Here We Go Again...

imaldonado945 द्वारा

346 23 0

Just a normal sappy love story about a group of inseparable friends and their journeys with their high school... अधिक

The story of Arabella Jane...
The story of Kayla Jones...
The story of Mckenna Wright...
The story of Jessie Wood...

The story of Olivia Rodriguez...

30 4 0
imaldonado945 द्वारा

Love. Never needed it. I thought I never wanted it. Well, keyword there is "thought". I thought I found someone I loved and thought they loved me, but I should've known better. Love wasn't meant for someone who usually doesn't give a fuck about most things. I guess love wasn't meant for me. Got heartbroken once and decided I wasn't going to love anymore. Well, until I found someone worth my love and care, kind of. Travis Brown. He was worth loving one more time. I guess I shouldn't have misjudged. Maybe the one true way to fix a broken heart, is through love. And he was the one to fix it for me.

Ok, so we're going to have to start with some background information. The beginning of junior year was different from any other year. It was at a new school with new people. New teachers and a new mascot. New environment overall. Something I'm not used to. A lot of "news" this year, and I wasn't looking forward to this school. I no longer had my best friends with me, nor did I even know where the bathrooms were. I didn't like this new place. New day, new year, new school. I wasn't ready, nor did I want to be. My mom dropped me off at new unfamiliar building. The morning sunlight hitting the brick exterior, the shadows stretching over the front courtyard, casting a blanket of darkness. Multiple students rushed passed me, their bright smiles and energetic walks making me feel more uneasy as they approached their group of friends, laughing as they gather around each other. The chilling breeze brushing through the maple colored leaves transitioning into fall. The wind blowing my hair into my eyes. The birds chirping above me, squirrels scavenging for food, beautiful butterflies flying in the air. What a beautiful setting, it really is. But, it wasn't with who I wanted to be with. I took a deep long breath through my nose as I exhaled out my mouth. I threw my book bag over my shoulder, it hitting my back with a force that caused me to step forward to catch my balance. I looked up at the new school I will be going to. I took the first steps across the large courtyard. Eyes from other students glued onto me as if they found the new fresh meat in their kingdom. My hard bottom shoes clacking across the pavement, the soles of my boots scuffing the ground. I approached the large glass door. My warm hand grasped the cold metal handle. I tugged on it as the door slowly opened. The warmth atmosphere hitting my face immediately. The sound of students laughing and talking was louder than my own thoughts. I walked into the new unfamiliar school that wasn't my Westbrooke high. I looked up at the celling, bright lights blinding me. Their school posters full of bright colors, popping off of the page. The marble stairway in place of where our pavement stairway would be. The smell of their pancakes and bacon filling my nostrils, very different from our regular cereal and breakfast pizza. Everyone was so dressed up. Designer skirts, pearls, hair perfectly gelled in place. Everyone looked clean and bougie, way different from the very diverse still back at home. Everyone here looked the same almost, at least with clothes. The same expensive clothes. Very different from the saggy pants I would see down the hall, or the vintage clothes from Goodwill. I didn't like it very much. I missed everyone. Kayla and McKenna. The way I felt comfortable around them, and how it felt like we were the main characters and everything revolves around us; literally. I was even missing Asher and Ethan. I miss Ethan's mean and asshole remarks and Asher's sarcasm. It hurt to walk in the school and not see the same old poster that said, "Go Westbrooke Wolves!!" Instead it said, "Welcome back, Arrr Mighty Pirates." Ugh, if that wasn't cheesy, I don't know what is. I wanted a new beginning, but I wanted it with my friends and not at some boring prep school filled to the brim with snooty, spoiled, rich white kids. I was dreading this whole day. The bell rang and I was off to my first class at this new school that I didn't want to call mine.

