Cause I'm Yours 》Once Upon A...

By lovethebreeze

35.6K 1K 257

I swore I'll never return to this god awful place. Away from him. Away from everything. He made the decision... More



2.2K 59 34
By lovethebreeze

 I sat over the cliff watching the sunset while petting Dodger on his head. The bright orange colors reflecting the ocean waters brought a warm smile to my face. Is Papa watching the sunset in Storybrooke too? My smile slowly faltered as I started wondering is he looking for me? Is he beating Greg and Tamara to a bloody pulp? What about Emma, David, and Snow? Do they know I'm gone? Are they wondering where I am? How long has it been since I've been stuck here? A day? Two days? A week? It feels like forever. But with Pan's magic, I'll never know.

I looked down at Dodger and let out a breath. "Looks like we're stuck here together, huh?" Dodger whimpered before snuggling closer to me. "I bet you had a nice family back home." I looked at the red bandana around his neck. "The bandana is a nice touch. At least it's not those fancy collars those bloody lots like to put. And at least it's just a bandana. I wouldn't imagine if your owners wanted to dress you up. Then I would understand why you ran away."

Dodger whimpered.

"Well, at least you have one friend in hell," I joked. I smiled down. "And when I get out of this god awful place, I'm taking you with me. How does that sound?" Dodger started wagging his tail and barked happily. "I'm taking that as a yes." I sighed again. "How did you survive this island this long?"

Dodger barked again and got up before running towards the forest. He turned and barked at me again before running inside. I think he wants me to follow him. I got up from my spot and grabbed my sword before going after him.

Neverland (Past) (3rd POV)

Killian ran through the forest. He made sure he dodged all of the Dreamshade before coming to a halt at the bottom of the mountain. He looked up as the waterfall cascaded down. His ears perked up when he heard the faint sounds of Cassandra crying.

"She's here, Mr. Smee," he breathed as he grabbed one of the rocks and started to climb.

"But - But what if it's just some trick?" Smee stuttered.

"Then I won't know until I get up there." Hook grabbed another rock and started climbing. "I'm not losing my daughter to that demon."

"But, Captain -"

"I'm not losing her, Mr. Smee!" Hook barked. He looked down at his right-hand man. Smee noticed the cold gaze from Hook slowly softening. "She's the only thing I have left. The only thing that reminds me of Milah. I'm not going to lose my own flesh and blood."

Smee's mouth slowly opened. Milah's death really took a toll on Hook, that's why they were here in the first place. Killian Jones still wasn't over losing his love. And he wanted to exact revenge on the Crocodile for taking her away from him. Away from having the happy family she finally got.

Hook sighed as he turned back around and started climbing. "Besides, who's going to look after the Jolly Roger after I'm gone?"


Neverland (Present) (Cassandra's POV)

I followed Dodger all around the forest, confused about where he's taking me. My brows furrowed when we came to a clearing. There was a small cave. Dodger spun around and barked again before going inside the hole. So, I guess I'm supposed to go in. Is this what my life's come to now?

I knelt down and looked around the hole. It looked like I could fit inside. I got down on my knees and started to crawl in. Dodger kept barking for me to follow him. There was a bright light on the other side. Once I was out of the hole, my eyes darted around the spacious cave. I got up and looked around. There was a bed not that far with a candle on the ground a few feet away from it.

Dodger went over to the dog bowl and started to eat the food in it. Dodger looked back at me and barked happily before eating again. My eyes scanned the rest of the cave. I furrowed my brows when I saw some small miniature wooden dog carvings. Out of all of those carvings was one of...what is that? A cat?

I heard some ruffling before Dodger's ears perked up and he started jumping around. His tail was wagging until he started running towards the sound.

"Oh, there you are, Dodger," I heard someone say. I stood off to the side as I saw the man wearing an overly large green coat that covers his red shirt and blue jeans with suspenders. He had a beanie on his head but I could see part of his head hair sticking out of it. Dodger was licking the man all over his face before he started barking at me. "Oh, who's this? You brought someone with you."

"Cassandra Jones," I introduced myself as I stuck my hand out.

The man shook my hand. "Bill Fagin."

I furrowed my brows. "So Dodger is your dog?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that," he said as he continued to pet Dodger. "He's more like my family. The only person I have here." Fagin gasped as he started backing away from me and held Dodger. "Wait, you're not one of them are you?" He let dodger down before getting down on his knees and held his hands together. "Please, spare me. I haven't broken my promise."

