The new "A" team

By TembiJonat

335 24 81

After the previous events of the Avengers, Stark Industries thought it was time to recruit some new members... More

Chapter 1. Orientation/Tess
Chapter 2: Kris
Chapter 3: new groups
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: First training sessions
Chapter six: Group training/bad blood
Chapter 7: Stations
Chapter 8: First Night after Training
Chatper 9: Yo Ho
Chapter 10: Last Training Session
Chapter 12: And the Winner Is...
Chapter 13: Party Time
Chapter 14: The Events After
Chapter 15: Come and Get Your Love
Chapter 16: The Queen of Mean
Chapter 17: This sucks
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods
Chapter 19: This is the end
Chapter 20: I Gotta Go My Own Way

Chapter 11: Mission Breakout

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By TembiJonat

Dela, sondela mama sondela, I burn for you.

"What in the Hans Christian Anderson are we listening to?!" Rocket asked.

"Shh this is the best part!" I exclaimed.

I've been waiting for you all my life, hoping for a miracle. I've been waiting day and night, day and night.

Kris and I sang along with very loudly.

"Again! What the heck is this?" Rocket exclaimed.

"The songs called Dela and it's amazing, nothing else needs to be said." Kris stated.

"Okay," Rocket said while rolling his eyes.

"Guys, we are almost to the Collectors place, should we go over the plan once more? I just want to make sure I don't fly us too close to the building and the mission falls apart because of me." Amelia asked.

"Fair," Jenny stated.

"Okay listen you people. So the Collector is having a public tour of his house today which the guardians are apart of. Now the Collector doesn't know that you guys are apart of the Avengers so you can sneak on the tour. Part of the reason why I need your help is because I need human hands to get past the scanners. Once we make it to the room with the guardians, we all have to find a way to hide while I trip the breaker. This is where Kris' power era come in handy because she can electrocute the system. Once they are free I'm
going to need Tess and everyone else to help fight everyone off." Rocket explained.

"Do you want me to stay here with the airplane?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, and which one of you had the invisibility powers again?" Rocket asked.

"That's me!" Kitty answered.

"Right, we will need you to keep the plane invisible. Can you do that? Rocket asked.

"Yes but I can only make myself invisible and whatever I'm touching so I'll have to stay with ship." Kitty answered.

"That's okay, the four of us and Rocket should be able to do the inside stuff. Especially with Tess' fighting skills." Kris said.

"Great! Let's go team dyno- Jojo started to say before he was cut off.

"How about we don't go through our long team name now." Jenny interrupted.

"Right, higher priorities, actual lives are on the line. Got it," Jojo said.

The four of us hopped off the ship and started to look for the rest of the tour group. Just when we joined the others I whispered over to Kris. "Is it just me or does this mission seem a lot like the Disneyland ride?"

"What!? Don't be crazy, this is real life." Kris muttered. "Next thing you'll be saying that Pandora is a real place!"

"Ummmit is a real place," Jojo said dead serious.

"Come on you can't be serious?" Jenny asked giving a judgemental look.

"So the Collector in the galaxy is real but Pandora is not? I think you all need to check your facts." Jojo defended himself.

"Guys zip it!" Rocket said through our inner ear comps.

"Where are you anyways Rocket?" I asked.

"That's not important! But if you don't be quiet you will attract the Collectors attention and none of us want that!" Rocket exclaimed.

"Oh, right, I knew that," I said.

"Now if you all come with me I can begin the tour. What's very interesting is our high tech security system. Anytime during this tour you want to get into a room you have to raise your hands over you head and wait for it to scan. This is wired so it only recognizes human hands so we don't have to worry about thieves. Now everyone raise your hands, and let the tour begin," the Collector said.

"If it is so high tech how come we were able to sneak on board?" Kris said sarcastically.

At that comment I burst out laughing and unfortunately I snort when I laugh. This also happened to be during a quit moment so everyone's eyes turned on me.

