Mafia's Love Story|| ❝ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏ...

By btspurpleocean_army

626K 14.4K 966

Read this story how y/n loved a mafia and fought for her love. She was a shy and caring girl who loved tedd... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Last chapter (64)
hello everyone!

Chapter 32

8.5K 192 18
By btspurpleocean_army

Time skips

You went back home. You straight went to your room without talking to ur mom. You changed your dress and lay on the bed thinking about how you will face jk in the coming days. You loved him but were afraid to get hurt again. Your mom called u for dinner but you didn't wanted to have so u answered as no. She was really shocked and surprised to see a sudden change in your behavior.

You thought not to go to office the next day. So you called Kai....

On the call

Y/n:- hello
Kai:- what happened y/n is everything okay
Y/n:- I just wanted to ask whether I can get a holiday tomorrow
Kai:- you can but why
Y/n:- I m feeling tired and have a little headache
Kai:- take a good care and if u want you can take few more holidays...
Y/n:- thank you
Kai:- okay now take rest bye
Y/n:- byeee
*he hungs the call*

You slept without having dinner. You had a nightmare of your past. You started shouting and your mom came to your room. She saw you and wakes you up.

Y/m:- y/n y/n what happened
Y/n:- mom (u hugged her and cried)
Y/m:- were u having a nightmare
*you nod*
Y/n:- I again got the same nightmare
Y/m:- you didn't kill him it's all rumours and all know the truth...
Y/n:- but I cant forget it
Y/m:- no one can change the truth.... and sleep peacefully without taking tension *she kisses your forehead*
Y/n:- good night mom
Y/m:- by the way why didn't you have your dinner
Y/n:- I was not feeling hungry
Y/m:- okay and sleep now (she left the room and you slept)

Next morning

You woke up late and took a shower. You changed into this:

You sat on the bed and started reading books. You read 2 books so you went downstairs and took some snacks. Your mom came to you.
Mom:- y/n why didn't you came to have breakfast
Y/n:- I woke up late so I skipped it
Mom:- okay and Kai said me that u are not feeling well
Y/n:- mom its just a headache (u went to your room)

In the office

Jk and jimin reached the office for further discussion. Jk asks kai about you.

Jk:- kai where us your assistant y/n
Kai:- oh she, she was not feeling well so she took a holiday
Jk:- what she is not well
Jimin:- calm down jk
Kai:- do you both know each other
Jk:- umm.... I just...... by the way she is only your assistant right
Kai:- she is my future wife too. Even you should come to our wedding (jk got shocked and his heart broke)
Jk:- u are going to marry her
Kai:- yeah but what happened to you
Jk:- she is only mine....
Kai:- mr. Jungkook what are you telling
Jk:- it's a really long story..... (he tells him everything)
Kai:- what!! But why will she hide it from me and if she loves you why did she say yes to me
Jk:- please Kai ask her
Kai:- jungkook I only helping you cause I also love her and want her to be happy
Jimin:- we can understand Kai
Jk:- I will make her realize that she loves me
Kai:- I will help you but if she still says that she will marry me I have to marry her cause I have promised her mother.
Jk:- thanks and I will vvisit her once and speak to her mother....
Kai:- okay now let's talk about the project

Kai's pov

I got shocked when he told me everything. I love her. But if I marry her she will not be happy cause she loves jk and even he will be hurt. If I dont marry her they both wi be happy together and because of me 2 lives will not be spoiled. So I decided to help jk to make y/n realize that she loves jk. I will be happy seeing her happy and I can find someone else for me.

Y/n's pov

I was getting bored at home so I decided to go for a walk and take fresh air. You got ready
Your outfit:

Your makeup and hair:

Your footwear:

You went downstairs and said your mom that you are going for a walk. You went to Starbucks and took a pink purple drink.
(It looked like this)

You walked to the park and sat on a bench in the park. You put on your earphones and listen songs. You were listening songs when you felt a tickling on your feet. You bent to see who it is and it's a puppy. You take him in your hands and play with for a while.

It was late so you went back home. You saw your mother talking on phone about the hospital so you quickly went to your room without her notice. You thought of dancing so you start choosing a song for dance. You choosed a song and do a little warm up. You dance for a while.

(Here is the video. Sorry if I have a bad taste choosing songs🙏🙏)

You finished dancing and took a shower. You sat on the bed and started scrolling through social media. Your mom called you for dinner. You went downstairs to the dining table. You ate a little and left for your room. Your mother find a difference  in your behavior so she called Kai to ask if something happened.

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