Kamen Rider Gaim X Danmachi

By RisingHopper01

19.8K 380 175

Random thought I got when I was reading other Kamen Rider Fan fics. I don't own Kamen Rider Gaim or Danmachi... More

Y/N L/N (Gaim)
Everyone Is On The Stage, Open The Curtains!
Act 2: Monsterphillia | Inves Furit Party
Act 3: Hestia Knife & The Orange Slice | The Blades of a God and Fruit Jesus
Act 4: Supporter | The Moldy Orange
Act 5: Grimoire | Banana
Act 6: Testing | Reason

Act 1: Y/N | Kamen Rider & Bell Cranel | Adverturer

3.3K 65 30
By RisingHopper01

Hestia POV

A long, long time ago, we gods came down to this world. The world of you, our children seeking excitement and we decided that we would live here with you forever in the lower world. We decided to seal away our divine power, and enjoy life with all the hardships and inconvenience that it entails. We can only offer you only one thing: the power to fight monsters, what we call our blessing. The children given this power become our servants, our Familia. In other words you and Y/N are my servants.

Y/N: "So Im a servant?"

Hestia: "Of course not! Some gods see their members as servants. I don't especially not you Y/N~. Now let me finish."

You two are the only members of Hestia Familia.....are you listening Bell?

A boy with white hair is running through the tunnels of the dungeon. Some may know who this young adventurer is as Y/N decided to take him in. His name is Bell Carnel.

Bell: "Why is this monster in the lower levels!? I have to get away! Please help Y/N!" Bell begins to think back to this morning.

That Morning

Y/N: "Hestia!" Y/N yells downstairs of the church he and his Familia live in.

Y/N: "Me and Bell are leaving now!" Hestia pokes her head out.

Hestia: "Ok! Be careful!"

Y/N: "We will!" Y/N walks with Bell towards the dungeon.

Y/N: "Ok, Bell you have been doing good going in the dungeon by yourself." Y/N wraps his arm around Bells head.

Y/N: "But remember always be on your toes, if you look like your in a losing fight it's fine to run, and always make sure your equipment is in tip top shape."

Bell: "Got it, Senpai!" Bell holds his fists to his chest in enthusiasm.

Y/N: "Once you stronger we'll go together to the upper floors." Y/N ruffles Bell's hair as they arrive to the dungeon's tower, Babel.

Y/N: "Alright I'm gonna go ahead without ya be careful ok?" Y/N heads into the tower.

Bell: "I'll get stronger just like you Senpai!" Y/N gives Bell a thumbs up.

Current time

Bell trips but uses the momentum to roll to get back up and keeping running. The monster swings it's arm breaking a small wall. Bell takes a few steps realizing he's at a dead end. He turns around to see the Minotaur roar at him making him fall to his butt. The Minotaur reels back its fist ready to punch Bell. Bell covers his face with his arms. The Minotaur punch's the wall several times. Bell curls up in a ball and cowers in fear.

Bell: "Y/N please help me!"

Bell then hears a sword being unsheathed and the Minotaur scream in pain.

Bell: "Y/N!" The Minotaur falls to its knees then turning around reaching for its new enemy. The enemy stabs the Minotaur's arm cutting down its forearm. The Minotaur reels back from pain swinging its right arm at the enemy only to get its waist slashed. The Minotaur falls towards Bell as he try's to hold it up not to get crushed by its heavy body. Bell sees a pool of blood pour out of the Minotaurs back. The Minotaur does one finally roar of pain until falling in half. Bell then sees a blonde haired girl in armor with a white dress underneath holding a sword.

Blonde girl: "Hey..." the girl walks towards Bell sheathing her sword

Blonde girl: "Are you alright?" Bell stares at his savior blushing underneath all the blood that splashed on him when the Minotaur was cut in half.

During that time Y/N was in the upper floors fighting some monsters and collecting their crystals.

Y/N: "I hope Bell is ok." Y/N spins the sword in his hand and stabs behind him hitting a Kobold. A goblin jumps at him removing his sword he uses the bottom to hit the goblins stomach making it fly back. Y/N spins the sword in his hand again. Holding his sword with both hands he dashes forward appearing behind the goblin as its split in half. Y/N looks around only to see nothing.

Y/N: "That's all in this area." Y/N cleans his sword and sheaths it.

Y/N: "I know he can get stronger but he needs motivation to achieve that." He begins to pick up the crystals the monsters left behind. Enjoying the little break he has Y/N hears something very familiar the sound of a Crack. Y/N perks up reaching into his satchel and pulling out the Songoku Driver attaching it to his waist. He runs towards the direction he hear the sound. Y/N looks down to see an Inves fighting monsters and a group of adventurers. Y/N pulls out the Orange Lockseed and push's the button on its side.


A Crack opens above Y/N as a huge orange appears out of it. Y/N slots the Orange Lockseed in the Driver and pushes the top down.

Lock on! *Orange Lockseed music plays*

The group hears the music play wondering where it's coming from.

Y/N: "Henshin!" Y/N grabs the small sword on the Drivers side and pushes it down cutting the lockseed.

Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage!

The giant orange falls on top of Y/N and begins to unfold onto his shoulders and chest. Y/N stands there in his Rider form.

Y/N runs at the Inves holding his Musou Saber and Daidaimaru to his side then attacking the Inves with a cross slash.

Y/N: "This is my stage now!" The adventurers stare in amazement.

Y/N: "Don't worry I got this monster you four take care of the Kobolds and Goblins." The adventurers snap out of there amazement and nod to Y/N. The adventurers attack the Kobolds and goblins. Y/N takes on the Inves slashing at it some more. Y/N combines his Daidaimaru and Musou Saber to make the dual sword.

Y/N: "Let's finish this!" Y/N grabs the small sword on the Driver pushing it down 2 times as the lockseed does splash sound.

Orange Au Lait!

Y/N holds the dual sword to his side as it charges with orange energy.

Y/N: "TAKE THIS!" Y/N circle slashes as an energy orange slice appears around him cutting Kobolds, goblins, and the Inves. The Kobolds and Goblins fall in half as the Inves explodes.

Y/N holds the dual sword in the air.

Y/N: "Victory!" He removes the Daidaimaru and Musou Saber back into two swords placing then to his side. Three girls gather around Y/N.

Girl 1: "Your the Orange Warrior right?!"

Girl 2: "Are you, Are you!?"

Girl 3: "He has to be! Look at his armor!"

Y/N holds his hand up in front of him sweating underneath his helmet.

Y/N: "Yes, I'm the Orange Warrior ha ha.....i'm still not used to this." The only male adventurer in the group speaks up.

Guy: "He's not that tough! Look at him a orange looking sword that's so child like" Hearing this the girls mood goes sour.

Girl 3: "Not that tough? Coming from the guy who couldn't defeat that monster and I think the orange sword is kinda cute" The guy crosses his arms and huffs.

Guy: "Whatever...."

Girl 2: "So are you doing anything later tonight?"

Y/N: "Huh!?"

Girl 1: "Hey! No cheating!"

Girl 3: "Yeah!"

Girl 2: "I'm not cheating you two are just slow."

Girl 1 & 3: "What!?" The three girls begin to argue between themselves Y/N taking the chance to leave does so not before grabbing the crystal the Inves dropped.

Y/N: "Hey catch!" Y/N tosses the crystal to the male adventurer. The adventurer catches it and examines it.

Y/N: "You can have that! See ya!" Y/N runs off as the girls realize he's gone.

Girls 1 & 2 & 3: "Where did he go!?"

