BangLyz Song Inspired Oneshot...

By ILovePikachu02

26K 1.7K 867

A fanfic dedicated to BTS and Lovelyz one shots and drabbles that will hopefully entertain you and make you f... More

Lip 2 Lip(TaeJeong)
Think About You(KeiMin)
Only You(SugAe)
She Is(2Jin)
Mr.Chu(BangLyz Part 1)(Lovelyz P.O.V)
Man In Love(BangLyz Part 2)(BTS P.O.V)
What Is Love(BangLyz Part 3)
Amazing(TaeJeong Part 1)
Bookmark(TaeJeong Part 2)
Blood,Sweat & Tears(YeinKook)
Love Is Not Over(SugAe)
Stop It(MiHope)
True Love(BangLyz)
Inferiority Complex(TaeJeong)
I Like That(2Jin Part 1)
All Of A Sudden(2Jin Part 2)
Real Story(RapSoul)
365 Fresh(MiHope)
Promise, I'll Be(KeiMin)
Rum Pum Pum Pum(BangLyz)
Touch My Body(SugAe)
Always In My Heart(TaeJeong)
Pretending To Be Happy(YeinKook Part 1)
Love Me The Same(YeinKook Part 2)
To My Boyfriend(BangLyz)
Bad Boy(YeinKook)
That XX(TaeJeong)
Hello Tutorial(2Jin)
Fake Love(KeiMin)
In Heaven(MiHope)
Oh Yeah(SugAe Part 1)
Fool(SugAe Part 2)
Baby Baby(MiHope)
Where Are You(2Jin)
House Of Cards(RapSoul Part 1)
The Eye(RapSoul Part 2)
Amusement Park(BangLyz)

Can't Hide It(KeiMin)

121 7 0
By ILovePikachu02

You can see it uuu

Mijoo had noticed Kei wasn't behaving like her usual self, she was always often sleep deprived nowadays and even during their dance practices, she doesn't have any energy and is often making too many mistakes. She entered inside Kei's bedroom and saw she was sleeping with her phone near her hand, she must have done something on her phone before she fell asleep but what could it be?

Mijoo didn't really wanted to intrude on Kei's privacy but she was really curious on what she was doing on her phone, she could tell that Kei had been doing this for some time and Mijoo was starting to get worried over Kei's performance and dedication to their group. She lightly grabbed Kei's finger and placed it against the phone's button to activate the fingerprint recognition.

To Mijoo's luck, the phone unlocked and Mijoo took her time to see what Kei had been looking through her browser to which she saw that she was reading something. After finishing what Kei was previously reading on her screen, Mijoo had questions and she wanted answers from the younger girl.

Can't hide it

''Kei!'' Mijoo shook Kei's body, trying to wake her up quickly.

''Unnie, let me sleep!'' Kei groaned, pulling the quilt up.

''I'll let you sleep once you tell me why were you reading some fanfictions?'' Mijoo raised her eyebrow.

Kei immediately had her eyes wide open as she sat up before trying to look nonchalant. ''W-What are you talking about?''

''Don't play dumb with me!'' Mijoo gave her a look before she showed Kei her phone. ''The evidence is right here!''

''Unnie!'' Kei snatched her phone away from Mijoo. ''First of all, you shouldn't be checking my phone without my permission!''

''Why were you looking at them?'' Mijoo crossed her arms as she wanted answers. ''What's going on?''

''I....I can't help it...'' Kei sighed. ''I'm addicted to them!''

Am I dreaming?

Kei remembered the time she was walking to her van to go to the recording studio to record a new OST song but a fan immediately ran to her and shoved the piece of paper in Kei's hand. Before she could question the fan about it, she saw two bodyguards grab hold of the fan.

''SEARCH IT, KEI!'' The fan yelled as she was pulled away by the bodyguards. ''SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT IT IS!''

Kei blinked her eyes as she saw the fan get dragged away into another street by the bodyguards before her attention went to her manager, who stood next to her out of nowhere.

''Do you want me to throw that?'' The manager asked as he looked at the paper in her hand.

''No.'' Kei didn't know why but she decided to listen to the fan.

Am I under a spell?

Kei followed what was written onto the paper, which consisted of only two instructions. One, which was to go to the website and second was to search for KeiMin. She had no idea what any of this could mean but she followed the instructions and she was met with, what seemed like, stories and posters of her and BTS' Jimin Park.

She didn't know what to make of this but she decided to click on the first link and see what all this could mean. After she was done reading, she wasn't too sure what to feel or think. She was definitely amazed with how well written the story was and now she was starting to find herself wanting to read more of the fanfictions.

