Figuration (a Legosi X Louis...

By shilleghmahnut2

34K 772 831

(art is not mine) Haru had been shot and killed.......Juno was blamed for it and she was sentenced to prison... More

Remembering Haru.....
following the white rabbit.........
What do you think?
knock knock knock......
messy night.....
On the right track...
So close.....Yet so far....
take two steps step back......
Troubles and Findings
As Close as we get.....for now.....
another problems....
Cultists and Comfort
angst and relationship awakening....
Swirling Feelings....
Dealing with Melon part one
Dealing with Melon Part two
Dealing with Melon Finale
Close call....
Making amends.....
a night of peace...and a period of brief non eventfulness
a vision of memory....
The conference
the conversation
Pride & Prejudice...
The past seems to catch up sooner than you think
Tonight is the night
The Cherryton reunion
Bruises and Cuts
Death has come knocking....
Twist Of Fate (SPOILER "KISS!")
Moving On...
Comment, Rating, Review and Criticism

Regrets......, realisations....and doubts....

957 31 16
By shilleghmahnut2

Louis's POV

I had entered the park.....I walk on the path to where i know there is a bench and a view of the beachside......I look around and there's noone here.

I stay calm and collective and I adjust my suit and my coat.....and i make sure my glasses are there.

I had made it....the sounds of the waves, the wind brushing against my fur.

I fold my arms and I hold onto myself since it was cold and I could see everytime I took a breath....i could see the air.

Then as I stood there....I could hear footsteps coming my way.

I turned to see Legoshi walking up to me then he stops and smiles.

"Hey Louis-senpai"

I felt my heart flutter and I say back "hello Legoshi"

I walked up to him and I stood Infront of him.

He scratched the back of his head and he said "I want to talk to you....I just feel like a chat.....and to hang out with you"

I smiled and motioned to the bench "well....let's sit down."

We take a seat on the bench.....Legoshi is very tall.....he seemed to be more fluffy the older he gets......his fur looks soft and curly......he looks...... honestly....very handsome.

He then looks at the moon and says "you know.....I keep thinking what is my future?......I lost a lot......Haru was....that........she was and her had a tense argument......she was very upset...I had confronted on her about....her rumours......she told me she loved me.....but I kept asking that question........then she yelled at me.....she yelled at me saying that she is no longer like that.......but I was upset.....because I found out she slept with so many other animals.......and it made me mad that she would keep secrets from me......I then said......Who do you love? was confused that I brought you up......she then shook her head and said My name......then...I asked again....."

I looked at smile lowering to a sad expression.

"She responded.....she didn't and her were together......and she said that......then she told me that she needed to clear her head...........and she left...........that was the last time.....I saw her alive...."

I sat there.....I felt so sad for Legoshi......." isn't your fault......."

He looks to me and says "but......if I just...been quiet and not said anything.....she would be here.."

I then replied "no....she wouldn't....and besides.....that...the had to be talked about.....I didn't know she was......going around"

I then clear my throat and say next "she tried her absolute best to change....she met the right"

Legoshi smiled and whispered "thank have become a good friend Louis-senpai"

I smiled and huffed "your welcome big guy" and I Pat him on the shoulder.

We sat there and Legoshi leaned back and crossed his leg over the other and looked up at the moon lit sky.

I sat there silent but ready to reply to Legoshi if he says any question, any statement....any compliment........

He then turns to me and smiles and says "so........when you were with Haru.........did you actually love her?........"

I sat there sooner for a moment....then Legoshi said next "did you kiss her?"

I gulped down and I say with hesitation "one time...that's all there was...."

Legoshi then lowered his smile and said "I never had a kiss with Haru.....because I was afraid....and to be honest....I never kissed anyone in my life so.....I have no clue how."

I chuckled and asked "you serious?"

He then smiled and said "yep....not a single thing......."

Legoshi's POV

I had stopped talking and I just began thinking......we have become good friends.....we had a connection so strong....but no more......everytime before this moment I had this subconscious thing and thought.....we are friends...nothing more....because it's impossible......

These feelings I have been our old promise to each other backfiring?......ever since I met him again.....I have this feeling......and my heart is always fluttering when I see him...Louis has changed.....and liking him more.......Is this what Haru meant?

Louis's POV

We sat there in silence again....I was looking at Legoshi periodically to just look at him....he seemed neutral and relaxed.

It made me was a reminder of one specific event.....and then I remembered....


One and a half years ago......

It was a Friday and it was a night to remember.

We were as a school has one of the biggest events in the school's history......the Cherryton school's anniversay dance.

We were dressed in suits, dresses, blouses, fancy shirts and some too lazy to find a suit so they wore shirts that had a tie or casual clothing.

I waited there standing on the sidelines as it was dark with blue lights and music playing, I was alone and I haven't seen Legoshi come yet.

I stood there holding a cup of iced tea.....I was waiting as I adjusted my red dance suit and courdoroy slacks.

