Its On Us/ROTW Gabriel x OC :)

Od addie_fml25

11.8K 157 116

Jordan's what people would call a "punk". She couldn't give a rat's ass what people think about her or her at... Více

~It's Just as Bad as I Thought~
~What is Happening~
~I Can't Believe This is Happening~
~We Are On Our Way~
~The Choice No One Wants to Take~
~There's No "I" In Team~
~Different Day,Same Alien~
~Getting The Key Back~
~We Made It,But We Failed,I Think?~
~Saving The World~
~Bye Bye Aliens :)~

~It's All Up to Them~

947 13 2
Od addie_fml25

They five kids are riding through the city. No one's around. They ride through an alley way so they move in a way so that they can all fit. Zhenzhen and Alex in front, Gabriel and Jordan behind them, and Dariush being the last one.

"How does your watch still work after the pulse?" Zhenzhen asks Alex.

"Its not electronic,its mechanical" Alex answers.

"Hes doing good" Jordan says about Alex to Gabriel.

"It was my dads.He uh...."Alex says.

"Gave it to you?" Zhenzhen says.

"Yea,he gave it to me" Alex says in an unsure way

"Yo! You got this Alex. You doing good, man!" Dariush says. A car that looks like it belongs to military speeds by making the kids stop quickly giving them a fright.

"Woah!" Gabriel and Jordan say at the same time. The kids all get off their bikes and throw them down. They all take their helmets off as they all call for the cars.

An unknown voice come from behind, "Stay way you are! Do not move!" The kids all put their hands up and turn around and drop their helmets. A bunch of army men are in back of them with guns held up.

"Same side! Same side! Same side!" Jordan yells.

The man yells, "Kids! Kids!" He walks over to them and says, "You should've evacuated hours ago. We're at war."

"Sir, we were in the mountain when the attacks started." Alex says, "Can you tell us whats going on? How big is the attack?"

"Did it reach the nations finest Mercedes dealership?" Dariush asks.

"Dude, how can you..." Jordan asks looking at him.

"My dad owns it. Im the future heir to that shit" Dariush answers.

"Shut up!" Zhenzhen yells.

"All I can tell you is that you're not safe here." The man says, "Everyone on the bus right now. I'll take you to the evacutaion center. Come on, lets go!" The man walks towards a school bus with the kids following. The kids try telling him to wait and stop until he turns around to listen, "What?" The man says.

"You need to take this key to Pasadena." Alex says as he hands the key around his neck over to the man.

"Where'd you get this?" The man asks.

"An astronaut from the space station gave it to us." Jordan says.

"She said we need to take it to JPL." Gabriel adds on.

"What's on that key can stop the aliens." Dariush then says.

"You need to get that to JPL in Pasadena to a Dr. Feilding." Alex says.

"We've been receiving Morse code from a Dr. Fielding at JPL all day. Finding this key has been the primary objective. Thanks, kid. You may have just saved the world." The man says, "We'll take it from here." He pats Alex on his shoulder then tells everyone to move out as he walks off. The five kids celebrate as they run to the bus. As the kids enter the bus they high-five an army dude. They all sit down on the bus. Dariush and Zhenzhen on the left side of the bus in different seats and Jordan, Gabriel, and Alex on the right side in different seats, well, minus Jordan and Gabriel, they sat next to each other. Jordan sat near the window but facing away from it. She hugged Gabriel as he hugged her back both smiling.

"We did it." Jordan says happily as she breaks the hug but puts her left leg over Gabriel's right leg and her head on his shoulder. She feels Gabriel's arm wrap around her waist as she blushes a good bit.

Gabriel points out the window getting everyone's attention, "Look!" The kids see the army cars driving past as they all get happy. looks up at Gabriel as she gives a soft smile. Gabriel looks down at her giving a soft smile, "What?" He asks giving a small chuckle.

