Bughead-royal marriage

By TheRoomy

46.5K 917 582

Kingdom of Riverdale is destroyed after 20 years of war between two royal familys. During the war the kingdom... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two

Chapter- twenty-three

1.4K 28 19
By TheRoomy

Bettys P.O.V.

I found out that i was pregnant a week after Jughead left. I wasn't feeling good so Kevin called a doctor that was family friend of FP.

When he told me i was shocked and happy at the same time. I couldn't believe that there was a human being growing inside of my body.

But then there was an important decision to make. Should i tell Jughead? The problem was that if i would tell him he would come back and even through there nothing else i would want more, i knew that it would be bad. The people need him. You can call me selfish if you want but i did it for my child. I want my child to grow up in piece and happiness even through it would cost me pain not to see it's father.

The only one who knew that i was pregnant was girls, Kevin and Vojta. No one else knew.

Well that was until Anna came back to check on us.....

You know, after like three months of seperation Jughead became paranoid and he had to knew that i was fine, so he send Anna to check on me. It went like this:

I was in the safe room looking through old photo albums of Jughead that Toni gave me. Then I heard knock on the door and I was suprised to see Anna in the door.

A: Hey Eliza.

B: Anna!

I said and runned to hug her. She hugged me back and when we split She noticed my little bump.

A: Betty, is that....

She said and i put her hands on my belly.

B: Jugheads baby.

From her eyes started to fall tears.

A: Oh my god!

She was silent for a moment and then she asked.

A: Does he know?

B: No....

I said sadly.

A: Why?

B: I can't him let to leave his people. They need a leader.

A: So l he isn't gonna know anything? You are gonna leave him in the dark?

She sounded very sad.

B: I don't have a choice... It's gonna be for the best.

A: Does that mean-

B: That you can't tell him anything!!

A: But don't you think he deserve to know that he is gonna be a father?

B: But for that we need him to win and don't think that i don't want him back! But this is a time of crisis and i can't be selfish! This isn't about me, this isn't for me! This is for my and Jugheads child!!

A: Now you spoke like a queen but i know that deep inside theres a massive pain in your heart. I won't tell him anything but I hope you know  what are you doing. Remember you aren't gonna be the only one in pain from lying.

I knew what she meant. She loved Jughead so much, it was painful for her to lie to her beloved cousin.

B: I know it's gonna be hard but i need you to keep an eye on him, he-

A: Don't say anything else, i understand everything. You want your child to have a father. Something i know child need. I will do as you want. I will protect him. Your child isn't gonna grow up with the same pain in it's heart like i did.

I never realized that, Anna maybe had FP but she never saw him as a father. She saw him more like a guardian angel. Because of that a part of her was empty.

Anna then had to leave. I wanted her to stay atleast a day but she didn't had a choice. She was gone. But during the time she was gone her pain was much more bigger than mine. She had to lie to Jughead for six months.

Jugheads P.O.V.

When Anna came back she told me that Betty was fine but she missed me a lot. I knew she was hiding something but i didn't had the time to try get it from her. We were in a war! I had to focus on the battlefield and the soldiers.

For the next six months the fight became much more brutal. It looked like Anna was trying to kill as much Ghoulies as possible. In reality she just wanted to end that stupid war as quickly as possible. Everything and everyone was much more intense that ever.

I didn't even had time to call, text, email or send a damn letter to my wife!!! Anna and dad werescared that Ghoulies could possible hack the servers or get the letter in to their dirty hands so after a few weeks they forbid me to do such a thing. It really pissed me of. I missed her a lot.

Then suddently after almost nine months since i left my Betty a big fight took place at the Pickens Park. That was a battle that is definetly gonna be write in history.

It was an massacer. Ten thousand Ghoulies died, was wounded, captured or were missing. On the other hand the Serpents fought bravely and didn't backed off at any cost!! We lost only about hundred of those brave men. They would never be forget!! I will make sure of that!!! During the Battle Anna was injured, it wasn't bad but doctor said that she would forever have a scar on her shoulder. The worst thing was that the bullet was meant for me, not her.

After that bloddy massacer Penny wanted to talk. Me, dad, Anna, Archie, Sweetpea and Fangs with our guards meet her and her children on the border. We didn't knew what expect from her. But i knew i wanted this mess of a war to end. I was outraged by the war because there was no reason to even have a war in the first place!!!

P: King Forsythe III., it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

J: Penny Peabody, i wish i can say the same thing about you. What do you want?!

P: A peace

When she said that i was shocked. I didn't knew if i can believe her.

J: Really?

P: Yes.

J: But only if....

P: If what?

She said really annoyed.

J: You will never dare to threaten my wife or anyone else from the Royal family.

She was really pissed but then she agreed and we decided to sign the peace treaty the next day at 12 o'clock.

When i got back at our camp i ordered Fangs to go back to the palace and annoucent that the war is over. He did it immediately.

I turned over and saw a happy face on Anna.

J: Why are you smilling?

A: Isn't it obvious? The war is over.

J: I think you have another reason general.

A: But i won't tell you why.

J: Really? Why?

A: You'll found out later.

She said and winked at me. The rest of the night we spend celebrating. I ordered someone to send the most beautiful flowers to Betty with a note that i will come back the next day. I was happier that ever.

I was coming home......

The next day we signed the peace treaty and then we went victoriouslly home. During the ride Anna had a grin on her face the whole time.

Narrators P.O.V.