Guy: "You scared him off." The girls looks angrily at him then see the crystal in his hand.

Girl 3: "That's a weird crystal....."

Girl 1: "Kinda looks like an Orange."

Y/N is running through the dungeon until he thinks he's far enough away from the group. Y /N hears a zipper sound as a Crack appears behind him. He prepares himself for another battle until he sees Kouta step out of the crack.

Y/N: "*sigh* Seriously can you do something about that sound? It's way to similar to Inves cracks."

Kouta: "hm? Oh Ha ha sorry about that Y/N I can't change the sound of the Crack." Y/N accepts that fact.

Kouta: "You have been doing great this past year. So I have decided to give you a little present for your hard work." Kouta reaches behind his cape pulling out three new Lockseeds.

Y/N: " whoa!" Y/N excitedly grabs them out of Kouta's hands.

Y/N: "There's more Lockseeds!?" Y/N looks at the fruit the lockseed represent.

Y/N:"This yellow one is a Pineapple...This red one is a strawberry...and this brown one is...a Acorn? I thought all the Lockseeds where fruit."

Kouta: "Some of them are nuts but that doesn't matter right now. Each Lockseed will give you a different weapon alongside a new form."

Y/N: "Sweet I can't wait to use them....Kouta-sama have you found any information on why the Inves are coming here?" Kouta sighs in defeat.

Kouta: "Even though I'm the Man Of The Beginning the Helheim Forest still holds a lot of secrets I don't know about." Kouta looks at the Crack seeing the forest that's on the other side.

Kouta: "But I'll keep trying I have someone helping me." Kouta walks through the Crack

Kouta: "Keep up the good work Y/N."

Y/N: "I'll keep doing my best." Kouta cracks a small smile as the Crack closes. Y/N them looks at the new Lockseeds Y/N excitedly holds them up in the air.

Y/N: "Oh seriously I can't wait to use these!" Y/N puts them in his satchel then removes the Orange lockseed and driver putting them in the satchel. Y/N then hears running looking to his left he sees a Minotaur running down the tunnel.

Y/N: "What the!? A Minotaur! Why is that here!?" Y/N then hears softer foot steps to see a blonde girl running after the Minotaur.

Y/N: "Is she trying to catch that Minotaur?" Y/N begins to think whether to help her or let her handle it.

Y/N: "Wait that path leads to the lower floors....Bell! If that thing finds him he has no chance of winning!" Y/N quickly runs after the Minotaur and blonde girl. Y/N runs through the crazy tunnel maze of the dungeon but coming to the dungeon many times Y/N knows exactly which tunnel to take to head up to the lower floors. Y/N reaches the floor Bell was on.

Y/N: "Bell! Bell!" Y/N reaches a dead end to see the same blonde girl that was chasing after the Minotaur.

Y/N: "Excuse me, have you seen a white haired boy with a tan jacket?" The blonde girl nods and points behind him.

Y/N: "uh so he left?."

Blonde girl: "Yes...." An awkward silent falls upon Y/N and the blonde girl.

Y/N: "uhhhh ok thanks." Y/N runs off continuing his search for Bell.

Blonde Girl: "Wait....I'm sorry." The girl doesn't say this loud enough for Y/N to hear. Y/N searches everywhere for Bell he thinks that maybe Bell left. As Y/N exits the Babel he hears a few adventures having a conversation.

"Did you see that kid covered in blood?"
"No I didn't, was he ok?"
"It looked like it wasn't his blood by the way he ran out of the dungeon."

Y/N: "Excuse me!? Do you know how that kid covered in blood looked like?" One of the adventurers speaks up.

"Well it was kinda hard to tell by the amount of blood but it looked like he had white hair." Y/N's gets a surprised look.

Y/N: "Bell!" Y/N runs away but comes back.

Y/N: "Do you know what way he went?" The adventurers point towards the market area.

Y/N: "Thanks!" Y/N runs off towards the market area and begins to ask people if they say the blood covered boy. Some point and say he went that while others said yes and don't give directions. With the information gathered Y/N figures out that Bell is heading towards the Guild building. Y/N arrives to the building to see Bell talking to Eina. Y/N is frustration sprints at Bell drop kicking him in the back.

Eina: "Ah!" Eina screams in surprise seeing Bell get dropped kicked only to see Y/N grab Bell by the collar.

Y/N: "You idiot do you know how worried I was for you!?

Bell: "I'm sorry, Senpai!

Eina: "Calm down Y/N." Y/N looks at Eina.

Y/N: "Hi Eina." Y/N goes back to lecturing Bell.

Y/N: "*sigh* I guess the fifth floor is still to hard for you." Bell and Y/N now clean from the blood are sitting in the common area with Eina as Bell is explaining everything to Y/N.

Bell: "No! I'm ready Senpai I can fight in the fifth floor!"

Eina: "Y/N this is  your fault."

Y/N: "My fault!?"

Eina: "Yes, you let Bell go into the dungeon alone instead of going to together as a party." Y/N begins to sweat a little as Eina lectures him.

Y/N: "Ok ok Eina I get it but if I bring Bell with me. I would be the one fighting everything as Bell does nothing. Also I have to fight the Inves and Bell is definitely not ready to fight them."

Eina: "You could watch him fight and if it gets difficult you can intervene."

Y/N: "I'm just using what I did when I had no one that's the only way I can think of when training Bell. Even though Kouta taught me how to fight so I could probably use the same lessons."

Eina; "Well your going to have to change how you train Bell." Bell watches Eina and Y/N argue.

Y/N: "Fine Fine! Let's just continue the conversation. So what happened?" Bell explains in how he was getting chased and getting saved by a blonde haired girl.

Bell: "So that's why I ran over here to learn more about Ais Wallenstein." Bell looks down and begins to shuffle in his seat.

Y/N: "Ais Wallenstein? That name sounds familiar....." Y/N begins to think about the name.

Eina: "Oh...don't tell me you have fallen in love with the girl that saved you?" Eina playfully smugs at Bell.

Y/N: "Huh!? Has my little kouhai gotten a crush?" Bell shuffles in his seat again.

Bell: "Well....yeah." Eina and Y/N smile at this.

Eina: "Ais Wallenstein, shes part of the Loki Familia and is currently level 5."

Y/N: "Level 5!? I'm only level 2!"

Eina: "She's also known to be one of the strongest swordsmen in Orario so the gods have have her the title "Sword Princess."

Bell: "Even I know that...." Bell hugs his knees.

Y/N: "I should really learn more about other adventures....."

Bell: "I meant more like....What does she like to do? What's her favorite food? And Um...."

Y/N: "If she's dating someone~?" Y/N gets close to Bells face and pokes his cheek.

Bell: " Exactly!"

Eina: "Well I cant say I've heard anybody say shes dating someone."

Bell: "Really!?" Eina puts on a scary looking face. Y/N stares in fear.

Eina: "But realistically. I think it's not gonna be easy to date her." Bell makes a sad face from hearing this.

Y/N: "Seriously Eina just crush his confidence with no remorse."

Eina: "You should know this too Y/N. You and Bell have already received the blessing of the goddess Hestia and become part of the Hestia Familia, right?" Eina walks Y/N and Bell as he walks in defeat to the front desk.

Eina: "There's a lot of reasons it will be hard for you to get to know a leader of the Loki Familia you know that right?" Bell looks up at Eina as Y/N nervously scratch's his head.

Eina: "Come on, cheer up. You two should go trade in those crystals you two earned today for money."

