Cancer Love (Editing, writing...

By Imagination1991

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I'm rewriting the story to how I had originally wrote the story. I'll also be adding in some chapters here an... More

Two Years Earlier
Chapter 2: Her..
Chapter 3: Red
Chapter 4: Seventeen
Chapter 5: Wolf?!
Chapter 6: Brother
Chapter 8: The Slap!
Chapter 9 Redoing Chapter
Chapter 10: Just Talking
Chapter 11: Cancer Love
Chapter 12: Cancer Love
Chapter 13: The Dark Witch
Chapter 14: Life as Usual
Chapter 15: News
Chapter 16: Alpha and Beta

Chapter 1: Bumping into Him..

4.2K 98 17
By Imagination1991

I take the hands of my best friend and look deep into her wild green eyes that always reminds me of the old cabin in the greenly woods my father used to take my brother and I. I pout tiling my head to the side. "I want you to come with me tonight. It's going to be amazing. Please Jenny, you know it will make me happy."
"I'm not sure. We're not even eighteen for another two years and I hear the bouncer is mean and scary," she shivers.
"Trust me. I'll get us in and have I ever let you down?"
"No. But..." she lingers, casting those wild eyes down the hallway of pupils sorting out their shits for first period. I should have boring Maths first lesson along with another hour of Maths. I honestly don't see the point in doing these lessons, it's not like I want to go to university. I want to see the world, to explore many cultures and the people.
"Pleaseeeeeeee!!!" I sang.
"Okay, okay! Shhh! People are looking," she waves at me to stop, searching those worrying eyes at a few staring our way.
Slowly creeping behind her comes Marcus James Woods with his hand messing her morning hour of style. Jenny always spends extra time fixing her fiery red hair, the texture takes longer to style, so she likes to say. "Marcus!" She growls annoyed.
"Sorry Jen, I thought you brought in your cat this morning," Marcus jokes, his smirk lingering as his ocean eyes lit.
She hisses at him turning away.
"Hey, not my fault," he laughs wrapping his arm around her small waist and again she pushes him away. I laugh as my mornings are always fill with my two amazing best friends messing about.

"So anyway guys, Red is supposed to be the hottest new club in town and we are going!"
Marcus nods. "Sure."
"Well that was easy," Jenny rolls her eyes.
"You're not going without me, simple."
Jenny glares. "You make it sound like we can't go anywhere without you."
Marcus goes quiet. He does that quite a fair bit as though he was trying to control whatever it was inside him. Sometimes whenever they play the cat and mouse game, Marcus seems troubled almost he wants to get angry at her but he never does. I remember the once he lost it, a temper I've never seen in all the ten years I've know him. It was sometime last year when we saw Jenny's ex, he had hit her and pushed her to the ground yelling at her. Marcus ran after him, punched him so hard it freaked me out that instead of being there for Jenny, I ran.  So since then, Marcus would go quiet.
He then spoke, "Red isn't usually a place for you girls so when I tell you, you're not going without me, don't argue."
For the pass few months Marcus had become overly protective especially with Jenny, always wanting to be around whenever we go out. I think it's cute but Jenny doesn't like it. Sometimes I think he doesn't trust us girls like we'll get into trouble. My mum tells me it's just boys being boys but I'm not convinced, I know it's something else.
His expression changes into a sly one as he gazes down at Jenny always landing on those bouncing blessed boobs particularly when she folds her arms. "Besides, you get to dance with me."
She narrows her eyes, "Says who?"
"Me," he points with his thumb crossing his arms to make himself look bigger. Marcus was a lot bigger than most lads. I guess it's not surprising as most the lads on the rugby team are. Jenny always puts it as big rough and stinky and I laugh as I agree.
"When are you two gonna start dating?" I asked figuring why they hadn't just started the moment Marcus punched the soul out of her ex.
Jenny looks mortify at what I just said. "You can't be serious Anna. It would never work out, we're just different."
I think they're perfect for each other and anyone would agree with me. I know one day they'll realise that, hopefully soon than later.

