the photographer

By JillHigdon

155K 10.5K 1.5K

type rentuno (22) has been interested in finding the truth of people by taking pictures to expose there lies... More

type rentuno
the new client
found the truth
feeling too relaxed
broke my rule
not what it seems
not a date
meet when we can
my treat
just sleeping nothing else
hands free
trying not to feel
drunken haze
my stupidity
understanding one another
what are we?
waking up on the floor
ever vigilant
letting up on over analyzing
a realization
how is it possible
so what?
me and my big mouth
breaking down a wall
going with the flow
didn't come back
6 month anniversary
accidental meet up
letting go
meeting the parents
tired of being alone
horriable day
we are done
starting anew
doesent remember me
keeping up the charade
I'm not who you think i am!
finding out the truth
getting it all out
i.... can't
risking it all for you
re thinking
I'm.....a piece of shit
making things right
our story
rae tampia
yeo wuix past
will you be my boyfriend?
breaking up
stay away from me
please be mine
family drama
standing up for my mistake
can i ask for your hand?
turn of events
moving forward
authors note

over the years

1.6K 114 10
By JillHigdon

2 years and 6 months have passed for the two of them, in semi bliss. No matter how hard he tried, yeo could not get rae to stop going to clubs, however rae did stop drinking, he now would only if yeo could go with him. Over there years together, yeo went less and less becoming busy with work and trying to see tharn in his semi free time, also his parents.
By the 2nd year, yeo insisted rae sleep over at his house, not really liking his place. Rae did it gradually, also bringing a few things to his house. Even though rae, technically lived with yeo, he barly saw the man. He was a workaholic and rae was still a delivery boy and a club promoter which he kept to himself for his own reasons.
Yeo, liked to have rae there when he was able to come home. One thing rae disliked was the fact yeo would not let him pay for anything, so he kept paying for his place even though he was never there but at yeo's.
Another thing he didn't like, yeo never told rae he loved him even though rae told him that on repeat Eveytime they were able to see one another. Another thing he didn't like was yeo didn't bring him to be introduced to his parents, even though a year into there relationship, rae had yeo met his.
Not wanting to Rock the boat, rae never said anything. He was in love with yeo and didn't want to upset him.
Over the course of 2 years and 6 months, rae made sure not to do much to piss off yeo, keeping there relatinship strong. He loved the 2nd year of them being together, the most because he was able to semi move in with him even though yeo's house was un settling. It was too extravagant for him.
Coming home from a late night, yeo came in to go to his living room to see rae asleep on his back.
He smiled, to peer his eyes up looking a bit sullen.
Rae had cooked them a nice dinner.
Yeo had called rae earlier in the day thinking he was going to get off early but never came to being.
Taking a deep breathe, yeo bent down to grab a hold of rae to carrying him bridal style to the bed.
Taking off his shirt and pants, he placed him under the covers to place his hand to his forehead, to sit on the edge looking to rae.
"I' sorry."
Rae took a deep breathe in but didn't wake.
Getting up, yeo went to the kitchen to put everything away. He had eaten at work.
Done, he went to his bathroom to relieve himself and brush his teeth and wash his hands.
After, he took off his clothes to go to his bed to embrace rae.
Turning he, wrapped his arms around.
"Mmm happy birthday my love."
Yeo's eyes widen to sign.
He held rae tighter.
"I'm so sorry......i...."
"Mmm i understand. I love you yeo."
Yeo nodded.
"Let's sleep."
Rae signed to nod.
They both went to sleep. Yeo felt very bad.
The next morning, rae woke up alone again, to sign heavily.
Up, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, feeling lonely.
Done, going to the dresser, he saw his phone going off.
"Mmm rae? I'm so sorry....i forgot a file at the house. It should be on the desk in the living room, can you take it to my brother around 6?"
"Yes. I don't have anything to really do at that time."
"Thank you so much rae. I'll treat you later."
Rae smiled.
"Mmm love you."
"Have a good day rae."
Then dial tone.
Rae took in a deep breathe.
Getting dressed he placed the cell to his back pocket to then go to the kitchen to eat the birthday dinner that wasent eaten yesterday.
The whole day rae kept busy, cooking and cleaning. By the time, he then headed to the hotel that yeo texted to him, just to be turned around.
His friend marko had seen him and wanted to treat him to a drink. He really helped him promote his new club.
To his, club rae placed the file to the bar to look at Marko.
"Mmm you know i don't drink unless....."
"I know, i know but come on, were celebrating."
Marko brought up his cup eyeing rae's cup.
Sighing and rolling his eyes, he grabbed it to consume.
"Just this one..."
Marko nodded.
A few later, they were then company by other friends, laughing about.
Feeling his phone go off, rae retrieved it to answer.
"Mmm hello?"
"Rae it's tharn. Its 7. Are you coming? My brother said you were at 6. I really need that file."
Raes eyes widen.
"Aaaw shit.....I'm.sorry. be there in 10."
Closing the phone, he looked to Marko grabbing the file.
"Sorry.....have to....g..."
Rae's eyes widen has Marko started to come closer.
Browing his eye brows, he grabbed markos package to give it a squeeze. He leaned foward in pain.
"Aaaah! What the..."
There friends all laughed watching this.
Rae leaned foward.
"You know....i have a boyfriend. You've seen who i belong too... Think get me drunk....I'd let you...."
Rae chuckled to squeeze a bit then push him away.
He's friends gave him high fives has he stumbled away.
Fucking idiot!
To the hotel, he found tharn to sit.
He looked to him.
"Rae? Are you drunk?"
He made a face looking to the side. Rae gave the file to tharn to get up, placing his arm to him, looking forward.