Y/N: "Yeah let's do that." Y/N slaps Bell's back.

Bell: "Ok...." Bell hands in 3 crystals at the front desk.

Guild Worker: Ok here you go. 120 Valis." Bell collects his money. Y/N hands in his pile of crystals Bell feels more defeated.

Guild Woker: "Alright here you go Y/N 1200 Valis." Y/N awkwardly shrugs at Bell as he collects his money. Y/N and Bell begin to leave the Guild but Y/N sees the group he saved as The Orange Warrior aka Kamen Rider Gaim talking to a front desk receptionist.

Male Adventurer: "Do you know what level The Orange Warrior is?" Bell over hears this.

Bell: "The Orange Warrior showed up again."

Y/N: "I actually met him once."

Bell: "Really senpai!?"

Y/N: "Yeah I was one of the first people he saved from those new type monsters."

Bell: "Thats so cool....I heard he's the only one who could defeat those new monsters."

Y/N: "Yeah its a good thing he's here if not those things would have made the dungeon more dangerous than it already is."

Receptionist: "No we don't actually we don't have any info on The Orange Warrior. Not even a name or how he looks like under his armor. But if I to guess what level he is probably Level 4."

Bell: "Level 4! The Orange Warrior is really strong."

Y/N: "Don't believe it 100% Bell its only a guess."

Bell: "I guess your right."

Y/N: We're leaving Eina." Y/N waves at Eina as she does the same thing.

Eina: "Bell...Listen girls like guys who are strong and can protect them. So if you keep working hard and get stronger, she might like you back." Eina smiles at Bell as he lifts his head and quickly bows to Eina.

Bell: "Thank you, Miss Eina! I love you!" Bell walks out of the guild building by himself.

Eina: "Isn't that sweet. Maybe I was a little too nice."

Y/N: "Naw you did just fine Eina." Y/N gives Eina a thumbs up as he leaves the building.

Y/N: "Bell wait up!" Y/N try's to catch up with Bell. Y/N fallows Bell through a alleyway and Bell stops at the end and looks at the sunset.

Y/N: "Bell what Eina said don't worry about it. Even if you two are from different Familia's that doesn't mean you two can't be together."

Bell: "Hey Senpai, how did you get Hestia to love you?"

Y/N: "uhhhh....Tell you the truth Bell I didn't really have to do anything." Bell looks at Y/N surprised.

Bell: "Nothing!?" Y/N looks at the sunset.

Y/N: "Well Bell my dad would always tell me stories about heroes every night. He was also a traveling merchant, for a week he came here to Orario and when he came back he told me about how he saw the adventurers here. I asked him if I went to Orario would I be able to be a hero."

Bell: "Um Senpai what does this have to with girls?"

Y/N: "I'm getting there." Y/N puts Bell in a headlock.

Y/n: "So let me finish. Ahem he said I could so I saved up any kind of money I can make or get and I had enough to buy my equipment. I left my home town and came to Orario.....but coming to a place where you know no one....it gets lonely." Y/N has a sad face and let's go of Bell

Y/N: "You know how people act towards newbies. I think that's why me and Hestia connected. I didn't know anyone except Eina and she only knew her goddess friend we didn't have any family, friends, or companions no one."

Bell: "Eina wasn't your friend?"

Y/N: "We didn't really know each other that well as we do now. I thought she was just doing her job as my advisor ha ha. So when I met Hestia I knew she was someone I can get along with and so our relationship grew and we started dating." Y/N nervously smiles at Bell.

Y/N: "The best advice on girls I can give you is second hand advice since I didn't really go through the hard stuff other people go through ha ha." Bell runs down the stairs leading towards the rundown area the church is located.

Bell: "Once I get Ais to like me and we start dating then I'll ask you for relationship advice!" Bell turns around to look at Y/N.

Y/N: "Keep that confidence up and you might win her in no time." Y/N jogs down the stairs with Bell.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and Bell racing to the Church.

Bell and Y/N arrive at the church they head inside and downstairs to the basement.

Y/N: "Hestia! We're back!"

Hestia: "Welcome back! Y/N!" Hestia hug tackles Y/N.

Y/N: "Woah ha ha!" Y/N hugs Hestia back as Bell awkwardly walks past them. Hestia looks up at Y/N then at Bell.

Hestia: "You two are home early."

Y/N: "Bell almost got himself killed in the dungeon today." Hestia quickly checks Bell.

Hestia: "Are you okay? Your an important member of the Familia now." Y/N grabs Hestia who is on top of Bells shoulders checking his head and stands her on the ground.

Bell: "I'm okay Kami-sama. Me and Y/N are the only two Hestia Familia members. We wouldn't leave you alone and helpless in the world." Bell looks at Y/N and winks at him Y/N smirks at him.

Y/N: "If only you had this confidence when it came to other women."

Hestia: "Okay glad to hear it! I'm going to choose to believe that. So you'd better not let me down."

Y/N: "Of course not we'll never let you down." Y/N hugs Hestia lifting her up and spinning around with her in his arms as Hestia giggles. Y/N stops at the foot of the bed and puts her down.

Hestia: "Oh I have a delicious present for you two today!" Hestia swings her hand towards the small table next to the couch.

Hestia: "Ta-dah!" Bell and Y/N see a bowl with potato snacks in it.

Bell: "Where'd you get those fried potato's?"

Y/N: "We where running low on money too." Hestia has her hands on her hips standing proud.

Hestia: "Well you two know I started working at that food stand." Bell removes his jacket and hangs it in the dress across the couch then grabs some clothes and hands them to Y/N.

Y/N: "Thanks Bell."

Bell: "No problem, Senpai." Y/N goes to the bathroom to change out of his equipment.

Y/N: "Ok so why did they give you those potatoes snacks?"

Hestia: "That's because more customers started coming to the food stand. They decided to give me some as a reward!" Hestia puffs her chest out in confidence. Y/N pokes his head out of the bathroom.

Y/N: "Wait what!?" Y/N looks at Hestia's chest and watches it jiggle.

Y/N: "Arrhhh I know why but I don't wanna ruin her mood. I'll just keep my mouth shut."

Y/N: "You must of have been doing a great job ha ha....." Y/N is annoyed by the real reason why there was an increase in customers.

Hestia: "Yup! So let's have a fancy party for our dinner!" Y/N walks out of the bathroom with his casual clothes on.

(Or whatever you want to wear as casual clothes. Couldn't find anything that would fit in the world)

He puts his sword next to the wardrobe and his equipment inside it.

Y/N: "Ah gambeson's get so hot when wearing them."

Hestia: "Y/N...." Y/N turns to look at Hestia.

Y/N: "Hm?" Hestia gives him a thumbs up.

Hestia: "I'm not letting you get any sleep tonight!" Y/N stares at Hestia slowly going beet red.

Hestia: "Thats not what I meant!" Hestia goes beet red when realizing what she's implying by saying that.

Hestia: "I meant it as...we...we...are gonna party all night long with Bell!" Hestia tries to defuse the situation while Bell awkwardly scratches the back of his head. After an awkward conversation everyone settled down. Bell and Hestia are sitting on the couch with the table in front of them while Y/N is sitting on the floor on other side of the table.

Hestia: "Anyway..." Hestia takes a bite of a potato snack.

Hestia: "*munch* I still can't find *munch* anybody else who wants *munch* to join my Familia." Bell grabs a potato snack sprinkling some salt on it.

Hestia: "Maybe it can't be helped, since I'm a goddess nobodies hear of." Y/N reaches for a Potato snack.

