Quatro Decimo

By hopingblues

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❝ annyeonghaseyo! i'm rosé and i'm dubbed as seventeen's fourteenth member. ❞ - in which park rosé is a solo... More

❧ profiles
❧ vlive with svt's maknae line
❧ making the chinese/japanese version of her songs
❧ incorrect quotes (pt. 1)
❧ incorrect quotes (pt. 2)
❧ one fine day in japan (ep. 1)
❧ incorrect quotes (pt. 3)
❧ thirteen times everyone thought rosie's dating a svt member (dongsaeng line)
❧ incorrect quotes (pt. 4)
❧ how the boys act around hér (hyung line)
❧ one fine day in japan (ep. 2)
❧ vlive with scoups

❧ thirteen times everyone thought rosie's dating a svt member (hyung line)

967 46 47
By hopingblues

❧ remember, this is a self-indulgent book, i don't want people attacking me for making things like these
❧ also only 20 pictures can only be allowed in one chapter so it's only the hyung line this time

It was one of those tranquil days for idols — mostly Chaeyoung in this case since she just recently released a mini-album. Most of the boys have their own works to do, while some were just resting in their dorm. However, it's been a long time since she spent time with her old friends, so she decided to come by their dorm.

"Hello, everyone!" she announced her arrival in English, laced with her thick Australian accent. "I am here!"

"No, I'm not going out," Soonyoung grumbled under his breath, probably because of lack of sleep. Chaeyoung just sighed in understanding, tapping his arm affectionately while nodding.

"Okay, I won't force you," she relented, pushing him into the hallway. When Soonyoung finally entered his shared room, she faced the only other person left in the living room. "Seungcheol oppa?"

"But I don't really want to go out." The man whined, making her giggle. He automatically scooted to the side when she made her way towards him, hiding a smile when she leaned against his body. "Can we just stay here?"

"Yeah right," she snorted. "Let's go out, please? I've been wanting to visit this noodle place one of my friends recommended. I heard there's a discount! Come on!"

"You're such a cheapskate," he scrunched his nose. "All right, all right. I'm going to change, so wait."

The man stood up, ruffling her hair before going to his room to take his towel before entering their shared bathroom. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung started to switch channels since she's more into food shows than sports.

When Seungcheol was ready, they went out and waited for a cab. Both have masks hiding the lower parts of their faces, despite knowing that some would recognize them alone with her silverish-blue hair and his eyes. Not to mention the camera Chaeyoung was holding for her vlogging purposes.

Soon, a cab arrived. Chaeyoung started to play with her phone while telling the driver where to drop them off as Seungcheol turned her video camera on.

The ride was mostly filled with silence, with Seungcheol making comments here and there with Chaeyoung agreeing or humming once in a while.

"You're always in your phone. Are you sure your eyes are okay?"

She looked up from the screen, "I didn't know you're my mom."

"I'm older than you!"

When they arrived, Seungcheol insisted on paying the fare — in which she lets him. It was one of his tendencies in order to be viewed as dependable and reliable, though Chaeyoung refused to get used to it. She knows she can't be dependent to her older friend forever.

"Lucky!" Chaeyoung squealed, ignoring the passerby's stares. She grabbed Seungcheol's arm who only laughed. "There's only a few people!"

"It's because it's still early, Chae," the man told her. "But let's get in."

They entered the restaurant, opting for a table in a corner. Chaeyoung situated her camera in an angle where both of them could be seen, flashing a peace sign before facing the elderly woman who seems to be the one taking their order.

"Their buljajangmyeon is great, oppa," Chaeyoung beamed. "We should get it!"

"If that's what you want,"

"I hope you can handle spicy food."

"So what can I get for you two lovebirds?" the old woman beamed, sliding the menu towards the both of them.

Chaeyoung and Seungcheol stiffened, shooting each other's glances before going back to the old lady.

"O-Oh, we're not..."

"Lucky for you two, we have a discount for lovers since my granddaughter's wedding is near. I'm sorry, young man, were you saying something?"

