Seddie One-Shots

By aestheticfanfic

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Follow the adventures of the iCarly pairing Seddie. You'll go through ups and downs of their relationship and... More

One-Shot no. 1: iAm Sam's First Valentine
One-Shot no. 2: iPrepare for Prom
One-Shot no. 3: iCan't Wait
One-Shot no. 4: iAm Still Into You
One-Shot no. 5: iNeed You to Come Back
One-Shot no. 6: iGo to College
One-Shot no. 7: iGo on the Date
One-Shot no. 8: iFind a List
One-Shot no. 9: iHave My Own Way of Doing This Tag
One-Shot no. 10: iTook Away Their Happiness
One-Shot no. 11: iFind This All Perfect
One-Shot no. 12: iLike You, Ok?!.... Wait What?!
One-Shot no. 13: iWonder What She's Drawing
One-Shot no. 14: iDrew Us
One-Shot no. 15: iBreak Up
One-Shot no. 16: iChristmas Eve
One-Shot no. 18: iHear You Out
One-Shot no. 19: iMet You
One-Shot no. 20: iHave a Date
One-Shot no. 21: iNew Year's
One-Shot no. 22: iBenson Kids
One-Shot no. 23: iAm Scared
One-Shot no. 24: iFight
One-Shot no. 25: iMake Things Right
One-Shot no. 26: iGet First Date Blues
One-Shot no. 27: iBe Me, You Be You
One-Shot no. 28: iKids, to Adults
One-Shot no. 29: iSomebody To You
One-Shot no. 30: iDads
One-Shot no. 31: iMiss Us
One-Shot no. 32: iStand Up for Freddie
One-Shot no. 33: iDetention
One-Shot no. 34: iDance
One-Shot no. 35: iDon't Care About Money!
One-Shot no. 36: iOther Kids
One-Shot no. 37: iSpy on Lachie
One-Shot no. 38: iThink You're Perfect
One-Shot no. 39: iFlirt
One-Shot no. 40: iObject
One-Shot no. 41: iHeal You
One-Shot no. 42: iKnow a Guy...
One-Shot no. 43: iMemories
One-Shot no. 44: iThink He's for Real
One-Shot no. 45: iWish you a Happy Birthday... Nub
One-Shot no. 46: iAin't Listening to Carly
One-Shot no. 47: iCrush on a Nub
One-Shot no. 48: i'LL be Back by Valentine's Day
One-Shot no. 49: iHate Valentine's Day
One-Shot no. 50: iAm for Real
One-Shot no. 51: iAsk Mum and Dad
One-Shot no. 52: iAsk Her Out
One-Shot no. 53: iDo the Girlfriend Tag... Sorta
One-Shot no. 54: iSuck at Parenting
One-Shot no. 55: iBelieve in Fate
One-Shot no. 56: iMeet the Dad
One-Shot no. 57: iGuess We'll Never Know
One-Shot no. 58: iLike Notes
One-Shot no. 59: iYes
One-Shot no. 60: iAm Not so Fortunate
One-Shot no. 61: iSmile
One-Shot no. 62: iGet Shoved into a Closet
One-Shot no. 63: iAm Just an Outsider
One-Shot no. 64: iThought You Left
One-Shot no. 65: iAm Sam and Freddie... Seddie
One-Shot no. 66: iKnow You Belong with Me
One-Shot no. 67: iHave Trust Issues
One-Shot no. 68: iName the Baby
One-Shot no. 69: iTell N.E.R.D Camp
One-Shot no. 70: iMeet Carly's Cousin
One-Shot no. 71: iProfiles
One-Shot no. 72: iRage
One-Shot no. 73: iAm Nobody
One-Shot no. 74: iWill See You Later
One-Shot no. 75: iPrep For My Date
One-Shot no. 76: iAm a Little Star
One-Shot no. 77: iLike Nerds
One-Shot no. 78: iLook Beyond
One-Shot no. 79: iFinally Find Out
One-Shot no. 80: iAm Glad I Divorced
One-Shot no. 81: iTend my Aunt Flo
One-Shot no. 82: iApologise
One-Shot no. 83: iHate Shopping
One-Shot no. 84: iCount the Clock
One-Shot no. 85: iGet Crushed by a Crush
One-Shot no. 86: iDraw Something Beautiful
One-Shot no. 87: iHave Dinner with Our Mums

One-Shot no. 17: iMake Sam Smile

1.6K 30 3
By aestheticfanfic

I got the inspiration from this fanfic:
These are really good and there are over 500 one-shots. Link also in comment section.
Also answer this question. If i screen shot this fanfic or any fanfic, would that be copyright? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION! Enjoy!
P.S They're 22 and graduated college.

Sam's POV

"Carls, can you just get to your head thati'm too tired and that i don't want to go out. I don't even want to go out with Freddie either. I had a busy day at work and i just came home. I knew getting a job during college was a bad idea. Yes i do enjoy being an assistant of a performing arts teacher but those little kids are.... ARGH! I'm leaving now Carls. I just need to rest. Maybe a shower. Which one? Shower? Ok then. See ya".