Over the past couple of days, things had taken such a turn, she thought it was just a fun and harmless time of reading some made up stories that wouldn't have meant much however she found herself reading these fanfictions at any opportunity she could, getting deeper and deeper into the addiction.

I don't know but don't wake me up

''Argh it wasn't supposed to be like this but now I can't stop...'' Kei covered her face with her two hands, groaning at herself.

''So is it just the stories or have you started to see Jimin in that way?'' Mijoo asked.

''One day I saw him as a coworker and now I get hooked into the Kei and Jimin ship, getting lost in the fantasy and feels.'' Kei held the pillow against her chest.

''But he's not really like what fans write about him, surely you know it's all fiction.'' Mijoo wanted Kei to get back to  reality.

''Maybe.'' Kei's face dropped.

No I didn't say anything but people can tell

Mijoo could tell Kei didn't wanted to face the truth. ''It's just a phase, it will pass.''

''I guess.'' Kei let out a breath out of her mouth.

''You're acting like you don't want this to pass?'' Mijoo could see that Kei was trying to avoid looking at her.

''Well...what if I say that I like the feeling I get when I read the stories and I guess...I've started to have a little thing for him...'' Kei bit her bottom lip after she was done explaining.

''But does he feel the same about you? Does he even know what you're thinking about him? The stuff you're reading about the two of you?!'' Mijoo questioned, wanting Kei to be realistic. ''You're putting yourself up for failure, Kei!''

I couldn't hide it (I just can't)

''Maybe but there could be a chance we may end up in our own happily ever after like all of these fanfics.'' Kei argued.

Mijoo face-palmed herself. ''Do you even hear yourself? Why are you creating a full fantasy in your head?! He only thinks of you as a coworker!''

''You're not always right!'' Kei frowned at the disapproval.

Mijoo let out a deep breath, the only way Kei was going to realise that this truly was impossible was by letting her go ahead with this so she could fall down on her face after she got rejected. It was the only way she was going to learn if she was this determined to not let her infatuation go.

''Fine, do whatever you want!'' Mijoo walked out of Kei's bedroom.

(I miss you) It's too dream-like to be real so please

Kei had been trying to find Jimin to spend some time with him but she had no luck at all. Every time he was in the company practice rooms, he was either with his group, with his manager or with other artists in the company and he was always stuck in the practice rooms till God knows how long. There just had to be way but how was the question?!

If only there was a way she could find him alone then it would have been just perfect. She grumbled to herself over her luck since she noticed now that she had been wanting to be around him, he had fewer breaks and longer time with practicing. There was a part of her that did think about what Mijoo said to her and thought maybe she could be right but she wanted to prove her wrong, it was as if it was some sort of challenge that Kei was determined to win.

Why is the sun shining so much? Why does the wind feel so refreshing?

Kei walked up the stairs as she was frustrated with her luck, there was just no way she could get near Jimin even though she was trying to for the last couple of days. Are these signs that she should give up on her quest to get near Jimin? Was Mijoo right all this time? She frowned at fate being so harsh on her as she pushed the rooftop door wide open in rage but her rage disappeared once she saw someone turn around.

''Oh it's you, Kei!'' Jimin sighed with relief. ''I was startled and thought it was my manager, ready to scold me for taking a longer break.''

''Jimin....'' Kei could feel her heart beat faster.

''Yes?'' Jimin eye-smiled.

Kei stared at the way the wind was blowing his hair and how handsome he looked as the sun shone on his face, it was just like one of the fanfic she read. Could this moment be like one of their fanfic? Was this destiny finally becoming sympathetic and making her wish turn into reality.

It's too real to be a dream

Before she could say anything to him, someone beat her to it. ''There you are, Jimin! I've been looking everywhere for you!''

''Manager Sejin, I was just taking a little break.'' Jimin uneasily chuckled.

''Everyone is waiting for you, hurry let's go now!'' Manager Sejin dragged him away back to the practice room.

*NOOOOOOOO!* Kei wanted to throw her shoes at his manager for ruining such a perfect opportunity.

I think I'm in love

Kei was thinking whether she should just give up and admit to Mijoo that she was right all along but her head popped up once she heard a familiar voice, making her smile wider. She knew whose voice it was as she walked towards the practice room, hoping that he was alone and to her luck, there was no one else in there. This was her chance and there was no way she wasn't going to take advantage of it now, making her open the door and walk inside.

