By be_kinder

362K 5.7K 797

"Eat me." Jennie said as she lower her pussy to my face. I started to lick her wet folds. I missed this so mu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
be_kinder is back
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three

Chapter Eleven

10.7K 163 18
By be_kinder

I really want to throw a surprise party for Lisa. It made me sad when she told me that she never had a birthday party. I want her to experience having a birthday. But how can I throw her a party when I don't even have any money? I want to buy her a birthday cake and other food. I'm going to invite our neighbors and her friends. I can call Hanbin, he gave me a copy of his phone number.

And then I remember about the work Yebin offered me at her club. That's it! I'm going to work in order earn money for Lisa's party.

I hurried myself to Yebin's place.

"Oh hey, Jennie." She took a peek at the door.

I smiled. "Hi. Can we talk?"

"Of course. Come inside." She opened the door wider. I went inside and she made me sit on sofa. "What do you want to talk about? Are you going to tell me something interesting?"

"Errr.. no. I want to know if I can work in your club?" I asked.

"You want to work in club?"
I nodded my head.

"OMG, Jennie! I'm sure you'll earn big amount of money. Your beauty is a trend." She said.

"When can I start? Because I really need a money."

"You can start this evening." She informed.

"Like, what time? Can't I just start tomorrow morning because Lisa will come home later and I really have to go to bed after eating my dinner." I said.

"Idiot! There's no club opens in the morning! My club really opens at night until dawn." She said laughing.

Lisa will not let me. She did not even want me to leave the apartment at night. How can I work at Yebin's club?

"So, are you still in?" She asked.

"Um, It's about Lisa. She'll get mad at me when I go out tonight."

"Just sneak out. Just go out when she's asleep." Yebin said.

Yeah ... Why didn't I think of that? I'll just sneak out when she's asleep. Then when I earned enough money for her party, I will stop immediately.

"S-sure. I'll start this evening." But why do I feel like it's a bad idea. I told Yebin that I need to go home.

Later, I'll sneak out when she's asleep and go to Yebin's around 11pm. I'm just doing this for her. And besides she's not going to find out. I'll be home before she wakes up.

I went back to the apartment and continued reading the book she bought for me. I cooked our dinner. Yes, I know how to cook already. I know my mom and dad would be so proud. I also know how to sweep and then wash the dishes and clean the house. The only thing Lisa doesn't want me to do is do the laundry. She washes our clothes with her hands. She does not have a washing machine. I tried doing it but I injured my hand and since then she never allow me to do the laundry.

I heard the door open. I'm always excited to see her. I look like a puppy waiting for his master.

"Hi, Lisa. How was your day?" I approached her.

"The usual." She replied casually.

"Good! Our dinner is ready."

"What is the viand?" Lisa asked.

"Tocino with tomato and salted egg." I said. That was her request earlier.

"Wow! I'm just really hungry." She went straight to the dining table. My poor Lisa, maybe she is very tired at work and then she is still hungry. She even came from Tagaytay for the wedding photoshoot. I took her a plate and scooped up some rice. We ate together. Like other ordinary days, after we ate I washed our dishes, we talked for a bit, watched tv. Then she went to her room and I also went to my room. I'm still thinking about joining Yebin's club. Okay, I've made up my mind. I'm going to do it. My job is not difficult. Yebin said I'll just talk to the customers and that's it. Easy money.

When I was sure that Lisa was asleep I slowly opened the door and went out. I tried to make a little sound as possible. I know she is going to get mad when she finds out what I will do. She doesn't want me to approach Yebin since she found out that Yebin lent me clothes and dressed me up like a hooker. She said she was not a good influence on me, but I think she's nice.

I lost my nervousness when I left the apartment. I'm finally out! For sure, Lisa is having a birthday party. Yay!

Lisa's POV

I was by the window and smoking a cigarette. I don't know why this is happening to me. Jennie never leave my mind even though I was at work earlier. She is the only one I can think of. I think I like her. I have never been like this to a woman, only to her. But I can't, I shouldn't! Yes, she likes me too but I can't like her. I do not deserve her. I hope Jennie wakes up and goes back to where she came from so I don't have any more problems.