Bell: "You get the same blessing no matter what. *munch* which ever god you serve though." Y/N sprinkles salt on his potato snack.

Y/N: "A lot of adventurers *munch* would like to join a famous Familia. I was the same before I met Hestia. *munch*"

Hestia: "Well for me...I wouldn't mind it being the three of us for a little longer."

Bell: "Hm?"

Y/N: "Hm I guess that would be fine I don't want anyone to join if they can't pull there own weight."

Hestia: "But it does bother me that I'm making you two do all the work."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it. You're working hard too aren't you?"

Bell: "Senpai's right."

Y/N: "You even bought us dinner tonight."

Hestia: "But this is all I can do...I wish I could at least use my divine power, my Arcanum. But there's a rule that says you can't it on the lower world. I'm sorry you two made a contact with such a useless goddess."

Y/N: "What are you talking about!?" Hestia jumps a little from Y/N's outburst.

Y/N: "Our familia is just getting started. Once people see how great our familia is they will be lining up to join!"

Hestia: "Y/N....I'm so lucky to have met someone like you." Bell try's not to ruin the mood as he reaches for another potato snack. Hestia wipes her tears and stands on the couch.

Hestia: "Okay! Let's upgrade Bell's status and make ourselves a better future!

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N, Hestia, and Bell munching on some potato snacks.

Bell is laying on the bed on his stomach as Hestia straddles him. She pricks her index finger as a drip a blood falls onto Bells back. Once the blood touch's his back it disappears as a blue light shines.

Hestia: "Bell, you're too idealistic about the dungeon. You'll never pick up girls in such a brutal place."

Y/N: "You're trying to pick up girls in the dungeon?" Y/N is sitting on the couch inspecting his sword.

Bell: "ha ha ha....."

Y/N: "Do what you want I guess."

Hestia drags her finger across Bell's back. Strange letters and numbers appear above Bells back.

Hestia: "Like this Ais Wallenstein girl. If she's that strong and that beautiful there'll be other guys going after her too. She's sure to have a man or two already."

Y/N: "Bell just has to show her he's better than all the others."

Hestia: "It's not gonna be that easy Y/N."

Bell: "I know..." Hestia gasps at what she's looking at.

Bell: "Is something wrong?"

Hestia: "No!" Hestia pushes the blue light towards Bell's back disappearing.

Hestia: "Listen, Bell you need to pay more attention to what's around you." Hestia grabs a piece of paper and places it on Bell's back.

Hestia: "The girl you're looking for might be right in front of you!" Hestia traces on the paper as white circle appears in the center.

Hestia: "You probably already met a wonderful girl who likes you." Y/N walks towards the side of the bed.

Y/N: "Hestia's right if your here to pick up girls you might of already met your future girlfriend."

Bell: "Have I really?"

Hestia: "Well, since she's in the Loki Familia there's no way you can marry that Wallenwhatsit girl." Y/N gives Hestia a disappointing look. Hestia mouths what?

Whispering Y/N: "You where giving him great advice on how he has a chance with another girl. Giving him another option but that last sentence ruins my advice on how he can get Ais."

Whispering Hestia: "Why would you give him such advice in the first place!?" Bell sits up.

Bell: "What you two talking about?"

Hestia & Y/N: "Nothing!" Hestia hands him the paper.

Hestia: "Here you go!" Bell looks at the paper containing his status.

Bell: "Oh! My agility went up."

Y/N: "Probably from getting chased by that Minotaur."

Hestia: "Yeah."

Bell: "And my magic power is still zero huh?"

Y/N: "You really wanna learn magic huh?"

Bell: "Yeah, magic is so cool!" Bell looks at the bottom of the paper to see a line that is blurred.

Bell: "Hey Kami-sama! What's up with the line on the page of skills at the bottom?" Hestia is putting her glove back on.

Hestia: "hm my finger slipped. It's empty like always." Y/N grabs the paper and reads it.

Bell: "Of course it is...." Bell hangs his head as Y/N stares at Hestia as she pretends to whistle.

Y/N: "Don't worry Bell you'll get one sooner or later." Bell stands up and walks towards the wardrobe. Y/N sits next to Hestia.

Bell: "I just wish there was some way to get stronger quickly."

Y/N :If that was a thing everybody would be doing it." Y/N points to the skill knowing very well Hestia lied.

Whispering Hestia: "Realis Phrase. To grow quickly. As long as his feelings remain, it'll stay in effect. And the stronger his feelings the more the effect grows." The reason why Hestia lied to Bell hits Y/N.

Whispering Y/N: "Oh!" Hestia nods to him.

Whispering Hestia & Y/N: "Congratulations Bell."

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N, Hestia, and Bell sleeping

Bell wakes up to find Hestia sleep under his blanket. Bell smiles at Hestia but then realizes that Hestia is sleeping with him. He looks at Y/N who's sleeping on the bed. Hestia begins to move in her sleep rubbing her breast on Bell. Bell begins to freak out trying to get Hestia off him.

Sleeping Hestia: "Y/N....." Bell quickly spins making Hestia fall onto the couch. Bell sighs in relief.

Y/N: "Enjoy yourself Bell? Hearing Y/N's voice sends shivers down Bells spine.

Bell: "ha ha ha.....sorry Senpai...." Y/N gets out of bed slapping Bells back.

Y/N: "Come on let's get going." Y/N picks up Hestia putting her in the bed covering her with a blanket. Y/N and Bell change into there equipment. Before leaving Y/N kisses Hestia's forehead.

Y/N: "We're off Hestia-sama."  Y/N and Bell are walking through Orario.

Bell: "Senpai I'm really sorry."

Y/N: "It's fine Bell she must of been half asleep." Bell feels like someone was watching him and stops then turns around to see no one.

Bell: "what was that?"

Y/N: "Hm Bell?" Y/N looks to his side to see Bell is gone.

Voice: "Um...." Bell turns to be face to face to a girl with grey hair.

Bell: "Oh I'm sorry." Y/N walks back to find Bell with the grey haired girl.

Y/N: "Yo Bell you okay?"

Bell: "Ah sorry Senpai."

Y/N: "Come on Bell enough of the apologizing...hello I hope my Kouhai wasn't bothering you."

Girl: "Oh no he dropped this." The girl hands Bell a crystal.

Bell: "I thought I trade them all in..."

Y/N: "Guess you missed one."

Bell: "Thank you very much." Bell bows to the girl. The girl leans in towards Bell.

Girl: "You two are adventurers right? You're heading into the dungeon this early?"

Y/N: "Got to make enough money for dinner tonight I always say!" The girl giggles at Y/N's proclamation as Bells stomach growling making her stop. The girl quickly gives Bell a lunch box.

Girl: "It's not much but...oh I'm sorry I only have one."

Y/N: "Thats fine ha ha." Bell begins to worry about the lunch box.

Bell: "I couldn't though...I can't take a lunch from somebody I've never met! And isn't this your breakfast." Y/N facepalms at this.

Girl: "Don't worry about it. There'll be something for me to eat once the pub opens." Y/N and Bell look behind her to see a pub and waitresses getting things ready.

Bell: "B-But..."

Girl: "in exchange...make sure you come here to eat tonight. It's a promise?" The girl gives Bell a cute conflicted look.

Girl: "Is that not ok?" Bell stutters trying to give an answer.

Y/N: "He'll be there tonight."  Y/N grabs Bell's shoulders.

Bell: "huh?!"