First period passed. I felt so out of place. A quiet, small girl originally from the school Westbrooke high in a class room with students that go by pirates, how fitting. And, apparently, they do this thing where they take all new students around the school. Basically all the mentors that has been here all four years just show them around, making them feel more comfortable with their surroundings. Kind of like what McKenna would do, but they have a permanent group of people for it. Honestly, nothing felt more embarrassing. I hate being treated like a weakling, especially by people who don't know me. I walked out of the giant classroom and stepped into the marble tile outside in the hallway. The chilling air from the air conditioner hitting the bare skin below my skirt, giving me goosebumps. I slowly picked up my leg and rubbed my calf, hoping to warm me up. I stood back up as I adjusted the strap to my backpack around my aching shoulders. I brought my gaze up in front of me. My eyes meeting deep green eyes, hints of brown peaking through, similarly the same color as healthy grass with fertile soil underneath. They stared back into mine, both intimidating yet soothing. His strong, sweet scented cologne filling my nose. He was nicely dressed, head to toe. He was dressed more casual than most kids at this school. He was wear a pair of blue jeans, slightly baggy around his long legs. His white t-shirt was tight as it hugged his torsos, exposing his muscular body. The shirt sunk into the dips of his body, defining his broad pecks and abs. His white shoes clean; not a single crease or atom of dust present. His facial features so sharper and defined. His golden skin glowing in the bright lights above us. His bright innocent smile bringing a warmth to his strong and intimidating build. His pearly white teeth twinkling and reflecting the light off of it. His fluffy light brown hair sitting on top of his beautiful head. A couple of straight strands resting right in front of evergreen forest eyes. The sunlight hitting his back through the windows that sat on top of the wall behind him making his silhouette so much more intoxicating. His blue aura outlining his broad shoulders and long legs. This man was an angel in disguise. His presence made me feel at ease, all of my tense feelings faded away as his warm eyes look at me. "This man is a beast I would let tear me up." I thought as I blushed and turned my head the other way. He was gorgeous. "Hey, are you Olivia Rodriguez?" He asked looking down at a paper filled with names and classrooms. His low voiced hummed. He eyes scrolled back up to me, subtly taking in every inch of me. I felt the apple of my cheeks heat up as I straighten out my stance. His small smile making me weak at the knees. "Uh. Yeah." I said holding my binder in my arms. I cocked my eyes to the side, trying to avoid any more eye contact with him. "Ok cool. I'm Cater Baker, and I am your mentor for the first week." He said looking down at me. He placed the clipboard behind his back. His bright smile flashing me and the apple of his cheeks glowing. The warmth bouncing off his body and transferring to me. "Oh. Ok? What exactly does that mean though?" I asked as I cocked my brow and looked back up at his pretty face. I sat back into my hip, my binder resting against my knees and my chin lifted. "Oh, well to put it short, basically, I take you around the school, you know give you a tour. And I will be here to help you throughout your whole experience here at Springhills." He said while giving me a paper that had every club and event going on at this school for the first semester. I scanned through the paper before I rolled my eyes up. His eyes meeting mine. I don't mind him being my mentor; who would? Honestly, not really hating it here now. "Oh. That makes more sense. So, anyways, when do we start?" I asked as I scanned multiple student behind him walking passed. Some giving me dirty looks. I could feel their mean gaze on me. "Right now actually." He said as he took my hand into his. His large hand consumed mine, his warm finger tips gently rubbing against my skin. He lead me down the hall, tugging on my arm with every step he took. I don't know if he was purposely doing this or not, but his touch sent shivers down my spine. The warmth of his skin was enough to put a baby elephant to sleep, so soft and gentle. To be fair, he can breath next to me, and I'd praise him for existing. He showed me various places of this new building. Everything from the library to the teacher's lounge. I felt small beside his large figure. His eyes would always glance down at me as he lead the way down the halls. At moments, it would get very awkward. The silence was louder than any yelling and laughing from the students around us. He decided to start with some small talk to break the ice berg between us. I've never been a fan of small talk, or talk. So, while he thought he was making an awkward situation less awkward, he was actually making it more awkward. "So, where did you transfer from?" he asked as he glanced over to me. The corner of his mouth stretching upwards. His hair bouncing up and down with every step he takes, the light reflecting off of it. His eyes narrowed down and his eye brow raised. "Oh. Westbrooke." I said walking by his side trying to avoid eye contact, so I don't end up staring at him.  The sound of our feet hitting the tile floor echoed through the large and wide hallways. It was empty. Not a single student in sight. It felt like a ghost town as we traveled down the silent hall. "Woah. Really? I heard they have a really good football team." he said. His eyes widening with excitement. "Yep. They sure do." I nodded my head as I looked back down at the ground in front of me. I kind of reflected on those late nights after a football game. Or being in the stands filled with cheering students and parents. Our home football stadium and how the lights lit up the foe grass field and seeing the sweat drip from all of our hard working team players. The grass and turf flying into the air as the football boys ran across scoring us another touchdown. The marching band and how they would put on a show, their loud horns and reeds projecting their sounds forward into the stands. Their beautiful blended sound making me ears happy. I sighed and stared off in front of me as I remanence on those happy times before. That stadium brought so many good memories to me. It brings a smile to my face thinking of the many times McKenna and Kayla would have mini food fights while Asher and Ethan would watch the game intensely, yelling at every mistake and at every touchdown the other team made. These thoughts only make it harder for me to get use to this unfamiliar setting. I just gather myself as I continued to walk beside Carter as he continued to talk and talk. I don't know if he was trying to brag or to show off, but he proceeded to talk about how he is the football team's captain and blah blah blah, a whole bunch of other stuff I didn't really pay attention to. But, the way his eyes shined while talking about it made my heart warm. His soft smile spreading as he waved his hands across back and forth as he told story after story. His voice full of happiness and his words slipping off of his tongue quickly as he noticeably got excited. It really made me think back to those moments of the stadium lights hitting all of the faces of every supporting student in the crowd flashed. The way McKenna would have her little moments and start screaming on the top of her lungs when provoked by the other team. The way Kayla would always have some type of smart remark and get under McKenna's skin made me giggle. The fact I would have to find a new lunch table was something I was worried about. I dropped my head low. I really wish I wouldn't have to be here. I really wish I didn't have to start over from scratch. I might never get those moments back. My steps became slower as I started falling behind. My gaze staying on the floor as my breathing got slower. A burning sensation filled my eyes as I felt water seeping through. Carter turned his head around as he stopped walking. His gaze falling on me. His expression falling as he walked towards me. His steps echoing in the halls around us. "If I'm talking your ear off, say so." he lightly giggled as he stood over me. He placed his hands on his hips as a soft half smile grew on his face. I looked up at him.  I dabbed away the small water droplets that left my eye. His soft green eyes stared at mine. His eyebrows pinched as he tilted his head, examining me. "Can I help you?" I asked as I looked up at him and sealed the lump in my throat. He face dropped as he came up closer to me. His heat almost vibrating off of him and hitting me. His sweet scent consuming the air around me. His happy eyes turning blue. He placed his large hand on my shoulder, almost holding it in the palm of his hand. His thumb slightly rubbed my skin through my shirt as he looked at me with concern eyes. "Are you ok? You seem a little down. Was it something I did? If so, I'm really sorry Olivia." he said. His voice deep and sounding sincere. His light brown locks falling a bit out of place as he bent down to take a better look at me. His gaze feeling more heavy. "Oh. I promise you I'm fine. Just allergies." I awkwardly smile and I patted his hand and removed it from my shoulder. The feeling of his finger pads touching mine made me a bit nervous as I placed his hand against his chest. He look confused as he raised his brow at me, still keeping his eyes locked on mine. "Are you sure?" he said as he leaned back into his stance as stared at me up and down. " Yes. I'm positive. Now can we stop with all of this intense staring?" I said as I pushed passed him. I could see a slight blush grow on the apples of his cheeks. My shoes clicked on the hard floor underneath me as I headed forward in the direction we were originally headed in. He quickly jogged up to catch up with me before he matched my walking pace and looked forward. His head was tilted down and a smirk was growing. "Sorry about that. I seem to get a bit carried away when it comes to helping someone." he said as glanced at me. His green eyes twinkling in the brightly lit hallway. "Yes. I can tell. You must also get very flustered too, I'm guessing from your red cheeks." I responded as I stared forward and smiled. " Damn. Ok. If that's what we're doing." he said as we continued to walk for the rest of the time. He kept on going on and on about how it was like growing up here and all of the things he participated in, occasionally would ask me about how it was back at Westbrooke. I just nodded my head yes or no as I tuned him out and paid attention to the way his soft pale lips moved, sometimes he would lick them to moisten it as he talked. All his words went through one ear and out the other. He could sense my list of interest in the conversation. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and walked in front of me, blocking me from going forward. He looked down at me. His eyebrow raise and the corner of his mouth lifted. His hands was placed on his hips in a power stance as he looked in my eyes with his forest green ones. "What we doing now?" I asked leaning back a bit to look at him. My arms crossed over my chest as I glance at him up and down. "I don't know. Call this a hunch, but I have a feeling you aren't interested at all about this." He said as his eyes shifted from every where around us and back to me for dramatic effect. He lifted one of his hands as he ran his fingers through his soft silky hair and letting it fall to the side of his face. "Oh no. You caught me." I sarcastically said as I rolled and smiled. "Damn. That kinda hurt though." he said as he scratched the back of his head. "You really don't like any talk, huh?" He moved out of my way and continued to walk by my side. He leaned his head forward as he looked at me with a curious expression on his face. I shook my head left to right as I cocked my stared at him. "Oh, so you're like antisocial. Yeah, you sure look like the quiet type." He said slightly bumping into my side. His broad shoulder grazing the side of my head, send tingles down my back. "Now, what's that supposed to mean. Am I supposed to be offended?" I said pinched my eyebrows. I brushed a hair out. if my face and behind my ear as I looked at his cheeky little smile. "No, if anything, it's a compliment. Most girls here tend to talk a lot. We finally have some diversity." He told, his eyes staring forward, "and honestly, I like it when a girl doesn't talk. It gives me more time to work my magic." He said looking at me with a mischievous smile. He leaned his head back as he stretched his arms out in front of him as he dramatically groaned as if he had just woken up. "Um, you're supposed to be showing me around, not flirting. And, if you are going to flirt, don't make it so cheesy." I said trying to hold my smile in. "Hey, what's the harm in doing both." He said stopping in front of me. He leaned down towards my face. Every single detail of him becoming prominent.  I saw every single beautiful feature of his face to his almost unnoticeable blemishes. His light brown freckles hiding under his glowing skin. His green eyes staring at me, his pupils growing as he analyzed my face further. The lines in his lips almost nonexistent, looking soft and warm to feel. He was inches away from me. So close I could feel his warm breath against my lips and nose. His minty breath bringing a cooling affect to me. My face became hot as my palms grew sweaty. His presence was making me very nervous. His satisfied look on his face only bringing a feeling of euphoria to me. "Why are you so close?" I said as I turned my head to side. My cheek glowing as I tried my best to conceal my nervous smile. "Why not? Do I make you nervous?" he smirked at me. He placed his large soft fingers, his index and thumb, on my chin as he moved me head to face him. His index finger pressed into the skin under my chin as his thumb gently rubbed my skin, slightly touching my bottom lip. My eyes grew wide and my heart began to beat fast as he looked at me with fiery and lustful eyes. His natural body heat transferred to me as my body only became hotter and hotter. The pit of my stomach was full of butterflies as my throat became dry and it was hard to swallow. He notice me melting under him as he lowly chuckled. His eyes narrowed on me. I didn't like feeling like this. "Stop that!" I yelled as I smacked his hand off of me and took a couple of steps back. My heartbeat was loud enough to hear it in the empty hall. I turned my head to the side to conceal my very red face as he stepped back and watch me suffer.  "You know what, I like you. You are very different. And, gorgeous." he smirked as he tilted his chin up and watched me amused. He dropped his hands by his side as his tall, muscular body towered over me. "How so? Is it because I just don't give a crap about football or I'm not all over you like you expect?" I said as I brushed any wrinkles out in my outfit. I glanced up at him and raised a brow as I smirked at him. He's cheeks got red as he shrugged his shoulders and walked towards me once again. My heart speeding up as his powerful stare got me beat. "Actually, I just like a girl that is like every other person. I never had to experience someone not listening to me before. Usually everyone stops me, so I can tell them about me, but you make it a lot harder to get their attention." he said as he stood over me and looked down. His smirk only growing as he watched my cheeks flush. "Wow. You really are Mr. Golden boy." I said rolling my eyes as I mockingly bent my index and middle finger up in down. I tried to make it seem like I didn't have any interest even though that is a lie. If I'm being honest, I wanted to see where he was going with this. "Hey, no need to be sarcastic. All I want to do is get to know you. And maybe possibly make you my girlfriend." He said with his green eyes piercing through me. His smirk getting bigger and bigger as his ego grew. Not going to lie, I found his boldness quite attractive. "Bold. It's gonna take more than some smooth talk for me to like you, you know." I said slightly getting in his face before pushing passed him. I walked a couple of feet in front of him. "Alright. If you wanna play that way. How about, you join me at lunch today? You can meet my friends and get to know me. Then from then on you can decide if you wanna give me a chance." He offered as he jogged up to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder once again. The feeling of euphoria traveling through my skin. "I'll think about it." I said smirking. "Alright. It's a deal." He looked at me with his green eyes. His face inching away from mine. His lips getting closer and closer to me as he never broke his eye contact. My body tingled. He sent shivers down my spine. Almost as if he's trying to seduce me. The bell rang as student flooded the hallway, many bumping into him knocking him back a bit. I rolled my eyes as we both walked forward. "Just so you know, you haven't won anything yet, sweetheart." he glared at me, his low voice humming in my ear. "We'll see about that. And don't call me sweetheart." I smirked as he chuckled and continued to show me around the rest of this new playground I would be calling school soon.

