Pidge's Tourment

By fangirl-express

9.7K 204 56

Pidge is captured by the galra,she is beaten and tortured everyday.her family/team looks for her everywhere u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

389 7 8
By fangirl-express

Keith POV
As Pidge floated out into space, a few seconds passed and a galra picked up her body. I guess this was so they can get her back. I wonder, why? Why her? Hasn't she been through enough? Apparently not. Allura and Matt set us free from this cruel prison. We filled her in and started plotting. It won't take as long as it did last time, I swear to you Pidge.

Pidge POV
I awoke in a familiar purple hue lighting, and a metal floor. I don't want to be here, I want Keith. I groaned as I got up, my whole body hurt. Well I didn't miss that feeling, non the less I made my way to the door. I may have been gone for some time, but I still remeber the rules. I knocked on the window, letting them know I was awake.

I leaned against the wall, not trusting my own balance at the moment. A few minutes later Haggar entered the room. "How are my sweet dear child?" Her words made me shiver, "I'm doing fine..." she raised her eyebrow expecting the last word. I hated it, but I grited my teeth and continued "...mother". She smiled in delight as I uttered the word. I really wish my real mother was here. "Now then, its time to fix you up and get you ready" she came closer stroking my arms. "Ready for what, mother?" I knew i wasn't supposed to ask questions, but going in the dark is worse.

"Well, Lord Zarkon has choosen you to fight in the arena" her words seemed almost saddened as she spoke. Like she didn't want me to go, I brushed it off as my imagination. I nodded, and we left the room. I can't go to the arena, I know what its like. Purely based on Matt and Shiro's stories. Haggar is leading the way with two centuries behind us. Maybe I can take out all three. I focus on the energy and imagine it expanding around my body like a bomb. It ignited and took out the centuries, but Haggar seemed unfazed.

She must have been expecting it. She turned swiftly and in a quick motion. Snatching both my arms, looking me in the eyes. My eyes betrayed me and showed fear for a second and then back to determination. "Don't try your tricks on me child. I created you this way, I can easily destroy you" her words sunk in like venom. I knew she wasn't kidding, the memories of her giving me this "gift" still burned into my skull. I look down, not making eye contact. She seemed pleased, grabbing my hand and continued leading me to where ever we were headed.

Haggar POV
I don't want to send her to the arena. That place can crush souls. Unfortunately I have grown a liking toward that girl, I really do feel as if she is my daughter. Zarkon noticed and ordered she'd be put in there. That way I won't have any weaknesses. It was either this or her marrying my son, Lotor, but I wouldn't do that to her. He can sometimes be cruel like his father.

There isn't much I can do, except hope her paladin skills kick in. We made it to an arena cell, I requested she get her own private cell. Those were usually reserved for the chapions, but I have no doubt in my mind that she will be. Just like that Shiro or rather "the chapion". She changed into the prisioner rags. "May I have a hair tie?" She didn't make eye contact, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. "I don't have a rubber band, but will a ribbon suffise?" She only nodded. I pulled out a red ribbon and hand it to her. She examines it and ties it into her brown and white streaked hair.

"Thank you" I give a nod, and turn my back to her about to leave. "Just know, that this might be the last time we see each other. I just wanted to tell you, that I hope you win out there. And don't you ever give up" I gritted my teeth and left. Hoping for the best.

Its kinda short, but I'm having writers block. I do have an ending in my head, its the journey that I'm stuggling with. Anyways, have a lovely day children.

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