You know the feeling that you can reach something you want but can't have it, that's how I feel every day while we are together.

I got back on my senses when I heard the door opened on the side of my room. Oh so Jennie was still awake.

Then I heard the door of the apartment opened. I frowned, why would Jennie come out at this hour? Shit! Maybe a thief got in here. I turned off my cigarette in the ashtray that was sitting on the window sill.

I carefully left the room. Jennie crossed my mind. Fuck! He can get all the stuff here just not Jennie, he should never touch Jennie.

I opened the door to her room and there was no one inside. Does that mean she went out?

I also left my apartment. I looked for her all over the floor but could not find her. Damn! Maybe what I thought earlier that she would wake up and come back to where she came from has come true. Maybe she is tired of life here. My chest felt heavy. Jennie is gone. I remember a lot of pervert men at the exit. Jennie might be kidnapped, rape or worse, killed. Fuck! I'm starting to worry. The amount of worry that goes through my mind is crazy. I hurried downstairs. There are still hanging out at this hour. There are those who are still drinking and playing cards in the street.

"Jackson, did you see Jennie?" I asked one of the drinkers. They already know Jennie because they often see her with me.

"Yes, passed by here earlier with Yebin. She's so sexy. You allowed her to work in Yebin's club, Lisa?" He asked me. Jennie went with Yebin?

"If Jennie works there I'll probably go to the club every day." Said his drinker. "You got bored with her already? I hope you pass her to us first, I will pay for her. Just name her price." The other guy but in. I clenched my fists. This dickhead! I grabbed his t-shirt that cause him stumbled up in his seat.

"You idiot! Don't you dare say bad things to Jennie! I'll break your face!" I threatened him.

Jackson also stood up and stopped me. "Lis, just understand him. He's drunk." He says. I immediately let go of the grip on his t-shirt. I walked to Yebin's club. It is not far from here. If anything happens to Jennie that woman will pay for this!

Jennie's POV

The dress I'm wearing is so uncomfortably tight and too short. I feel like if I make a slight move my panties will automatically visible. And if I'm going to pull it a little lower, they'll see my cleavage.

"Do I really have to wear this?" I asked Yebin.

"Of course! That's the dress code in my club." Yebin said while we're walking. I can sense the intense stares of the guys towards me while Yebin and I are walking. Some are even whistling. I don't know what I'm getting myself into.

"You look so sexy, Yebin." The guys said to Yebin. I think they're teenagers.

Yebin just smiled. "Thanks, boys."

"Kindly introduce us to your companion." One of the guys said.
I hide behind Yebin's back. I'm really embarrassed right now, they were all looking at me.

"I can't! She costs big time." She answered and we continued walking until we arrived at her club. It's dark, with blasting music and there are lot of guys drinking. I immediately linked my arms on Yebin. I feel like I want to go home.

"Mr. Kwon!" Yebin waved at someone. I can't properly see it because it's really dark in here. A guy approached us, I think he is in his mid 40s, he's fat and kinda bald.

"Yebin, I've been waiting for your arrival." He said.

"Sorry, Mr. Kwon. I helped my new recruit to dress and put her make up on." Yebin explained and she looked at me.

"She's really pretty." The guy said while looking at me. I stared at the ground because his stares are really creeping me out. I feel like his eye raping me.

"She's a newbie, Me. Kwon that's why she costs a little bit expensive." Yebin said.

"Name your price." The old man said. I feel like I'm a piece of meat and this old man is my buyer. Gosh! This is so humiliating. I want to back out.

"Thirty thousand." Yebin said.

He quickly got his money from his wallet and gave it to Yebin. Then Yebin pushed me to him, I back away a little.

"Dear, stop with your shyness. You guys will just talk. I'm not going to let him do something bad towards you." Yebin whispered with a soft move trying not to act suspicious. She guide me towards the guy. The guy smiled at me.

"Let's go, we have plenty of time to talk." He invited. I was forced to go with him. Yebin gave us a table and we sat there.

"What's your name, hija?" He asked.

