You And I (Completed)

By iStartedNothing

37.4K 1.5K 1K

|Larry Stylinson| AU| Completed| The story of two young boys who knew who their hearts belonged to at only si... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Nine

970 45 3
By iStartedNothing

Chapter Nine

hihihi y'all :)

it's been a while, i know, and i apologize. i'm unfortunately still grounded but managed to get my phone to update. i hate keep people waiting on my updates, so yeah.

anyway, i hope you all enjoy this chapter! i'm listening to the neighborhood and literally coming up with this whole chapter right now as i type bc my mind is a jumbled puzzle and i can't plan things properly 😅

DISCLAIMER: i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family or management in any way. any similarities to real life events or situations is purely coincidental.

In the morning, Harry quickly got out of bed and checked the clock on his bedside table. The digital red numbers read 7:03 AM, meaning he had to hurry and get Louis out of the house before his mom got up to leave for work at 7:30.

He tiptoed downstairs, careful not to wake his mother or Gemma and made his way to the living room, expecting to find Louis on the couch sleeping.

He didn't.

Harry groaned softly and ran a hand through his messy bed head, not in the mood for this. "He'd better be in the bathroom.."

Making his way to the bathroom, he thought about last night. Was it pathetic that Louis was practically begging on his knees for forgiveness? Was it cute? He really didn't know.

All he knew was that he didn't like fighting with Lou or being mad at him, but the boy needed to change.

"Louis? Are you in here..?" He asked as quietly as possible while still hopefully being able to be heard. He knocked softly on the bathroom door.

He heard a groan from inside the room.

"That doesn't sound good.." Harry began to get worried. He tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Open the door," he prompted quickly. The noises he heard weren't very appealing and he was scared Louis was hurt or in pain.

Mad at him or not, he never stopped caring.

"H-Harry..I.." Louis began, but suddenly started vomiting before he could finish his sentence.

"Oh my God..Louis, open the door!" He said.

'All that drinking must've made him sick,' he thought sadly. 'He's such an idiot..'

Louis crawled on the floor and weakly reached up to unlock the door for Harry.

The curly haired boy reluctantly walked in and frowned at the sight.

His boyfriend was curled up in a fetal position, resting his head on the toilet (which Harry had to resist yelling at him for because that's extremely unsanitary). He was groaning and clutching his stomach, obviously suffering.

Part of Harry wanted to say something like "that's what you get" and show Louis he wasn't going to pity him, but the other part was yearning to clean him up and comfort him. He wasn't a mean guy, it just wasn't in him.

"Let me help you."


Once Louis was all cleaned up, he brushed his teeth with a spare toothbrush, used mouthwash, cleaned his face, then changed into one of Harry's jumpers, which was a bit big on him but it just made him look cute.

His messy brown hair flopped in his pale blue eyes, which added to the cuteness; Harry really had to try his hardest not to just drop everything and kiss him.

He rushed and looked at the clock to distract him, and was relieved to see it was only 7:15. He still had a little bit of time to get Louis out of the house without getting caught.

"Thanks for helping me, Haz.." Louis mumbled sweetly before taking an aspirin for his pounding headache. Hangover side effects.

'Don't call me that' is what Harry actually wanted to say, but deep down he loved it. He soaked it up like a sponge because whenever Louis called him that, he just lit up. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.

He smiled lightly, hoping it wasn't too evident and just nodded nonchalantly. "You need to get out of here."


Those words hurt Louis more than his terrible headache or stomach pain, but he knew Harry was right. He'd already risked a lot letting him stay the night..he couldn't get him in trouble by letting Anne find out that he was here.

Louis nodded, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Yeah, I should. Um.."

Harry just raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was gonna say.

"..Are you still mad at me?" He asked reluctantly, already knowing the answer but still left a little room for the hope that he was wrong.

The other boy just looked down at his feet, which were covered up in fuzzy little blue socks. He picked at a loose string on one of the couch pillows, clearly doing his best to avoid the question, but then decided to answer. He needed to.


Suddenly, he heard a door open from upstairs. Anne.