Kei walked in to see Jimin was sitting down on the floor against the wall with his eyes closed, she took this time to observe his features and admired each one of them. She never actually noticed but his features were really beautiful, she felt thankful that the fanfics made her realise how handsome he really was.

''If you stare at me any longer, you might fall in love with me.'' Jimin chuckled as he opened his eyes.

''I may already have, who knows?'' Kei smirked, feeling fearless as she flirted back.

I try not to make it obvious but all day I keep smiling

Jimin stared at her in shock for a quick second before he shook his head and laughed. ''You're funny! I really thought you were serious for a second.''

''Yeah, my humour is good.'' Kei sarcastically replied with a frown. ''Anyway what are you doing here alone?''

''Lately no one seems to use the practice room after nine so I've been staying late and using it for a week now.'' Jimin replied.

''You've been here alone for the past week?'' Kei had her eyes wide open, feeling frustrated that she didn't even bother to check the practice room to find Jimin alone during the late night.

''Y-Yes...why?'' Jimin saw how surprised Kei was looking.

''No no, I didn't mean it like that.'' Kei cleared her throat. ''I was just surprised anyway why are you working so hard? Any special comeback or upcoming stage performance?''

Uh baby, uh woah yeah yeah

''I don't know, you tell me!'' Jimin smirked, teasing her with that look. ''I'll give you a hint by mentioning I am very popular right now.''

''Popular with who?!'' Kei immediately questioned him.

''I'm not one to brag so why don't you figure it out?'' Jimin teased her once again.

''Is it girls?!'' Kei frowned as she crossed her arms. ''Any female idols?''

Jimin blinked his eyes at the demanding tone and frown on Kei's face, surprised to see her act like this out of nowhere. This was starting to worry Jimin as he had never seen her like this before. What's with her?!

''I meant popular with reality shows and music shows, that sort of stuff.'' Jimin clarified.

''Oh okay!'' Kei smiled as she was happy with the answer.

No it's written in my eyes, in my smile

''Are you into me or something?'' Jimin chuckled. ''You're acting like you would have been jealous if I told you that I'm quite popular with the ladies nowadays?''

Jimin stopped laughing when he noticed Kei wasn't laughing nor reacting to his comment at all, he turned to look at her face and saw that she was staring at him with a serious look on his face. Why wasn't she saying anything to him?

''Are you into me?'' Jimin questioned with a shock on his face as he was starting to figure out why Kei was behaving like this. ''Kei..I...oh, no...''

Kei immediately stood up once she saw the shock in his face and the disapproval of his words, she felt her heart break. Mijoo was right all this time and she felt like an idiot to even go against the obvious, why did she pursue such a lost cause?!

''Kei, wait!'' Kei heard him speak but she ran out of the room.

Her eyes were starting to get watery and a painful sting was growing bigger in her chest, she just wanted to be alone and away from everyone. She knew this was going to be his answer but she wanted to prove everyone wrong yet here she was with the obvious result. Why didn't she just listen to everyone and her logical self about what the result of pursuing the Jimin Park would be?

You can see it (can't hide it)

Kei tried to go to her room as fast and quietly as she could since she just wanted to be alone to cry in her hurt state but Mijoo had seen her face looking like it was going to burst into tears any second now.

''Kei?'' Mijoo opened her door to see the younger girl was on her bed.

''I feel like an idiot, you were right all this time!'' Kei cried.

There was a part of Mijoo that wanted to tell her that she told her so but she decided not to put salt on Kei's wounds. She sat next to Kei and hugged her, letting her cry on her shoulder as she listened to Kei explain how the rejection happened.

''Just rest now, I'll make you some hot chocolate!'' Mijoo gave her a soft smile before she walked out of her bedroom.

Before Mijoo could go inside the kitchen, she heard the door being banged a couple of times. Jiae, whose room was the closest to the door, got out of her room in a tired state and opened the door as she thought it was one of the girls.

''Next time, get the key will ya?'' Jiae nagged as she pulled the door yet her eyes shot wider once she saw it was someone else. ''BTS' Jimin?''

Because of the love you planted in my heart (I love you) yeah yeah

''Finally, the right house!'' Jimin smiled since he recognised Jiae as one of the Lovelyz members. ''Anyway where's Kei? I need to speak to her!''

''Why do you need to see Kei?'' Jiae questioned with a confused look on her face.

''Kei is resting in her room, she can't see anyone right now!'' Mijoo walked to the door. ''Besides your rejection has taken quite a toll on her!''

''Rejection? She likes him?!'' Jiae asked with a shock on her face as she was unknown to this fact.

