"Final shot at love: The Unkn...

By MTWdays

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*Read "One last shot at love" first before reading this continuation book. Few months has passed and Rainbow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Warning: Make out scene
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Path A
Chapter 30: Path A part 2
Chapter 31: Path B (Alternate)
Chapter 32: Path B part 2 (Alternative ending)

Chapter 18

680 22 42
By MTWdays

My eyes widened in pure shock after Applejack finally confessed it.. I was just speechless while my lover continued crying.

Rd: " W-what..?" I finally spoke up after a few seconds.

Aj: "Im pregnant Rainbow.. Well Im about to be.."

Rd: "Aj.. This doesn't make any sense! D-did you..?"

Aj: " Did what?"

Rd: "Slept with another man..?"

Aj: 'What?! No! I would never do that!"

Rd: "Then how the f*ck are you pregnant?!"

Aj: "Its Twilight's magic Dash.."

Rd: "T-twilight? Our old highschool friend?"

Applejack nodded yes to my question as she sat down on the bed, I felt kinda bad for accusing her of cheating on me but.. Is this true?

Rd: "Was that the potion thing you drank?!"

Aj: "Yes.."

I then realized how hard I was on Aj.. She was only doing this because she wanted to start a family but I got mad at her for keeping this a secret.. What kind of a lover am I?!

Rd: "Applejack.. Im so sorry!" I cried out in tears, running up to my lover and pulling her into a hug.

Aj: "Aww sugarcube please dont cry.." She replied, brushing down my rainbow hair with her hand.

Rd: "Im so sorry.. Im so sorry!"

Aj: "Its okay Dash, Im sorry too for keeping this a secret.. I just wanted to surprise you since we want kids."

Rd: "Oh god.." I started after kissing Aj in her forehead. "Am I going to be a fath-.. Mother?!" I asked in excitement.

Aj: 'Yes sugarcube.. Soon. "

Rd: "F*cking Celestia Im going to be a mother!" I cheered with a loud voice.

Aj: "Soon, love. "

Rd: "So how does this magic thing work?" I questioned before seating next to her.

Aj: "Princess Twilight said that the potion will take affect for a few months."

Rd: "What? Why is it so long?! I want our kids now."

Aj: "I know, me too sugarcube but she told me that the potion will take some time fusing with my DNA or somethin'.. Its just kinda confusing."

Rd: "So the whole Pinkie pie cutting my hair thing and the CHS trips was for this?"

Aj: "Yup."

Rd: "When we'll we know if the potion already taken effect?"

Aj: "Hm.. I guess If I started to feel weird and tired inside."

Rd: "But is this safe? Letting equestrian magic mess you up like this?"

Aj: "Rainbow its not messing me up sugarcube, I just wanted a child of our own."

Rd: "Why do through all this struggle when we can just adopt a child?"

Aj: "Like I said Dash." She started, cupping my cheeks with her hand. "I want a child of our own.."

Rd: "Aj I.. I love you!" I cried as I pulled her into a deep passionate kiss.

My lover just giggled softly before she kissed back. She kept on wiping my tears away, but I was only crying because I was so happy at the time.

Suddenly, our moment was suddenly interrupted when we heard the door opened loudly, making me and Aj look back, it was Pinkie and the girls.

Pp: "Congrats you guys!!!" Pinkie yelled in joy.

Rd: "Wait.. You all knew about this?"

Ts: "Duh! Isn't it obvious?"

Rd: "S-screw you egghead.." I replied, stuttering in some parts.

Fs: "Aww stop crying Rainbow, congrats on having a child girls!"

Rd: "Someone go get me a freaking t-tissue!"

Pp: "Its kinda hilarious to watch Rainbow cry."

Rd: "Shut up P-pinkie! Its tears of joy!"

Aj: "Stop crying sugarcube.. Always remember that I ain't gonna cheat on you.. Im sorry for making you go through this, I love you my king."

Rd: "F*ck dont make me cry even more Aj! But.. I- i love you too.."

We heard my friends 'aww' in the back, causing our moment to be ruined again.

Rd: "W-we need to celebrate!"

My friends cheered in joy before running downstairs to open a couple bottles of wine, leaving me and Aj alone in our room.

When I looked back to my lover's eyes, our eyes met for seconds, causing us to blush slightly. I giggled, wiping her tears away before leaning closer for a kiss.

Rd: "Im sorry for being hard on you Apples, I was just so worried about you for this past week."