The loud sounding of the school bells echoes through the corridors, ringing three times to let all of us know it's time to shut up and get to classes. I had everything I needed in my flowerily backpack, all my books, notepads, pens and pencils and even my box lunch. I still take school serious even if I know there may not be any point. I never want to hear those results again. I was fourteen at the time and I felt like a little girl that got lost while shopping with mum. I shiver at the thought.
When I look at these two I honestly felt like a lucky girl and I don't want anything to ruin it.
"Anyway, before class starts. Meet at mine after school, my parents are away the weekend so you can stay over."
"Sounds like a plan," Marcus nods accepting this.
"Also Chris is coming."
"The mentioning of my brother always got Jenny flustered, excited and with giggles. I always give her the 'eww, that's my brother' look.
"Your hot brother is coming!?" She squeaks.
Marcus makes a low growling disapproving sound.
"Chris is just there to drive us and back home. He's meeting up with his friends so I know getting in won't be any issue. Anyway, love you both, laters."
I turn stepping an inch to hear Marcus ask, "Am I not hot?"
Jenny sighs long. "There's hot like her brother and then there's you."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
I decided to let them be, smiling to myself as how they can be so blind.

I rounded the corner while bumping, elbow shoving and almost tripping over a few times over pupils, always feeling tiny in these chaotic corridors. Once I'm out into the clear zone, I turn to see everyone going into the doors of long hourly classes with teachers shouting, teaching and thinking. I face forward only to stumble onto the floor, my bag drops causing my stuff to scatter on the floor. I should really learn to close my bag but my ass really hurts! Ouch! I quickly shove my stuff into my bag and stood dusting myself off.
"I'm sorry about that," I said knowing it's my own fault for not paying attention. I ran my fingers through my strands removing it from my face. I glance up at the male's school uniform, black smart shoes, black trousers, a white tucked in shirt, a dark red tie and a dark red blazer. I notice our heights are very different and I'm realising how short I truly am. When I eventually do reach his face, he seems very familiar and yet I can't put my tongue on it.
Those dark green eyes watches me staring up at him. They were like a golden green colour, more wildly than Jenny's and more serious than Marcus's blue eyes. I felt oddly drawn to him.
"Just watch where you're going next time," his cold tone startles me and he bumps his arm purposely against my shoulder to pass me.
"I had apologised so there shouldn't be a problem mate."
He stops walking and comes back to face me and his green eyes grew with amusement as though what I said made him want to laugh. "I doubt you're my mate. I'm too good for someone like you."
Again I'm startled by his tone towards me and what the hell is that supposed to mean. I only said mate, a way of being friendly. I'm not even attractive to him. Well may be a lie but still. I suddenly drop my bag, grip his white shirt as he pushes me up against the lockers. "Or perhaps I should tease you for disrespecting the word mate."
I felt the overpowering of his warmth tremble me and a sharp painful electric feeling piercing through my brain as my skull pounds hard against my head. It was so painful I wanted to scream instead I sealed my lips.
He moves closer, his arm resting above my head and his other hand felt soft and gentle as he grabs my jaw making me look up into those dark eyes. I notice he starts lending into a kiss and I could feel my heart pounding so hard, just as hard as the pounding in my head. Then as soon as he had pushed me, he removes himself off me and starts laughing. "Stupid girls are so easily fooled."
I felt embarrassed however, I felt something crawl up my throat as the pain grew and I felt my chest heave, and I felt sweaty. And then the most horrifying moment happened. I threw up all over his white clean shirt. I hiccup wiping my mouths and moaning. 
"Fuck!" He growls an animal sound, different from Marcus and it causes me to shiver. "What the fuck!" He growls again.
I stare at the dark yellowing colour, with bits and pieces, and it stinks like morning breakfast. "You deserve it."
"You're awful and so you deserved getting sick on. Actually just looking at you, you make me want to throw up again."
He growls slamming his fists against the locker making a shattering noise and also causing me to flinch. "You have no idea who you're messing with."
I stare up at him. What is it with him and this temper, he's like an animal. "I rather not know. I wouldn't care."
He growls and I glare. 
He looks down at the vomit on him and shakes his head. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Another round of vomit crawls up my throat and drowns his shirt, I frown as I don't feel amazing right now. I actually feel dizzy that I begin to see double. All I could hear was his growling throat and his wincing tone until I felt my body hit the floor, darkness and fear taking over.

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