The Heart of the Moon and Sta...

By ButtercupTeen

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Asta has a secret that not even she knows. One girl, One secret, One war and One adventure. More

The start
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
The middle
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
The End
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Epilogue pt 1
Epilogue pt 2
Epiligue (END)

Chapter Four

5 0 0
By ButtercupTeen

"so, your telling me Asher, that your allowing your little sister to go through the wicked woods, over the mountains and into the dark kingdom?" aunt may ask rhetorically.

We all came back to the farm so that I could pack the things that I needed and so that we could all convince aunt may to let me go without beating both Aeron and Asher up. "have you all lost your minds?" she screams at us and we all jump, being told off by aunt may is one experience that has traumatised us all, her whole face changes into one of rage and or screaming could scare even the worst demons back into a corner. "all the high lords-" Aeron starts to explain but is cut short, "screw the high lords! Of course, they voted on sending her! she is nothing to them! They don't care about a young human girl!" aunt may starts to pace whilst we wait for her to think everything over, as soon as we got back, we had told her everything that had been said.

She finally stops her pacing and looks to me, "I'm only letting you go because your mother would have wanted you to see it for the both of you" I freeze at this not expecting her to say that at all.

Her and Asher share a look and it's my turn to sigh, "I know the rules okay?" they both look at me apologetically and I roll my eyes. "go and get packed Asta whilst I prepare some food for your travels" I nod ad walk into my room and start to pack.

When I'm nearly done I hear my door opened and I turn to see aunt may, she sits on the bed and I join her knowing the only time she comes into my room is when she wants to talk to me about something, we sit there for a few seconds with her trying to start what she is going to say but with no success, "spit it out may" I nudge her softly started to get nervous as to what she has to say. "your mother didn't know a lot about your father as you know, but she did manage to keep something as his" she replies and pulls out a dagger from her pocket. "she said that when the time was right to give this to you and I think you potentially walking to your death is a better time than never" she hands it to me and it's so beautiful, it has blue glass throughout the handle and carvings in the areas of wood, even the blade itself has transcript on it in an old language that no one will be able to translate unless they are older than time itself.

"your mother had always believed that your father would be in the dark kingdom, she didn't say why except that she had a gut feeling" I look up to her from the dagger, "you want me to find him" I state and she nods, "for your mother, and for you to ask all the questions I know you have in that head of yours" I nod and she smiles at me and cups the side of my face, "I said your like your mother but I know some part of me believes that your also so much like your father, and just like him the dark kingdom holds all the answers your looking for, its where your meant to go" a tear slips down her cheek and she rubs it away, I have never seen aunt may cry, even when my mother died she would cry when we couldn't see her. "please be safe, none of us could handle losing you too" I nod and we hug for the first time since I was eleven.

We pull away when there's a knock on the door, Noah pops his head through, "you ready?" I nod and we all walk outside to where Asher and Aeron were waiting with my food bag, I grab it off Asher and out it in with my clothes. "you remember my instructions, don't you?" I nod at Aeron "follow the path straight onto the wicked woods and when the path runs out walk north eat until I come to the silver river, follow the river downstream until the mountains, search the mountains for any other entrance and if I see a body I need to remember exactly where it is so I can tell Evander when I get to him, if I can't find a way through the mountain I need to go back to the lake and get into the dark kingdom that way, when I find Evander I need to give him the message with everyone's signs on and if he's resistant I need to convince him" I repeat the plan that Aeron drilled into my head on the way over here. We all hug and my brother and Asher go back to the castle whilst Noah stays with aunt may to help with the farm.

I start down the path to wicked woods. It's a solid plan I'm sure it'll all go smoothly.

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