Aj: "Its okay Rainbow, lets just go downstairs okay? I think Pinkie pie will make us some cupcakes to celebrate."

Rd: "Oh Celestia why does it have to be cupcakes?"

Aj: "Cause its your favorite!" She teased with a laugh.

Rd: "No way! I hated cupcakes ever since I watched that goddamn movie."

Aj: "Wanna watch it again with me?"

Rd: "You want me to die dont ya?" I asked with a grin.

Aj: "Please?" Aj replied with her puppy eyes move.

Rd: "I'll rather make out with you for a whole day instead of watching that movie. Oh speaking of s*x.. Can we..?"

Aj: "I honestly dont know but.. I think we can?" She answered, making her cheeks blush red even more.

Rd: "Well.. Can we do it now?"

Aj: "N-not now Rainbow! The girls are waiting downstairs remember?"

Rd: "Oh right, lets go then." I giggled after carrying Applejack in my arms, making her gasp in surprise.

Aj: "Ahh! Dash put me down!" My lover laughed.

Rd: "🎶 Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I love you and that's all I really know! 🎶" I teasingly sang while carrying her downstairs.

Aj: "Ya really like that song huh?"

Rd: "Because its just our love story."

Aj: "Except ours have more drama."

Rd: "Right, but that doesn't stops us from being together."

When we got halfway down the stairs, we saw Pinkie and the girls were already drinking without us.

Luckily today was a Friday so we dont have classes tomorrow, which means we can waste ourselves with boozes today without hesitation!

Pp: "And there goes the groom and groom in the staircase!" Pinkie pie yelled while waiving her hands at us.

Rd: "Who let Pinkie pie drink boozes without us?" I laughed, placing Applejack down afterwards.

Fs: "She's too excited for you girls so she celebrated too early."

Aj: "Thanks for the party guys but where's Twilight?"

Pp: "I think she's busy chatting someone in the dining room."

Rd: "Again? Well does she wants to drink or celebrate with us?"

Pp: "I dunno let me ask." Pinkie lastly replied before running to the dinning area.

Applejack and Fluttershy sat down on the coach while I grabbed sone wine glasses for us 3. 

Im so happy.. I cant even get this irresistible smile off my face whenever I think of the fact that Im becoming a parent soon, I just hope nothing bad will happen to us as we start a new life with my family.

After Pinkie returned to the living room, my eyes widened in shock when she was bringing a tray of cupcakes with her.

Pp: "Well I have some bad news and good news girls."

Rd: "Let me guess, the bad news is the cupcakes!"

Pp: "No silly! The good news are the cupcakes! But the bad news is Twilight ignored me because she's too busy talking with someone in her phone."

Rd: "Forget the egghead Pinkie, I think she's still upset about Sunset."

Pp: "Yeah.. Anyways who likes cupcakes?!"

Rd: "Pass."

Aj: "Aww your no fun sugarcube, just try one will ya?"

Rd: "F-fine..! Pinkie what did you put in this?"

Pp: "Basic! I put in Flour, Eggs, sugars, human guts, salt, and some frosting!"

Rd: "Well that doesn't sounds bad- Wait.. WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

Pp:" Woops! That was my secret recipe!" She laughed.

Rd: "Goddammit Stop that Pinkie!"

Pp: "Im just kidding Dashie! Eat up girls!"

I just grabbed one after watching Fluttershy and Aj ate their piece. It seems safe enough but some part of me wants to eat it while another part is still scared because of the movie.

Rd: "Guys, If I somehow pass out after this please get me away from Pinkie." I joked with a nervous giggle.

Fs: "Relax Rainbow, Pinkie didnt put anything harmful in her cupcakes."

Rd: "O-okay.. Here I go." I lastly said before closing my eyes.

I slowly opened my mouth as I slowly took a bite on Pinkie's deadly.. I mean incredibly edible and safe cupcakes..

As soon I swallowed it, I opened my eyes and saw all of my friends staring at me.

Aj: "So? Still afraid of cupcakes Dash?"

Rd: "This was.. Unexpectedly good. Can I have more?"

Pp: "I knew you would love it!"

I literally went on a spree of cupcakes after that which completely gave me a sugar rush the whole night.

Im finally going to be a parent, I swear Im going to take care of my family and live a happy life..

I just wish nothing bad will happen to us, but for now, we continued celebrating till dawn.

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