The Villain born from Shatter...

By KainXander

384K 11.8K 4.2K

Months after being rejected by his hero Midoriya was in the depths of depression, but Shigaraki's question wo... More

A Fateful Encounter
The New Midoriya
The Hero Killer
Stain and the League of Villains
A Villain, a Hero, and a Killer
Everything is Connected
Planned Encounter
Midoriya vs Bakugo
Can't Be Friends
Bakugo's Reflection
Deku's Starting Line
Deeper into Shadows
For a Friend
The Girl in Bandages
To Use and be Used
The Note
Reaching for Midoriya
Those Who Care
Deku's Gamble
What's Yours is Mine
Eri and the League
A Mother's Feelings
Awkward Similarities
The Gentle and The Cruel
A Diary of Villains
The Beast
Not a Tool
Metahuman Liberation Army
The Power of Love
What I Want to Protect
Tag In
The Villainous Victors
A Game of Cards
Hero for a Day
Looking Back
Quirk Secrets
A Deal with Deku
A Moments Peace
Hero strike
Through Her Eyes
Desperate Kids

Paranormal Liberation Front

3.4K 116 46
By KainXander

Inside a Liberation hideout, Deku was sitting on a couch, with Toga beside him, and Eri snuggly between them. Other members were scattered throughout the room as some sushi was put on a coffee table. In front of them was a TV with the news explaining what happened within the city. The Liberation put together a cover story to explain the damages and passing the blame onto a random no-name group of villains.

"Fanatics are scary," Deku says as he takes a piece of sushi.

"What's so bad about a fan attic?" Eri asked confused.

"Fa-natic, a person with such high devotion that it can sometimes be seen as insanity," Deku explains.

"We killed a lot of Liberation members, but one word from their leader and they're willing to work under us," Mr. Compress added.

"They even gave us money for some new outfits," Toga said as she was wearing a coat over top of her old school uniform. Eri could only rewind Toga's wounds, not the clothes that were destroyed. "I think you could use a new outfit as well Deku, maybe get a suit and pin it to your shoulders. When the wind blows it could be like a cape as well, I think it would be pretty neat."

"It would also be impractical," Deku responded.

"Save it for your private time," Dabi stated as he was across the room in a chair. Causing Toga to stick her tongue out and Deku let out a small chuckle.

"Dabi, if you're not eating can I have your share?" Spinner asked as he was right beside the table.

"Go ahead, I hate fish anyways," Dabi states.

Over in a corner Twice was crying with Magne trying to calm him down. Everyone was trying to avoid the topic since it was a bit awkward, having to find a way to kill clones of himself took a toll on his psyche.

"I'm so sorry I had to kill all of you - they're just clones, I'm the real Twice" "I thought I was a clone, any one of them could have been me - no they couldn't, I'm me so no one else can be me," Twice rattled off to himself.

"I feel bad for him," Toga said. 

"We're being difficult for the others - I want sushi!"  Twice suddenly shouted startling everyone. "I'm sorry for being loud, please don't punish me - what the hell are you guys looking at!" 

A knock came at the door as Skeptic walked in "it's time for the announcement," he said with Trumpet right behind him.

"Shut the hell up, I haven't had enough sushi!" Twice shouted.

"Twice is being very loud," Eri stated as she didn't like Twice's consent shouting.

"I'm sorry Eri - I'm still mad about my sushi," Twice replied. 

"It's our money that paid for the sushi," Skeptic countered.

"And we're the ones who decided not to wipe out the city completely," Twice said.

"Let it go Twice, we can have more sushi after," Deku stated.

"You have to stop as well Skeptic," Trumpet said. 

As they were heading out Dabi grabbed Deku's arm having him stay behind. "I need you to meet someone after the ceremony," Dabi stated.

"Who will I be meeting?" Deku asked.

"The person who wanted to join up with the League. Look for the most out of place person and you'll understand," Dabi said.

"Out of place, more so then Gigantomachia?" Deku said sarcastically.

"You'll forget Gigantomachia even exists when you see him," Dabi replied as he walked out of the room.

Deku followed Dabi out of the room as he thought about Dabi's words. Deku catches up with the others as everyone waits behind a curtain for the cue to come onstage. Through the curtain, you could hear Re-Destro giving a speech in a mechanical wheelchair with Shigaraki sitting in a throne beside him.

"Members of the Liberation Army, I first apologize for the people we lost in our battle against the League of Villains. I had believed the League was an obstacle on our path following the will of Destro, oh how wrong I was, the members of the League were truly liberated. I was bound by my blood and the teachings; they have opened my eyes and shown me what it means to be truly liberated. That's why Liberation Army will be reborn, we shall unite under a new name with Shigaraki Tomura as our leader. He will announce our new name and lead us to the path of Liberation!" Re-Destro shouted.