Then I heard a voice "hey Louis!"

I gasped and turned my head toward the direction...and oh my..

Legoshi was walking towards me...he was in a glittered silver suit and bow tie, he had his head fur curved to the side and he was brushing his fur back with his hand.......this moment felt like It was in slow motion...

I watched....having my heart beat slowly as he walked up to me.

He then smiled and he says as he looks at me "hey Louis-senpai"

I smile as I blush and I reply "hi Legoshi"

Legoshi then walked up to me and he brushes his ear and he adjusts his bowtie.

I then walk up and I say "you look rather dashing..."

He widens his eyes and he says " look handsome"

Then I look over to the dance floor and I ask "wanna shuffle with me?"

Legoshi looked away for a bit then nervously asked "are you sure?"

I then grab his shoulder and I say "come's only a little dance....and need some fun"

He then nods and says soflty "okay"

I let go and we head to the dance floor.....everyone was dancing and some noticed me and girl from a distance was talking to her friends and they all looked at me and they seemed to be fangirling like usual.

At first Legoshi didn't dance but then he started shuffling a bit and he watched me dance.....his tail started wagging and I smile and giggle at him.

"Louis...don't laugh at me" he says giggling back.

This moment was sweet......everytime I looked at him...I felt so warm heart yearned for him...i felt myself get closer and closer.

Legoshi then closed his eyes and I see his tail wagging......he was happy.....I never seen him this happy.....he looked beautiful...

I then got closer and we seems to be close.....everything around us...went slow.....and the music... slowed.

Legoshi didn't notice....he seemed oblivious and he was busy enjoying himself.

Then he opens his eyes and looks at me....he then stood there looking at me....he seemed...suprised...not shocked...suprised.


We finished dancing and we walked over to the sidelines....he back off'd and stood there looking at me....I then smiled and looked into his eyes and I grabbed his hands using my hands....

He gasped but he didn't stop me from doing so.....

He then looked away and he seemed worried.

Everyone was busy dancing and they seemed to busy and we were in a dark part of the huge room.

I then soflty caress his hands....and I whisper "Legoshi....."

He then says nervously "Louis...."

I then lean a bit forward and I closed my eyes.....

Was I going to kiss him?


He then pulled his hands away from mine and he places them on my shoulders....

I opened my eyes and I looked up at him and he shook his head a bit..."Louis...i....I can't....."

I was shocked.....but not suprised..."Legoshi.....?"

He then says "we can't do this.....I still have Haru in my mind.....even though she's dead...I can' and wouldn't work......"

I then look at him as my smile lowered.

"You know why Louis?.....we can't control our instinct......and I am scared of myself.......and I still think of Haru.....I'm sorry me uncomfortable makes me worry"

My heart sunk...I felt heartbroken...but...I know it's true......

Then Legoshi then said "we should just stick to being friends....I know this hurts you and...."

"I don't care Legoshi......" I look up to him and say "as long you are happy...."

He then looks at me and says soflty "Promise?"

I then sigh and say as I tear up....."promise...."

I then back off and I turn and exit the place quickly......"Louis..." I heard Legoshi say faintly to me.

I walk out and into the campus.....I breathed shakily and I try to hold my tears in.


I make it to my Dorm and I close the door behind me.

I slowly made my way to the bed....I then take off my coat and I plop on my bed.

I laid there letting the tears fall down as I hug my pillow.

This day was very sad for me.....and probably one of the hardest things Legoshi had to decide....but....back was the best in both our interests.

But now....I feel like I regretted making that promise.....I love him.........and......oh man......what am I going to do....?


Present day

I then sighed deeply and I say " was nice talking to you...."

Legoshi looked at me and raises his eyebrow "don't you wanna say something's?"

I then sigh and say "no.... we'll talk more some other time....." I stand up and I look at Legoshi...."see ya later..."

I then started to walk away until....


I heart sank.....I remembered when he said that before.....

I just stood there and I could hear him walk up to me and he places a hand in my shoulder....."Louis...hold on"

I took a long and deep breath and I turn around and quickly hug him.....he gasps and I hug him tightly.

He seemed to be surprised and shocked.

I hugged him...and i closed my eyes and lean in closer.......I was worried but I need this....even if it killed me.


But then......

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I gasp as he placed his head on my shoulder.......

He then says soflty "I'm fine.....I had taken a suppressant.....there's nothing to fear"

Legoshi's POV

As I held him...I could smell his scent and I could faintly hear the voices telling me to eat him.......I felt tense....but I ignored it and the suppressants were helping.

I could hear Louis start to sob and he leans his face into my chest.

I the hear his voice crack as he whispers "can you promise me something?"

I sighed and I asked "what is it?"

He shakily breathed but said "be honest to me....spend time with me......promise me"

He seems to Close....but I can understand his loneliness and his feelings....his sense of being alone.

I sighed happily and I closed my eyes.

I hugged a bit tighter then I whispered "I....I promise"


To be continued.....

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