The Gliding Dragon (Male Rock...


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If you love Azur Lane and you love the Rock Drake from Ark Survival Evolved, well you're in luck! This is the... More

A Crazy Start
Royal Maids?! What!?!

A lot of explaining....

1.2K 16 5

A/N: So, I don't have much to say, but I hope you are satisfied with this chapter/episode!


It was getting late, Z23 showed me back to my dorm, so I could get some rest.

Y/N: "Well, I'll see you in the morning! Good Night!"

Z23: "W-wait!"

Y/N: "??"

Z23 looked a bit flustered, and she looked like she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words.

Z23: "A-As per r-regulation, a-and a-as your s-secretory, i-it's my j-job t-to make s-sure that y-your f-first night h-here, is safe. so I must s-sleep in the s-same r-room a-as y-you f-for t-the f-first n-night h-here..."

My brain was like


Y/N: "Excuse me what?"

Z23: "I have to stay with you in your room for the first night to ensure that you're safe through the night."


Z23: "I can't really do much about it.... it is regulation..."

Y/N: "No no no, it's fine, I-I fine with it! If its regulation, then I can deal with it."

Z23 left to go get her pj's or whatever she wears to bed. 


Z23 came back in pj's and her futon. Her pj's were black with little red crosses on it. I had already changed into my pj's. 

Y/N: "Come in"


I walked into my dorm, and began to set up my futon. 

Y/N: "Hey, I'll finish setting up your futon for you, and you could explore my dorm a bit."

I walked around Y/N's dorm, and picked up a picture frame. 

Z23: "Commander, who are people in this picture?"

Y/N turned around and noticed which picture frame I was holding.

Y/N: "Oh that. Those are my friends, when I was growing up. I had to move away from my childhood home. I miss them dearly."

I put back the picture frame, and I noticed another picture frame. It had a bunch of reptile-like creatures. 

Z23: "Hey what are these in this picture?"

Y/N turned around and looked, he paused and he went back to setting up my futon. Y/N spoke softly. 

Y/N: *sniff* "I-I r-really don't w-want to talk a-about it......" *sniff*

I realized what these creatures meant to him, they were like family to him. 

Z23: "I-I'm sorry for your loss... They're in a better place."

Y/N: "It's o-okay *sniff* T-They were the best family I've ever had." 

Y/N had finished setting up my futon, and we got into our respective beds and Y/N turned off the lights. 

Y/N: "Good Night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Z23: "Good Night"


I felt something push against my leg, so I slowly open my eyes and tilted my head forward to see what brushed against me. It was that creature that attacked the commander earlier today! It was already standing over me where I couldn't do much to fight back. The creature was making a raspy windy sound while, was creeping in closer to attack me. It suddenly jolted to the left of me, I saw what caused it to jolted to the left. It was the commander! The creature was thrashing around wildly, but it didn't do anything against his grip. The commander raised his head over the creature, he opened his mouth. I noticed that his teeth turned into razor-sharp daggers! He violently slammed his jaws onto the creature's neck, the creature thrashed around even more wildly, and the commander slamming the creature's head against the floor. The commander in one swift move, ripped the creature's head clean off. It's body started to spew glowing orange blood everywhere. The commander tossed the head aside and he inhaled sharped and let out an ear piercing roar. A/N: Start music

A/N: First roar that plays

It was loud enough to shatter the window, and blast the door down. F/C feathers sprouted out of his head and they ruffled a bit, and the commander whipped his head towards his dorm's door, he let out a deep rumbling growl. He charged towards the door and he seemed to get bigger on the way out, I quickly followed him, and saw that Little Bel was on the ground facing towards a horse-like hulking creature with its right claw raised above it with a spinning sky-blue orb. Other shipgirls were coming out of their dorms to see what's the noise all about. Every shipgirl within viewing distance, saw the commander transform into a large partially feathered reptile. 

A/N: First roar that plays

The commander roared at the horse-like creature, his roar was visible enough to see it to hit the creature, sending it tumbling backwards. It quickly got back up, only for it to get hit by the commander's claw. The horse-like creature fumbled back, and it looked at the commander in shear terror. The commander inhaled sharply, and his feathers suddenly started glowing a bright F/C. The commander unleashed a blast of bright F/C fire at the creature, it was burnt to a crisp, the commander continued to blast fire on it, a few seconds after he finished burning the creature into nothing. He roared in victory, he turned around and looked at all the shipgirls that saw what happened. He looked down at his claws, and looked back up at us. 

A/N: Stop music, if you want to 

Y/N: "Shit. I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?"


I sat my happy scaly hide on the floor of the hallway, and I swear I can feel god's eyes stabbing me. One of the shipgirls that was wearing a bit of a revealing pj's.

???: "So, you're the creature that has been reported to seen off the coast of Germany, 6 years ago?"

Enty: "6 years ago? I reported in that I saw him off the coast of the US 6 years ago!"