Girl: "Thank you!"  As Y/N and Bell begin to leave Y/N feels a weird sensation he quickly turns back to see the girl wave goodbye to them so Y/N waves back to her.

Y/N: "That was weird....." Y/N stops waving to Syr and looks at her out of the corner of his eye.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and a freaking out chibi Bell about tonight

Y/N watches Bell fight a Kobold. Bell is running down the tunnel as the Kobold jumps at Bell as he falls to the ground. He uses his dagger to deflect the claw attack making the Kobold reel back. Bell gets up but the Kobold goes for another attack. Bell flips behind it dodging its attack. The Kobold falls to all fours then rushes at Bell. Bell also rushes at it cutting it throat. The Kobold falls to the floor disappearing into a crystal.

Y/N: "Bell you have to not run away when fighting. You back is completely exposed if it wasn't for your quick thinking you would of gotten a slash on your back. You have to find your chance to attack in the moment."

Bell: "Yes Senpai!" Bell collects the crystals the Kobolds left behind.

Y/N: "How em I gonna stop Inves when Bell's with me now....I guess I have no choice but to tell him."

Bell: "Hey Senpai..."

Y/N: "Hm?"

Bell: "How long do you think I have to keep doing this to catch up to Ais? I know Eina told me that it's important to take my time and learn the basics, but...." Bell looks at the item he has in his hand.

Y/N: "But what?" Y/N keeps his ear open to hear the Crack sound.

Bell: "A item drop! Lucky me!" Bell holds the Fang up for Y/N to see.

Y/N: "Hey lucky you is right." Y/N looks to his right to see the walls begin to spawn new Kobolds.

Y/N: "Bell!" Y/N unsheathes his sword and readies himself. Bell turns around to see the monsters spawn.

Bell: "There's so many..."

Y/N: "Bell stay out of this there's too many for you to handle!"

Bell: "Should I run like Senpai wants me too but...." Bell begins to think of Ais saying something in a cute voice to him.

Ais: "Please Bell! Fight!" Bell with blush on his face and smiling.

Bell: "I-I'll do it!" Bell runs at the group of Kobolds.

Y/N: "Bell! You idiot!" Y/N watches in surprise as Bell is doing well against multiple enemies.

Y/N: "Never mind you aren't an idiot." Y/N stabs his sword into the group deciding not to interfere.

Y/N: "Realis Phrase....keep on doing what you have been doing Bell and you'll reach Ais in no time." Y/N smiles proudly until the moment is ruined by a zipper sound. Y/N sees a Crack open beside Bell. An Inves jumps out attacking Bell. Y/N in blinding speed appears next to Bell blocking the Inves' attack.

Bell: "Senpai!"

Y/N: "Together Bell! You handle the Kobolds while I take care of this Inves!"

Bell: "Yes Senpai!" Y/N kicks the Inves back as Bell slashes at Kobold. Y/N grabs the Sengoku Driver from his satchel and places it on his waist. Y/N ducks a Kobolds attack thrusting his sword he stabs the Kobolds stomach. Y/N pulls out the Orange Lockseed as Bell blocks an attack from the Inves. Y/N presses the button on the lockseed.


A crack opens as giant orange floats out of it. Y/N puts the Orange Lockseed in the slot on the driver and pushes the top.

Lock on! Orange Lockseed music plays

Y/N: "Henshin!" Y/N grabs the small sword on the driver and pushes it down cutting the lockseed.

Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage!

The huge orange falls on top of Y/N. Bell is holding off the Inves but sees the giant orange fall on top of Y/N.

Bell: "Ehhhhhh!? A giant orange!?" The orange begins to unfold on top of Y/N's shoulders and chest. Y/N stands there in his Rider form.

Bell: "SO COOL! SENPAI IS THE ORANGE WARRIOR!" Y/N runs at the Inves stabbing with Daidaimaru on it's side making to stagger back.

Y/N: "This is our stage now, Bell! Y/N cuts a Kobold in half as it jumps at him. The Inves shoves through the Kobolds attacking Y/N. Y/N and the Inves both slash downward hitting there target making them stagger back.

Y/N: "Well its a good time as any to use this!" Y/N grabs his new lockseed from his lockseed holder. He pushes the button on the side of the lockseed. Bell from behind a Kobold stabs it in the neck.


A giant acorn appears out of a Crack. Y/N removes the Orange Lockseed from the driver and replaces it with the Donguri Lockseed.

Lock on! Music plays

Y/N kicks a Kobold back as he grabs the small sword pushing it down cutting the Donguri Lockseed.

Soiya! Donguri Arms! Never give up

The huge acorn falls on top of Y/N as it unfolds on his shoulders and chest.

The Inves attacks Y/N from behind.

Bell: "Y/N!" The Inves hits Y/N but he doesn't move.

Y/N: "Woah this form has a lot of defense!" Y/N makes a fist and punches the Inves making it fly. Bell and Kobolds watch the Inves fly through the air.

Bell: "Thats amazing!" Bell and the Kobold make eye contact then the Kobold jumps at Bell. Bell gets pinned to the ground by the Kobold. Bell try's to kick the Kobold but it's squirming around trying to bite or claw him made it hard to do so. Bell sees something that looked like a acorn hitting the side of the Kobolds head. Bell pushes the Kobold off him it's head flopping from around. Y/N helps Bell up from the ground.

Bell: "What's that?" Bell points at the acorn hammer.

Y/N: "It's call the Donkachi my weapon in this form." Y/N wiggles the hammer in his hand then Kobold slashes at Y/N but he swings up with his Donkachi making it fly. Bell quickly jumps at the Kobold stabbing it through the chest.

Y/N: "Nice job Bell!" Y/N pats Bells shoulder.

Y/N: "Now then let's end this!"

Bell: "Yes, senpai!" Y/N and Bell rush at the remaining Kobolds. Y/N jumps and smashes a Kobolds head in as Bell slides between another Kobolds legs he jumps and stabs the Kobold in the spine.

Y/N: "Bell! Just like last time!" Y/N grabs the small sword and pushes it down making a two splash sound. Y/N jumps and slams his hammer on the group. Energy begins to cover the Donkachi as Y/N slams the ground the energy is released sending a shockwave making the Kobold's shoot up.

Donguri Au Lait!

With his new speed Bell stabs the Kobolds in there vital points killing them. All that's left is the Inves. Bell and Y/N look at each other and nod. They run at the Inves Y/N reels back and swings his hammer up hitting the Inves. The Inves staggers then Bell slashes the Inves making it step back. Y/N swings down hitting the Inves' head for Bell to stab the Inves in the chest pushing it back.

Y/N: "Now for the finale!" Y/N pushes the small sword once. Y/N grabs his Donkachi with both hands and begins to spin. Bell watches Y/N spin faster and faster as a energy acorn appear around him. The energy acorn begins to move towards the Inves. Getting closer and closer Y/N stops spinning and baseball swings his hammer at the Inves.

Donguri Squash!

The Inves is sent flying hitting the wall of dungeon making a crater then exploding.

Y/N: "Hell yeah!"

Bell: "Senpai! Your the Orange Warrior!?"

Y/N: "Yup....Oh! Please don't Hestia I'm hoping to tell her at the right time?" Y/N puts his hands together. "Even though a year has passed...."

Bell: "Umm ok but how come you haven't told her?"

Y/N: "Weeellll I got this power from another god ha ha...."

Bell: "Another god!? But your in the Hestia Familia how did you get another blessing!?"

Y/N: "I didn't get another blessing...I don't think that's possible." Y/N removes the lockseed from the driver losing his Rider form.