A couple of periods passed, and it was now time for lunch. The lunch room was filled to the brim with hungry students. The smell of expensive perfumes and colognes burned my eyes as I pushed past many people. Their designer skirts and shirts rubbing against my skin as I scavenged my way through the wave of students. Many giving me dirty looks as their eyes met mine. Almost as if the word "judgement" was displayed in their cold eyes. I kept my head down and avoided any interactions with any of the students. I finally squeezed my way out of the compressed crowd of bodies and I found an empty table that seem to have my name on it. I went and sat down at the table as I took out my phone and proceeded to text Kayla about how my day has gone. "Hey. How's your first day?" she texted.  "Eh." I responded. "Why? What's going on? Do I have to beat someone cause I will." she speedily responded. "No. It's just different I guess." I texted back as I looked down at my phone screen. The lights dangling above me reflecting against my scratched screen protector.  "We'll it'll get better. We all miss you!" she replied. I can hear her high pitched voice and in vision her bright pearly smile. "Miss you too." I responded to her as I clicked the button on the side of my phone and placed it face down against the long table. I rested my hands on the cold carved polished wooden table. I stared in front of me as I watched multiple students scurry off to their designated tables. Smiles plastered on their faces. Their steeps speeding up as they talked to their friends. I took a breath in as I rested my head in my hand. I closed my eyes as I toned out everyone around me. After a while, I felt the atmosphere change around me. The energy shifted as I felt shivers rise to the top layer skin on my shoulder. I felt a tap on against my skin. Soft and warm fingers grazing my skin through my shirt. I whipped my head around. My eyes meet the same evergreen eyes I saw once before. His minty breath hitting my nose and his pearly smile slightly blinding me as the reflection from light bounced of his teeth. His fluffy hair falling down in front of his eyes. "Who you texting?" Carter's deep voice lowly said while looking down and smiling. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "It's none of your business, mister." I said as I crossed my arms over one another and scooted over. He set his lunch tray down. He flashed me a cheeky smile as sat next to me. His natural heat hitting me and sending shivers down my spine. "Don't you have to go to your table with all your loyal subjects." I said sarcastically as I shifted my glare to him. "Are you always this, sarcastic?" He said looking at me. His eyebrow raised as he grasped the handle of the silver fork and plunged it down into his steaming food. His eyes staying glued on me. I gasped dramatically which startled him. "You figured me out. How ever did you do so?" I said with my hand placed on my chest as I slyly smirked at him. "Wow. That was uncalled for. You sure have a smart mouth for being an introvert." He said giggling.  He ran his hand through his soft hair as his eyes stayed on mine. His stare was piercing through me. "It's a gift." I said smiling while looking at him. He playfully rolled his eyes at me. "I wonder, what goes on in that cute head of yours?" He said scooting in closer. His leg slightly grazing the bare skin of my thigh. I immediately got hot,  feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. I took a deep breath in as I turned my head to the side to take a better look at him. I tried to play it off the best I can. I don't want him to know what sort of affect he has on me. "You really need to stop with these cheesy lines." I said continuing to text on my phone. My finger nail tapped the glass screen of my phone as I scrolled through multiple apps, trying to find something to distract me. He placed his index finger on the top of my phone case, slowly pressing down. He lowered my phone, so he can have all of my attention. "What?" I asked while looking at his eyes. The light from the windows in front of us hitting his perfect skin. "I know you like me." He said as he raised a brow. His eyes shooting daggers at me. "Someone has confidence I see." I said as I rolled my eyes. I went back to looking at my phone. "And what proof do you have since you happen to know everything?" "I saw the way you looked at me. It's kinda hard to look at someone a certain way and then be mean to them. And if I know anything about you, I know that you like to put up a front." He said all while looking straight at me. My heart kind of sank, but I pulled myself together. "Seems like I have a fan now. Very observant." I said joking. "Oh come on. You can't fool me you know." He said scooting even closer to me. "I'm not. You're fooling yourself." I said getting up and walking away. He then got up and ran to me to stop me. "Ok. Before you decide, have this. And maybe we can talk about this over pizza one day." He said giving me a piece of paper that had his number written on it. I looked back up at him. He was there smiling at me like as if I was a prize. I put the paper in my pocket as I looked in his eyes. "I'll think about it." I said walking pass him slightly nudging him.

