Imagine - Alessio Scalzotto

De 20buterflies

9.8K 118 25

Just imagine your Alessio Scalzottos girlfriend. Hope you all enjoy Mais

milk and cookies
Late Nights and Midnight Snacks
Morning Coffee
late night studying
Then I Met You Part 1
Then I Met You Part 2
Friday Night
Baking With Alessio
in your arms

Nightmares 🥺😣

808 9 3
De 20buterflies

I woke up from a nightmare crying. i couldn't stop crying for 15 minutes, i tried to control myself but that nightmare was just too real. i get myself together and i post on my private story

Facetime anyone? let's just talk and vibe

it's not even 1 minute after i posted that i get a notification, i open it right away it's Alessio. i swear he's the only one up at 2am and all because he's either playing video games or doing something music related

"aye, i'll call you in a bit i just need to go to the bathroom real quick" texted Alessio

"alright, just don't leave me waiting" i texted back

i quickly go to the bathroom to throw some cold water to my face so i don't look like i'm crying. then i use the bathroom

minutes later i get the facetime call

"hey, what's up shawty" said Alessio

"not much, i had a nightmare and i couldn't go back to sleep" i said

"oh, well don't worry i'll make you laugh and forget that" he said

"i'm just a mess but why are you up so late?" i asked

"well i'm playing with the boys but i saw you were up so i just wanted to talk. we haven't talked" he said

"that's true but i've just been dealing with myself. when i have problems going on i just distance myself from everyone" i said

"that's not good, you know you have me here for anything at any time" said Alessio

"i know i do but i'm just a mess" i said

"your not a mess, don't say that" he said

"i feel like i am, i feel like i've lost myself. i started doing bad things and smoking more that i just got caught up in a mess and i'm trying my hardest to fix my bad habits but it's hard" i said trying not to cry

"i understand, and i feel you that's how i started but then i started writing music. you have to find something you love and start doing that. it will help you stop with those bad habits" he said

"but how? it's hard to. it's an addiction and i feel like i have so many other problems but i don't open up to people and when i have something going on i just push everyone away" i said

"well that's the one thing. stop pushing people away and find that one person you can open up to no matter what that you feel safe with that person no matter what" he said smiling at the camera

"but how do i know that i can trust that person with my problems" i said

"you just feel it, you open up to that person right away and they make you feel comfortable" said Alessio

"well i think that person is you, i feel comfortable around you. i dont know but something about you makes me feel like at home. i know its weird to say it but its the truth" i said looking away from the camera

"well im glad im that person because i feel exactly the same you bring me some type of comfort that is the best. just know that if you try to push me away i will always come back no matter what. ill find my way back to you, im like a boomerang. Ill always come back dont ever forget that" i said

"i wont, im glad i could just talk to you" i said

i realized that i didn't hear the buttons from the controller clicking anymore, he had stopped playing his game to talk to me

"me too i missed talking to you remember when we would do all nighters and then my mom would get mad. ah good old times" i said

"yes, your mom would get mad and then she would change her attitude and be like good morning y/n how are you?" i said

"for real, remember when we both ordered food and had our little date even tho i was in LA and you were at home" said Alessio

"yes i do, it was so adorable" i said trying not to blush

"we should do that again" he said

"bet, lets do it right now if you can" i said

"alright, ill pay for your food and i don't accept a no" said Alessio

"okay fine, i want french toast please" i said

"alright, it will be at your house in 30 minutes" said Alessio

"thank you, your making this night way better than how it started" i said with a big smile

"your welcome, i know if i was in that position that you are you would do the same for me and even more. its the least i can do" he said

We keep talking and 5 minutes before the food gets there i go outside to wait so they don't ring the doorbell and wake up my parents

"thank you, it smells so good" i said as i went inside my house

"your welcome, mine is 5 minutes away, i got me a burrito and a waffle" he said

"okay, im excited" i said as i did my little excited dance

"every time you get food you do that little dance and its so adorable" he said

"im excited and i love food" i said

"okay, im gonna go outside and wair for my food to arrive" he said

"be careful" i said

he got his food and then we both ate and talked some more until 4am

"lets sneak out and watch the sunset" i said

"okay fine, at the park like always?" asked Alessio

"yes, let me get my shoes, wallet and a hoodie and ill leave in a minute" i said as i quickly went upstairs trying to not make noise

"alright, be careful dont get caught" Alessio said

"i will i dont get caught trust me" i said

in less than 5 minutes i left my house and was on my way to see him

"i swear i do these things only with you, if it's anyone else than i won't because ik with you i'll have fun no matter what" i said

"i'm taking my skateboard" he said

"don't fall and break your arm like last time" i said

"i won't, well i'll try to, are you almost there?" he asked

"yeah, close by i can see the little path way now i just have to cross the road and check that there's no cops" i said as i was looking both ways

"it's fine if they see you our curfew is from 12pm to 4am it's fine they don't care either way" he said

"oh okay, well i'm here. where are you?" i asked

"i'm right here, sitting down by the bench here let me turn on my flashlight. you see me now" he said

"yeah i do" i said as i hung up

"hey, i'm glad your here" he said as he gave me a hug

"hey, same. let's go somewhere else where we can see the sunset better" i said

we walked for about 15 minutes then we arrived. it was a beautiful and great place we could go to see the sunset, we sat there and talked even more until the sunset started. we took a picture and then before we were gonna leave our different ways to go home he pulled me in for a kiss he left without saying anything else but for me that kiss meant something... it meant a new beginning for the both of us but it also meant he felt some type of way. he had feelings for me just like i did.

i got home and i couldn't stop thinking about that kiss, i was happy. he texted me

Alessio <3
(303) 622-3451
Audio                    FaceTime                        Info

i just wanted to kiss you, sorry maybe you don't feel the same way i do but i have feelings for you. maybe this will ruin our friendship or maybe this will be the start of a beautiful relationship. i had to kiss you i felt the urge to kiss you and i couldn't resist it anymore. i love you

after reading that text i was the happiest person ever, i loved him as well but for some time he had distanced himself and maybe that's why. he didn't want to ruin our friendship

"it's fine, that kiss made me the happiest girl ever. this isn't going to ruin our friendship, trust me it's just the start to a wonderful relationship. i love you too Alessio, goodnight" i typed

i tried going to sleep it was late but i just couldn't stop smiling, my heart was happy but scared as well..

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