Lock off!

Y/N: "I got these from him." Y/N holds up the Donguri Lockseed and points at the Sengoku Driver.

Bell: "What are they?" Bell grabs the lockseed and examines it.

Y/N: "That's called a Lockseed and the belt I'm wearing is called the Sengoku Driver." Y/N removes the Orange Lockseed from his lockseed holder.

Y/N: "All I have to do is this."


Y/N transforms into his Orange Arms form for Bell to see.

Bell: "Seeing it up close is so cool!"

Y/N: "Right?" Y/N de-henshins then removes his lockseed and driver.

Y/N: "Let's collect these crystals and head home."

Bell: "Alright!" Bell hands Y/N the Donguri Lockseed and he puts the driver and lockseeds in his satchel. Bell and Y/N begin to collect the crystals.

Bell: "Ummm Senpai?" Y/N picks up the Inves' crystal and stares at it.

Bell: "Is it...possible for me...to get one of...those?"

Y/N: "Sorry Bell Kouta-Sama said he only had this one and his, also I can only use the belt."

Bell: "Oh....."

Y/N: "Hey Bell does this look like an Acorn?" Bell looks up from picking up crystals.

Bell: "Is that the crystal that rare monster dropped?.....it does kinda look like one."

Y/N: "Yeah it is...Why do the Inves drop weird looking crystals?" Y/N puts the palm size acorn shaped crystal in his satchel.

Y/N: "You collect everything?"

Bell: "Yeah..." Y/N puts his hands in Bells shoulders.

Y/N: "Listen, Bell instead of trying to gain someone else's strength or find a quicker way to gain strength. Just keep doing what you have been doing because at the start of that fight you didn't need my help." Bell eyes widen.

Y/N: "The reason why I helped is because of the Inves only my power could stop it but that doesn't mean you're weak Bell. Trust me you're getting stronger." Y/N removes his hands from Bells shoulders.

Y/N: "Now come on let's go home. You have a big date tonight." Y/N ruffles Bell's hair and begins to leave.

Bell: "Eh!? I forgot about that!" Bell jogs to catch up to Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh yeah Bell what did you think of when you ran in like that? You did well but seriously that's an amateur mistake." Bell's face turns red.

Bell: "Nothing Senpai!" Y/N turns to Bell to see his face beet red and smirks.

Y/N: "Hm ok...Realis Phrase, just keep on thinking about that Bell."

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and chibi Bell eating lunch

Y/N and Bell are back home and Hestia is checking Bells status again.

Bell: "WHAT!?" Y/N is on the couch cleaning his equipment and sword.

Y/N: "Seriously don't yell."

Bell: "Sorry Senpai but Kami-sama are you sure this is right!? My ability went up over a total of 160!?" Bell is looking at his status paper.

Y/N: "Woah! Let me see." Y/N gets up from the couch and walks towards the bed to look at Bells status paper.

Bell: "Not only that I got hit one and my vitality went up by 30 points. And my strength and dexterity! This has never happened before!" Hestia is sitting on the foot of the bed listening to Bell. Y/N takes the paper from Bell and looks at it.

Y/N: "*whistles* That's impressive." Y/N hands Bell his paper back.

Bell: "Thank you Senpai! And it's just like you said I'm getting stronger! But Kami-sama why did I grow so much, so quickly?" Hestia jumps a little by his question.

Hestia: "Uhhh...uhhh...Y/N how about we check your status!"

Y/N: "Right! I haven't checked mine in a long time. Come on Bell my turn." Y/N moves Bell out of the Bed.

Bell: "Oh ok." Bell puts his shirt back on and sits on the couch to look at his paper again. Y/N removes his sweater and shirt laying down on his stomach on the bed.

Hestia: "Alright let's check how much you grown." Hestia straddles Y/N taking her glove off and pricking her finger. She's traces her finger across Y/N's back to see the stranger letters and numbers.

Hestia: "hmmmm....impression as always Y/N that's my first member getting stronger and stronger! Also a good Senpai for Bell......" Hestia goes silent and focuses on the letters.

Y/N: "Is something wrong?" Hestia pushes the blue light towards Y/N's back, places a piece of paper on it, traces it, gets up and walks towards the wardrobe. Bell looks up from his paper to see Hestia get her a jacket. Y/N sits up and grabs his paper that wae behind him.

Y/N: "Hestia what's wrong?" Hestia puts her jacket on.

Y/N: "Hestia?" Hestia slams the wardrobes door. Y/N looks at Bell making eye contact. Bell just lifts his paper to his face.

Y/N: "Hestia where you going?"

Hestia: "A-A party with my co-workers!" Hestia turns around and points at Y/N

Hestia: "You can go have a wonderful dinner and a great time all by yourself!" Hestia runs out of the church.

Y/N: "........what....." Y/N looks at his paper to see his skills.

Y/N: "Armored Rider.....Fruit Master: Orange, Pineapple, Ichigo, Donguri....don't tell me she found out...."

Bell: "Senpai?"

Y/N: "uhhh...couple problems Bell don't worry about it." Hestia is sitting hugging her knees on a pillar looking out at lake.

Hestia: "Why did Y/N do that....does he like that other god more than me that he had to get another Blessing...." Hestia's eyes behind to water.

Hestia: "what if it's another goddess and he loves her...." Hestia grabs a rock and throws it in the lake.

Hestia: "Even though he already has me!"

Bell and Y/N are standing outside a bar.

Bell: "The Benevolent Mistress...Senpai is it ok for you to come here?"

Y/N: "Like I said Bell don't worry about it. Hestia needs some space right now also I need to think on what I need to say to her...*sigh* maybe some food will help." Bell peaks his head in to see the grey hair girl see him.

Girl: "You're that adventurer!" The girl walks outside of the pub.

Girl: "You came and you brought your friend!"

Y/N: "Yo don't worry about me I won't bother you two." Y/N winks at the girl as she blushes and holds her tray up to her face.

Girl: "Oh it's...nothing like...that." Y/N elbow nudges Bell as he blushes a little.

Girl: "Oh I haven't introduced myself. My name is Syr Flover." Syr bows to Bell and Y/N.
Y/N and Bell are now sitting at the bar as a huge plate of spaghetti is place in front of them.

Bar lady: "So you two are Syr's friends?"

Bar Lady: "So which one of you did Syr's eye catch?"

Y/N: "Ha ha I'm already taken but it's no doubt it was my cute kouhai." Y/N puts his hand over Bells shoulder.

Bell: "Eh?"

Bar Lady: "He is pretty cute. So you two are part of the same Familia?" Y/N ruffles Bells hair before removing his arm.

Y/N: "Correct."

Bar Lady: "Well then eat up you two! Adventurers always have a big appetite."

Y/N: "Thank you for the food." Y/N looks at Bell who is counting how much everything will cost.

Bell: "This is 300 Valis and the drink is 200 Valis....Thanks to that drop item I have 4400 Valis but I really want to save money for my Familia...."

Y/N: "Bell don't worry....." A large fired fish is slammed next to Bell that makes him gasp.

Bar Lady: "Here's today's special."

Bell: "We didn't order that!"

Y/N: "Reminds me of the old days of saving my money ha ha."

Bar Lady: "Dont hold back! you're still young." Bell looks at the sign to see how much today's special cost.

Bell: "Senpai! It's 880 Valis!" Y/N facepalms.

Y/N: "Bell don't worry about it. Remember the crystal we got in the dungeon."

Bell: "Ah? I forgot...." All of Bells worries go away but come back when he realizes his Senpai would pay for him.

