The Magic Lands

By DisneyDreamer247

42 19 0

Carter , a kind but shy boy. Katie, who believes studies come before anything else. And Valerie, the most pop... More



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By DisneyDreamer247

"See, Bax is totally fine!" I said to Carter as we went to the General's tent.

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking."

"It is fine, Valerie didn't even like those sweet kids at first!" I reminded him.

"Yeah your right." He said with a chuckle. We walked through the town square and to the General's big tent. When we walked in we saw several members of the his guard and they were all arguing.

"No I think we should..."

"That couldn't possibly work!"

"Well then..."

Those were only some of the statements that could be heard from various spots in the room. "ALRIGHT!" The General's loud voice said from the center of the group. The men stood straight at looked at him. "Carter and Katie have arrived, so listen to them. Carter has come up with a plan." He said and Carter gave a shy look.

I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. "Just say something. Some times you just have to get over your fears." He nodded and cleared his throat.

"Alright... I..." He started and looked at me. I nodded and he looked back to the crowd. "So, here is my plan. General, you will take your army around the front of Harlina's cottage. Valerie, Katie and I will go around back and once you have got her distracted we will sneak by in the air and grab the staff. It might require you to bring her out of her cottage a bit, but I think we can pull it off." He said and there were a few nods around the room, also a few grumbles.

"All in favor of Carter's plan, say aye." The General requested and almost the whole room spoke up. "The ayes have it. We will plan out for tomorrow." He said and he gave his comands to the other men. Once they set out to spread the news Carter and I were the only ones left. "And finally, you two. Go tell Valerie, we will soon get you all home." He said and I gave a smile.

We walked back to the barn as the cool wind blew against our backs. "It is finally time." Carter said, but he had a hint of worry to his voice.

"What is it?" I asked him and he let a little sigh go.

"It's just, I don't know if I'm ready. I mean when I went to practice with Peter, I didn't do so well." He confessed. I put a hand on his shoulder as we continued to walk.

"I think we are all scared, but just because you did horrible at practice doesn't mean you will do horrible in the real thing. You just have to have a little more confidence." I told him and he thought on it and just as we reached the barn he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks Katie." He said and I patted him on his shoulder one time before I let go and returned my hand to my side.

We walked over to Valerie's stall and she was sleeping. "Aww." I said but she flattened her ears and put her head up as if on cue. Once she saw it was us she put her ears forward again and gave a little hello. I opened the door and she yawned as Carter and I walked in.

"Guess what Valerie! We are planning to go attack Harlina tomorrow." Carter said and she neighed a response. Carter filled her in and she bobbed her head up and down making a nod motion. "If this works we can go home and you can get back to normal." He added in and she sprung up letting out a happy neigh that the other horses in the barn echoed.

"Glad you're in." I commented with a little laugh.

"Hey Valerie, do you want to go outside for a bit? I kind of want to practice riding." Carter said and she neighed a response pushing her way past Carter and I. She stood in the isle way and a few of the other horses neighed. One in particular she flattened her ears at. She trotted down the isle and into the open space. With the small cliff. I chased after her and she reared up in the middle of the field. Carter caught up behind me and gave a little laugh. Valerie trotted over to us and stood looking at Carter.

Carter went over to her side and tryed hoisting himself up. On the fourth or fifith try he got himself on and grabbed on to some of her long mane. He squeezed his knees down and once he was on I hopped on too. Valerie wobbled with the extra weight and then once I was on she cantered off. I held around Carter's waist tight and he held on equally as tight to Valerie.

But, she wasn't headed for the rest of the open feild, she was headed straight for the cliff. "Valerie what are you doing?!" Carter yelled but she just squealed a reply and went faster. I screamed as we came up on it, but she opened her wings and jumped.


I shut my eyes and held on to Carter tighter. But I didn't feel like we were falling. Infact, we were floating mid air. I opened my eyes and found that we were flying through the sky. Valerie's wings were extended to their full length. "Wow." Carter said as we looked over the ground below. There was a still lake and Valerie lowered down to it. She let one of her hooves skim the water and I did the same with one of my hands.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed. Valerie headed back up from the water and we saw some floating islands. Large vines connected them together and if you looked down you could see deep craters that they once rested in. We flew up to one and a flock of pastel colored birds flew up into the air around us. Valerie called out and they chirped flying away  from her in a big cloud of purple, yellow, blue, and pink.

Valerie circled back around heading to the barn once more and Carter spoke up. "I want to try something." He said and let go of Valerie's mane with one hand and then the other. He then very slowly put them out to either side of him, mimicking Valerie's wings. Once he stopped wobbling he laughed and yelled out in excitement. "Whoo!"

I laughed at him and reached out to pet one of Valerie's wings. She ruffled it and rose a bit higher. By now we had reached the open field once more. Carter reached his hands back down grabbing Valerie's mane. Valerie brought us down slowly and landed just as smooth. She tossed her head up and neighed loudly. I hopped off first and then Carter. I put one hand on Valerie's shoulder and we walked back in to the barn. She was tired from flying so she laid down in her stall without complaint.

We waved bye and she snorted at us as we walked away. I was tired too and the sun had just begun to set. "Let's go get some dinner." I suggested.

"Yeah." Carter reply's and we walked back down to the dining hall in the dimming light of the sky.

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