"Mmm didn't mean too....was the bastard Marko..... thought you get me him good though."
Tharn turned his head, eyeing him.
"What.....did you do?"
Rae looked to tharn to wrap his other arm around, stumbling a bit on him.
Tharn placed his arms around to steady.
"Hopefully, made sure he can't have a good time tonight.....yeo would have had a great laugh......grabbed his package and one is allowed to touch me but.....mmm yeo..."
Rae gulped.
Tharn looked him over to smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Mmm fine....fine....bit tired...."
"Let me help you into a room okay rae?"
He nodded, letting tharn take him to the front desk. Rae drank too much.
Unknown to them, type was they're watching.
Tharn getting the card key, took a drunk rae to the elevator.
To the room, he helped him on the bed to lean back loosening his tie, breathing heavily.
"Damn rae....."
He laid to his side.
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
"Hopefully he'll be here soon. Called him from the elevator."
Rae started to mumble.
"Mmm sorry yeo.....don't be mad.....I'm sorry...."
Tharn looked him over to softly smile.
Turning he heard he's phone was going off.
To it, he answered to see a picture of him. His eye brow raised, going back to rae, he looked up, his eyes widen.
Type was to the other side, shaking his head.
Tharn signed.
God damn it! This is not what it seems.
Trying to call him, type flipped him off to part. Tharn gritted his teeth.
Coming in, yeo looked to tharns back then to rae who laid to his side on the bed.
He shook his head.
"Tharn, thank you for this."
He placed his phone to his back pocket to turn going to the door.
"You handle your man I'm going to handle mine!"
Yeo's eyes widen when tharn left in speed slamming the door.
Turning his head, he went to stand to the front shaking his head.
What the hell rae!
Grabbing him by his ankles, he pulled him down to open his legs to go in between to hover.
Rae had his eyes closed, bringing up his hands to yeos chest to keep him leaned away, thinking it was tharn. Yeo wasent having that. He grabbed his hands to place them to the side of his head to lean down. Rae turned his head has he felt the warm breathe.
"Tharn! Don't! Get off! I don't want this! Where's my yeo?...." He pouted.
Yeo smiled wide looking him over.
"I'm here and i can see you've been drinking....."
Rae opened his intoxicated eyes to turn his head to smile.
"Mmmm yeo...."
He tried to lean up for a kiss but yeo leaned back shaking his head.
"You have been a very bad boy rae....drinking without me. Your going to be punished."
Rae widen his eyes.
"Wasent really my fault.....mmmm..."
Yeo leaned up to take off his jacket and took off his tie to wrap it around his wrists to pin him to the head board.
Rae bit his bottom lip, has he saw, yeo strip then to unbutton his shirt. Leaning down, he planted kisses on his chest and abdomen. Hearing rae moan he then took a gentle bite.
Rae lifted his head to look down. He  jumped a bit.
Yeo leaned up to raise an eye brow.
Rae made a face.
"Really....wasent my....fault....mmmm"
Quickly, yeo pulled down his pants and boxers throwing them wherever.
Kneeling, he opened raes legs further open to take 3 fingers up for rae to lather them with his saliva.
Taking them down he placed them inside his warm recesses.
Thrusting them in and out, massaging his prostate.
Rae leaned his head up to Moan, gripping the tie.
Yeo then took ahold of his stiffened member to stroke looking to the mess he was creating, enjoying every second.
"Mmmm yeo....stop.....teasing.....i want it....mmm....please put your....aaah."
Yeo leaned over to his face, widening his eyes.
"Mmm do you know what you did wrong?"
"Aaaah I'm sorry.....wasent my fault....mmmm....please.....i want it! Want you.....please...."
Yeo raised an eye brow.
"Promise me you will not drink without me again..... then I'll give you this cock...."
"Mmmm....i promise....i swear....mmm please....."
Taking out his fingers, he turned rae around, to spit on his hand lathering his member to place his tip to his outer still teasing. Hovering over, he grabbed him by his hair, pulling him back.
Rae bit his lower lip. He loved this game.
"Promise what?"
"Aaaah i wont be a bad boy and drink man...please yeo.....i want you deep in.....aaaah god!"
Yeo placed him self inch by inch, thrusting in deep and hard.
Looking up, yeo saw the tie was probably hurting rae, he quickly untied.
Rae brought up a hand and turned his head to pull yeo down to lock them in a deep sensual kiss.
"Aaaah I'm sorry yeo....really....sorry....."
He said between the kisses.
Parting, yeo placed his head to the side, placed his hands over rae's to really thrust hard into him. They both moaned heavily.
"Aaaah yeo....i love you......mmm....i love you.....mmmm so sorry.....marko tricked me....but him back....aaah so good! Mmmmm"
Yeo turned his head to eye rae who had his head up, going up and down with the thrusts to Moan into the air.
"Mmmm tried to....get me drunk....tried to....aaaah....kiss me but i.......hurt him.....told him who i belonged too....aaah I'm.gonna cum....mmm!"
Yeo brought up a hand to wrap it around his neck.
"Who....who do you belong too?"
"Aaaaah you yeo.....oh yeo! Aaaah I'm cumming...."
Yeo bit his lip to fill his cavity has rae came on the bed.
After, yeo held onto rae, he was dead asleep.
Yeo had his arm up to look at his wrist looking to it sullenly. Bringing it up, he kissed the purplish bruise that was forming.
"Rae....I'm So sorry for being so rough. I owe you so much."
Peering his eyes to him, he placed his arm around his body to take that hand to raise his chin looking his sleeping gorgeous face over to smile.
I'm so in love with you rae. I'll tell you on our 3rd anniversary which is in a couple of months, just how much in love with you that also too ask you a question, in front of my parents, they need to meet you.
His eyes darted to pull him closer to his body to hug him.
Closing his eyes, yeo was unaware of what really would come about.

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