The day past as the bell rang and all the students flooded into the parking lot. I was walking up to my car when multiple yells got me distracted. "Olivia! Wait." Cater said running up behind me. I then turned around and looked at him. "What do you want now?" I said with my keys dangling in my hand. "I wanted to see if you took my offer." He said looking at me with a sly look. "I told you I'd think about it. Now can I go." He then looked down at the keys that were in my hand and snatched them. He then raised it over his head jingling it. "Hey give those back!" I said trying to jump up and get it. Obviously I had no chance at grabbing them since he was literally 10 times taller than me. "Not until I get an answer." He said with a cheeky smile. "Wow you are really impatient." "Only with the things I want." He said looking down at me with a mischievous smile. That sentence made me blush, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. "Fine. I'll go on that little 'date'. Now give me my keys, so I can leave." I said with my hand held out. He placed my keys in my hand as I quickly turned around and got in my car. "Hey, this Friday at 6:30pm." He said walking away. I rolled my eyes as I backed out of my parking space and headed home. The week went by quick. It was the same routine everyday. And, Carter didn't seem to want to leave me alone. Not that I'm complaining though; I find it cute. He just won't give up. It was after school on Friday. I was in my room getting dressed for a date I was practically forced in. But, I don't mind. Carter is one fine man and has the cutest smile. And, he is probably one of the most funny people I have met at this new school. I then heard honks outside my house. I looked out my bedroom window and saw Carter waiting inside his car. "Welp, here I go." I quickly left my room and walked outside. He then got out of the car and approached me. "You look beautiful." He said looking at me up and down. "Aww. I know." I said as I walked around to the passenger side and got in. He then turned around to look at me already buckled up in the car. He looked up smiled and shook his head as he got in. "Where we going?" I asked as he took off. "A place." "What is this place?" I asked putting my phone in my little purse. "Now, look who's the impatient one." He said with a smirk. "Hey, I just wanna make sure you ain't trying to kill me or something." He laughed and continued to drive. A couple of minutes later, and we ended up at a park with ducks waddling around. He then got out of the car and proceeded to walk down the grassy hill. I followed after him. "So, what's your big plan?" I said walking beside him. "Well, I used to come to this place a lot when I was little. It was a safe place my dad used to bring me. And, as I got older, I come here by myself to clear my mind when things get stressful." He said sitting down on the ground. He took my hand and brought me down to sit with him. "Ok, so why did you bring me here?" I asked looking at him. "I like you. And, I wanna get close to you and have you trust me. And, I know from these couple of days talking to you that you aren't easy to have open up. So, I was hoping by taking you to a place that means something to me, you will see I really want something with you and not use you like a game." He said looking at me. "Oh. Um wow. That is sweet." I said looking back at him. I took a deep breath. "You know what, I'm willing to give you a chance. You went out of your way to do this, so it's only fair." I said with a smile. He then came in closer and gave me a hug. I then returned the hug. He then slowly let go, but still held my shoulders. He stared into my eyes. His eyes were filled with passion. He slowly started to lean in as he closed his eyes. My head became hot and my cheeks became red from blushing. He then pressed his lips on to mine. I soon pressed back as he cupped my face. We both then pulled away as we stared at each other's eyes.

