My Heart Will Go On (Kairi Sa...

By Freedom_Fighter24

22.3K 361 538

Peter Reynolds may have signed an NXT contract, but a Pirate Princess in particular caught his eye. Will they... More

Signing With WWE
A Confrontation Worth A Ton Of Money
A Feud Worth Having Control Over
The First Match In NXT
The Date
Confessions and A Confrontation
Double Date With A Twist
Contract Signing
Preparing For Takeover
NXT Champion?
A Call That Broke Me In Half
Coming Back From Canada
Meeting With Adam
Final Match Of Adam Cole In NXT
Visiting Chris and A Tournament
Cleared, But Not Cleared to Compete
Meeting With Hunter
Author's Note
Tattoo Day
How Great Booking Can Make A Difference In Ratings
Almost There
Virtual Message
Takeover: Las Vegas
New Champion?
Meeting Kairi's Mother
A New Friendship?
Invasion and A Rescue?
Lighting The Fuse
Playing Some WarGames
Here Are Your Winners...
Ce-le-bra-tion, Guys COME ON!
Final NXT Moment For Me
Meeting Brock Lesnar
Monday Night Raw
WWE Raw Debut
Birthday Surprise
Royal Rumble
One More Match For Jericho?
An InSane Debut And A HOF Announcement
A Confrontation With Lesnar and A Certain Someone
Hunter Stopping By
A Match Worth Fighting For
Y2J v An Anarchist Part 1
Y2J v An Anarchist Part 2
Last Confrontation With Lesnar
Induction Part 1
Induction Part 2
No Holds Barred Part 1
No Holds Barred Part 2
An Offer She Can't Refuse
How The Author Would Book Kairi Sane
Author's Note

Three on One

459 8 7
By Freedom_Fighter24

~With Peter; Wednesday: two weeks later~

Tonight was the three on one handicap match between Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reily, and Roddy Strong. They went first as always since they're the tag champs while Strong is without a title.

I was up next, painting my face with three stripes of red before Kairi came up to me in gorilla.

Kairi: Are you ready for this?

Me: I am. I talked it over with Adam yesterday and I said that I'll be winning the match and going on to win the title from him at Takeover: Toronto in a steel cage. MY HOMETOWN!

Kairi: Well, that's good. Triple H must be high on you.

Me: He is.

My music played and I was about to walk out.

Me: It's my match. Got a kiss for me?

Kairi kissed me on my cheek and went out to do my entrance. And thank god she wasn't wearing lipstick because if she was, we would be caught from the NXT Universe.

~With Kairi~

My Lord. He's so handsome and a gentleman.

Io: *Kairi!*

Me: *Io!*

We both hugged and I assumed they saw what just happened.

Io: *Are you and Peter together?*

Me: *That's right!*

We all celebrated as we went back to catering to watch Peter's match.

~With Peter in the ring; the finish~

After about 25 minutes, Bobby had me in a submission hold as he was waiting for Kyle to do a roundhouse kick, and he connected, but not with me since I ducked. Kyle was shocked at what he's done, but I grabbed Kyle, pushed him to the ropes to perform the Symbol of Anarchy while knocking Strong out of the ring to get the win.

Everyone was ecstatic and they were surprised by the finish and I bet Kairi was.

~With Kairi; catering~

The match was very good, including the finish. And I couldn't believe it! Peter actually won!

Me: Yay!

My friends were surprised about the finish and it seems Peter is challenging Adam for the NXT Title! Adam came out all shocked about my win that he decided to walk back to the locker room.

~With Peter~

I grabbed a mic before Adam took another step.

Me: Hey Adam! Guess what, buddy? At Takeover, you're mine!

Everyone was cheering, especially when I got through gorilla. Kairi hugged me as I did too.

Kairi: I'm so proud of you!

Me: I know.

Kairi: Can we stay like this forever?

Me: Wish we could, but I gotta check with Adam, okay?

Kairi: Okay.

Me: Just wait for me so I can take you home.

Kairi: See you later.

We kissed again and I went to Adam's locker room before I headed out.

Adam: Dude, that finish was awesome!

Me: I know, it's crazy right?

Adam: Okay, so what should we do for the next couple of weeks?

Me: Maybe a contract signing for next week as the main event.

Adam: Alright. Since we want the signing to be a little chaotic, it should be just you and me in the ring talking trash.

