The light and the fire

By briannadrxwned

2.7K 203 73

This is my first novel that I decided to write for people to see, I was told I was good at writing. Basically... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Last Chapter
Credits and thanks
Changes in the remake

Chapter 28

35 5 0
By briannadrxwned

"Wait...does it have to be human?" I asked. "It has to at least have a human form." Cade answered leaning against the frame of the door. "Hmm...I think I have an idea. Good thing I'm getting out soon too." I felt a little guilty for this idea. But I think the man would agree. The little boy John might hate me for it though.

Not too long later I was back on my feet and out of that death smelling room. I'm pretty sure I'm already gaining sanity from it. "Are you sure this is a good idea Aeron?" Jason asked me as we walked down the hall. We asked one of the nurses where John's grandfather was, she told us too. I don't think normally someone will just tell you where someone's staying...oh well. Like I said before, hospitals are weird.

When we walked into his room there was no one there but him, there was four beds in the room though. John's grandfather didn't seem too old, probably late 60's. He had grey balding hair and he awake too. Thank god we didn't have to wake him up. What am I suppose to say?

"E-excuse me sir." I said a little awkwardly. The man sat up and looked at us, he smiled a bit. "Why aren't you some interesting looking children. Elementals, correct?" How did he know?

I looked over to Cade, he smiled and nodded to the man. "How did you know?" He asked as well. The man chuckled a bit. "Well not everyday you see kids that look like you three. You can also sense that you three have powers unlike most others." He said, he was like one of those elders who know everything in the books and movies!

"Well, sir. We were wondering if we could ask you for a...pretty big favour." I asked, I'm trying to figure out the right words. This is a lot harder than I thought. The man looked over to Cade.

"I already know what your going to ask. The fiery-haired boy has the sacrifice charm in his coat pocket. You're trying to get to the realm of the dead aren't you?" I don't get it, how does he know this stuff?

Of course Jason was the one to spit out the question. "Sir how do you know all this stuff so well?" The man looked at Jason and smiled. "Back in my day I was one of the strongest light elementals around." He said.

"That's cool. I'm a light elemental as well. Although, I don't know what's so strong about light elementals." I said, gesturing to myself as if it wasn't obvious that I was a light elemental. "Well let me tell you. Light elementals are that spark in the darkness. You have the power to destroy all evil." He said pointing to me.

I never thought of it that way...I also never knew. My mom said it was bad to be an elemental. It's not really something that would run in the family, it's like a wild seed. Somebody will randomly be born an elemental. For other things, I don't know how it works.

So I don't know how other things are created. My mom said it was a curse, but my dad always said that I was lucky.

"Well, we were just wondering if you would be willing to do it. I met your Grandson John and he said you were soon passing, so I thought that it might help to end any suffering. We would be very greatfull, you see our friend Scott was taken by darkness elementals there and if we don't make it he'll be dead." I explained. We can't just end it all here. After all we went through, and Jane died!

We need to continue, we need to get there! "I can sense the distress in you three. You must really care for your friend." He said, he was still smiling. "Yes sir. We've already lost a lot in this journey. Our school was destroyed, our friend Jane was killed and her brother is either depressed or in rage. I almost got killed by a phoenix, and Aeron has almost died multiple times-" I gave Cade a glare.

I did not almost die multiple times! It was once! Which is what got me in a hospital! "-we just really need this sir. You must understand. But if you don't want to, we'll have to find another way." Cade actually looked a little upset. I haven't seen him actually upset. I've only seen him angry or happy.

"No need for looking boy. I'd be happy too. I'll be sure to bless John in the passing." He said reaching his hand out for Cade to give him the charm. Bless? "What do you mean by bless?" I asked.

I have no idea if that was a stupid question. "When an elemental dies, there soul can bless someone. With more power of the element, bravery, wisdom, courage. Different things." Cade told me handing the charm to the man. It was like a necklace. Once the man would put it on, his soul would be taken and into the charm for a sacrifice.

We all stood silent as he put it on, you could see the life slip from his eyes. Well he had a good life. Must have. After Cade took the charm and stuffed it back into his pocket. We all walked out and Cade went to find the nearest nurse to tell the news.

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