Vessels and Tears (Archived V...

By PuppetTheShadow

53.6K 1.2K 1.8K

!!Reboot is up on my Page. Please go read that one instead!! You were just a normal high schooler when your l... More

Welcome to Hell
Their Royal Stubbornness
A Vessels Guide to Food
Adventures of 3 AM
A Pale Mistake
Please Wake Up
Just Another Argument, Nothing to See Here...
Bonus Chapter
Out with the Secrets
VaT as Vines
Sleeping Over
*Turns around and walks away*
Interrogation Underway!
Just Another Day
Unimportant poll
Pԋα'ƚαʅσ Rιʂҽʂ (քǟʀȶ օռɛ)
Pɦǟ'ȶǟʟօ ʀɨֆɛֆ (քǟʀȶ ȶաօ)
Dear Viewers
Option A: Home
Option B: Agents of Chaos
VaT as Vines 2
Year Past
Bonus Chapter Options
Nerds of a Feather
Thats the Tea
Mom Tries to Roast You and Adults Fight Like Children
Big Announcment!


2.2K 61 31
By PuppetTheShadow

     Dryya had given you a hug and Hollow and you had a conversation, catching you up on everything you missed. Pale had a small wardrobe change and now wore oversized robes. Like, really oversized. It was honestly kinda cute. You covered yourself in a blanket because the cloak you used to wear didn't exactly fit properly now. You really shouldn't be embarrassed, you seriously are just dead up void. But some small instincts never leave, you guessed.

Nothing much happened besides that. When you and Hollow fell asleep things got quieter than usual. Even though you really only had been around for a month or so, maybe even less, it felt strange to not have the two kids around, according to Pale. Idle chatter filled the room until a nurse came over and scolded your father about not keeping the crack, which still hadn't gone away, covered. They then made a fuss about it and he agreed to just let them cover his eye with a cloth if they went away.

Dryya looked at Pale hopefully and asked "Can I please please please please PLEASE teach them how to dropkick people properly? PLEASE?!" Pale facepalmed and replied "No, absolutely not. Rift already is too good at it, she kicked me after I cornered her in the Abyss. BUT you can teach them how to fight, as long as you give everyone else a turn."

You swung your feet over the edge of the bed and clutched the blanket. You leapt off and landed on your face. Everyone laughed at you as you made feeble attempts to stand up properly and keep your balance. Your horns were WAY too big for you. So were your feet nubs and your head hurt to top it all off. Using the bedside table, you propped yourself up with it while everyone was still laughing. "Before you teach them to fight, maybe you should teach them to WALK!!" Pale laughed breathlessly.

You glared at him and inched over to him, holding on to whatever you could and starring him dead in the eyes before kicking his stomach. He coughed and everyone practically died. To Hollow, you were walking entertainment is a friendly and very weird package. "Wow, the kid certainly is scared of much." an unfamiliar voice spoke from the edge of the room.

Turning your head, Ogrims happy face appeared from the other side of a set of doors. He was smiling, as usual and Isma was standing nearby, looking at the ground. You waved, and were confused why Isma looked so sad. You turned to Hollow and asked "What's wrong with her? She looks so sad..."

Hollow replied in your head "I've only been awake for a day, and based on what I saw she's just having one of those weeks. Everything is going wrong and stuff." "But why? I thought she liked seeing me..." "She does, but she feels guilty for something, and I don't really know what. She's probably glad to see you awake and well but she's just worried. I think."

You tried to take a step and fell again. This time no one laughed. Your parents were talking to Ogrim about something and Isma still stood in the door way, looking like a wilting plant. You wanted to hug her and make her feel better because you really liked her, she was like a second mother almost. Seeing her sad made you sad.

"So its settled!" Pale turned to you and Hollow. "Today will be a busy one. Hollow, you'll be going with Ogrim and finding some old nails or some ply wood for later, when you begin actual training now that you know the basics. Rift I'm going to teach you how to fricking walk, because if I can teach myself I can teach someone else, even a moody vessel. After that, in about two hours we will be heading to the City of Tears and I will introduce you two to the public and just give them some news and boring stuff you kids don't need to be concerned about. Oh yeah, Rift, your going to need a new cloak aren't you? Ok, I can find you something later. After that, this afternoon or evening, One of the Five are going to start training you two. Not sure who, they'll have a war about it on their way to the City most likely. And tonight I think we have something planned? Anyway, hop to it, we don't have all day."

