By xxmilkybqbesxx

234K 5.6K 1.9K


1; Her Story
2: Her Family
3; Attracted?
4; Apology
5; Jealousy
6; Kiss
7; Carefree
8; Flashbacks
9; Thrill
10; Introducing Me
11; documentary part one
12; documentary part two
13; documentary part three
14; documentary part four
15; documentary part five
Random chapter: Instagram
16; documentary part six
17; The L Word
18; future
19; Wrestlemania
20; Celebration
21; In Loving Memory
22; Stress
23; Scared
24; Together
25; Family Reunion
26; Truth
27; Relapse
28; Complicated
29; Soulmate
Breaking Instagram
30; Unexpected
31; First man
32; Arguments
Breaking Instagram Part 2
33; Wedding Bells
34; Married
35; Hardships
36; Recovery
37; Rumors
38; Split
39; Hopelessly Devoted
40; Mommy Dearest
41; Surprise
Breaking Instagram Part 3
43; Young, Wild, and Free
44; Chaos
45; Past
Breaking Instagram Part 4
46; Gender Reveal
Breaking Instagram Part 5: 47; The Battle
48; Delivery
Breaking Instagram Part 6
49; Return
50; I Like Me Better
51; Danger
Breaking Instagram Part 7: 52; Moving Forward
53; Surprise #2
54; Pregnant
55; Podcast Pregnancy And Goodbyes
56; Arguments Part 2
57; Reacting
58; Anniversary
Breaking Instagram Part 8: 59; Family
60; Reality TV
Bonus Chapter
61; Advice
Breaking Instagram Part 9
62; Fights
63; Episode 1
Breaking Instagram Part 10: 64; Episode 2
65; Delivery Part 2
66; Challenge
Breaking Instagram Part 11
67; Celebrations and Confrontation
Breaking Instagram Part 12
68; Confrontation Part 2
Welcome Back
70; Rumors Part 2
71; Tell All
Breaking Instagram Part 13
72; Family
73; Podcast
74; Boyfriend
75; Daughter

42; Hurting

2.5K 60 35
By xxmilkybqbesxx

hurting•of a person) feel mental pain or distress.


Luciana, Roman, her family, and his parents all sat at Naomi's house. A nice, fun, family day. They were all excited about her pregnancy, but she wanted to wait til she was showing to tell the public. She was scared to tell her fans. The media is a harmful place, all she wanted was to have a successful pregnancy, cause she knew if she suffered a miscarriage.. Especially with Roman. Then she's done.

"Get off your phone." Lorenzo nudged Alessio.

"Stop," Alessio shoved him back and continued typing.

"Yeah Alessio, come on we're watching a movie." Tony told his nephew.

"Just give me a few minutes." Alessio snapped.

"Hey calm down." Jose stepped in. "Who are you texting anyway?"

"No one." Alessio shrugged.

"What's your problem Alessio?" Luciana wondered. "Chill out."

Jesus took the opportunity to snatch his brothers phone. "Why in the hell did you invite Rosa?"

"It's mom, Jesus!" Alessio yelled and snatched his phone back.

"Alessio what's going on?" Santiago rose his eyebrow.

"She wants to have a relationship with her children again. Is that so bad? Luciana really hurt her." He explained.

"Alessio lets go outside, I'm not gonna cause a scene in their house." Jose stood up.

"Why? We're all family right? Let's lay it out in the open for everyone!" Alessio stood up too. "Why do you despise mom so much?"

"Alessio. Outside. Now." Jose clenched his fists.

"Jose! Alessio!" A voice yelled. All their heads turned, in walked Rosa. "Why are you fighting in their house? I'm sorry Naomi and Jimmy for my son and Jose's behavior."

"You're fine, really." Naomi reassured them.

"I'm tired of this," Alessio pointed between Jose and Luciana. "You filled Luciana's head with all this crap about mom, that's why she can't stand her own mother."

"Woah woah woah." Luciana held her hand up. "Tío did not do any of that. She wasn't around, I didn't know what a mom was, but then I learned she left. Maybe that's why I can't stand her."

"Babe, don't get mad or stressed." Roman whispered in her ear.

"Luciana, your comments really hurt me. I'm here now, that's what matters." Rosa said.

"Now?" She stood up, Roman trying to pull her back down but she swatted his arms away. "Where were you when I learned how to braid my own hair? Or tie my shoes? Or started my first period?"

"Luciana Cardenas." Rosa growled.

"No no it's not Cardenas. It's Reigns Anoa'i, did you forget I got married? Where were you when I needed you huh? You think it was easy growing up in a house full of boys? Sometimes I just needed a mom but then I remembered she abandoned me. Alessio and Lorenzo can have a relationship with you, but I won't."

"Mija, how about we go to the kitchen and get you water. You have to relax." Nicolas began to drag her away.

"You think I don't know?" Rosa spoke. "I know all about you Luciana. I know when you got into NXT, I watched your first match. I seen the way Levon abused you. I seen the way he cheated and the miscarriage. I heard the 911 call when you tried to kill yourself, even the second time. I watched your documentary. I watched the clips of you and Roman falling in love. I watched the way he stares at you, the way he loves you. I watched your wedding, you didn't think it killed me that I wasn't there?"

"So what? You've been watching me over the years, good for you. You never came back. Go ahead and say you were trying to better yourself, but I don't buy that. You weren't there when I needed you." Her voice cracked. She wasn't yelling this time, her tone was soft and low. But you could hear the pain behind her voice. How bad she just wanted a mom.

