
              @therealzotto: cuz she's cool
@gio.pilla: home y'all have a good christmas alonee😈
@lucas.stadvec: plz don't go anywhere near my room 💀👀
@kenzie: and the couple of the year goes too.... 👆

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i ended up reading and responding to a lot of comments and, in conclusion i hate my friends. i mean me and alessio aren't even dating and i'm not sure we ever will again, but it's my fault so i can't say anything. even though over this past month i've definitely caught feelings again. me and alessio are home alone at the moment, he's in his room and i don't wanna disturb him. to be honest i kinda of want to go swimming in the hot tub, my baithing suit is in the main bathroom down the hall. which means i'm forced to go past alessio's room. i got up, and walked past alessio's room, i heard him talking and yelling while he was one the phone. i think so anyway. "MOM, ITS ONE YEAR! AND I DONT WANT TO LEAVE Y/N!... what no i can't bring her, i don't want mia and roxanne to see her, just incase she breaks me again.... mom i'm sorry, i'll leave tomorrow...... i mean i know, you're not wrong i know i shouldn't have moved in the same house as her, i just feel bad. you know how she is when she's alone and-....." alessio said into his phone. i couldn't listen to the rest, he's only hanging out with me because he feels bad? i'm not a charity case... i don't even wanna even want to be around him. i know in less then 6 hours it's christmas day. but fuck him. i don't even want to swim anymore. unless it's to drown myself, but sadly i don't have enough balls for that. i can't believe i really thought he had changed. right now i'm laying on my swingy chair that hangs from the ceiling, playing some fortnite.  "how did he even shoot me, IM GONNA KILL HIM" i screamed at the stupid game i was playing. and i of course died, i just lost it and threw the controller it slammed agains the ground and shattered. pieces flew everywhere. yay now my only controller left is broken. i'm leaving i don't want to be here any more. i walked downstairs, it was empty then i got in my car. i couldn't back out because of all the snow, meaning i am stranded at a house alone with some self absorbed prick. yay, i guess i'll just stay in my car. i decided to go live out of boredom. i just wanted someone to listen to what i had to say, and i know some of my supporters would. my music was playing in the background, it was just semi sad-vibey- type of music. everyone was asking where i was and why i wasn't at home with alessio.

"guys i'm in my car outside of my house. alessio is inside okay?"

i said that kind of harshly.

@y/nisgreat69: well why aren't you inside? isn't it snowy and cold?

"i'm out side because i just need to get out of the house, and yea it's snowy but my car is on, with the heater"

i respond to the comment

"i just wanted to come one here and just kind of rant...... i just want everyone to be happy and stuff, and just be honest and real. i don't understand how someone can just lie straight to your face and act so different around you, but completely change when you leave the room. i just wanna drive forever and never look back, too bad the driveway is snowed in. but everyone that's listening, please please please surround yourself with good people, and if you can't find any, chill on your own. there's nothing wrong with that."

i just said all of that not even focusing on what people were saying, i took a glance for a few seconds. every single freaking comment was about alessio.

@y/n.nd.z: why'd you delete the post with alessio? what happened
@yakingcow: this some tea fr fuck zotto
@y/n.ssssslick: i swear did you break up with him again?
@zottofandom: if she hurt alessio again? i swear-

"omg, guys for the last time, me and alessio scalzotto aren't dating. and not everything is about me and him. i don't underst-" i was cut off by alessio opening the car door."

he hopped in, smiled, and waved to the camera. i rolled my eyes.

"sorry guys i'm gonna end it. i'll go live again soon. anyway hope everyone has a good christmas, love you al-"

i was cut off again by a certain idiot.

"wait why are you ending it?"

halfway through his sentence i ended the livestream, how stupid does he think i am?

y/n: please just get out of my car.
zotto: what why? what's wrong? is everything okay?
y/n: no it's fucking not
zotto: what? did someone do something? did i do something? what the fuck happened... y/n, say something!

i just stared out the wind shield, looking at the front of the garage. he shook my shoulder aggressively.


i just screamed at him breaking down into tears, i shoved him back and shoved his shoulders. tears bursting out of my eyes.

zotto: what the fuck y/n?

he said with a shocked yet scared, yet sad face. i could see his eyes water.

y/n: don't worry, it's not your problem. just go tell your mommy that i'm a sad piece of shit. and that im a fucking sicopath.

zotto: w-why were you even listening in the first place ?!

he said that all defensively.

y/n: i literally walked past your door to go to the main bathroom to get my swim suit, and over heard you screaming, and you were talking about me. i really wish i hadn't. doesn't change the subject.

zotto: ....

y/n: exactly you can't even own up too it, you wanna act like i'm all messed up and your charity case when in reality you just want to make your self feel better for dating the 'broken girl'. just don't ever fucking talk to me again, your present i got for you is in the very downstairs closet. i'd keep it but it'd only remind me of your selfish ass.

i said to him looking in his eyes at the beginning, then i quickly lost eyes contact trying not to break down.

zotto: y/n, wait i can expla-

i opened the car door and got out, before i closed my door i said "save your lies for your new bitch." and i slammed the car door. and went inside, as much as i wanted to lock his ass out the house and make him freeze to death. i couldn't do it. as much as what he did hurt me. i'm still in love with him. but trust me he isn't ever going to know that again.