It's been about four months I have been dating Carter. Carter is great. He really helped me adjust to this new school, and I can't thank him enough. It was after school one day when I decided to surprise him at his house. He didn't talk to me much that day,so I wanted to make it up to him. I got in my car and drove to his house. I got out of the car and let myself in with the spare key he gave me. I walked in to the quiet house. I set my stuff on the counter and headed for his room. But, I was not ready to see what was going on. There he was laying shirtless on his bed next to a girl with barely any clothes on. Both touching each other in ways I don't even want to mention. He soon realized he was not alone with his play toy and immediately got up and ran to me. "Olivia! This is not what it looks li-" I slapped his face, so he can shut up because I didn't want to hear his lies. I stared at him in the eyes with anger fueling in me. The girl just sat on his bed covering herself up in shock. I then turned around and head for the door. Carter grabbed my hand and made me turn around to face him. "Olivia please." He said pleading. I shook his hand off of mine as I shook my head and left the room. Pain started to fill my heart as I walked out of that house. I somehow kept myself from crying. I turned my car on and left without looking back.

A month has past and I'm glad to say I'm back at Westbrooke high. It felt good. My heart was still in pain, but it was healing. I thought the best way to avoid heartbreak and let myself heal was to avoid love. So, after that day I caught Carter, I vowed to not love. After coming from the counselors office, Kayla ran up to me and basically choked me. "Olivia!!" "Woah. There is no need to suffocate me." I said playfully pushing her off. "I'm sorry. I just missed you so much. Oh and you missed out on a lot of tea." "Oh really?" I said sarcastically. She proceeded to tell me every little detail about what I have missed. While she was talking, I caught a glimpse of a very attractive guy. I slowly started zoning out the conversation as I studied him. He had blonde hair that was long enough to run my hands through, his eyes were a beautiful grey color that looked amazing in the light. His fair skin flowed as he talked to the lady at the front office. "And the fairyland dance is this weekend and I'm so excited." She said. "Mhmm, you done now?" "Now I am." She said. We both stood in silence as I continued to look at him. He wasn't anyone I knew, so he had to be a new kid. Kayla left as he walked right past me into the counselors office. I began to blush as he barely bumped into me. But, I quickly snapped out of it. "No no no. No boys. Remember. Let yourself heal." I told myself as I walked to my firsts class. It felt good to be back. I should've known better. Him, a big shot football player. All it took was for him to get bored of me. I should've never let him in so quickly. And, I'm not letting that happen again.

It was a couple of periods later,and I was in the library working on an assignment for my English class. While working, the loud library doors creaked open. I then felt two taps on my shoulder. I then turned around to see the same adorable guy from earlier. "Um. Is it ok if I take this seat?" He asked pulling the chair from under the table. "Uh yeah." I said looking at him trying to conceal me blushing. He sounded so friendly and kind. "Um sorry for interrupting you, but I'm new here. Do you have any knowledge on what are the do's and don't s." He asked putting his backpack on the table. "Oh, just don't caught up in drama. That's really it." I said returning to my work. "Oh ok. I'm Travis by the way." He said still looking at me. "Oh cool." I said still doing my work. He kind of looked confused. "What's your name?" He said. "Oh, sorry. I'm Olivia." I replied looking up to him. He then smiled at me. "Nice to meet you." He said as he got out his assignments and got work. I was trying hard not to look at him. I could smell his cologne and boy he smelled good. But, again I can't let this crush go to my head. Not gonna happen. The day ended and I was at my locker putting all my things away. Travis then came up next to me, leaned his hand on my locker and looked at my eyes. "Um hi." I said confused as I turned around to face him. "Um hey, I couldn't help, but noticed you. You are probably the only person to talk to me today, and I would like to get closer to you." He said looking at me with his bright smile. "Um. Sorry, but I have to go." I said throwing my backpack over my shoulder. "Well, can I at least keep intact with you by getting your number?" He asked looking at me with shining eyes. "Oh come on. There is nothing wrong with being friends." I thought to myself. "Fine." I said giving him my phone so he can put him number in. McKenna then walked up to me. "Hey, Olivia. Ready to go?" She said while looking at Travis then back at me with a smirk. "Um yeah." I said grabbing my phone. "Ok, see you around, Olivia." He said waving. I waved back then walked down the hall with McKenna. "Who's that?" McKenna said nudging me. "Nobody." I said rolling my eyes and smiling. "Mhmm, tell that to your red cheeks." "Shut up." I said pushing her. We both continued to walk down the hall and go outside.