"Nothing." Jordan says as she sucks her lips in, then looking at his lips then back at his eyes. Their heads slowly move closer to each other. Her heart beats faster but in a good way. Gabriel slowly goes to put his hand onto the side of her face. She puts her right arm around his mid-torso as she can feel her heart skip a beat. Right before they kiss they are interrupted. Not by any of the kids teasing them but by something much bigger. The sounds of the beams from earlier at camp do so. All the kids jump back. One ship flies by shooting, then another. The beam that is shot from the second one hits one of the military car, making it explode and hit the bus. From the car hitting the bus it makes the kids fall. Gabriel gets and up and helps up Jordan as the rest of the kids get up quickly, all panicking.

"Jordy, are you okay?" Gabriel asks 

"Gabe, I'm fine but now's not the time to worry about me." She replies. The kids all run over to the army guy that was driving the bus to try and help him. But he tells them to go. The kids go to the emergency door on the left side of the bus and tries to open it but can't.

"Kick it!" Dariush says, Gabriel kicks the door open as they all get out in a hurry. They try running one way but it's destroyed and ships and beams are flying everywhere. So, they go the other way. As their running they look over see another alien dog.

"LOOK OUT FOR THE DOG!" Dariush yells as the dog pounces onto an army guy. They continue to run for their lives once again. They see the army guy they gave the key to from earlier. He's hurt and stuck under a car from the knee down.

Gabriel runs over to him, "Pick it up with me." He says.

"What are you doing?" Jordan asks as they run over.

"Pick it up with me." He says once again. All the kids squat down and try helping.

"You gotta get out of here." The army guy says.

"We're gonna get you out!" Alex yells.

"Stop, you gotta go!" The man says. The radio starts beeping.

"Yo, Zhen get the radio." Jordan says so Zhenzhen grabs the radio and puts it in her bag. Alex tries helping the guy but the guy refuses. He gives the key back to Alex telling him to take it. He wants Alex to promise to not let anything happen to it. The guys yells for us to move so all the kids get up and run away. They can hear explosions behind them rattling their nerves even more.

The kids are now running in this place that has traintracks around.

"I told y'all that was a stupid idea. You idiots almost got me killed," Dariush as they continue to run, "I don't even wanna be at summer camp. I should be in Cabo taking jelly shots off someone's ass cheeks." Dariush says as they all start to slow down.

"Ew." Jordan says.

"Slow down. Slow down." Dariush says as he pants along with the rest of them.

"What do you think these things are after?" Zhenzhen asks.

"Food maybe? Resources? It's possible their planet went dry and came to raid ours." Alex says.

"What gives you that idea?" Dariush asks.

"Nothing. It's the most common invasion in a movie plot." Alex says.

"Maybe their here to find mates." Zhenzhen says.

"That would explain the erotic rendezvous with Dariush earlier." Jordan says. She hears Gabriel chuckle a bit which made her kinda happy.

"Hey, woah. No. We're not gonna do all that, okay?" Dariush says, "That was strictly platonic. Lets just head north, okay? To the desert. Get as far away from this as possible."

"There is no away from those things." Zhenzhen says.

"Zhenzhen's right. The only way we're going to survive is if we get this key to Dr. Fielding. It's what that soldier was gonna do." Jordan says.

"He died." Dariush says, "Okay, look, if a bunch of bad-ass marines can't get that key 40 feet away without getting deep fried, what makes you think that we can get it 40 miles?"

"We have to." Alex says.

"What?" Dariush asks.

"It's on us. Okay? We're not going anywhere until we get some food. Maybe even some sleep if we can." Jordan Says

"All right. Fine." Dariush says, "What's up with Chico?"

Jordan turns and looks at Gabriel and walks to the side of him but facing him with a bit of a worried look as she puts her hand on his back, "Gabe, you good?"

"It's my street." Gabriel says with a bit of a tearful look.

"Great! Can we go in your house?" Alex asks.