later i fell asleep crying. i heard alessio come in a couple minutes after me, he slammed his door. what am i supposed to do? he lives here, and the house isn't all mine anymore, everyone's name is on the mortgage. i don't know what i'm going to do but i can't move out for at least another year and a half, it was some rule about the mortgage thing. and i can't ask alessio to leave, because i'm not selfish like him, and because it's not even my place too. hopefully he'll just go to colorado, for awhile. but i doubt it.

my stupid alarm went off. that means it's 10 am. the house bought each others present and some of my family sent me some gifts so i at least had those to open. i got up and brushed my messy hair and wiped my dry runny mascara away. and brushed my teeth. at least my childish christmas pjs were still cute. i decided to go downstairs to the tree. alessio wasn't down there, thank god. i opened my first present and filmed it for the group chat. everyone took the secret santa gift and was told to record yourself opening it on camera. i clicked record on my phone and grabbed the gift. i unwrapped it and it was two matching red hoodies of me and alessio's ship name and a heart. from kyrease out of all people. i just put on a fake smile, and shower the gift to the camera. i said thank you to kyrease and stopped recording. i sent in the video. a tear slipped from my eyes. after that i watched lucas's, he was so hype about it. it made me a little more happy. i opened some of my other gifts. after that i don't bother to clean up, i put the gift that was still wrapped from alessio in front of his door, along with the matching sweatshirts kyrease got us. i was over it, done crying, done being sad, i just wanted to bottle all my feelings for him and push them to the side. my mom texted me "merry christmas", i don't understand why she even bothers. "ALERT ALERT!" a sever snowstorm warning popped up on my phone, that's kind of weird. (yes ik your in la, in cali. just go with it. 💀) i look out side and the wind is blowing like crazy, along with piles of snow everywhere. i couldn't even see across the street. i took a nap for a few hours and eventually woke up, it was like 6pm. so i went downstairs and got some cookies and milk. the gifts weren't in front of alessio's door anymore, and a few gifts were missing from the tree. i grabbed the box of cookies some one ate some. i'm gonna kill him, he knows not to touch my cookies. i walked down to the very downstairs and it was freezings so i grabbed a blanket from the closet, i saw alessio's gift in touched in the closet. i just grabbed the blanket and shut the door. i jumped on the couch and turned on the movie on the giant projector, it was the grinch. after about 50 minutes into the movie, the power shut off, leaving me alone in the dark in the basement. i grabbed my phone light and turned the flashlight on, i heard something rattle in the corner and i screamed, and ran up the stairs as fast i could, the power was out. i literally thought something was going to get me. i ran up the last set of stairs so i could get to my bedroom and i saw a tall black figure down the hall. i ran and slipped on the hardwood floor, trying to reach my bedroom before whatever that thing was could get me. i hit my head really hard on the ground and ow'd in pain. i closed my eyes waiting for the demon thing to get me. after like 20 seconds of my head throbbing i opened my eyes and saw it standing over me, it was fucking alessio? "are you okay?" he said offering a hand out to me. "what do you think?" i said with a smart attitude and got up on my own. "y/n i'm sorry okay? i don't know what else you want from me." he spoke sounding angry. "i want you to buy me some more cookies" i spoke out. then i whispered under my breath "and if you could just die, that'd be great too" . "what the fuck y/n" he said with a shocked yet not suprised tone. "ehh maybe that was too far, do you know where any flashlights are? my phone about to die" i said trying to ignore our past. "i have no idea, what about candles?" he said trying to think. i have a candle in my room. "i have a candle in my room" i said. i walked towards my bedroom and he followed once i got past the door i stopped and turned around. "sorry you're on your own buddy." i said and shut the door and locked it, i walked to my desk and lit the candle with the few matches i had left. it didn't give off much light, but enough to slightly see. alessio banged on the door begging me to let him i . "y/n please let me in it's freezing the heater shut off. and i can't see anything.... please i'm scared." he said sounding scared. "no go away" i said. i definitely don't want to be trapped in house let alone a room with him. a couple minutes past. i couldn't hear alessio anymore. i guess he went back to his room. but boy was it could. i got all my covers that were in my room, and put them together, i was still pretty cold. i decided to do the right thing and let alessio come in, i opened my door and knocked on his bedroom door. "hey alessio come out" i said softly, but loud enough to hear through the door. after a couple seconds of freezing he opened it, "what y/n?" he said clearly annoyed. "uh i was just gonna say, we could try to start a fire in the fire place downstairs to keep warmth, but uh nevermind i'll do it myself." i said walking away with a blanket wrapped around my body. "wait, i'm coming with." we both walked downstairs to the main level and cleared a spot out in the living room. we got a couple of logs and a sheet of paper and set it in the fire place. "here i have a lighter." alessio said handing me a worn out lighter, that's when i realized his eyes were red, he had been smoking. i went ahead and lit the fire. i held onto the lighter for a few seconds. "hey, uh you got anything left?" i said and he already knew what i meant. we feel asleep high by the warmth of the fire, and each others body's. i have no clue what i'm going to do with this boy....


sorry for any typos
enjoy this long chapter please, i'm literally camping and it's hailing on the camper.

thanks for 600 🤠🤠

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