A couple of weeks past, and Travis and I have gotten close to say the least. He's a very sweet guy, but I don't want fall again. There has been so many times where we have had moments, but we both stop ourselves from doing anything. I think it's pretty clear we both have interest in each other. But, I try to hide it as well as I can. We go out ever weekend to the beach, and always stop at Jamba Juice for a quick strawberry smoothie. He's great, and I like him, but I can't put my heart on the line for some silly crush. I know that not all guys are the same, but I don't want to risk it. Not anymore. So, I'm going to just stick with this friendship I have with him instead. It'll protect my heart from anymore damage. It was Friday afternoon, after school. Travis took me to the bay front to walk while the sun was slowly setting universal the water. I was walking right beside him as he continued to talk about his day. I kind of zoned him out as we walked down the long side walk. "Gosh. I hate Mrs. Valdez science class. And then-" "You done talking yet? Like I can finish a two hour film, make myself dinner, and go for a swim all before you finish talking about your day." I said sarcastically. He just gave me a death stare then playfully punched my shoulder. "Oh, are we hitting females now , Travis Brown?" He looked forward trying to hold in his smile. I playfully gasped and began reaching the top of his head to hit him. He then grabbed my two hands with one as he looked at my eyes. I immediately started blushing I looked away as I broke out of his hands. "I hate you." I said walking faster. He then ran up to me and stopped in front of me. "Oh really?" He said with a sly smirk and his eye brow raised. I looked up at the beautiful man towering over me. I rolled my eyes then walked past him. He grabbed my hand. "Hey, before you ditch me let me show you something." He lead me down this trail that lead to the boat docks. "Why are we here by a whole bunch of boats filled with smelly fish?" I said playfully waving my hand over my nose. "Wait a sec." he said still taking me down the dock. We stopped at one boat. He stretched his long leg as he stepped on the boat reaching his hand out. I pushed his hand away as I jumped on the boat myself. He just looked at me and shook his head. He quickly stepped over all the tackle boxes laying around and went to the front of the boat. I followed after him as he sat at the edge dangling his legs above the calm and clear, blue water. I sat down next to him as we both looked out to the ocean. He then leaned in closer to me and subtly touched my hand.  I quickly got startled and moved my hand. He was then looking at me with a shimmer in his eyes. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "So why did you take me here? I would like some answers please." I said looking at him. "Oh no reason. Just thought I would do something different." "Oh and who's boat is this?! You just pick a boat and was like 'yeah let's go on this person's property'." I said looking around for anyone on the floating object. "Calm down. This is my uncle's boat. He used to take me fishing on this boat all the time when I was a kid. He recently gave it to my dad, so I come here when I want to clear my head, you know." He said while splashing his feet in the water below. "Oh wow. Am I the first girl you brought here? Oh wait, I forgot your countless of hook ups." I said sarcastically. He just stared at me. "I'm just kidding silly." He then looked down and smiled. "Um actually, you are the first person I have brought here." "Oh. Don't I feel special now." I said laughing. "You should." He said scooting in closer and looking at me dead in the eyes. My cheeks began to get hot as I stared back at him. "Ummm sure. Whatever you say dum dum." I said looking back out to the water. He then placed his hand on my cheek and moved my head to face him. My heart started to race and my palms became sweaty. I looked at him as he looked at me. "What are you doing?" I asked stuttering. "You know why I brought you out here?" He asked getting closer. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I was trembling under his presence. "Why?" I said as my cheeks got hot. "Well to tell you that I absolutely think you look beautiful," he said while moving a piece of hair out of my face, "and, to do this." He then closed his eyes as he leaned in going for my lips. My heart dropped. He then pressed his lips against mine. My eyes were wide open until I felt the urge to do the same. I closed my eyes and began to press back. My hand grabbed the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his hair. While pressing against my lips, he then pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and continued to kiss me with his soft and sweet lips. I got lost in the moment. I wrapped both arms around his neck as he held my lower back. It felt so right until it felt wrong. I quickly opened my eyes then pushed him off. My cheeks were red and my heart was pumping out of my chest. He looked at me with a confused look while I refused to look at him in the eye. "What's wrong? Did I do something? I thought you wanted me to." He asked scooting back. I continued to look down while replaying it all in my head. What was I thinking? "Um hello?" He said while waving his hand. "Can you take me hone?" I said getting up and walking away. He grabbed my hand to stop me. I was still refusing to look at him. "Wait. Hold on, what's wrong? Did I do something bad? Cause if I did, I am deeply sorry." He said grasping on to me. "You didn't do anything." "Then why are you freaking out because I kissed you? I thought you wanted me to." "Just take me home." I said while walking off the boat onto the dock. "I want an answer before though." He said while running and jumping in front of me. I looked up at him and my body immediately trembled. I then looked down and caught my breath. "Ok. I'm not ready. I'm not ready to put my heart on the line. And I'm certainly not ready to get hurt by another good looking guy." I said while avoiding any eye contact. "Is that what you think I'll do, Olivia? Trust me I'm not one of those guys that likes to play girls. Look. I really like you, and I know you like me. So, why can't you give me a chance?" He said taking my hands. "I don't know, Travis." He lifted my head to look at him. "Well let me prove to you. Look. I know we have something. The constant flirting and hanging out everyday." "Can we talk about this some other time? Please." He let go of my hands. "Ok. But I'll wait for you. You know how stubborn I can be." He said while winking. He took the keys out of his pocket as we walked to his car. The car ride home was very silent, well besides him blasting his music to make it less awkward. He stopped at my house. "Well, I guess I'll see you later." I said unbuckling my seat belt. "Yeah. But hey, don't forget. I ain't quitting any time soon." He said while looking at me. I rolled my eyes, but before I can leave, he quickly came in and kissed my cheek. I quickly got nervous as I held my cheek. He raised his eye brow and smiled as I slowly left the vehicle. He then zoomed off. I quickly ran up to my front door and let myself in. I walked up to my room and plopped on my bed. I the dialed Jessie on my phone. "Can I help you?" She answered in her charming tone. "Umm. Something happened and I'm kinda freaking out." "Um what happened?" "Ummmm. Let's just say things happened." I said while biting my finger out of nervousness. "Alright, I'll be there in a bit." She then hanged up. I covered my face as I laid on my bed.

15 minutes later and I hear several knocks on the front door. I quickly got up and walked to the front door. I opened the door to see Jessie and McKenna standing there. I shook my head as they both walked in and set their stuff on the couch. "Um I called you, Jessie." I said while walking over and sitting on the couch. "Well, I'm here. And I brought some back up." She said while pointing to McKenna. "So, what happened that was so urgent?" McKenna said leaning against the couch. I took a deep breath. "Well, while hanging out with Travis," I paused and looked at at them, "he kinda kissed me." McKenna and Jessie then looked at each other and back at me with a shocked expression on their faces. "And I kinda kissed him back." I said looking down and fiddling with my thumbs. McKenna jumped over the couch and sat next to me. "Hold up. Can I just say, I knew that was gonna happen. I saw it coming." She said while smirking. "Oh shut up. But, now he says he wants to prove that he's worth my time and he won't give up on me and my messed up little heart. And I'm here and I have no idea what to do!" I said looking at them. "Well first of all, we all know you like him." Jessie said leaning over me. "Ok yeah, but-" "Um what do you mean but? He's a very hot and sweet guy and he wants you. If I was you, I would've pounced. Don't tell Ethan I said that." McKenna said scrolling through Instagram. "Yeah. Just go for it. You clearly like him. Let go of that little bitch what's his name, Carter, and go after that fine man." Jessie said. "Yeah, but I am...I just don't want to get hurt again. Last time I thought a guy was great and I gave him a chance, he took advantage of that and broke me. I don't want that to happen again." I said getting up and pacing around the living room. "Olivia, you know not every guy is the same. Stop pushing these amazing guys away just because you're scared. Come on, the Olivia I know isn't scared of crap. We all know you like him. A lot. So claim him while you still can." "I just want to protect my heart." "You know it's bound to happen. You can't avoid heartbreak." McKenna said looking at me. I looked down. "So, claim your mans." Jessie said nudging me I looked at both of them. "Y'all better be right about this."