Its my house, but... it's not my home." Gabriel says, "I haven't been totally honest with you guys. I was in the mountains because... I was in juvie. And I escaped. So even if my mom is here... she wouldn't wanna see me." Jordan felt sympathy towards him. She realized that it made sense, her questions about him. Gabriel begins to softly cry. Jordan wraps her arm around his mid-torso as a type of hug as the others join in and they walk off. As their walking a ship flies over them.

"Go, go! Jump left!" Alex says as they all jump out the way. Once it's gone they all get up and start to slowly run.

"What the hell was that?!" Jordan yells. All the kids then get inside Gabriel's house house. It's very trashed.

"Oh, damn! We need to get my man Jacobi up in here." Dariush says.

"Its looters" Jordan says

"All right, lets find something to eat." Dariush says as he walks into the kitchen. All the kids are then sitting in a circle eating. Zhenzhen is sitting against a couch. Alex is next to her with his legs crossed. Dariush is next to him laying down on his side with his head held up by his hand. Gabriel is sitting with his legs crossed but leaning back with his hands on the floor. Jordan is laying on her back with her head on Gabriel's lap and he starts playing with her hair.

Gabriel looks over at Dariush, "I shouldn't have hit you. It was my fault."

"I don't know. I'm good, bro. I mean... it doesn't hurt as much as seeing all this gunk of my new J's." Dariush say.

Zhen looks over at Dariush with a confused look, "How do you care about shoes in a time like this?"

"You know what? You guys are lucky." Dariush says as Jordan sits up and faces forward as she crosses her legs. She can hear Gabriel kind of sit up a bit then feels his arms go around her waist but she doesnt pay any mind to it and lets Dariush continue talking, "You don't have friends. It's hard out here for a pimp, you know?"

"No, I don't." Jordan says.

"Gotta keep up with the flyest shit, you know, the dopest kicks." Dariush continues, "Tightest whipe. Baddest chick. And my friends, they're like bears. Soon as they smell weakness, they're just coming straight at your neck. That's why I keep these on my neck. Diamonds"

"Does Dariush mean douchebag in Farsi?" Jordan asks.

"What's Farsi?" Dariush asks.

"It's the language your mom was screaming when you were coming out her ass." Jordan says with a sly look on her face. All the kids chuckle a bit.

"Hey, don't talk about my mom's ass. All right. You wish you were there." Dariush says.

"No offense, dude, but those don't sound like friends." Gabriel says.

"Yeah..." Dariush says. The sound of one of those ships fly by as a green light shows through the window startling them all, nothing happens, it just goes away.

Dariush looks over at Gabriel, "Hey, how did you even end up in jail.?"

"My dad left when... when I was about ten. You know, I got a job as a bag boy at a grocery store my mom worked at. To, you know... help her with money. One time she steps away, I took over the cash register. I was helping a customer, and, uh, he started to accuse me of stealing from him. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get numbers... like, muddled in my head sometimes, unless I see them written down." Jordan tilts her head realizing how that would make sense about the code for the lock at camp earlier that day, " But he didn't believe me. And, um... I just... I lost it. So I decked him. Broke his nose. Mom got fired and... they sent me away. She never came around to visit me once."

Jordan sigh's as she puts her hand on his leg, "You can't choose your family. But you can always make a new one." Gabriel looks at here and smiles softly as she does so as well.

"A young Yoda up in here?" Dariush says.

"Come on." Zhenzhen says as she takes a camera out. All the kids scoot next to eachother for the picture.

"Oh, we're taking an old school selfie." Dariush says. All the kids get close and smile.

Zhenzhen and Jordan are in another room changing into some pajamas while the boys wait in another room. Alex pacing playing with his Rubik's cube.

"Dude, stop playing with the Rubik's cube!" Dariush says.

"I can't, okay! I can't!" Alex replies.

"We can all agree that the girls get their own bed, right?" Gabriel says.