''Please I need to speak to her, it happened too fast!'' Jimin tried to explain. ''I need to explain it to her clearly.''

''Explain to her what? That you don't see her as anything else than a coworker and you don't see her in that way at all?!'' Mijoo raised her eyebrow.

Jimin knew the two ladies weren't going to let him in but there had to be some kind of way. He took a step back before he ran inside the house.

''KEI! KEI! KEI!'' Jimin screamed her name as the two older ladies grabbed hold of him.

''You can't just barge inside our house like this!'' Jiae frowned as she pulled him back.

''You little rascal!'' Mijoo pulled him back.

Kei and the older Lovelyz members, who were at home, came out of their room once they heard quite the noise in the house and saw BTS' Jimin was in their house with Jiae and Mijoo pulling him back to their front door.

I'm in love ah

''KEI!'' Jimin yelled. ''I need to speak to you! Please talk to me.''

''Let him go, unnies.'' Kei told them as she walked over to where he was.

''I really need to speak to you so please can we go somewhere in private.'' Jimin requested.

''Alright.'' Kei gestured him to follow her in her room.

Jimin looked around the room, it was the first time he was ever in her room and he didn't really know what to expect but it wasn't far off what he expected Lovelyz's Kei's room to be like. ''Nice room!''

''What do you want to say?'' Kei crossed her arms, expecting a detailed version of why he was rejecting her.

''I'm sorry for how I behaved in the practice room, I wasn't really expecting things to turn out like that...'' Jimin sighed. ''I had no idea that you liked me and well...I have something I have to say. I don't know why or when but recently I've started to have feelings for you. At first I saw you just as a coworker and well this might sound silly but recently I read some fanfictions about us and I---''

''Fanfictions? You too?'' Kei's eyes went wide open.

Oh I think I'm in love too

''What do you mean you too? You've read them too?'' Jimin looked at her with a surprised look.

''Did a fan gave it to you too?'' Kei giggled.

''Yeah.'' Jimin chuckled before he got serious. ''But anyway after reading them, I started to notice you and I feel like they have helped me see how beautiful and talented you are! Lately I've been trying to find you so I could talk to you and be alone with you but it just seemed like there was no hope since every time I saw you, you were either at practice or with your members.''

''Jimin I've been doing the same.'' Kei was surprised that Jimin was doing the same thing she was. ''I've always tried to find you alone so I could talk to you and be closer with you yet there just was no opportunity.''

''I never knew we were this similar.'' Jimin laughed as he held Kei's hands. ''Anyway the point is that I love you Kei! I've just feel so crazy like I've been doing nothing but thinking about you! My members thought it was pointless and you would just see me as a coworker but I still wanted to pursue you and prove them wrong! So Kei, will you accept me as yours?''

Jimin was shocked when he saw Kei suddenly break down into tears, did he say something wrong?

''W-Why are you crying, Kei? Is something wrong?'' Jimin was scared. ''Kei?''

I'm in love (in love) I'm in love (in love) oh I'm in love

Kei tried to speak as she was crying but everything she was saying, Jimin couldn't understand a single word. He tried to figure it out but he could understand anything after listening to her speak for a few seconds.

''I really don't know what you're saying.'' Jimin told her.

Kei grabbed hold of Jimin and slammed her lips against his, the two got busy with their first kiss. They started off slow but passionate as they felt each other's soft lips, loving how they felt in the moment but before they could continue further on, they heard a couple of people clearing their throats. Both of them broke their kiss and looked at the door to see the Lovelyz's unnie line, consisting of Soojung, Jiae, Mijoo and Jisoo, were at Kei's bedroom door.

''H-Hi...'' Jimin tried to smile at them.

''Were you all listening to our conversation?!'' Kei asked as she was nervous to know that they were all at the door. ''What did you guys hear?!''

''Not much apart from how much you two love each other.'' Jisoo smirked.

''It's getting quite late so I'll leave now.'' Jimin gave Kei a peck on her lips. ''I'll see you tomorrow, my girlfriend!''

''See you tomorrow, my boyfriend!'' Kei giggled, loving how she was his and he was hers. ''And he's mine, I told you so Mijoo unnie!''

''Alright you win!'' Mijoo shook her head as she smiled that Kei was happy.


Author-Nim=Thank you very much for reading the 47th drabble of the BangLyz drabbles series dedicated to KeiMin!

This chapter was inspired by the song ''Can't Hide It'' by 15&.

Please do vote and comment any requests

Thank you very much for reading, voting and commenting <3

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