World Of Chaos

By RebeccaGoodman5

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Book 1 : Completed All the myths are true Demons, angels,fallen angels, fairies, werewolves, vampires, witche... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

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By RebeccaGoodman5

    I walked beside Dani with my arms crossed over my chest. We walked silently to Felix's  door and I stayed down the hall way giving Dani a smile and a thumbs up as she stood in front of his door nervously.
    She took a deep breath then knocked a confident knock the best she could. When the door opened she froze.
   "H-hi.." she stammered and I leaned my head against the wall beside me as I leaned on it.
    "Hey," Felix muttered and looked her over with a grin.
    "Mind if I come in?" She asked nervously, and lust filled Felix's eyes as he grabbed her arm nodding his head. Shutting the door as she giggled like a school girl.
    I sighed as I'm  now alone, turning on my heal I started walking down an hallway I never been down before.
Several doors I passed and turned to enter a certain one. A library.
    I was at awe with all the books I faced, then went over to look at all the titles.
    An hour went by as I'm  now on the ladder reading the backs of random books.
    Then I crossed a book and froze.
    The book was really old and very dusty as if untouched for centuries. Its pages seemed homemade as I slowing took it off the shelf before I read the title on the hard cover.
    The Huntress Prophacy
   Opening to the contents I skimmed it and I opened my mouth as a gasp escaped my throat by the words infront of my eyes.
     The Chosen One, page 312
     I closed the book gentally,  being very careful with it under my arm as I climbed down the ladder and almost ran to my room.

   Shutting the doors behind and locked it, I went over to the window and sit on the windowsil.
   I opened the book and began to read the almost unreadable handwriting  in ink.

   A huntress/hunter is born, though they shall not recieve the half curse, half gift til they reach the age of eighteen.
    They presume to identify themselves as they identified the supernatural at their weakest times. As they grow stronger, their seperated self would join into one. Following their evil self always wins by their destiny always murdering. Their human selves gone forever.
    The first sign of a new huntress/hunter is intense  nightmares. Showing not only their destiny, but also their weapon is nearby.

   I glanced over at my sword before I started reading again.

   The supernatural provides in levels that the huntress/hunters preys for. Usually the beginning kills are level 1: Fairies, elves, as example.

   My very first hunt was a vampire before I came cross Lilly, who was a witch. I skimmed to see what level they were on and saw it. Witches were level 6 and vampires are on level 8. I skimmed for fallen angels and demons. They were on level 9 and I froze as I saw only one on level 10.

    One huntress/hunter is powerful enough to defeat Lucifer though, there is a problem as the huntress is the chosen one in that fact. As being told by witches themselves as they were the ones who created Huntresses and hunters for the greater good to protect the humans. But they could not control the chosen one as she belongs to the devil himself and not to the witches who created her in the first place.

   Confused what this means I skipped to The Chosen One chapter and then closed the book as someone knocked and came in.
    "Heyyyy,"Dani says with a huge smile, her hair and dress askew and I couldnt help the laugh that escaped me.
     "Did you have sex with Felix?"
     She gave me a nod before we both started laughing, before she notice the book in my hand.
    "Whats that?"
    "My fate I guess, found it in the library."
    "Interesting, let me know if ya find anything crazy, okay?, imma go take a shower," she says and I just nod as she left the room, closing the door behind her.
    Opening the book back up to the chapter again, I began to read.

   The chosen one is the most powerful huntress in the breed. Though the most dangerous as she could control the supernatural herself. Her own powers advances than any other breed member as she is in fact Lucifers mate.

   I froze, I stopped reading. My mouth gaped open in shock and reread it, before I ended up rereading it several times.

   Though he could reject her, then she would disinagrate her powers over the next hundred years. Becoming the huntress herself and only as that, then she is back under the protection of witches. Though without a proven fact, disstress and depression  could take over and can cause suicide only in the matter of time can tell.
      But, over a thousand years without the sight of the chosen one. The prophecy  of the huntress meant as a queen of hell, Lucifers desire if he accepts his fate on his end.

    Does Luce know about this book?
    Probably not since he never heard about anything about a chosen one. But am I?
     Control the supernatural herself
     That line rung in my veins. Could I  control someone?
      I walked out of my room and enter the boxing ring minutes later, only to test it out on a demon I guess.
    A demon approached the ring unafraid, he smirked and shown his sharp teeth as he snapped at me.
    "Bring it," I say and he took a step forward
   He done so and I gasped as he just stood there confused and when he tried to move to attack me, he couldnt. It was like he was glued to the floor.
    "I didnt want to fight right now anyways I just wanted to test something," I whispered and he looked up at me even more confused
   He done so and a grin appeared on my face.
   " I guess I am the chosen one," I muttered and left the ring. The only thought that destroyed me lingered in my head.
    Luce doesn't  like me. So he would not accept me.

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