He knew it was her because Gemma was literally like a bear in hibernation-she wouldn't wake up until she smelled food or was late for work, and his mother had to get up for work. They could NOT get caught.

Yeah, Anne was a "cool mom", but she wouldn't let something like this slide.

Harry's bright green eyes widened as he jumped up from the couch and ran over to Louis as quietly as running could be. "My mum's up! You need to get out..NOW!"

Louis got the message instantly and hopped up, grabbing his things and running out to the back door, which was in the kitchen.

He stopped abruptly, turning around to face Harry, who was frantically making sure any traces of Louis were gone.

"What..?" He asked, panicking because his mum would be down any minute now.

"..I-Is it okay if I kiss you?"

'Act quick Harry, act quick' he thought. His heart was racing. He's kissed Louis plenty of times, but sneaking around like this made it interesting.

His mind was at war but he knew what his heart wanted.

He didn't have much time, so he just brushed Louis's hair out of his face and pecked him on the lips quickly, but somewhat passionately. "Now, get out of here, moron."

He chucked and watched his boyfriend escape hastily out the back door. "I'll call you later!" He yell-whispered before shutting the door.

Harry leaned up against it and sighed, sliding down and sitting on the floor. He took a deep breath and could feel his cheeks getting hot.

Maybe he wasn't mad anymore.


"Harry? What are you doing?!" Anne questioned. She looked at him if he was crazy.

He jumped up. "Mum, you scared me!"

She just shook her head, walking over to the cabinet to grab a mug for her morning coffee. "I could say the same thing. What are you up to this early?" Anne asked.

'Stay cool, don't panic..' Harry prompted himself silently.

"Well I was going to make you breakfast, but first I went to take out the trash..and uh, I almost got attacked by a squirrel, which is why I'm all flustered, and you know what? It's too early for questions, yeah?" He stopped and kissed his mum on the cheek. "I'm going to go back to sleep, but I'll make dinner tonight. Have a good day at work, love you!"

Anne paused, eyeing him suspiciously, but then just chuckled and hugged him. "Love you too, weirdo."

He smiled and went back upstairs, patting himself on the back. He didn't necessarily like lying to his mum, but he did it for Louis, which clearly meant something. He still believed in the relationship.

As he laid down back in his bed, he felt something under him. He shifted awkwardly and discovered a piece of paper folded up. Weird.

He sat up, unfolding the sheet of notebook paper curiously.

"I love you, monkey boy" -L

Harry found himself speechless. He left questions such as how Louis had found paper or a pen to write or how and when he'd gotten into his room to leave the note aside and just focused on what was right in front of him.

Harry smiled like a lovesick puppy. All the proof that Louis still wanted to be with him and was getting over his fears was right there.

Smiling warmly, he closed his eyes and thanked whatever or whoever was up there for this miraculous sign.

"He loves me."


do you hear crying? nvm it's just me

there's always a happy ending..well almost always idk these boys have minds of their owns but when i write.

thank you guys for reading! i hope you enjoyed this chapter (:
please vote, and maybe even comment? it's v appreciated ;))

next update will be soon. i'm on holiday break rn (bless) so that gives me more of an opportunity to write but i also have homework (like if u cry) and other things to do as well. my birthday is actually on sunday ayy so if you'd like, you can go on my 1D/larry/5sos fan acc on instagram (@5secondsofstylxnson) and wish me a happy bday! no one will but a girl can hope right? ;-;

okay, but yeah i should go bc it's late. HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL LOVE JADE THIRLWALL ILYSM *tearwipe*

and happy belated birthday to my baby louis tomlinson who actually in fact turned 7 so idk why everyone's saying he's 23?? lol love you smoochie :D

and happy birthday tomorrow (12/27) to my queen of my existence and gorgeous radical wife hayley williams who is everything i need in life and more love you baby babayy <3

oh wow i'm v annoying ok bye love you guys happy holidays i hope you had awesome christmases or thursdays peace out yo!1!

Signing off,
iStartedNothing x

p.s. I apologize for any errors in this story-past, present or future

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