Another month goes by. Things have been a little weird. Since that day, let's just say things have been, umm interesting. Travis won't let this go. He has even stolen a couple of kisses from me. I like him and I want him, but I just want to protect myself. Even though I know he isn't like that trash of an ex, I just want to avoid any hurt. "So, do I have an answer yet?" He asked while walking me down the school hall at the end of the day. I rolled my eyes and pushed him. "Is that a no?" He asked laughing. "I don't know. You tell me." I teased. He then ran up in front of me. "You're coming with me." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to the parking lot. We showed up in front of his car. "What you waiting for? Get in." Travis said getting in the car. I got in after as he drove off to the nearest movie theater. He went up to the desk and bought two tickets for the newest movie and one big bucket of popcorn. "Wow. So sweet of you." I said taking the bucket of popcorn and walking into the next room screening our movie. I sat down in the top row and Travis followed after then sat next to me. He then took the bucket of popcorn away from me and continued to munch on the popcorn. "Um excuse you mister." I said smacking his hand and taking the popcorn from him. He then poked my side and took the popcorn form me again. I tried to hit him, but he held both of my hands with one of his hand as he used his other hand to eat the popcorn. "I don't like you." I said crossing my arms while looking at the screen. "Oh really? Yeah it sure seems like that." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes. The lights in the theater then dimmed and the movie began to play on the screen. I leaned back into the chair as the movie title screen appeared before us. The movie ended an hour later. We both left the building behind us. "Ok. That movie was...interesting to say the least." I said walking up to his car. "Why did you choose that movie out of all of them?" "I thought it was going to be good. Don't blame me on false advertisement." He replied while getting in the car. "Whatever. You just wasted an hour and 30 minutes of my time." He rolled his eyes at me and started the car's engine as he backed out of the parking lot. We drove around a bit before he stopped at my house. "Well here's your stop. Now get out before I waste anymore of your time." He said jokingly. "Haha. Very funny." I said grabbing my stuff and unbuckling my seat belt. "And hey. Don't forget. I'm still waiting for my chance." He said smiling. I looked at him. But, this time it was different. The moonlight hit the side of his face which made him look like a beautiful mystery. His hair was a bit messed up from the multiple times I hit him on the head. His eyes twinkled in the light. He looked amazing. I felt compelled to stare at him with interest. "Um. You good there? I know I look good but-" I grabbed his face and pulled him to mine. I pressed my lips against him as I played with his hair. He pressed back pulling me forward, leaving no space in between us. I realized and quickly pushed him away and ran out of the car. He quickly followed after me. He grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked holding on to my arm. "Home. It's right there, so if you would please let go of me. Thank you." I said trying to break out of his hands. "No. You need to stop doing this. You lead me to think you want a relationship with me then you go and act like you want nothing to do with me. You are so back and forth it hurts my head. One moment you like me the next you hate me. I know how you feel about me. You only make it obvious, but this game you're playing is becoming exhausting. So please, can you stick to one and not be all over the place please? I'm here. And I want you. Why can't you see I'm not like any of those other guys?" He said looking at me. "Look. I like you. A lot. From the day I first saw you here I have liked you. I am not going to hurt you." "How do I know that? I've already been told that. And look what happened. He cheated on me. I don't want that to happen again. I'm not going to put my heart on the line." "You are not putting your heart on the line. I promise you, I will not hurt you. Not all us guys are the same. Not all us guys wants to use you. When are you going to understand I'm here to stay and not here to play games?" He said looking at my eyes. "I have to go." I said slipping my arms through his hand. "Wait. I'm sorry. I just want you now." "Goodnight, Travis. I'll talk to you later." I said walking to the front door and opening it. I look back to see Travis walking back to his car with his head held low. He zooms off as I close the door and throw my bag on the couch. "Ow." A voice said. I gasped and quickly turned on the lights. There was Mckenna, Jessie, Kayla, and Arabella sitting around in my living room with smiles on their faces. Kayla was there holding her stomach as she threw my bag on the floor. "Surprise?" Arabella said in her british accent. "What are y'all doing here?" I asked putting play keys on the counter. "We were supposed to stay the night remember." Jessie said standing up. "Oh yeah." "What's on your mind? It seems like you and Travis had a bit of an issue outside. What happened?" McKenna asked looking at me. "Nothing." I said jumping on the couch. "That's bull, luv." Arabella said. "Yeah, from what I heard it sounded a bit more than that." Kayla said sitting next to me. "Spill. Right now. What happened?" I just sat there. "Well, basically I kissed him. Then I immediately left and he wasn't having it and was telling me he's tired of this back and forth stuff and that he isn't like those other guys I make him to be. Then I left." The room grew silent. I looked up to see all their eyes looking at me with complete disbelief. "You're kidding right?" McKenna said looking at me with her "are you dumb?" face. "Um. No." "Oh my gosh, Olivia. Why did you do that? He clearly isn't like those other guys. If he was, he would've left a long long time ago. Stop pushing him away. Stop punishing him for your ex's mistakes. You're going to lose him and when you do, you're gonna be too late." Mckenna said raising her voice a bit. "You like him. He likes you. What's the big deal? I say put all your worries behind you and go for it." Arabella said. "I don't think you should be talking. You avoided Asher for 4 months because you were too scared." I shot back. "Wow. Didn't need to say that luv." "Look. We all know you're wasting this good opportunity. Go for him while you still can." "I know. I know. I just want to protect my heart. I took and oath that I'm done with love for right now." "Well, I think that oath expired a long time ago. Come on. I know you want this as badly as he does. So, stop playing these games. And you're not just playing games with him. These aren't just hurting him; they are hurting you as well." Mckenna said turning on the TV. I got quiet. I like him. I really do, but I can't bring myself to accept him in my life. At this point it's not that I'm scared to be heart broken, I'm scared to loose him because of my messed up heart. I'm not sure how to do it. I want to accept him in my life, but the amount of doors that will open. Too many to count. We picked a movie and all cuddled up together with blankets wrapped around us. The night went on and on as we all grew tired and slowly fell asleep.

