Suddenly In Love

By naomigscott

53.3K 1.6K 642

Naomi and Mena Au More

Locker 206
What does he know?
The Stranger Who No Longer was a Stranger
Evening Picnic
Goodnight Sir
I love you mom and dad.
Unknown Sender
Just smile
Not Too Much Fun
Love Birds
Not Official
Hop On
Pretty Girl
New Girl
Crazy Eyes
The Way You Look at Him
Show Me You Love Me
Can't Sleep
Pepper Spray
For Better or for Worse
Sleep Over?
Under my Bed
Hang Out
Need You
Break up
Out of Here
On One Knee
I'm sorry
Have Fun
Wake Up
Straighten Up
Best for You
False Alarm
New Start
I Chose You
It Was Her
Sort it Out
Somewhere Fancy
About Time
60 years
I'll Take That
I'm not
First Time Wasn't a Charm
We Both
Fine by Me
First Fight
Say Nothing
Lied to Me
Not Hungry
Back Home
Should we?
Shut Up
Four of Us
Moody Pregnant Girl
Careful What You Wish For
Love Your Love
Have a Talk
Walk in the Park
Save it
Let Yourself
Platonically Husband and Wife


155 2 0
By naomigscott

Naomi's POV

I grabbed Ariels hand tightly and Mia in my other arm as we crossed the street. Getting acting jobs didn't by any chance mean I was no longer a mommy, especially not this time around. I genuinely never imagined how hard it would be to get two little girls into pre-school uniforms and now I had to go through the hassle of getting them new shoes. Sitting them down, the lady was kind enough to help me get them to try their shoes on.

"Single mum?" She asked as she smiled at me.

"Kind of, I guess."


"You have.... no idea." I sighed.

"Well regardless, you're doing a great job, you've got two very energetic yet beautiful little girls."

"Thank you, that means a lot."

"Of course," She smiled back. "Well I believe these both fit, will they need socks as well?"

"Uhh yeah actually,"

"Perfect, I'll just throw them in then."

"Thank you,"

"That'll be £60," I quickly payed and shoved the bag on my arm. Grabbing both girls, I said goodbye to the nice lady and walked out. As I looked both ways to cross the street I heard a loud noise.

A motorcycle that quickly made its way towards me, pushing the girls back I stepped forward. "Are you nuts? I have two little girls and you—"

"I came to see them," a muffled voice said as I turned my head. As he took off his helmet I furrowed my brows. "You're a hard woman to find."


"Daddy!" The girls ran towards him as they yelled in unison.

"What are you doing here?"

"Like I said I came to see my girls, you included." He smirked and bent down to greet the girls. "Look at you both, you're so big and the matching bows." He chuckled as he spoke in an excited voice.

Letting out a breath I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your girl,"

"Can we go eat somewhere? My treat."

"We're busy,"

"You look exhausted Nay, let me take you guys out. No funny business I swear,"

Rolling my eyes once again I sighed. The girls didn't see him in person often, I felt bad. "Whatever,"

"Yes, how does italian sound?"

"Whatever you want,"

"You know which place I'm talking about then, see you there,"


I threw my stuff in the car, buckled the girls in and drove to the place. It really was a great restaurant and I was kind of hungry. As I walked in I noticed Mena had already sat down. Walking over to the table I pushed I sat the girls.

"Do they not use high chairs?"

"They're three, they can sit down to eat Mena. Not that you would know that considering you're never there," I whispered under my breath.

"Okay listen, you don't want me around them Naomi, and you made that very clear the last time I saw you."

"No Mena, you left by choice after I confronted you about," I took in a deep breath and lowered my voice, "And after getting in bed with other women."

"We weren't together Nay,"

"And that makes it right?" I snapped back.

Mena pushed his hair back and took a deep breath before he went to speak again but the waiter interrupted us.

"Hi, what may I get you all?"

"I'll have some lemonade, a water for her and what? Chocolate milk for the girls?"

"Sure if you want them to not sleep for the next week or so," He lowered his head, "Just two small orange juices will be alright for them."

"Alright, any appetizers?"

"Can I just order some chicken nuggets for the girls with some chips?"

"Of course and what about you?"

"I'll order later, thank you,"

"You?" She turned to Mena.

"I'll wait too, thanks,"

"You didn't have to do that."

"I do, I mean. I'm glad you decided to wait because... I have to talk to you about something."

"Okay, are you finally going to become a father figu—"

"I have to leave the country again next week,"He blurted out.


"I have to take these job offers Nay,"

"For how long?"

"A while, but it's a lot of money and I can send you—"

"Mena it was never about the money, when are you going to be their dad? They're 3 years old and you've barely spent 5 months with them."

"I know and I apologize but I have to—"

"No you don't, you could stay here, work here. You choose to leave, just like you choose to not visit,"

"You're saying that like I don't want to see them, like I don't know anything about them—"

"Well do you?"

"Of course I do, they're my daughters Nay," He nodded as he crossed his arms.

"Really? Tell me about them?"

"Well... they love pink, and dresses... and stories?"

"Sure, do any of them have allergies?"

"What? They have allergies?"

"What are they doing next week?"

"I don't know,"

"What's that?"

"I said, I don't know,"

I hissed, "Thought so," standing up. I grabbed the girls by the hand.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not setting myself or them, up for disappointment again,"

"They're three Naomi, what—"

"They're three and they know you're not in our lives Mena, don't you get it? You're not their dad! They call you that because they've got good memory I guess, but they don't have a dad, just like I don't have a husband. I'm done here, come on girls." I ran out as I felt a tear fall on my cheek. Quickly I felt Mena follow me out.

"I'm right here Nay!"


"I always have been."

"A dad would know everything about their girls despite being thousands of miles away, and you? You can't even tell me their favorite color."