I hung up then walk to the shower. Yes, i'm an assistant of a performing arts teacher. If i want to be successful in performing arts, my teachers said i must do this. It's not bad, except that the kids are more like Carly after some caffeine. Not alcohol, caffeine. None of us drink anyway.

While i was in the shower, i heard some noises. Like someone was in the apartment. I know Freddie said he has a late shift at his Nerdy Computer Program thing and said he will be coming home and hour late. Carly knows i want to be alone and i'm pretty sure would be begging Wendy to come with her to the mall. Spencer is probz with Carly or catching up on Girl Meets World. When he found out Ben Savage was in it again. He flipped. And Gibby.... wouldn't and shouldn't be in here unless Freddie is.

Yeah, Freddie and I are dating and living in the same apartment. It's got 1 bathroom, laundry room, living room, kitchen, dining area and 2 bedrooms but we only share one. The other room is a guest. We of course took the ensuite. I finish my shower and get dressed. While i was drying my hair i hear those noises again. I grab my butter sock then start walking through the hallway to find Freddie there. Huh?

"Oh hey baby!" He greeted.

"Dude, i thought you were an invader. You said you were working late today" I said all suspicously.

He smirked. "Was Sam Puckett, the toughest girl in Seattle scared?!" I just scowled at his question.

"No, i have my stash of fatcakes in the cupboard, my ham and bacon in the fridge and my candy stash under the sink. They need to be protected" I said as my defence. Honestly, i was a little bit scared.

"Uh-huh. If someone did invade our apartment. The kitchen is the first place to look for expensive possesions. Maybe you would but everyone else wouldn't." He responded with a hint of sarcasm"

"Ya ya. Cut to the chiz Benson. What are you doing here?!" I said loudly. I realised that's a stupid question since he lives here.

Freddie's POV

Me and Sam are having a great conversation. She even asked me the most dumbest question.

"Ya ya. Cut to the chiz Benson. What are you doing here?!" She asked really loudly. She had a look on her face realising that's a stupid question.

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, 'cause i live here?" I responded.

She got frustrated. "I mean what are you doing here so early?! You said you'll be an hour late! You told me at lunch! Mmm, now i want some ham. With my bacon dip." She walked over to the counter forgetting about me.

She yelled from the kitchen. "FREDDIE, WHERE'S MY BACON DIP?!"

I sighed. "Fridge top shelf on the door!"

She comes back with her ham and bacon dip. How can this girl eat without being so fat?!

"So, why you here early?" She asked with her mouth full.

When she swallowed, i grabbed her arm, away from the food and pulled her close to me. "I said that coz i needed to get some stuff and to set up some things. I thought i needed an hour but i only needed 40 minutes. So i was 20 minutes early. I wasn't really early."

She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Whatever. So... what did you get?"

"I'll show you" I let go then pulled her to the dining area.

She gasped when she saw the dining area. The place was decorated with roses, rose petals and candles. On the table was a vase with a boquet of white roses with a note which are for her. The table also had some candles. Besides the decorations were food.

We usually cook together and something that we love to make together and love to eat is Chicken Schnitzel with tomato and herbs pasta and bacon strips on the side. So i made that and in the fridge at the back so it's not seen was some frosting. We like to eat frosting plain or with some Oreos. As drinks, we had rootbeer since we don't drink alcohol.

She finished studying the dining room then turned to me and smiled. That same smile that makes my heart melt and fall for her even more. She snakes her arms around me then kisses me. Oh yeah. We pull away and she's still smiling.

"Why'd you do all of this" She asked in a surprised tone.

I smiled. "Because, today you were stressed out, not in a good mood, not all bright and bubbly and not smiley so i did all of this just so i can see you smile.You're smile is beautiful and i never got to see it this whole day. Until now."

She started blushing and her smile was even wider. "This was all for my smile?" I nod in response. She kisses again then starts talking. "Well thank you but all you needed to do was just be here to make me smile. This morning you left early since you had an early shift so i didn't get to say bye. Then we only got to have a 10 minute lunch together then i had to leave back to work. This was the only time i got to spend some quality time with you."

"So all you need is me to make you smile?" I asked with a huge grin on my face. She slightly hesitate to nod thinking it's embarrassing and too cheesy for her. At the end, she nods in response and blushing madly.

I kiss her. Then i pick her up and spin her around while still kissing her. We break apart and i put her down. We go sit down and eat. Before we ate we said simultaneously "I love you". Doing all of this was so worth it!

Sam's POV

I love Freddie more then anything. I would never take him for granted. My smile makes him fall for me. His eyes looking straight at mine make me fall for him. I wanna swim in that melted chocolate coloured eyes! He's so worth it!


Hoped you guys enjoyed it! I'm also typing up the sequel to "iBreak Up" like now or soon. Link to inspiration will be in the comments!
Sorry for any mistakes :)
Also, don't forget to comment, follow, vote and read my other stories!

-callmeprada ☯

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