Bell: "No you can't pay for me Senpai!" Syr walks up to Bell and Y/N.

Syr: "Are you two having fun?"

Y/N: "Lots of fun." Syr smiles at Y/N

Bell: "I'm a little overwhelmed...." Syr begins to giggle at Bell.

Syr: "I'm sorry. It looks like I'll be able to count on getting paid a lot tonight."

Bell: "I'm glad for you." Bell shoves a piece of fish in his mouth.

Y/N: "ha ha don't be mean Bell." Y/N slurps up some spaghetti.

Syr: "Isn't it great how many different kinds of people come here? When there's so many people. There's so many things to discover I can't help but be exited."

Y/N: "That's Orario for you." Syr nods to Y/N then turns around to look at the customers.

Syr: "I love meeting new people you can say it's my hobby. It makes my heart pound every time I meet someone new." Bell is causally eating the spaghetti not very interested in what she's saying.

Bell: "That's a pretty amazing thing to say." Then a brown hair catgirl yells out.

Catgirl: "Nya! The customers with reservations have arrived!" The customers walk in making everyone look at the door and gasp. Y/N also looks to see a girl with a red ponytail leading the group. Alongside her is a blonde boy, two beautiful amazon girls, a grey wolf beastman, a green haired elf, a bearded dwarf, a orange haired elf with a ponytail, and finally a blonde girl which both Y/N and Bell recognize. Bell has his mouth agape looking at Ais. Y/N puts his hand underneath his mouth and pushes up. 

"Hey, she's gorgeous!"
"Idiot! Look at that emblem! That's the Loki Familia!"
"The Giant-Killing Familia?"

Y/N: "Giant-Killing?"

"So that's the Sword Princess?" Bell just stares at Ais as she walks in the bar. Y/N looks at Bell then at Ais a few times.

Y/N: "So shes the Sword Princess. Who know the same girl you fell in love with is the same one I met that day." Syr waves her hand in front of Bell's face.

Syr: "Mister Bell?"

Red hired Girl: "Good work out there in the dungeon, guys! We're having a feast tonight! Drink up!" The group clink there wooden mugs together.

Loki Familia: "Cheers!"

Y/N: "They must of done something big if it calls for celebration."

Syr: "The Loki Familia are regular customers. It seems their goddess, Lady Loki really likes this place."

Y/N: "Lady Loki? Legends said Loki was a guy.....oh well." Y/N looks at the Loki Familia celebrating.

Y/N: "I hope our Familia will be able to celebrate like them." Y/N imagines a future where his Familia is celebrating their accomplishments. Bell is still staring at Ais mesmerized by her.

Bell: "Then if I come here..."

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N eating lots of Food while chibi Bell stares at Chibi Ais

Y/N: "Man I'm full....too bad Hestia didn't come."

Grey haired beastman: "Okay! Ais let's tell them all about that thing." Bell perks up a bit.

Ais: "That thing?"

Grey haired beastman: "You know! We let a bunch of minotaurs escape on our way back."

Y/N: "Why be excited by letting some minotaurs escape? People could of gotten hurt!"

Grey haired beastman: "You took out the last one on the fifth floor, right? And you remember that tomato dork who was there, right? A wimpy little kid who'd obviously just started adventuring got cornered by one of the minotaurs who ran from us. When Ais cleaved the minotaur apart it's stinky blood got all over him, and looked like a bright red tomato!" Y/N starts to get angry when he hears this as the two Amazons awkwardly laugh.

Grey haired beastman: "And get this! The tomato dork ran off screaming. Our princess saved him and ran away from her! Ha ha ha ha! How pathetic is that?"

Ais: "I think in that situation he can hardly be blamed."

Green haired Elf: "Enough, Bete! It was our fault for letting the minotaurs escape from the seventeenth floor. You should be ashamed."
Y/N: "At least one of them understands the danger" The grey haired beastman named Bete slams his fist on the table.

Bete: "huh!? What's wrong with saying trash is trash?" Y/N makes a fist in anger.

Bete: "What do you think, Ais? Just hypothetically, who would you choose? Me, or Tomato dork?"

Blonde haired boy: "Bete, you're drunk, aren't you? The boy tries to calm Bete down but he goes on about Ais choosing.

Bete: "I'm talking to you Ais! If that kid asked you out, would you say yes? No way right?" Bell hangs his head down listening to everything Bete is saying, remembering everything that happened that day.

Bete: "A wimp who's weaker than you has no right to stand beside you! You yourself would never allow that! A wimp isn't good enough for you. Not for Ais Wallenstien." The green haired elf holds her forehead. Bell then runs out of the bar.

Y/N: "Bell!" Y/N gets up from his chair as Syr runs after Bell.

Syr: "Mister Bell!"

Younger Amazon: "What? A dine-and-dash?" Ais quickly runs after Syr and Bell.

Orange haired Elf: "Miss Ais?" Y/N throws his coin pouch on the bar making the bar lady look over at him.

Y/N: "Sorry I have to go I'll be back for that." Y/N runs outside the bar he can hear Loki yell out.

Loki: "He's got guts trying to pull that at Mama Mia's house." Y/N arrives only to see Ais and Syr.

Y/N: "Syr where did Bell go?!" Syr turns to Y/N and points towards Babel.

Syr: "He ran towards the tower." Y/N looks at Ais and bows to her.

Y/N: "Ais Wallenstien, thank you so much for saving my Familia member!" Ais bows towards Y/N.

Ais: "I'm sorry what my Familia member said to your member." Y/N looks at the tower conflict on what he should do.

Y/N: "I can't keep holding his hand he has to figure things out by himself....Damn it...." Y/N goes back inside the Mama Mia's bar and slams his fist on the table the Loki Familia is sitting at.

Y/N: "Listen here you mangy mutt! You don't get to chose who Ais or anyone else gets to date! If they be weak or strong Ais chooses who she is going to love not you!"

Bete: "huh? What did you call me!?" Bete stands up and sizes up Y/N.

Bete: "I get it your with that dork aren't you?! Ha ha ha! What can a weak adventurer like can do huh!?"

Y/N: "Really? Coming from a weak adventurer I remember you couldn't do anything against that rare monster and you had to be saved by me!" The Loki Familia all look and gasp in surprise at Y/N.

Bete: "Wait how do you know that?" Bete is remind of last year when fighting on the 13th floor a rare monster appear. No one in the Loki Familia could damage it. Bete cockily runs in and gets knocked down by an Inves. The Inves ready to kill Bete is stopped by Y/N in his Rider form.

Bete: "I said how do you know that!?" Y/N places the Sengoku Driver on his waist and pulling out his orange lockseed.

Y/N: "If I'm going to tell Hestia everything I might as well show everyone I'm the Orange Warrior." Y/N pushes the button on the side.


A Crack opens as a giant floating orange appears out of it. Y/N places the orange lockseed in the slot and grabs the small sword.

Y/N: "Henshin." Y/N pushes the sword cutting the lockseed. The giant orange falls on top of Y/N unfolding onto his shoulders and chest. Everyone stares in shock to Y/N's transformation. Bete makes a fist and angrily looks at Y/N.

Bete: "So your the one who embarrassed me!?"

Y/N: "Embarrassed you? I saved your life!"

Bete: "I didn't need to be saved by you! You embarrassed me I've been waiting to find you again so I can kick your ass!" Bete kicks Y/N sending through the window.

Green haired Girl: "Bete!"