"I can change that Nay, give me a chance."

"I'm done giving you chances Mena, I was done a long time ago,"

"Please Naomi, I want to try,"

"Then start by not leaving for months,"

"I can't do that, it's my job."

"Whatever, its useless," I turned around.

"Nay, wait please don't go."

Letting out a breath I walked up to him, "They love pink and purple, Ariel is allergic to Bee's. They start pre-school on Monday. There, remember that the next time you try playing the dad card."

After that Mena let me go, I could tell by his expression he didn't want to face me. He wasn't going to fight for them, and I was right. That Monday the girls started school, as usual Tiff went with me. Looking behind me I checked to see if he would show up, but in the end I was stupid to even imagine the possibility.

"He's not coming love," Tiffany said as she caressed my back.

"Yeah I know, its just, all kids have their mom and dad with them and—"

"And so do they," I heard a thick voice come up behind.

"Jord, what are you doing here?"

"I called him," Tiffany smiled. "Surprise,"

"I know I'm not their dad but..."

"No its okay, thank you, it really means the world." I smiled at him.

"So girls are you ready for school?" He quickly scooped them both up. The hallway was full of giggles, but that wasn't strange in the presence of Jordan. And the girls were extremely fond of him anyway, it was a win for all of us I guess.

As we all walked out of the school I felt a hand touch my back, "Listen love, I have to go get some groceries for Nan but I'll see you this afternoon?" Tiff said.

"All right, love you."

"Love you too, bye." She made eyes at me as Jordan came to stand by my side.

Taking in a deep breath I turned to him, "Thank you for today,"

"Hey, you don't need to thank me, I'm always here Chub."

"I know but for real, its just been... rough recently."

"I know,"

"Yeah," I looked down as I played with my keys. "So you wanna grab lunch or something? My treat, and ride," I giggled. Jordan always took the tube everywhere.

"Yeah that sounds good," Jordan and I hopped in the car. Suddenly, a silence arose. I could sense him taking small glances at me as I avoided his eye contact.

I don't know what it was but Jordan never ceased to make me nervous. It was a feeling I was never able to shake. "So, what do you wanna eat?"

"Whatever you'd like,"

I rolled my eyes jokingly and turned to him. "If you want we can go home and—". My heart skipped a beat as I felt his lips touch mine. Closing my eyes I let myself melt into him, until I felt him back out.

"Home sounds nice,"

"Jordan..." I sighed. "We can't—"

"But why can't we? I feel you looking at me when I'm not looking, how you avoid making eye contact when I look back... let yourself be free Naomi. He's long gone."

As much as I wanted to fight it, he was right. Mena wasn't going to stick around, no matter how many tantrums I threw, no matter how many times I cried myself to sleep, he wasn't going to be there for me, for us. Looking around, I made sure the parking lot was empty as I unbuckled my seatbelt and jump into Jordans lap. I could tell he was surprised, he took in a deep breath as I placed my hand on his cheek, remember all those moments we once shared. Closing my eyes, I finally felt our lips touch again. The way we gravitated towards each other was undeniable.

I could feel Jordan's hands caressing my legs as I went to kiss his neck, a sweet spot I knew drove him crazy when we were dating. "You can't do that you know?"

"Do what?" I pulled back and smirked.

"You know what... I remember tricks from our days as well you know?"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah I got a couple things up my sleeve." He chuckled.

"So do you wanna drive and take us home or?" He laughed as I smiled down at him.

"Sure thing." Quickly Jordan hopped to my seat and drove me home.

Shutting off the car he jumped out as did I as I searched for my keys and went to unlock the door. As soon as I turned the knob, I felt Jordan push me inside as he kissed me. Dropping everything he carried me up to my bedroom.

It may have been a while but the spark between us hadn't been lost. I could feel shivers in my spine as he gently caressed different parts of my body. After everything we both jumped to our sides of the bed as we caught out breathes.

"You haven't lost your touch huh?" I smirked at him as I cuddle up to him.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended at the fact you thought I might've."Jordan chuckled. "You rememeber the last time we did this?"

I smiled, "I do, kind of. I was a bit shit faced if we're being real here." I laughed.

"You know what my favorite part of having moments like this with you was?"

"What? Like the teasing or—" Jordan nodded.

"Although that was a fun part it was..." He cleared his throat, "It was getting to look admire you like this. All naturally beautiful and your cheeks flushed, and that incredible smile... this time of just living in the moment and giving thanks for everyone and everything around you, you know?"

Rolling my eyes I smiled as I grabbed his hand and looked up to him. "So..."

"So... what does this mean?" I sighed, "Because I know what it means to me but knowing you..."

"Knowing's complicated."

"Complicated." He sighed. "Why is it so hard for someone so amazing to let herself be loved." I caressed my face gently.

"I wish I could answer all your questions,"

"But you can't. You can answer this one though, is it the last time?"

"I guess,"

"Well if it is," Jordan placed his hand on my chin and lifted my face. Slowly he gave me a kiss, I couldn't help but kiss him back until I felt him pullback. "Remember that," Letting out a nervous breath I nodded as I looked up at him. "There's no one like you, Nay. No matter where I looked, it was always you."

Softly I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "In a perfect world, it would've been you but—,"

"I know,"

Sighing I looked up again, "I'm sorry,"

"You can't be sorry for who you love. I mean yeah it sucks on my end but..." he chuckled. "But as long as you're happy thats all that matters."

"If only I was happy..." I cleared my throat as I placed my hand on his cheek, "So if it is indeed the last time... I—" My phone interrupted my words. "Shoot," I quickly got up and wrapped my sheets around my body as I walked up go my jeans. My stomach dropped as I viewed the caller ID. Quickly I picked it up. "Hello?"

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