Me: That's an idea, but we leave Roderick, Kyle, and Bobby our of the picture because this is between the champ and the challenger. Am I right?

Adam: You're definitely right. Since you're really good on the mic, you should come up with a bar that could spark some fire into our feud.

Me: And with you, but I'm thinking there should be a bit of blood. I'll blade and I want you to hit me very hard on my head to cause bleeding by slamming my head on the table and a couple more punches until I start to bleed. I can't have Kairi know about this because she'll freak.

Adam: Wait, you two are together?

Me: Yeah, we became a couple last week.

Adam: Congrats, Pete!

Me: Thanks. So anyway, we should practice in the ring before the crowd arrives. That should be a perfect opportunity to do it. I'm gonna go let Hunter about our plan and we'll wait for next week.

Adam: Sounds like a deal.

He and I bro hugged, said our goodbyes and I went to see Hunter about the contract signing. I walked up and he was happy to see me like always.

Hunter: What's up, Peter?

Me: I wanna let you know about next week on NXT.

Hunter: Alright, shoot.

Me: Adam and I wanna do a contract signing that doesn't involve Strong, O'Reily, and Fish.

Hunter: That's a good idea. What else?

Me: I'm gonna blade.

Hunter looked with a serious look.

Hunter: Are you nuts? There will be kids in the crowd whenever we have a taping.

Me: I know but listen. I'll pay the fine right now since it'll be on me and not Adam.

Hunter: Okay. The fine will be...

If the fine was going to be a big number, I'll pay for it. If it was going to be small, I'll pay for it as well. It doesn't matter what the fine is as long as it makes the contract signing entertaining.

Hunter: ... $25,000.

Me: Okay, so it's not that high and I got the check right here.

I had the check with me the whole time and and I signed it. Since I now work for WWE, I always bring a check with me in case some segments or matches contain blood since this is a PG era.

Hunter: That'll be all. Good luck next week.

Me: Thanks Hunter. I appreciate it.

Hunter: Have a good night now.

Me: Thanks you too.

I shook his hand and walked away. I went back to the locker room, showered, changed clothes, and about to drive home until I got a call from Kairi.

Me: Hello?

Kairi: Peter? Can you take me home? Io forgot about me.

Me: Sure. Where are you?

Kairi: Behind you.

I looked back and she was smiling and laughing a bit. I will admit, I laughed too. She came inside the car and hugged me.

Me: So, I guess I'm taking you home again, huh?

Kairi: Yeah.

Me: Alright. Mind if I turn on some music?

Kairi: Not at all.

We drove off and as we got to Io and her house, I walked up with her hand in mine.

Kairi: Thank-you for taking me home, Peter.

Me: Anything for you.

Kairi blushed as I noticed.

Kairi: I want you to win against Adam. The character, not the guy.

Me: You can count on me, my little Pirate Princess.

She giggled and we started to kiss until Io caught us.

Io: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! You and Peter are kissing in front of me!

Both of us: IO!

She laughed as we did too.

Me: So, you wanna go out again?

Kairi: Really?

Me: Really really. And this time, I'm letting you choose.

Kairi: Awwww, you're so sweet!

She kissed my cheek and went inside waving at me saying goodnight.

Kairi: Goodnight my handsome Canadian.

Me: Goodnight my adorable pirate.

Io wanted to tell me something before she closed the door.

Io: Kairi, I'm gonna talk to Peter real quick!

Kairi: Okay!

Io closed the door and hugged me!

Io: You know how to treat her right!

Me: You can say my mom raised a good son.

Io: And she did. By the way, I want you to promise me one thing and I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

Me: Sure what's up?

Io: I want you to stay away from Shayna. She's bad news.

Me: I learned that not too long ago.

Io: No I'm serious. Shayna isn't someone you should mess with. Yeah, you won the verbal battle last week, but I overheard she's planning on sabotaging your match with Adam.

Me: Oh, she is!

Io: Yeah, but don't worry. I got your back, same with Kairi.

Me: Regal may have suspended Shayna, but I know I'll be ready since I'll be in a steel cage with Adam.

Io: I'll keep my ear to the ground but if there's anything else I know, I'll tell you.

Me: Thanks so much Io.

She hugged me and went back inside.

Shayna's planning a sabotage, eh? I hope she fails miserably.

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