The next couple of days I haven't really been talking to Travis. I haven't called or texted him. I wanted to give myself time to think. I really want him, but I'm afraid to let myself have him. But, I know the second I refuse to let myself have him, the girls are going to tear me to shreds. I have seen Travis around, but every time he approaches me, I quickly turn away. And of course Mckenna is on my ass for that. I woke up ready for another day of school. Jessie was picking me up today. She honked outside my house for five solid minutes while I was getting ready. I quickly left the house and got in her car as she drove us to the school. "So, what are you going to do about Travis?" She asked. "Um lets not talk about this now." "Well you have to eventually. Look stop fighting it and just tap that tight butt before it's too late." Jessie said punching my arm. I giggled. "It's a lot more complicated than that." "Not really. You're making it more complicated. All you need to do is let go of the past and move on to what's right in front of you." I looked forward in silence. I sighed as we pulled up in the Westbrooke high parking lot. I walked in to the school and went up to Mckenna and Ethan in the cafeteria. "Hey." "Hi. Oh and what are you going to do with Travis? Still need to figure that out." Mckenna asked taking a sip from Ethan's coffee. "Oh gosh. Here we go again." "What? You need to figure this out. Come on. Travis is a nice and good looking guy. He will do you good." "Um what about me?" Jake said jokingly nudging her. She just rolled her eyes. "Look. I'll figure it out." I said gathering my bag. "Well do it soon before I take matters into my own hands." I rolled my eyes and walked to my first period class. The day passed by. I was at my locker when I felt two subtle taps on my shoulder. "Look. If this Mckenna bugging me again about Travis, I do not want to here it right now." I said putting my book in my locker. "Well, I think you should consider listening to what she has to say about that Travis guy." A deep voice said behind me. I turned around to see Travis standing above me looking down. "Oh. Travis! Hi. Look I have to go. So uh-" "Um I don't think so. You're going to be coming with me." He said while grabbing my hand. "Wow. Don't you have a habit of doing this. Might as well write in all caps 'Travis Brown's property'" I said trying to keep up with his footing. "But, seriously. I don't have time for this. And I'm supposed to go with Jessie so." "Oh don't worry about that. You have plenty of time for this." He said basically making me run after him down the stairs and on to the parking lot. We stopped at his car. "Look. As fun as this is, I'm not doing this right now. I have work that needs to be done and again Jessie is probably waiting for me." I said making him let go of my hand. "Actually she isn't. She knows you're here. And that one page of math problems can wait. This is worth some of your time." He said while pushing me to the passenger side door. "Oh. Do you just planned this all out huh?" I asked opening the door while watching him walk around to his side. "Yep. I will go long ways to get what I want." He said whisk getting in and buckling up. I soon got in after. "Oh. And you thought I was going to be easy?" I said strapping myself in. "Nope. Not at all. Which is why I am playing the long game." "Mhmm. Well. Hurry up. I ain't got all day." I said leaning back and crossing my arms. "Ha. Yep, miss that sassy attitude." He said while reversing out of the parking lot. We drove for about thirty minutes around the city. "Um. I know you didn't just kidnap me just to show me the city. Where are we going?"I asked taking out my phone and texting Jessie. To Jessie: "I can't believe you left me like that." "Oops. My bad." "I can't stand you." "Well aren't you sitting?" "Bye." I looked back up to see Travis pulling up under the bridge. He parks and then gets out. I get out after him. I look around and see the sun setting in the distance and to hear the cars roaring above us. "Why are we here?" I asked as I walked up to him. "Come here." He said as he walked up. He then stopped at this picnic table and sat on top of it. He then patted next to him indicating for me to sit too. I got up and sat next to him. I look forward to see the beautiful water. Fishes and dolphins were jumping in and out as we sat there. I looked at Travis who seems to be enjoying watching the fishies and dolphins. The sun light hitting his face made him look amazing. His hair looked soft and gorgeous grey eyes really popped out. I hate the fact I'm so attracted to him. "So you just gonna stare at me now?" He said giggling. "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Why did you bring me out here, Travis? I want to know what great plan you have." I said looking at his grey eyes. "Wow. Someone is a bit impatient." "Well I want some answers." "Wow. How have the tables turned. Well since you want to know so bad, I guess it's best that I tell you now." He said looking at me. "Well hurry up. Chop chop." He then swallowed a big gulp in his throat. He quickly took a deep breath. He grabbed my hands and held it in his. My body immediately got hot. "Ok. From the moment I saw you, I immediately knew there was something about you. You weren't like those sweet girls that like to sugar code things. You are very up front. Don't hold back. And you certainly aren't the easiest to deal with, but I like that about you. You are an amazing girl. You are sweet, but tough. I was nervous to even talk to you. I thought you are absolutely gorgeous, and hearing your voice for the first time and your very snarky comebacks just set sparks through me. You are someone I want. I want you and only you. And I promise I am not here for games. I'm here for you. I would not go through all of this if I knew you were just some quick hook up. I really like you. So so much. And if you couldn't tell before, I hope you realize that now. Over these past months that I have gotten to know you, I have only fallen for you more. And if you haven't realized this now, I ain't leaving anytime soon. I love you. And I want you in my life. I hope you don't think I'm playing games. I just want you here. And I know you like me and you know that too, but I hope this could at least change your mind about giving me a chance, and even if this isn't a good time, I'm still going to be waiting here for you." He said holing my hands and rubbing them with his thumb. I looked at his eyes. They looked desperate as if he really wanted this. I like him, maybe even love him. And I think I have made up my mind. "Travis. I have no words. I like you so much, but I just don't want my heart to go through that all over again. But, I think I made my choice." I said looking up at him. "So Olivia, what do you say?" He said grasping my hands tighter. I looked at him then looked out to see the beautiful ocean. I turned my head to stare at his eyes. He was gorgeous. I took a deep breath in and released. I made my choice. "You deserve an answer. So..."

The end

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