"J-Jennie." I answered stuttering.

"Jennie." He repeated. "How old are you?"

"Nineteen." I keep my eyes glued on the floor because I don't want to look at him. He creeps me out.

"You're still studying?"

I nodded my head.

He put his hand on my shoulder. I got goosebumps. I moved my shoulder in order for him to understand that I'm not comfortable with one of his hands on my shoulder. But he didn't dare to pull away.

"You know, I can help you with your studies until you graduate." He touched my arm.

"N-no, thanks." I said.

"You don't want me to help you with your studies?"

I shook my head. I want to get out of here I'm really scared. I felt his other hand crawl on my legs. I feel like crying. He's caressing my legs. I hope Lisa will arrive here and save me. But she's probably sound asleep right now. I should've listened to her! I'm so stupid!

"So, tell me whatever you want. I'm going to buy it for you." I can feel his breath in my neck.

Suddenly someone hold my arm and pulled me away from that man. Thank God! I looked up to check who's my savior....

"L-Lisa!" I was so shocked when I saw her. She looked really angry. Her eyes are burning with anger. She looked like she's killing someone. She pushed me on the side and hasten her steps towards the guy I am with awhile ago.

She punched him and keep on punching him. The guy tried to fight her off but Lisa was too strong. Others are trying to pull her away but she continued punching the old man. She continued throwing punches. I was shocked that's why it took me awhile before I finally moved from where I was standing.

I hugged her from behind and I tried to pull her away. The old man was already lying on the floor.

"Stop, Lisa! Please, stop! You might kill him." I shouted.

"I'm literally going to kill this asshole!" She yelled.

"No... no, please don't." And my tears fell. She suddenly stopped. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the club until we arrived at the apartment. She let go of my wrist and I stumbled on the couch. My left wrist hurts, the part where she pulled me.

"What now? You want now to become a hooker?!" She angrily asked.

I can't open my mouth because she's scaring me.

She screamed and punched the wall. And she faced me. "Are you even aware of what is his intention? What that bastard planning to do with you? He wants to bed you! He wants to have sex with you! Do you understand that, Jennie? You're selling yourself in a small amount of money?!"

Still, I didn't answer. I don't know what to say. I was looking at the floor and I'm trying not to cry.

"Where did he touch you?" She walked in front of me.

I was really surprised when she grabbed my boob. "Did he touch you here?"

My breath hitched. I wasn't scared or anything like that, just surprised. Even I'm wearing a bra I could feel the warmth of her palm. She touched and squeezed it but it lasted only for a few seconds. She stopped but I didn't want her to stop. It feels good when she touched me.

She knelt in front of me and open my legs. Her other hand crawl in my inner thigh. Her hand went up to my underwear. Her finger brushed over my panties. I was tickled by what she was doing.

"Did he touch you here?" I shook my head.

She is moving her finger up and down and it feels great. I can't explain what I'm feeling. It feels good. I opened my legs wider for her.

"Shit! What the hell I am doing?" She pulled her hand away. Nooo! She can't stop! I grabbed her hand and put it back to where it belongs.

"Please, Lisa, don't stop." I begged. She didn't move her hand just like earlier. She just stared at me as if she was surprised and she swallowed. So I moved her hand just like she did awhile ago. Up and down on my lady part. I know this is bad. But it feels really good. SHE CAN'T STOP NOW!

Her hand moved voluntarily after a while. It feels good when the upper part of my womanhood hit by her finger.

"You're so wet, Jennie." She said while looking at my lady part. I lowered my gaze. It is wet. My panties are wet!

Her thumb circled on the upper part of my private part. This feels even better. I can't believe it's possible to feel something really good like this. I guess these are the ones I read in the romance novels.

"Hmmmm... Ahhhhh." Sounds escaped from my lips. I can't stop myself.

She rubbed me until I feel something. I don't know how to explain it. But I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Lisaaaaa..... I'm going to...." I said panting. I can't think the exact word for it. I shut my eyes tightly. I released whatever it is. I can feel something came out from me. My body starts shaking. It's so good. It's the best feeling I've ever felt but I feel weak.

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