Tobias and Tris: A Childhood...

By mayafourtris05

12K 130 31

What if Tobias and Tris met before transferring to Dauntless? What if they were friends as kids? Would that c... More



447 5 4
By mayafourtris05


      He had distanced himself from me for the next two weeks. Throughout knife throwing, shooting tutorials, combat training, he continued to avoid me to the best of his abilities. Okay, I get that what I said about waiting hurt him (it hurt me too) but that didn't mean I didn't want to be friends.
      But, even with his odd attitude in my head most hours of the day, I didn't even once cross my mind while training.
      The first time I picked up a gun, I felt the sheer power in it. A new feeling considering my small frame and the fact I was not looked at as a physical threat to anyone. It was heavy and it took me a minute to balance out, but all the while I was focused, undeterred by Peter's nagging or Eric's criticism or Tobias' passiveness.
      Yet especially today, I couldn't lose focus.
      "This board will show you your ranking in training. At the end of each week, the bottom will leave—"
      Will raises his voice to Eric in confusion,"Leave?"
      Eric stares him down, his dreads swaying slowly,"Yes, leave. Become factionless."
      There was an outbreak of protests at that, yelling about how unfair that situation was.
      Eric merely sneers then motions to Four, who raises his hands. When that doesn't immediately quiet them he yells,"Shut up and listen."
      I was actually shocked, I had never heard that sort of aggression in his voice.
      It still worked, everyone hushed and stared with agitated silence at Eric. His smile was cruel and made anger bubble in my stomach.
      Without another word he tore the cloth covering the board off with a single motion. At the top was Peter, when he saw this he grinned savagely. Christina, Al, and Will settled close
to the middle, Al furthest of them to the top. With a horrible gut wrenching I see my name startling close to the bottom.
      Peter sneers in my direction and Chris does her best to console me with a pat on the shoulder.
      Eric does one loud clap to bring our attention back to him,"Fighting starts today, so far you've been ranked with your performance with the weapons supplied and physical dominance."
      I can feel Peter's smirk burning into the back of my head.
      "Pair off and start with some basic maneuvers, Four and I will be coming by."
      I grab Chris by the arm before she can go with anyone else, she doesn't complain as we make our way over to a free mat.
      Raising my arms, I settle into a fighting stance that we'd been taught the last few days. We dance around each other, both too hesitant to strike.
      After a little while I hear Eric cry out,"For Christ's sake, this is pathetic. Peter, Tris, in the ring."
      I freeze and all eyes turn to me.
      Peter swaggers to the middle mat, oozing confidence as he smiles maliciously in my direction.
      Eric's piercings jangle as he swivels his head towards me,"Well get on now Stiff."
      With a brief pause, I gather myself and walk to the mat, I feel a hand at my elbow and turn.
      "You're small, so stay light on your feet. Dodge, use his mass against him, when he lets his guard down aim towards sensitive areas." Tobias mutters, it comes out so hastily I barely hear it.
      I just nod mutely.
      Peter towers above me just a few feet away.
      When we both do nothing Eric gives a disgruntled snort,"Go."
      We start pacing, I bounce on the balls of my feet and keep solid eye contact.
      I see his right arm flex slightly and move by the time he initiates the blow. It wizzes past my side as I dart away. The second attack comes closer, aimed for my head. When it flies by, he is caught off balance and I strike between his ribs.
      He hisses and all the amusement in his eyes disappears.
      I don't see his elbow come back and it's too late before it impacts with my temple.
      Staggering a few feet back, stars pop into my vision. While briefly distracted, he takes the opportunity to land a blow to the ribs.
      I gasp but have the mind to side step his kick. In doing so, I duck under his guard and land a punch to the throat.
      "Bitch!" He exclaims, stumbling back.
      I would've laughed if it weren't for the pain in my skull and the sheer anger in his eyes that made my blood run cold.
      Within seconds he knocks me across the face with his fist, the next hit comes swiftly and finally knocks me to the floor. I struggle weakly to get up but he just laughs, blood dripping from his likely broken nose.
      He kicks my side, sending me rolling a few feet. Groaning and my head pounding relentlessly, I just see out the corner of my vision, Tobias' face.
      His body is rigged and his face totally blank, yet his eyes betray him. They plead with me, begging for me to stand.
      In a desperate attempt, I swipe at Peter's groin but he steps easily out of the way. Laughing, he kicks me again, this time to the head.
      The edges of my vision go blurry and I just see those eyes walk away before everything goes dark.


      "Hey hey look she's awake."
      "What? Ow—" The sound of someone getting slapped.
      "Shut up and be nice."
      I open my eyes and almost instantly am bombarded by a horrible headache.
      "How're you feeling?" I see Chris reach out a hand to pat my shoulder.
      "Umm kinda like my skull is getting ripped open and I just got hit with a train but otherwise fine." I smile.
      Christina and Will laugh but there's an air of pain in it, like they have some terrible news.
      Groaning, I lean my head back,"What is it?"
      She plays with the hem of her shirt before making eye contact,"You got cut."
      Will fidgets uncomfortably,"Due to your injuries you won't be able to go to the paintball game tonight which will cost you a lot of points landing you..."
      "At the bottom." I finish.
      Chris squeezes my hand,"I know, we're sorry."
      I keep my mouth shut, too confused and terrified to speak.
      "Well we better go and I'm pretty sure Four wanted to know when you were awake, to brief you on some things." She mutters.
      Continuing my silence, I just nod.
      I watch them disappear, a pit settling heavy in my stomach.
      Good god, what am I gonna do now.

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