"You think this is funny?" The Collector asked me and pointed to a photo of the memorial he had set up for his family before we started the tour.

"No! I'm so sorry, I will be quiet and enjoy the tour!" I promised.

"Actually I don't think I remember inviting you," he said

I gulped really loudly as he walked towards me. I could literally hear Rocket slap his hand to his face through the comp. I knew this was the time to pull out my undercover training.

"How dare you not recognize me! I am Princes Conswela Banana Hammock from the planet of Toon Town." I emphasized really loudly.

"Yes! And I am her sister Crap Bag and we demanded a private tour but since there are others here we didn't want to complain. If you could be so kind to finish the tour, we will forget about pressing charges on someone who questioned the Royal throne." Kris said.

"Right, my apologies, everyone follow me." He said.

"Crap Bag?" I asked in disbelief.

"Toon Town?" She asked right back.

"That was a close one! Now no more talking until we get to the guardians." Rocket said.

For the rest of the tour the four of us kept quiet until we got to the final room.

"Now everyone if you follow me you will see my most prized possession, the Guardians of the Galaxy." The Collector announced.

The whole room ohh and awed  as we walked in. My eyes immediately went to Peter Quill and once again I was awed with his beauty. His eyes locked onto mine and for one brief moment I thought he felt the same. Quickly after that a puzzled look came onto his face.

"Wait! Where's the taking rabbit we were promised to see?" Some rando asked.

"Oh shit! Change of plan, I'm dismounting the breaker now, everyone run and free one of the remaining guardians!" Rocket yelled.

The next couple of events all seemed to happen at the same time. The lights went out and we all ran to free one of the guardians. The next thing we knew the guardians were free and we were all fighting our way back to the spaceship. I was in the front leading the way which may not have been the best idea.

"Oh my gosh Tess! You took us the wrong bloody way! We reached a dead end!" Kris yelled at me while electrocuting a soldier.

"Wow! She has cool powers," Drax said in awe.

"Yeah, why isn't she leading us? Then at least, Tess right?" Starlord asked.

Which I nodded back in return while beating the crap out of more guards.

"Then at least we wouldn't be lost!" Starlord yelled.

"I'm in front because my body is basically a fighting machine and it heals instantly, so I'm in the bloody front because I'm basically a human shield for you all! Maybe if you took your head out of your ass for once then you could see I'm doing you a favour!" I yelled back at him.

"I'm sorry did I offend you in some way! Because right now I'm doing more as a leader because I'm actually getting us to your spaceship!" Peter yelled back in my face.

"Is it just me or can you really feel the sexual tension between the two of them right now?" Kris asked.

"Shut up!" We both yelled.

"Guys I hate to break it to you but I can sense that there are more guards coming so we should go before the bombard us!" Jojo urged.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, of course there's more guards coming, we broke out of the collectors valued collection!" Rocket sassed at us.

"No he can actually sense where they are because he's a mind reader, so we should probably have Jojo and Tess lead us so we have our human shield and our tour guide." Jenny said.

"Smart, now let's get a move on!" Gamora yelled.

We finally got our groove back after that little blip in the road. Jojo would warn us which direction the Collectors body guards were coming which gave us time to regain our strength and start fighting them. I got wounded the most out of the majority of the group but you almost couldn't tell. That didn't stop Kris from worrying about me though when we got back on the spaceship where Amelia and Kitty were waiting for us.

"Tess! Your whole arm is bleeding! You should have gotten to the back and let someone else have taken the majority of the hits!" Kris yelled.

"It's only a flesh wound!" I joked at her.

"Tis but a scratch! Nice Monty Python humour!" Starlord said.

Both of us looked at each other surprised that we agreed on something and then started laughing.

"Nobody has gotten my tv quotes before, it's nice having someone who understands," I said.

"Hey! Do I not count as a human! I always got them!" Kris exclaimed in defence.

"Oh gosh! There's two of them! This is going be a long flight back!" Rocket groaned.

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