World Of Chaos

By RebeccaGoodman5

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Book 1 : Completed All the myths are true Demons, angels,fallen angels, fairies, werewolves, vampires, witche... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

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By RebeccaGoodman5

   I woke up in a room I didnt recognize, I got up to leave and the door was locked. How long was I out? Where am I?
    Questions were going through my head with no answers.
    I went over to the window and managed to climb out onto the room.
   I got to learn how to use my powers.
   But one of the pregnancy  symptoms  was uncontrolled powers and I'm  not scared to try to maintain them
    I took a deep breath as I climbed down the side of the roof as I peered over the edge, realizing I'm  on the fifth floor. 
   Holding onto my stomach I jumped to get onto the roof next to me. A five foot gap and I breathed out in relieve  that I made it.
    A growl came in the distance, knowing its a werewolf I have to stay high, I knew for a fact. I looked into window after window til I finally found my room. I gripped it and pulled deathening hard as it finally opened and I climbed in, shutting it and locked it behind me.
    "Where have you been," Luce's voice was pained and when I looked at him a wave of sadness rolled over me.
   " have you been crying?" I asked laying a hand on his cheek and he burried his side of his face into my hand in comfort.
    "You been gone for three days Laina," he says," Ive searched everywhere."
    "I was in a room, even though the door was locked I escaped out the window. Max didnt alert you where I was?"
     "Max? My guard Max?" I nodded, "I havent seen him in a few days. Did he hide you from me?"
     "I dont know I was unconscious, "I told him.
     "Unconscious? What happened?!"
     Luce began looking me over and when he got to my right arm, faded black demon venom was still noticable in my veins under my skin.
    Luce then looked up at me questioning.
     "Demon dagger, Max was there and offered though afterwards he said something, don't  quite remember but sure it was something about don't  want you to know," I whispered and he nodded as if he understood.
    "He was protecting himself," he says and I shrugged as I guess so as well.
    "Can Felix and Max be my protector?" I asked  slowly and he looked back up at me again.
     "You dont need protectors, Laina," he whispers and got a confused look on his face as I corrected myself.
     "I mean for, uh," I couldnt get the words out, its probably not the time to tell him as I was still not showing yet, what if I'm  not pregnant? I would surely feel like an idiot if I wasn't. 
     "Never mind," I say and gave a nervous laugh and he just tilt his head, more confused than ever.
     "I'm  tired," I say after ten minutes of silence and he gave a nod as I lie down under the covers. I stopped him before he left," please, stay Luce," I whispered, I was emotional, I have to admit. But I wasn't  ready to tell him yet.
   As he got into the bed he watched me as I fell asleep in his arms.
    "I love you, Laina," he whispered as I drift off.

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