Sick Day

By starwarsfan15

10.7K 330 1.7K

Ahsoka returns from Carlac, and a few days later she falls ill. Anakin Skywalker, concerned for his padawan... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 3

900 25 106
By starwarsfan15

The first task the two had to overcome was erasing the data of the positive pregnancy test. They snuck out of the room Ahsoka had been kept in and made their way to the front desk.

"So what's the plan?" Ahsoka asked.

"Let's do Get Help," Anakin replied with a smirk.


"Get Help."


"You love it!" 

"I hate it."

"It's great, works every time."

"It's humiliating."

"Do you have a better plan?"


"We're doing it."

"We are not doing Get Help."

The pair stopped just in front of the door and glared at each other. "You're sick anyways Ahsoka. All you have to do is act sick, I'll alert them, they take you to the back and I clear the data."

Ahsoka groaned. "Fine."

Anakin smiled and they pushed the door open. "Get help! Please! She's very sick!" Ahsoka did her best to look sick, even faking a cough or two. The nurses rushed over to them, and took her out of Anakin's arms, rushing her to the back.

Anakin smirked to himself. His plan had worked to perfection as per usual. He strolled over to the computer behind the desk. Luckily it was already unlocked. He searched through until he found Ahsoka's file. However, upon clicking on it, a box flashed on the screen: RESTRICTED ACCESS. A password was required to access it.

Anakin thought for a moment about what to do. He was her Master after all, he should be allowed access to her files, so he entered his passcode: 8108. The system though for a second, before granting Anakin access. Once he was in, all he had to do was find her most recent medical report and delete it.

He was so focused on finding the report that he didn't notice someone walking towards the desk.

"Uhm... what are you doing?" Upon hearing the voice, Anakin shot his head up. Standing in front of him was the very woman who had told him Ahsoka was pregnant about twenty minutes before.

"I uhhh... I," Anakin stuttered.

She smirked at him. "I know what you're doing, and don't worry. I already took care of it."

"You did?"

"Yup. I could see how much she meant to you, and knew that this could ruin her career and get her expelled, so I went ahead and deleted the report already. That's all I can do for you though. You'll have to figure out the rest on your own."

Anakin stood up from the desk and walked out from behind it. "Thank you," he said bowing to the woman.

"You're welcome Master Skywalker," the woman replied giving a bow as well. She walked off and Anakin made his way back to Ahsoka. Upon entering the room, the nurses informed him that she had a cold, something he already knew. He thanked them and they left.

As soon as they were gone, Ahsoka turned to him. "Did you do it?"

"Well yes, but actually no," Anakin replied.

"What do you mean by that?" Ahsoka asked with a quizzical look.

"What I mean is that it's gone, but I didn't do it."

"Then who did?"

"The healer that took the test. She deleted it."

Ahsoka looked at him in shock. "B-but that could get her expelled!"

"Well to be fair, what we're doing could get us both expelled as well, and if it comes up I'll take the fall for her."

"You wouldn't have to do that Skyguy. I'd take the blame for it, I wouldn't want you to get expelled too because of my foolishness."

"Nonsense Ahsoka. This is as much my fault as it is yours. I should've gone to Mandalore with you in the first place."

There was a silence for a second. Neither speaking.

"So, what next?" Ahsoka asked.

"I don't know. I was hoping you had an idea to be honest."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Well I'll probably be able to fight for about a month or two before my pregnancy becomes visible and begins to hinder my abilities, so we have about that long to figure out a plan."


The last month and a half had been tough on Ahsoka. She had had to be more and more careful while on missions, because now she wasn't just trying to protect herself and the clones, but also had to protect the baby she was carrying. Everyday it seemed like her stomach grew. She began to wear her cloak or robes more often, and just baggier clothes in general to cover it up.

Ahsoka hadn't had any contact with Lux in the time since Carlac. She didn't even know where he was, or if he was even alive. She just had to hold out hope that they'd meet again, and soon. She wanted him to be there when the baby was born, assuming he'd want to.

Ahsoka was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost walked right past the briefing room at the Jedi Temple.

"Uhhh Snips?" Anakin asked.


"Briefing room's right here. You almost walked right past it."

"Oh uh my bad master. I was just thinking." Anakin nodded, knowing full well what she was thinking about, it was pretty much all she thought about at this point.

The two made their way into the room, and what Ahsoka saw shocked her. It was Lux, standing there in front of her, well not literally, but in hologram form. She wanted to yell with joy and tell him everything, but she decided against it due to the fact that all the Jedi Master's were in the room.

Ahsoka didn't pay much attention to what he had been saying the entire time. She merely focused on him and his intoxicating looks. All she really got from it was that he was on Onderon, which was a Separatist controlled world, and he was helping lead a band of rebels. At the end of his presentation, before he disconnected, he glanced towards Ahsoka and smiled, a gesture she gladly returned.

Once he disconnected, Obi-Wan and Anakin began bickering about what to do. Anakin's idea made sense to Ahsoka, but Obi-Wan kept calling ti terrorism. The two went back and forth, with some of the other masters chiming in from time to time. In the end it was decided that Anakin would lead a team comprised of him, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Rex to help train and observe the rebels.

They were all dismissed from the briefing room. Ahsoka's mind was racing as she practically floated back to her shared room with Anakin. She would finally get to see Lux again, and she couldn't be happier. She just hoped he felt the same...

"You seem happy Snips," Anakin said with a smirk.

Ahsoka looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm happy! I get to see Lux again!"

Anakin smiled, but it quickly faded. "How do you think he'll take the news."

Ahsoka stopped being happy for a moment. "I honestly don't know... I- I just hope he's as happy as me."

Anakin saw the look on his padawan's face and knew he probably shouldn't have said what he did. He walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder. "From what you've told me, I'm sure he will be, and if he's not, then I'll introduce him to my little friend here," Anakin said patting his saber.

Ahsoka giggled. "Thanks Skyguy," she said smiling. 

She would get to see the love of her life again, and she couldn't wait.

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