"We're no—"

"Oppa, we should probably order a lot since there's a discount." Chaeyoung suddenly gave him a megawatt smile, making him blink.


"We'll be getting this, this, this and this." Chaeyoung pointed at several names and pictures. "For drinks, I should probably get Sprite. Coke for him."

"Okay," the old lady smiled. "Have a fun date."

"Thank you!" Chaeyoung beamed, clapping her hands.

When the elderly woman turned and started to walk away, Chaeyoung lets out a sigh. She faces her camera. "I should probably blur the grandma's face and cut this part."

Seungcheol snorted, "You think?"

"Maybe not entirely, just some of it." she grumbled.

"Guys, the old lady in the restaurant we just ate in thought we're dating," she raised the camera, showing the viewers her tall friend who was walking behind her. Seungcheol shoots a small smile along with an awkward laugh.

"At least we got a discount."

"You won't believe what she said to us; 'What can I get for you two lovebirds?' I-I mean, do we look like..."

It was one of those variety shows again. As expected, one of Seventeen's member is with her, this time being Jeonghan.

"Oh, so she's five years old?" Chaeyoung asked, primly sitting down at one of the stools. Beside her, Jeonghan took a swig of his water. "How is she?"

"She's fine," the celebrity father said. "Quite mischievous but fine."

"Oh," Chaeyoung softly muttered, blinking. Jeonghan pats her shoulder lightly, smiling at her.

"It's okay, children likes you." he assured.

Chaeyoung and Jeonghan along with the patriarch of the house spent the time talking to each other. After all, the mother and the child haven't arrived yet.

They were eating pasta when the passcode made a noise, indicating someone's coming in, and a woman with a little girl appeared.

The little girl greeted her father with a kiss on the cheek, before regarding the two strangers that were staring at her. "Appa, who are they?"

"Oh, they're visitors!" the man informed. "They wanted to see you. Daughter, meet Rosé unnie and Jeonghan oppa. Guys, this is my daughter, Aera."

Aera politely bowed, "It's nice to meet you!" she greeted with her childish voice.

Chaeyoung did the same along with Jeonghan, pleasant smiles on their faces.

Not long enough, the three of them were in the living room playing together. Just then, the little girl suddenly had an idea.

"Let's play house!"


"Oppa will be Daddy and unnie will be Mommy!"

"Your Mommy and Daddy are right there in the kitchen, though?"

Jeonghan lighly elbowed her, making her blink. He beckoned her to be quiet and just let the girl have her ways.

"W-Well, okay..."

The three settled into the game. Currently, they're having 'breakfast'. Jeonghan, as the daddy, will be leaving soon for work while Chaeyoung, as the mommy, will prepare Aera, their child, for school.

Jeonghan puts his makeshift newspaper (which is just a story book, really) down, clearing his throat. "Daddy will leave now. Aera, behave at school, all right? Y-Yeobo..."

Chaeyoung tried not to laugh, looking up at him. "Yes, yeobo?"

"Please take care of the house," Jeonghan more or less grimaced, patting Aera on the head softly before standing up. However, the little girl pulled her down, making him stumble. "Yes, Aera?"

"There's no kiss for Mommy?"

"Good lord..." Chaeyoung mumbled. She could hear the staff snickering that were hiding in the corners.

Jeonghan pursued his lips in order not to laugh, beckoning Chaeyoung to come closer. She blinked back at him, pointing to herself. "Yes, you, yeobo. Come here."

She obliged, sliding closer to him. She lets out a soft squeak when Jeonghan swiftly places a kiss on top of her head before hugging her. "I'll be going now."

Jeonghan started to walk away. Chaeyoung then turned to Aera, "Is your Appa and Omma like that?"

Aera blinked back at her, "Boyfriends and girlfriends do that, right?"


"Oppa is not your boyfriend?"

Jeonghan, who was making his way towards the kitchen, almost tripped.

If there's one thing good about having a Chinese friend is that they can speak Chinese — well, mostly. Chaeyoung learned that Jun can speak Cantonese, which is the most spoken language in Hong Kong, in where they are currently at for promotion purposes.

