Arrange Marriage or Love Marr...

By prishaagarwal95

1.3M 59K 3.3K

#1 in Forever together. #1 in First Attempt. #1 in Arranged Love. Karuna Singhania: She belongs to a typical... More

1. Marriage Proposal.
2. Tandel's are coming.
3. QnA Session.
4. Karuna's Decision.
5. Spill The Beans.
6. Missed calls.
7. Unknown calls.
8. Sacrifice of 3 Years
9. Police station
10. Club
11. Rani's confession
12. Will
13. Reena
14. Stupid Dream
15. Her Last Wish
16. The Truth
17. Photograph
18. Tsunami
19. Dark Secret
20. Kareena
21. Family Reunion
22. Wifey & Hubby
23. Rose
24. Mr Angry Raj
25. Style n shine.
26. Good news
27. Surprise Visit
28. Mamma
29. Teasing Game
30. Shopping
31. Measurement
32. Motive
33. Engagement Venue.
34. Big Day
35. Love Affection
36. Absence
37. Find her
38. Mr Shah
39. Rahul Mittal
Authors Note
40. Rescue Una
41. Boss
42. Plan
43. Action
44. Disguised
45. Stranger
47. Welcome
Chapter 48 ( lullaby )
Chapter 49 (Caught red-handed)
Chapter 50 ( Drama queen)
Chapter 51 ( Resort )
Chapter 52 ( Desperate Raj )
Chapter 53 ( Claimed as my Boyfriend)
Chapter 54 ( Finally Mine )
Chapter 55 ( welcome the new bride )
Chapter 56 ( Pag Phera )
Chapter 57 ( Roller coaster night )
Chapter 58 ( Billion dollar lottery )
Chapter 59 ( Tom and Jerry )
Chapter 60 ( My possessive Tigress )
Chapter 61 ( Sangeet ceremony )
Chapter 62 ( only Mine )
Chapter 63 ( Green flag )
Chapter 64 ( Street Food )
Chapter 65 ( Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage )

46. Promise?

13.6K 687 36
By prishaagarwal95

The day is over
But not the responsibilities,
The day is over
But not the opportunities.
The day is over
But life is still going,
The day is over
But hopes are still growing.
The day is over
So that tomorrow you can welcome a brand new day,
The day is over
So that tomorrow you can think about a brand new way.


Karuna Pov

I felt a piercing pain on my head and tried to open my eyes. I guess they again blind folded my eyes because after opening my eyes I am unable to see anything.

Realisation hits me, I can open my eyes! Yes, I can feel my eyelids moving unlike last time then why I am not able to see anything?

To make sure that I am not assuming things I lifted my right hand instantly and touched my eyes.

"Auuuuu!", I cried in pain because by mistake I poked on my wound.

I softly stroked my forehead to ease my pain It seems like my wounds are covered with a bandage. May be Heena or Rekha has done it!

I felt something moving under my left palm and being scared I lifted up my hand instantly. What was that? Maybe an insect! Oh God! What if it's a cockroach? I am scared of that creature. Well right now I have lot more creatures in my life whom I should scared of.

"Arrrr! Why can't I see anything? What they did to my eyes?", I said irritatingly.

"No one did anything to your eyes.", Someone said.

Who is it? I feel like I have heard this voice before but where?

I tried to sit down but the pain in my body is so extreme I failed and lie back down and groaned in pain. I heard some footsteps and became alert.

"Don't come near me.", I warned.

I noticed that the footsteps is not coming closer it's going away which means all the time someone was sitting close to me. Oh God! I didn't even realise it. What else he did with me? Did he took the advantage of my unconscious form?

"Agrrrrrrr! Why can't I see anything?", I shouted angrily.

Suddenly brightness filled around and I have to blink my eyes to adjust with the impact of lights.

"Because the lights were turned off.", Answered the same person.

I opened my eyes properly and turned my head to look at him.

"Raj!", I said shockingly.

He smiled and said,

"Yes me. Why? You were expecting someone else?"

I looked around myself and realised that I am in a hospital room. Then I remember everything. Kareena along with police came to rescue me and while hugging her I became unconscious.

Raj sat down on the stool beside me. I once again tried to sit down and he held my hand to help me. He adjusted the pillow behind my back.

I stared at him and thought if Kareena hasn't rescued me then I might have never been able to see him ever in my life and would have still under Ranga's custody. That mere thought scared me. I don't even realise when I started crying.

Raj sat down on the bed beside me and hugged me tightly. I missed his warmth so much.