Y/N: "Look before any arguing starts, I was at the US coast in January, Germany coast in February, and the major country coasts in the following months. I then went into hiding, knowing that if I had a chance to even live, I was luckily taught to transform into a human to get by. That's my story!" 

A shipgirl who looked like she was playing video games the entire day.

???: "How do we know that we can trust him..."

She stared me down, I was scared of my mind. I felt like I might tonight...

Z23: "Ayanami, you may say that, but I was saved by him from a smaller creature, and we all just witnessed him save Little Bel! How can we not trust him!" 

Y/N: "She's right, I saved them both from danger and I swear by my soul, I swear by a blood oath, that I Y/N will never raise my talon against any shipgirl I meet, and swear that I will only raise my talon against my enemies."

Eugen: "Either way, I'm Prinz Eugen. Ayanami, a blood oath is a pledge that if one were to swore upon it, they'll never be able to go to their version of heaven. Along with that, their body will be extorted and destroyed over and over again. It's the worst fate."

Y/N: (Did I fuck up in swearing an pledge of loyalty?)

I started sweating bullets, Enterprise walked towards me. I look up at her, she bitch-slapped me, with literally everything she got. 

Y/N: "I kinda deserved that..."

Enty: "You didn't say shit about what you were, and since I brought that up, what the hell are you!? A-And what was that thing that attacked you earlier today, and what the hell was the thing that you burnt into a pile dust!?" 

Y/N: "To answer your first question, I'm a Rock Drake. To answer your other questions, the thing that attacked me earlier today is known as a Nameless. The thing that I burnt to a crisp was Chalicotherium, or Chali for short."

Eugen: "Anyway~"

Eugen pressed herself against my arm, I was visibly turning red. Enterprise intervened. 

Enty: "Eugen what do plan on doing to the commander?"

Eugen: "Oh~ I plan on giving him my certificate to sign~"

Y/N: "Eugen, even though we've just met, could you not press your boobs against me?"

Eugen: "Oh?~ Are my breasts bothering you?" 

At this point, I was turning purple from holding my breathe. 

Z23: "Commander! You're turning purple! You need to breathe!"

I shook my head in response, and after a little longer I couldn't hold it in any longer. I exhaled loudly. 

Eugen: "Here's my certificate~"

Eugen handed me her certificate with a pen to sign it with. Of course, I signed it and handed it back to her. 

Eugen: "I hope you'll be a good commander~"

Eugen walked away, hopefully back to her dorm. A chill ran down my back from how she was all over me. 

Enty: "Commander"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Enty: "Tomorrow, You'll be starting your duty as the commander of Azur Lane."

Y/N: "Uhh, thanks. Well, I'm pretty sure everyone here would want to go back to bed and get back to sleeping, I would highly suggest that."

Everyone went back to their respective dorms, and Z23 followed me back to my dorm to stay for the night. 

Y/N: "Again, Goodnight Z23. Don't let the bedbugs bite"

I said this to Z23, and I noticed she had already had fallen asleep. I smirked and slipped back into sleep. 


3rd POV

Y/N woke up, and yawned. curling his tongue back and baring his teeth. He stretched for a bit and decided to wake up Z23. Y/N leaned over to her, and nudged her a bit. She woke up eventually from him nudging her. Z23 looked with tired eyes. 

Y/N: "Morning sleepy head"

Z23 sat up and the blanket slid off her, and Y/N went bright red in face. He saw everything. It took her a moment for her to realize why Y/N went red. She covered herself up. 


Z23: "I-it's o-okay, I-I mean I-I s-seen you in y-your u-underwear a-as w-well"

There was a long awkward pause.

Z23: "Wait, how do you change back? Like into your human form?"

Y/N: "Oh, like this"

Y/N quickly shifted into his human form. 

Y/N: "We should get dressed for today"

They both got up and looked away from each other, but Z23 had stole some glances at his back. They went out of his dorm, Z23 to show Y/N where his office would be at.

Z23: "This is your office!" 

She opened the door, and they walked into the office. 

Z23: "Commander, I'm going to let Enterprise that you're in here, and I'm going to take care of my futon in your dorm."

Y/N: "Okay"

Z23 left the office, Y/N was left alone for a bit.  He decided to explore his office while he was waiting. 

Y/N: "Wow, that's a lot of books... I wonder if"

Y/N grabbed a book out, and looked at the cover. 

Y/N: "T6, DD, Type 1336A... Z23. Huh, This one is about Z23. I might read this one later"

He grabs another book out. 

Y/N: "T7, SS, Type B1... I-56? I wonder who that is..."

???: "They're a submarine, commander."

Y/N turned to see who said it, it was someone new to him. They were wearing a maid outfit. 

Y/N: "Oh, hello! Who are you I may ask?"

Belfast: "I'm Belfast, the head of the Royal Maids."

A/N NOTE: Y/N's brain when he heard the words, Royal Maids.)

Y/N: "The Royal what now?"

Belfast: "The Royal Maids, commander"

A/N: I gonna leave it here for now, I'm at the moment grinding for the Essex event, I attempting to get Independence. Also, here's the meme of the chapter. 

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