Obviously, that calls for a tour with a guide — but not really. The two would be lost in a matter of an hour and no one would be surprised. Chaeyoung was just confident of her companion's language skills, not his navigating techniques and much less her own.

"Oppa, are you hungry?" she asked Junhui, slipping her arm around his. In reflex, the man pulled her closer in order not to lose her in the crowd.

"Are you?" he softly asked back.

She smiled up at him, "Well, I've been wanting some food. Could you help me ask locals for a great restaurant?"

He nodded, searching with his eyes to find a person looking friendly enough to ask. He pulled her towards the elderly man, smiling down at his sitting form. "Hello," he speaks in Cantonese. "Can I ask you?"

The old man nodded, "Sure."

"Can you tell me about tourists' favorite restaurants around here?"

Jun nods as the old man speaks, pitching in short answers and acknowledgments between sentences.

"Thank you." Chaeyoung bowed, remembering one phrase Jun taught her. Her friend followed at her display.

Just as they were about to leave, the old woman that was with the man they asked suddenly yelled. "You two look good together! Have a fun honeymoon!"

Chaeyoung discreetly glanced at the camera (for her vlogs) she's holding.

"Today is..."

"... Chaeyoung and Soonyoung time!"

Chaeyoung cheered while Soonyoung lets out a whoop. They were doing a VLive since they're together. Chaeyoung gestured over to the food they ordered before starting the live.

"Oppa and I thought we should do a mukbang," she explained, starting to open up the foods. Soonyoung watched in mild amusement as she attempted to do ASMR.

"... You never do ASMR seriously, Chae,"

"I'm doing my very best at the moment, oppa."

In the end, Soonyoung decided to help especially when it turns out she's having a hard time. Both started to eat while Soonyoung started to think of a topic.

"What should we talk about today?"

"Maybe we should talk about pre-debut days," Chaeyoung suggested, glancing at the screen. "Fans really wanted to know how we are before we debuted."

"Yeah, you don't really pretty much appear in our pre-debut videos," Soonyoung nodded, chewing before swallowing. "You're just usually mentioned in passing. Everyone, Chaeyoung is usually with us, you know." He explained towards the viewers. "She doesn't really appear much on camera back then but she's usually hanging out with us."

"Oh, right!" Chaeyoung laughed, lightly pushing him in the shoulder. He turns to her, confused. "Remember New Year? When I decided not to go home to Australia and then you invited me to come to your home?"

"Oh, that," Soonyoung's ears started to redden. "My mom... she..."

"She thought I was your girlfriend!"

Obviously, more comments swarmed their live. She faced the camera.

"I don't really remember which year but there was a time when I didn't go home to spend New Year along with my family back in Australia." Chaeyoung started to explain. "Most of the boys were coming home as well, and I didn't really tell them I wasn't going to Australia. But Soonyoung oppa got to know of it because he realized I was the only one staying amongst the female trainees. So he invited me since he said that his parents have been wanting to meet me." She started to giggle. "So yeah, we went there by public transportation but..."

"When we arrived, mom straight out asked her if she's my girlfriend," Soonyoung sighed, dragging a palm across his face. "It's a good thing Chaeyoung is already used to being mistaken as my—even other members, as well—girlfriend so she just laughed it off. Then she told mom she's just a friend."

"Which is true," Chaeyoung finished. She clapped her hands as she faces the camera again. She picked up her chopsticks and started to eat her share of ramen. "But it's still a fine experience. That was also the first time I experienced how Koreans really celebrate New Year."

New York was bustling with people, something she already expected. Some of the boys were in the different parts of the city, while some (mostly the older boys) stayed back in the hotel.

"It's so unlike you to be out, oppa," Chaeyoung turned to Wonwoo, who looked up from the book he's reading. "Was there something you wanted to buy?"

"Nothing, really," the aloof-looking man shrugged. "Just thought that I should go out once in a while. Besides, I'm not like Jihoon who's always cooped up in his room."

"You'll never know when inspiration strikes you," Chaeyoung chuckled, returning a book from its former place. "I'll be right outside. I think I saw a bakery just beside this shop. Is there something you want me to get for you, oppa?"