Hollow turned to Ogrim and they began to walk away. Pale picked you up and Isma finally stepped forward. "Before you begin, a word please?" Pale nodded and put you back down, and they went to a corner of the room. Your hearing must've gotten better, or they weren't talking all that quietly because you heard most of it.

"I failed. I cant believe I failed. Oh why do I even bother, I doomed this world. Its only a matter of time-" "Isma hush, its not your fault. Now please get to the point." "He escaped. Do we tell them or-" "No, keep it quiet. Especially to Rift. And you bring it up to her and your on dish duty for the rest of your hecking life."

Oooh, secrets. Interesting. The conversation was wrapped up and Isma left you and Pale. Pale looked down at you and said "Pretend theres a book on your head and stand up." You did so and the "Pretend there's a book on your head" part helped a lot. You closed your eyes and imagined you with your old Bff, in class, trying to balance school text books on your heads. The teacher would scold you and (F/N) and it never stopped you.

A single tear rolled down your cheek. You missed your old friends. You missed your old family. You missed your old town and you just missed everything. Sure, life as a vessel wasn't half bad, but small things could tug your heartstrings. Pale's voice broke your trance. "Rift? Riiift? Rift. RIFT." You opened your eyes to his very concerned face inches from yours. You squeaked and fell on your back.

"You really dazed out there kiddo. Something the matter?" You shook your head and he helped you to your feet. Slowly but surely, you were learning. You could take a few steps on your own after around an hour and a half or practice. You got childishly excited when you did get something right and Pale gave you a hug once time was up, congratulating you on your success.

"Now, you need a cloak..." Hollow had returned at this point and was standing by, waiting for something. Time passed, and your new cloak was a lot like Pales, just lavender. And it actually fit. It took a while to get out the door, but before you knew it you were clinging to your mother as you walked through the rain filled streets of the city. People stared and bowed and stuff that people would do when seeing royalty. Whispers surrounded you as you passed by the raining world and headed to the central part of it all.

"I think that's the Hollow Knight..." "No, it cant be!" things like that. There was a small stage set up and Isma, Ogrim, Hollow, Ze'mer and Pale were already there. Mom and you had gone to go admire the scenery. Seeing this place in 3D and listening to the rain was absolutely amazing. You were in awe the whole time, and it reminded you of the First day of school. And being here was nothing like being there, you now knew it from personal experience.

A crowed had already gathered and Lurien was in the front row. He was the only familiar face. Eventually, Pale and the five knights got up on stage and he began to speak. "Citizens of Hallownest. Long time no see. I have many things to say in such a short amount of time, so I'll cut the usual introduction. First off, I would like to apologize for... attempting to take my own life. It was foolish of me, you all need me here. I just couldn't bare to have the guilt hovering over my head any longer for all that I've done. I understand if none of you forgive me, but I will have you know that my mental state is better and my judgment is no longer clouded, allowing me to make rational decisions for the Kingdom."

People in the crowed shifted and some muttered. Pale took a deep breath and looked over to his wife, who gave him a smile and a nod. "I would now like to introduce two very important and special bugs. They came into our lives almost a year ago, and I have stalled their introduction for long enough. Rift and Hollow, please come up."

Hollow entered onto the stage and Mom pushed you forward. You anything but gracefully stumbled onto the stage, where Pale caught you and picked you up, putting you down next to Hollow. "These two are named Rift." he gestured to you. "And Hollow. I'm positive you all know about the old vessel plan, finding one hollow enough to contain the infection and such, but it was called off. You can thank Rift for that. They are my children and will be treated with respect. Now that that's out of the way-"

"Hold it wyrm." A voice from the crowd called. Pale looked taken aback as the crowd moved aside for an odd looking Moth who approached the stage. "Can I make an announcement? Its important." "Who are you?" he asked curtly to the young, female moth. "Its me idiot. The Radiance? Yeah, long story short my powers were drained by something and now the infection is no more. Not too happy about it and now I look like this."

Everyone went silent. "Now may I?" "Go a-ahead..." Radiance turned to the crowd and in a very authoritative voice said "Yeah, Its me. The Radiance. The one you all hate. Well, I have some news. My powers were diminished by some weird force neither me nor Pale Face caused. And now, the infection is gone and I look weird. This is a huge threat. I don't think I'm the evil one anymore. Because something happened and its big, and knowing big in this place it could probably singlehandedly wipe us all out. Hate to cut the meeting short, but This is big."

She turned to you and looked you dead in the eye. "And your family is next."


Tee Heee, Done. Longest chapter yet! Hope you enjoyed, no comment.

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