Loki: "It's alright Riveria! Let them fight I wanna see who would win. Don't worry the Loki Familia will play for the repairs Mama Mia."

Mama Mia: "You better!" Bete jumps out of the broken window.

Bete: "Come on weakling!" Y/N stands up and grabs the small sword on the driver pushes it twice. Y/N holds his Daidaimaru with both hand to his side.

Bete: "What not gonna attack! Just like a weakling to do nothing!" Bete runs at Y/N.

Ais: "Bete!"

Riveria: "Bete don't go running in like that!"

Blonde boy: "You can't talk to him he's drunk. Just let him tire himself out." Bete goes for to kick Y/N. The Daidaimaru glows in Orange energy just as Bete throws his kick Y/N slashes at him as a energy orange slice trail leaves his sword.

Orange Au Lait!

Bete falls to the ground groaning in pain.

Bete: "Bastard!" Bete tries to get up but Y/N pulls the trigger of his Masou Saber shooting a bullet past Bete's head.

Y/N: "Never make fun of my Familia ever again!" Y/N puts his sword to his side and runs towards the Tower of Babel. Ais watches Y/N run off towards the tower.

Ais: "I'm sorry..."

Loki: "Ooooooh! That was awesome! Hey Bete you got to train harder if you wanna take him down! Ha ha ha!"

Riviera: "*sigh* Now Loki is drunk"

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Loki Familia tying up Bete by the arms and legs and hanging him up to the ceiling

Y/N still in his Riser form is running through the Dungeon looking for Bell for hours now but can't find him.

Y/N: "Bell! Bell!" Y/N enters a tunnel to see Bell on the ground with hundreds of crystals around.

Y/N: "Bell." Y/N rushes towards him to check on him.

Y/N: "*sigh* Some minor wound nothing a good patch up and rest will heal you scared me on how bloody you look.....Man do you worry me sometimes." Y/N picks Bell up and carries him piggy back.

Y/N: "Don't worry Bell I gave that mutt a piece of my mind but that isn't enough to change his mind about you. You have to show him your not weak to completely shut him up." Y/N looks at Bell and smiles.

Y/N: "I know you can." In the shadows a cloaked figure watches Y/N. The figure moves its hand for a Crack to appear and an Inves walk out.

The figure speaks in a strange language pointing at Y/N for the Inves to nod and goes after Y/N. Y/N hears the Inves running at him.

Y/N: "Damn it I don't have time for this!" Y/N dodges the Inves he quickly puts Bell down.

Y/N: "I'll protect you Bell! When I first used my Sengoku Driver I defeated another Inves that looked like you." Y/N runs at the Inves he grabs his swords.

Y/N: "So I'm not gonna lose to you!" Y/N unsheathes his swords cross slashes the Inves. Y/N continues to slash the Inves and pushing it back.

Y/N: "Arrrrrah!" The Inves deflects one of Y/N attacks hitting him in the process. Y/N is sent flying and hits the ground rolling beside Bell.

Y/N: "Damn it this one is stronger than the first one." Black shadows begin to come out of walls of the dungeon.

Y/N: "Great now the monsters are responding." Y/N looks at Bell.

Y/N: "We're not dying here!" Y/N stands up pulling out his Ichigo Lockseed.

Y/N: "This is my stage now!"


A giant strawberry appears out of a Crack. Y/N replaces the orange lockseed with the Ichigo lockseed.

Lock on!

Y/N pushes the small sword to cut the lockseed as the giant strawberry falls on top of him unfolding on his shoulders and chest.

Soiya! Ichigo Arms! Shushutto spark!

Y/N spins the Ichigo Kunai's on his fingers. Y/N stops spinning the kunai and runs at the shadow monsters and Inves. Y/N stabs a shadow monster in chest pulling down with the kunai. He squats and spins removing the Kunai and stabbing another Shadow in the leg with his another kunai he slashes upwards cutting the Shadows side. Y/N goes after another Shadow getting close he stabs three times going up it's stomach and chest finished with two slashes to its neck. After the Shadow disappears Y/N throws a kunai hitting another Shadow in the head. Before it can disappear Y/N uses its shoulder to jump and he throws his second kunai at another Shadow. Y/N lands to see the Inves finishing off a Shadow and going after him. Y/N quick draws his Musou Saber cutting the Inves. Y/N grabs the ichigo lockseed and slots it in his Musou Saber. It begin to change with red energy.


With his Musou Saber in hang Y/N slashes upwards to send a red energy Musou Saber in the air.

Strawberry Charge!

It transforms into a strawberry then explodes into hundreds of red energy Ichigo Kunai raining on the Shadows and Inves. Y/N grabs his Pineapple Lockseed from his lockseed holder.

Y/N: "All that's left is you and it's not looking good!"


A giant pineapple appears out of a Crack. Y/N removes the ichigo lockseed and replaces it with the pineapple lockseed.

Lock on!

Y/N pushes the small sword cutting the pineapple lockseed.

Soiya! Pine Arms! Funsai destroy!

Y/N spins the Pine Iron he swings downwards hitting the Inves' head. Next he pulls the string to the right hitting it's right side and does the same to its left. Y/N spins the Pine Iron faster and throws it the Inves wrapping it in the wire. Y/N starts to spin the captured Inves spinning faster and faster. Y/N jumps and spins sideways and slam the Inves into the ground. Y/N lands on the ground and grabs the small sword pushing it once.

Pineapple Squash!

Y/N throws the Pine Iron in the air and jumps he kicks the Pine Iron at the Inves. The Inves stands up to see the Pine Iron land on his head. The Inves try's to take the Pine Iron off but can't. Y/N flys towards the Inves with his right leg out with yellow energy covering it. Y/N impacts the Inves' chest going through as a huge pineapple slice forms from the Inves' chest hole then it explodes into a bunch of Pineapple slices.
(Song stops)

(Go to 1:17 )

Y/N gets up and de-henshins walking towards Bell placing his hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: "Heavy sleeper aren't you?" Y/N smiles then picks up Bell carrying him back home. The cloaked figure watches Y/N walk away. Another figure appears behind it and begins to speak on a strange language.

Cloaked figure: "Indeed that is the Kouta's successor, the new Kamen Rider Gaim *strange language* oh no we're only going to test him to see how strong he can get. It would be a disappointing fight if we killed him now. *strange language* Just keep watching him. *strange language* You'll get your revenge on Kouta Kazuraba." A Crack opens and both figures step in.

The sun begins to rise starting a new day. Hestia is waiting outside of the church.

Hestia: "Where did Y/N and Bell go? They never came home last night....Maybe they're never...." Hestia hears footsteps she looks to her left to see Y/N giving Bell a piggyback.

Hestia: "Y/N?" Y/N looks up at Hestia and smiles at her.

Hestia jogs towards Y/N.

Hestia: "Y/N!" Y/N looks at Hestia with his smile.

Hestia: ".....Y/N" Before she can go on Y/N kisses Hestia. Hestia is filled with bliss and happiness. Y/N stops kissing Hestia

Y/N: "I'm sorry I should of told you about my new power I obtained from another God but I was afraid you'd think I was going behind your back to join another Familia." Hestia eyes behind to tear up.

Y/N: "I'll never leave you behind I made a promise and I intended to keep it. Now let's go home and help our little child." Y/N looks at the bloody Bell.

Hestia: "Yes!" Y/N carries Bell inside with Hestia behind him.  Y/N hears Bell talk weakly to him.

Bell: "Senpai...I want to get stronger."

Y/N: "You will Bell."

~Act 1 end~

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