Excacly at 12 o'clock when Jughead sign the treaty in the palace a sound of babys cries fill the room. Betty was exhausted from the birth but she was so happy. She gave a birth to a human being. The only thing that would make the moment better was if Jughead would be with her.

She got the message and the flowers but she just wanted to see him. She knew it was only a matter of time before they would be reunited and he would meet his baby.

Now she was sitting in the nursery that used to be the room she sleept in the first time she came it to the palace. She was sitting in the nursery looking at her child. Talking to it ( a/n: Yes, i am purpusely not telling you the gender of the baby, just yet )

B: You look so much like your dad, you know that?

The baby was just looking at her and she started to sing to it a lullaby.

Meanwhile Jugheads car stopped in front of the palace. He was greeted by everyone expect from Betty. He was confused but je knew there was a reason why she wasn't there.

Then there was greeting time!!!!

Anna runned towards Vojta and kissed him. It was a long kiss.

Kevin and Fangs were already together so they were just standing next to eachother partly hugging.

Sweetpea got to Toni and hugged her. Saying he missed her.

Archie and Veronica had a very heated kiss that it wouldn't suprised anyone that it would end up in the bedroom 😏

Jughead ignored all of it and asked Kevin.

J: Kevin, good to see you againg, where is Betty?

K: Betty is upstairs but Anna is gonna lead you there.

He said and winked at him. Playing along the other who knew about his baby. Jughead was confused about why would Anna a person who just got there with him should lead him to his wife.

Anna took Jughead upstairs. Then they turned left towards the bedrooms and Jughead was suprised to see a couple of guard in front of one the bedrooms doors.

J: Anna, why are there guards?

A: It's time for you to found out.

She said, smiled and then they went to the door. The guards opened them and Anna nodded at Jug to go there.

Jughead came inside and the guards closed the doors, when he came he noticed an armchair that wasn't facing him but he knew someone is sitting in there.

He then heard a lovely voice that belong to his wife.

( I am gonna skip that part, don't ask why )

J: Betty?

B: Jug?

She said and stand up and went to him to hug him. He then noticed that she was holding something in her arms, well more like someone.

He looked at the baby in her arms. He was looking in to it's eyes. Beautiful green eyes. He was looking in to them like he was in some sort of trans. Trans that then Betty broke him from.

B: Juggie?

He looked at her. In to her eyes. Reliazing that they are same as the baby.

B: I would like to indroduce you to your son, Philip.

J: M-m-my son?

B: Yes, your son.

Tears then started to fall from his eyes. Betty then started to sing.

B: 🎵 Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now, look around, look around 🎵

J: How have you know?

B: A week after you left i found out.

J: Why didn't you tell me?

B: I told it Anna when she came.

J: No

B: I begged her to protect you.

J: You should have told me.....

B: I'am not sorry. I know you would fight till the war was done.

J: I know

B: But you deserve a chance to meet your son.

J: That was why Anna became so overprotective and agressive?

A: Yeah

Anna said neither of them knowing that she came to the room. I came closer and looked at her nephew. She was charmed.

A: He looks just like you Jug.

She said and started to cry.

B: Yes, he does. Thank you Anna for protecting him.

A: Always

J: It's so hard to believe that you knew but i didn't.

A: I had to protect you, so you will be capable to meet your son.

B: Juggie don't you wanna hold him?

J: Can I?

B: Of course!!

She then handed him Philip. Jughead looked at his son. Looking at him made him wanting to protect him and his mother at all cost. He knew Anna was thinking the same thing. After a minute Betty took Philip and put him in his crib.

B: Anna, don't you wanna sing your nephew a song?

A: I would love too.

( Btw i maybe changed a lyrics a bit so it would make more sense 😉 )

A: Dear Theodorsia,
what to say to you
You have my eyes,
you have your mothers name

When you came in to the world you cried
And it broke my heart
I'm dedicating every day to you
Domestic life, was never quite my style

When you smile,
You knock me out
I fall apart
And i though i was so smart

You will come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight to you
We'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundaition
We'll pass it on to you
We'll give the world to you
And you blow us all the way
Someday, someday

Then Jughead started to sing to his son holding his thumb with small hand

J: Oh Philip, when you smile, i am out done, my son
look at my son!
Pride is not the word i'm looking for
Theres si much more inside me now

B: (Ohhhhhhh)

J: Oh Philip, you out shine the morning sun, my son
When you smile,
I fall a part and i though i was so smart.

My father wasn't around
A: ( my father wasn't around )

I swear that i'll be around for you
A: ( for you )

I'll do whatever it takes
A: I'll make a million mistakes

A+J: I'll make the world safe and sound for you

You'll come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you
We'll make it right you

If we lay a strong enough foundaition
We'll pass it on to you
We'll give the world to you
And you blow us all the way
Someday, someday

Yeah you blow us all the way
Someday, someday

After the song Philip fall asleep. Anna left the room and Jughead finally kissed his wife. After that they both looked at their son, happy with the thought of they small little family.

I am sorry did i say i will write after i come back? And that it would be 2000 word?

Well guess what!!!

Inspiration slapped me in my face and i wrote you a chapter with over 2400 word.

But i have to say something.

This book is ending, the next chapter is gonna be an epiloge. I really enjoyed writting this book and don't worry this isn't the last time you heard from me.

An idea poped in my head.
Another bughead story.
Similiar to this one.


with supernatural seasoning 😏

You know werewolfs and that type of stuff.

What do you think?

Do you want me to write another story?

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