"What promise?" I asked curiously.

The guy let out a nervous chuckle. "My promise to Peter Pan. I've been good, I swear. I've never been anywhere near the camp. I've been minding my own business like he said." Fagin held me around my legs, making me trip a bit as he continued to cry. "Please don't kill me, Lost Boy. I'm not ready to die, please."

"I'm not a Lost Boy," I reassured him.

He took it the wrong way. "Lost Girl! I mean, Lost Girl. I'm so sorry. Don't kill me with your pointy sword."

I rolled my eyes before pushing Fagin off me. "I don't work with Pan."

Fagin looked up at me. "You don't?" I shook my head. "Oh, thank, Heavens!" He stood up. "Does that mean you're here to rescue us? Are we finally getting out of here?"

I sighed. "I wish I could tell you that, mate. But I'm stuck here just like you."

"Did Pan's shadow get to you like they do with the other boys?" he asked.

"No, I got tricked by some clotpole and now I'm trapped here with the devil."

"But Peter Pan mostly target boys? Why would he come after you?"

"It's a...complicated story. Let's just say Pan and I have history together."

"You sure you want to call it history?" I heard behind. Acting on instinct, I took my sword out and point it at the intruder. My sword near her neck while an arrow was pointed at my face.

Fagin had his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. We're all friends here. There's no need to fight."

"Cassandra Jones," the person said. "Never thought I'd see you here again."

"Well, I'd tried to avoid this place but you know...the wanker had his own plans. Which you never get involved in. Do you, Tiger Lily?" Tiger Lily's glare was gone and replaced with a big smile as she lowered her bow. I smiled back as I lowered my sword and brought her into a one-arm hug. "Uhh, I never thought I'd see you again, lass."

"Same. When I found out that he finally let you go -"

"Apparently, dreams don't come true since that twit send his shadow to follow me around until he decided I should come back." Tiger Lily was confused. "A story for another time." I motioned to Fagin. "What's with the hobo?"

"Hobo?" Fagin sounded offended.

Tiger Lily ignored him. "I found him and Dodger roaming around here." She crossed her arms and gave Fagin a knowing look. "Someone got caught in one of my traps and almost became dinner. And begged me not to kill him and assumed that I was with Pan."

"Oh, why does that sound bloody familiar?" I asked sarcastically.

"What? The only people on this island either work for Pan or is Pan. There's no third option," Fagin defended himself. "Tiger Lily saved my life and has been taking care of me and Dodger. And I guess Dodger found you."

"Cassandra, you shouldn't be here," Tiger Lily warned me. "If Pan finds out where you are then he's going to kill Fagin and me. I know how Pan feels about you and if your back at Neverland than it's not good for all of us. It just means that Pan is almost close into getting what he wants."

"The heart of the Truest Believer," I mumbled. "Do you think he really found him after all this time?"

"Pan's a patient guy. But how long will that patience last until he finally snaps?" She motioned me to follow her. "Let me show you another way out."

I nodded before following her out the cave. "I hate this," I muttered. "I hate being here. It's like I'm trapped in a cage with someone always watching me."

"Especially if that person is Pan," Tiger Lily agreed. "Have you found a way out, yet?"

"Sadly, no. I can't think of anything with him sending his guard dogs on me. I'm surprised they haven't found me yet."

"Have you thought about tricking one of the Lost Boys to help you?"

"I have but they're so scared of Pan that they won't even talk to me. If one of them so much looks at me the wrong way, Pan has them tortured."

"Then have you tried seducing him?"

"Seduce Pan into letting me off the island?" I wondered out loud. "I think I'm going to puke."

"I remember a certain pirate telling me that all the boys would bow down to her when she so much as smiles at them." She gave me a pointed look. "While she and her father kidnapped me."

I rolled my eyes. "And how many times do I have to apologize for that?"

"Just saying. It wouldn't hurt to try."

"Couldn't I just put Dreamshade in his food? That seems more of a satisfactory."

"Make that Plan B." Tiger Lily grabbed my arm once we were out of the cave. "But promise me one thing. When you finally leave this island, take Fagin with you."

I nodded. "Sure, love." And I grinned at her. "And you know a pirate never goes back on their promise."


A/N: Oooh, the next chapter. No smut because this isn't that kind of book, but expect a little *clicks tongue and whistles.*

And not only that, who remembers Dodger and Fagin?

And maybe a little game until the next chapter...who is this (Once Upon A Time Edition)? Wrong answers only.

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