The members of the League walked out and stood to the left of Shigaraki with Deku standing directly beside him, Eri remained behind the curtain waiting for them to come back. To the right of Shigaraki were the surviving leaders of the Liberation Army. 

"The Paranormal Liberation Front is our name, and the people standing beside me shall be the commanding officers who will coordinate our forces at their discretion. This new name is like this script, irrelevant. Go wild!" Shigaraki said as he removed the hand covering his face. His face was bruised and bandaged, but his eyes were as clear as ever dead set on his goal. 

As Shigaraki stands up he reaches beside him for a walking stick as his body was still recovering. Deku was walking beside him with the others walking nearby "I can Overhaul you and fix you up," Deku stated.

"Unless you want to find out who can kill a person faster with a touch I don't recommend it," Shigaraki replied.

"Still horrible at asking others for help," Deku teased. 

"What an excellent performance, would you like something to drink," Re-Destro asked with a grin.

"Get lost," Shigaraki said.

"Getting lost!" Re-Destro replied quickly leaving.

Shigaraki soon trips and falls with Deku watching Shigaraki crash onto the ground "still don't want help?"

"I'm fine," Shigaraki quickly responded.

"Seems like things are moving up for you, got a swanky new name and everything. It's better than the cheesy sounding name League of Villains," Ujiko said over the earpiece.

"I've got Gigantomachia to obey me, I've met the bare minimum you requested," Shigaraki replies.

"I dunno what sorta deal you had with that doctor but I'm going to stick around here a bit longer," Deku said as he walked off with Eri quickly following.

Deku began to walk through the crowd trying to find the person who sticks out the most. He doubted Dabi's claim of how obvious the person would look, but his mind quickly changed when Deku noticed red feathers in the corner of his eye. Making a quick turn and pushing through some people Deku came upon the hero known as Hawks. He had large red wings, blonde hair, and a yellow visor. 

"So you're the person Dabi was talking about," Deku said walking right up to him.

"Ah, you're the one known as Deku," Hawks said and smiled.

"Never expected it would be the number three hero," Deku's comment caused Hawks to give an awkward look. 

"I'm the number two hero now," Hawks replied.

"When did that happen," Deku paused for a moment. It's been a while since he actually had to consider what day it was. "Oh shit, I missed the Hero Billboard Chart!" Deku immediately pulled out his phone and found the video saving it to watch later.

"Ha ha ha," Hawks have a dry laugh from Deku's sudden enthusiasm "I didn't think you would be that interested in it."

"Just becasue I don't like something doesn't mean I'm going to let the years of research go to waste. A rise in the ranks could mean anything, from an increase in power, to a hero starting their own agency," Deku explained.

Eri caught up with Deku as she pouted from almost being left behind in the crowd. When her eyes turned to Hawks the man smiled and waved to her. "Is he one of those fanatics you talked about earlier?" Eri asked.

Hawks was taken back at being called a fanatic "No, I'm not a fanatic." 

"Then what are you?" Eri asked again.

"He's the number two hero," Deku said.

"What's the number two hero doing here?" Eri kept asking even more questions.

"I'm wanting to join up?" Hawks said.

"Why?" Eri started using every child's favorite annoyance question. 

"Well, I believe in what they're doing," Hawks stated.


"Well the freedom of quirks is a wonderful thing," Hawks was trying to find a way out of this conversation.

"But you said you weren't a fanatic," Eri pointed out.

"I'm not," Hawks said again.

Eri looks around at the other people here "but the others who believe that are all fanatics."

"Dabi is the one who recruited me," Hawks quickly stated.


Hawks was getting beaten to death with these simple questions and Deku was standing there with an amused smile. Hawks needed something impossible, a phrase that little girl couldn't answer with why. 

"It takes all types, why are you with them?" Hawks asked changing the question back onto Eri. 

Eri looked up at Deku and smiled "They're my family."

Eri quickly got the scent of something. With the grand speech over they were shifting over to having a banquet, and she caught the scent of something good. Tugging Deku's arm so she wouldn't get separated this time Eri quickly went to find the delicious smell. 

Once Deku was out of sight Hawks breathed a huge sigh of relief. If it was someone else Hawks could have done better, but he had to use simple answers for the child which made things worse. "I'll have to report that the girl Eri is here and is happily working for the League- no the Paranormal Liberation Front."


Oh, this chapter was such a delight to write, such a breath of fresh air now that the war is over. 

This will be one of the last times I can call them the League of Villains.

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