"Well, yeah, obviously, it's the only gentlemanly thing to do." Alex says

"It's only right. It sounds like a plan." Dariush says. The girls then walk back in the room as the boys jump a bit.

"Alex, Dariush, one of you can sleep with me." Zhenzhen says as she climbs over the bed nearest to the door and goes to the bed next to it with Jordan following behind.

"Uhhh... What... what about Gabriel?" Dariush says. Jordan sits in the bed nearest to the door putting her knees up to her chest and then clears her throat.

The three boys look at her as Jordan looks up at Gabriel smiling a bit, "You could sleep with me." The three boys stand there for a second then run out as Zhenzhen and Jordan look at each other and giggle.

"Hold it. Hold it. Wait." Gabriel says, "Did Zhenzhen just say one of you can sleep with her? And did  just say that I can sleep with her?"

"Maybe we misheard them." Alex says.

"Okay, look, I will volunteer my services for the good of the group, and because I've had the most experience." Dariush says.

"With what? Not getting in any?" Gabriel says.

"Hey, it's better than eating Lithuanian smoothies from my bunk mate in jail." Dariush replies.

"Lithuanian smoothies?" Alex asks.

"You don't need to know." Dariush says.

"Why don't we get Alex and Zhenzhen to sleep together?" Gabriel asks.

"Because he doesn't even want to." Dariush says.

"I wouldn't say I don't want to." Alex says

"They have a connection." Gabriel says.

"We do?" Alex asks happily.

"So don't be a cock-block." Gariel says.

"Fine, Fine. All right. Okay cool. I won't block your cock." Dariush says as he looks at Alex then looks down at... something, "Be free." He then stands back up, "Wait where am I gonna sleep?"

"You could sleep on the floor." Gabriel says.

"Gee, thanks." Dariush replies, "I'd rather the sofa."

"Whatever you say." Gabriel says. Alex and Gabriel enter the room without Dariush because he actually agreed to sleep on the sofa. Alex walks over to where Zhenzhen is and lays down. Jordan is still awake in the same position she was in before the boys left out the room and sitting up playing with the blankets a bit. Gabriel sits in the bed with her as she scoots over a bit. He sits back, with his back on the bed frame.

"You okay?" Gabriel whispers looking at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep with everything that's going on right now in my head."She replies in a whisper tone.

"Makes sense." Gabriel says. He then sits there for a second looking forward. Something seems to be on his mind, like he either wants to ask or do something.

Jordan looks over at him, "Gabriel? Everything all..." Gabriel looks over at her and before She could say another word he puts one hand on the side of her face and the other around her waist. He then pulls her closer and kisses her closing his eyes. Jordan heart skips a beat. She was in disbelief on what was happening. She closed her eyes as well as she gave in. They kissed only for a few seconds then broke it. Their heads were still close together but their lips were not touching.She smiles as she softly giggles, "Was that supposed to be a continuation of earlier on the bus before we were rudely interrupted?"

Gabriel laughs a bit, "Yeah. Sorry about that, I just..."

"No, I never said you had to be sorry. I was kind of hoping you'd do that." Jordan says.

"Seriously?" Gabriel asks in relief.

"Yeah." Jordan says, "So... what if that maybe happened again... but except this time... I'm ready."

"Is that just an excuse for another one." Gabriel asks whilst still softly laughing and smiling.

"Yeah, pretty much." Jordan says as she giggles. Gabriel shrugs as he puts his hands at her hips and She wraps her arms around him. They lay down as Gabriel wraps his arms around her waist. Jordan is somewhat on top of him but not fully. They slowly and quietly kiss for longer than 30 seconds. After a bit they stop and look at each other and smile. Jordan then get's her arms from around Gabriel. She gets comfortable in his arms and lays her head on his chest and falls asleep as Gabriel does so as well. She could not explain in words how she was feeling but in a way she understood them. All she could think about now was feeling her lips against his. It made her heart flutter with joy and feel all warm inside. Now she's a bit happy that she agreed to go to camp.

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