"A coffee to go," he mumbled, shooting her a soft smile when she pats him in the shoulder before facing his book again. Chaeyoung just laughed at his display, turning to leave the book shop.

Chaeyoung swiftly glanced at the cameraman who was situated outside the shop, mouthing that she'll be in the nearby bakery and that there's no need for them to follow since she'll be quick.

She quickly entered the said bakery that was just three shops away from the book shop. She purchased several kinds of muffins with the thought of the boys, also buying a coffee that she knows Wonwoo prefer.

With a thanks and a smile, Chaeyoung left the shop and returned to the shop where her older friend is. She didn't notice the man that followed her.

She was a few strides away from the shop when a tap in the shoulder stopped her. Frowning, Chaeyoung kind of expected that one of the members ran into her, but when she saw a stranger smiling at her instead, she forced herself to return the pleasantries. "Yes?"

The stranger embarrassingly scratched his cheek, looking away. Strangely, his cheeks are reddened.

Chaeyoung blamed that on the cold weather.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, it's just that you're really pretty and I just wanted to know..."

Chaeyoung tilted her head in confusion when the man faltered, staring at something behind her. She turned to look, letting out a sound of acknowledgment when she saw Wonwoo.


"Chaeyoung," Wonwoo gruffly answered, making her scowl. Why is he acting weird?

She blinked at him when he reaches to her hand, taking the box of muffins from her before clasping their fingers together. She stared at first before shrugging it off. Wonwoo did something similar years ago when she forgot her gloves and it was winter.

"Sorry," the stranger apologized. "I thought you're single."

He turned away, making Chaeyoung let out a soft noise of confusion.

All three of them failed to notice the camera pointing at them.

(Though fantaken videos of it from bypassers soon swarmed the entire social network sites.)

"I told you, oppa," Chaeyoung groaned, "You need to go out sometimes. Look at your skin! You seems to be paler than me!"

"Is there something bad about that?" he squinted his eyes at her, though his height wasn't really helping to make him look intimidating. Chaeyoung was considerate enough to wear flats instead of her chunky shoes that usually made her taller than she already is.

"Well, no, but my point still stands. You need to go out!"

"I prefer staying indoors,"

"Come on! Oppa~"

He grimaced when Chaeyoung pouted, prefering her not doing aegyo. Not that he didn't like it or anything, but he would actually appreciate it if she acts all cute when it's just them and the other members in the vicinity.

"What a cute guy."

Chaeyoung perked up, her eyes pinning down a bunch of girls nearby their table. She discreetly grinned, reaching to her camera to turn it on and start filming. She ignored Jihoon's frown directed at her. "So, oppa, how's the soufflés?"

"Fine," Jihoon grumbled, taking a bite of the said food. He watched as Chaeyoung elegantly raised her cup of tea against her lips. "How much is this, anyway?"

"Not much," she vaguely answered. "Just eat. But don't be like a pig. Some girls are watching you."

"W-Wha?" he sputtered. Just then, he heard a chorus of giggles. "Good gracious..." he muttered, hiding his face. Though the blush on his face was hard not to notice.

Chaeyoung giggled. "They think you're cute."

"Just drink your tea."

"They're not lying, oppa."

"Yeah, just drink your tea."

"Aww! Jihoon oppa, you're so cute!"

"Drink that tea or I won't give you the song I wrote for you."

Chaeyoung pouted, sipping her tea just around the time a girl blurted out something;

"Though he seems to be with his girlfriend. Shame."

Chaeyoung choked while Jihoon looked up at her from his food, a slight frown on his face. Then it dawned on him, making him groan and cover his face.

❧ the freaking effort i did for this chapter

❧ also i decided to finish this today since today is the day blackpink came back! hA HOW YOU LIKE THAT

❧ (rosé in silverish hair is giving me the fairy feels seriously) (she's so freaking pretty) (REALLY REALLY PRETTY) (ALSO JISOO JENNIE AND LISA) (GOOD GRACIOUS)

❧ still not pretty sure when to update the episode two of one fine day but please wait 人'∀`)

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