"Luciana, I'm so sorry mija. But I'm here now, why can't you see that?" Rosa pleaded.

"What are you here for? I've made it without you. I don't need you now. I don't even remember you being in my childhood at all."

"Because I want to reconnect with my children. I want to see you grow up and my grandchild. I didn't get to be there when Lorenzo had his baby, but now I'll get to see yours."

"How do you know she's pregnant?" Roman questioned.

"Alessio told me." Rosa smirked.

"You didn't tell anyone right?" Tony looked for clarification.

"Umm, I posted a congratulations post on Instagram." She shrugged, not seeing the problem.

Roman sighed in frustration and rubbed his face. He knew how badly Luciana wanted to wait.

"What's so wrong about that?" Rosa looked at everyone.

"I didn't need you then, and I don't need you now. Thanks, but do what you do best and disappear." Luciana stated and walked outside.

"Luciana?" She turned around and seen Alessio.

"If you wanna have a relationship with her, great. Go for it. But I don't want any part of it Alessio."

"I'm sorry.." His head hung low. "It's just... Before you, or even Luciano and Jesus were born. It was just me, Lorenzo, mama, and papa. And for awhile it was just us, I had a mom, I knew it was like to have a mom. I guess I didn't see.. That you didn't know what it was like. That you were hurting.."

"She's not my mom."


"Luci!" Becky ran towards her and Roman.

"What's up?" Luciana laughed at her excitement.

"I need to talk to you before your meeting, sorry Roman she's mine." Becky said and dragged her away into her room.

"Are you okay?" Luci wondered.

"No.. Well yes but.. IM PREGNANT!" Becky shouted and jumped up and down.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Becky nodded. "Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" Luciana hugged her. "Have you gone to the doctor yet?"

"Yes, I'm due a few days after you!" Becky squealed.

"Shut up?! You're serious? Becky!"

"I was wondering if you want to announce our pregnancies together? Since your mom kinda let it out of the bag and everything?" She asked.

"Yes! Of course! And you live in Tampa too!" Luciana gasped. "I can't believe we're gonna be pregnant together!"

"We can stay with each other when Seth and Roman are on the road." Becky grinned. "Okay sorry, I know you have your meeting. I'm just so excited to be pregnant with my bestfriend!"

Luciana smiled. "I'll catch you after, congratulations again!" She walked back out to see Roman waiting for her.

"She took you from me." Roman pouted.

"Oh no." Luciana fake gasped.

"You're mean." Roman smiled and pulled her closer.

"You'll survive. She was telling me some news." She informed him, fixing his shirt.

"She's pregnant." Roman said.

"How'd you know?" Luciana questioned, looking up at him.

He played with her hair, making her blush. "Seth told me, he stopped by while you were in there."

"She wants to announce we're pregnant together, and I guess I already have to since my mother told the media." She sighed and grabbed his hand, walking to Vince's office.

Roman kissed her temple. "Well, something good is going to come out of this, believe that."


"First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm sure you and Roman are very happy to be starting a family together." Vince smiled at the couple. "You and Becky pregnant at the same time, it's crazy."

"Thank you, we want to plan on announcing our pregnancies together." Luciana said.

"We can arrange something for Monday." Vince nodded. "But let's get to the point on why I called this meeting. I am very happy for you Luciana, you're in an amazing place. But I wanted to discuss your future with the company. Obviously you'll be gone for some time, my concern, is you being gone too long."

Luciana furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I really do see you as the head of the women's division. I don't want you gone too long, I know you're going to be a mom but I just don't want to see another young talent go to waste." He explained.

She shifted in her seat. "I'm not planning on retiring anytime soon, it's just.. I'll be gone for awhile. You know how much I love this company and what I do but now throwing our baby into the mix. I want to be here but I also don't want to not miss out on my child's life. Our child is going to have two parents in the WWE business, and I'm sure Roman will be on the road a majority of the time."

"I understand Luciana." Vince said. "I know where you're coming from. Personally, I know you're far from being done here. I know you have a lot more left, I just don't want you to forget that you still have a long pathway until the end."


"Is Vince right?" Luciana asked Roman. "I don't want to give up wrestling.. But I'm pregnant and I can't be in the ring."

"You're not giving up wrestling." Roman walked over to her. "Baby, you're just taking a break. You're bringing a whole new life in this world. Me and you both know your career is just getting started, don't listen to Vince. You know how he is, very persisting."

"I know... He just made me feel guilty." She sighed and shrugged.

"Hey," Roman lifted her chin up. "Don't feel guilty for being pregnant and putting wrestling on pause. We're starting our family, our chapter. One Vince can't write for us. It's our time. Don't let him make you feel bad for not leading the women's division right now."

"How do you always know what to say?" Luciana cracked a smile.

Roman laughed. "You deserve the best. I love you."

"I love you too." She pecked his lips.

It's our time.

to be continued

20k reads and 1k votes!!!' YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY AMAZING! THANK YOU SOOO SOOO SOOO SOOO MUCH MY LOVELIES!!!! i love you guys! ❤️

For more Roman Reigns books: Make sure to go add 'His Hound of Justice' and 'Battle of the Mafia' to your reading lists! vote, comment, and share!!!

btw i'm obsessed with Rocky Balboa right now. like him in rocky 3, fuckkkkk he's so good looking 🥵

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