"Shhhh shhhh. I am here with you Una and I promise I will never ever leave you alone not even for a mili second.", He said hoarsely while stroking my back to console me.

"Promise?", I asked.

He broke the hug, looked into my eyes lovingly and nodded his head while wiping the tears from my cheeks.

I also lifted my hands and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

He smiled and said,

"No more crying the doctor have strictly warned me not to give you any stress and also to make sure that you won't take any stress. Now lie down and have some rest my dear wifey."

I bite my lower lip to suppress my blush and said,

"Okay but I have a condition."

He raised his eyebrows suspiciously and asked,

"What is it?"

I lowered my head shyly and said while blushing,

"You will also have to sleep beside me."

I want him to be near me. I want to feel him. I want to be sure that I am not dreaming and he is really with me. I am still scared that I will wake up and found myself again in that hell.

Raj kept his palms under my cheeks and lifted up my head so that he can directly look into my eyes.

"You sure?", He enquired.

I blushed slightly and broke our eye contact while nodding my head in approval.

"As you wish Your Highness.", He said royally.

He helped me to lie down. While lying on the bed I felt a slight pain on my back and groaned in pain.

"What happened?", He enquired worriedly.

I shook my head in denial.

"I am going to call the doctor.", He said and turned to leave me.

But before he could go away from me I grabbed his hand and said,

"I don't need doctor. I just need some rest."

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Trust me Raj. I am absolutely fine.", I assured him.

"You sure Una? You don't need doctor?", He asked worriedly.

"I need you Raj not the doctor.", I said.

He instantly kissed my forehead lovingly.

"Always at your service mam.", He said teasingly and I blushed once again.

"You look cute whenever you blush.", He said while lying down beside me.

I removed the remaining gap between us and scooted closer to him. I rested my head over his chest and encircled my arm around his waist. I listened his heart beat and falls into a deep and peaceful slumber.


Riya Pov

Me, Mamma and Dad woke up early in the morning and without wasting any time we freshen up and left for the hospital.

Today Dad is driving the car because Bhai is in the hospital with Bhabhi.

The moment our car entered the hospital parking lot I saw one more car entering there it's my Inlaws car.

Karan, Maa and Paa came out of their car and we greeted each other.

Soon we all rushed towards Bhabhi's room. The moment we entered her room I said,

"Awwww! So cute."

Both Bhai and Bhabhi are sleeping peacefully in each others embrace. I envy them because I also want to cuddle respective someone.

I mischievously move towards them and said in high pitch,

"Goooood mooorrrning love birds." Hehe! I know I am evil.

They both woke up instantly and looked at me scaredly.

I burst out in laughter and everyone joined me.

"Look at your expressions. It seems like you have seen some ghost. Oh God! My stomach.", I said while laughing madly and clutched my stomach tightly.

"Riya! I am not going to leave you.", Bhai warned and rushed towards my direction.

To protect myself from him I started running and hide myself behind Mamma and Dad.

"Please save me from Bhai.", I requested.

"Enough you both.", Mamma said strictly.

She turn around and hold my ear while twisting it slightly.

"Aaaahhh! Mamma.", I cried in pain.

"Is this the way to wake up someone?", She asked strictly.

"Sorry Mamma. Please leave my ear it's paining.", I requested painfully.

She left my ears and bhai grinned victoriously. I struck out my tounge and showed him angrily.

"Both of you stop behaving like a child.", Mamma warned us.

"How are you feeling now Miss Karuna?", Asked the doctor.

I didn't even realise when he came inside?

"Good doctor.", Bhabhi replied.

"Well, I came to check you before but I must say someone took my suggestions very seriously.", Doctor said while looking at Bhai and he blushed.

"Waoo! Bhai, You are blushing. So sweet! Karan! Will you also blush like this for me?", I said while looking at Karan hopefully.

He looked at me with wide eyes and then I realised what I am asking and that to Infront of our parents. Shit! I hide my face behind my palms. Shit!

'I will have to learn to control my mouth.', I wishpered under my breath.

"Never do that it reflects your personality.", Maa said.

I looked at her questioningly. She nodded her head and stretched her hands gesturing me to come towards her.

I instantly went towards Maa and hide my face under her neck shyly while everyone giggled.

"Did we miss anything?"

I lifted my head and saw Kareena Di along with a boy came inside. The boy also have a bandage tied around his head just like Karuna Bhabhi. I think he is Rahul about whom Karan has informed me.


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✴️After so long a stress buster update. Did you enjoy reading it?

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