
Oleh jkkookus

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they aren't even related to you, just have fun. | please note that this story has no story line. this book is... Lebih Banyak

annoucement update


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Oleh jkkookus

y/n's POV

"taehyung. get off her"

i hear someone say. it was someone i haven't met yet but boy. was he FINE. what am i, crazy. anyways, my moment with tae was sadly interrupted but i was fine with it.

"i'm just messing with her"-tae

author's POV
the other boy grabs you onto his side and ask if you're okay.

"are you good?"- the guy asked

"yea. what's your name btw? i don't think we've met before."-y/n

"i'm can call me hobi or whatever u want. i don't really care."


"well thanks. for 'saving' me i guess."-you nervously laugh.

"alright. ima leave. i stay downstairs if you need me."-hoseok

"alright. see you later?."-y/n

after he leaves, you're still in the hallway next to tae. you run to your room but taehyung is following you. you start to run faster, giggling while you run. he playfully runs towards you but not catching you in time so now you're in your room with the door locked.

"haha loser. should've run faster"-you giggled

"just because you got away this time, doesn't mean you will next time."-taehyung

"go away weirdo."-y/n

"bye dummy"-taehyung.

y/n's POV

it's like midnight and i'm about to shower. i get my pj's and put them in the bathroom. i play music and continue my shower. i personally love taking showers at night because it's very relaxing to me.

i don't think i've mentioned this but, my dad gave me all the brothers' numbers so if i need anything i can call them. at first i was like i didn't need their numbers but after my shower, i realized that i do. i had forgot my towel.

as i was getting my phone to text one of them i got scared because i didn't know who to text. i didn't even meet all of them yet. scrolling through my contacts, i narrowed it down to jimin and namjoon.

i decided to text namjoon.

Hey, you awake?-me

yea. is something wrong? -joon

i forgot to bring a towel with me in the
bathroom. do u think you can get me one??-me

of course. -joon

ok. just knock on my door and leave it on my bed. and text me when you're out of my room.
read 12:45

author's POV
you patiently wait for your towel in the bathroom.

about 2-3 minutes later you hear a knock on the door. your towel is finally here, and you can stop standing in the shower naked and cold.

yea. your towel is on the bed.

thank you so much!! i owe you! i'll buy u lunch sometime.-y/n

it's alright. -joon

lol why do u sound sad??-y/n

i'm tired. that's all. -joon

ohh. well in that case..goodnight and dream good!!-y/n

thanks. you too!-joon

after texting joon,you get out the shower, dry your body and hair, and put on your pjs.

it's about 1:30 am when you finished getting ready for bed. you crawl into your bed and surprisingly, you fall asleep very quickly.

author's POV

you wake up to the sound of your alarm at 9:00. you wanted to go to the gym today and workout a little. you wanted to ask one of the boys to go with you because you don't have a car yet, and you don't wanna be lonely. but it would be kinda weird because you're not really close with any of them.

you just decided to ask your dad if he wanted to go with you. you walk out your room and run into Jungkook. he looks pretty bulk so you just asked him instead.

"Um. hey."-y/n

"yeah. what's up?"-jk

"do you like wanna go to the gym together maybe? i have no car."-y/n

"oh. so you want me to drive you there."-jk

"if you don't want to you don't have to."-y/n

"no it's okay bub. i'll take you anywhere you like"-jk (he winks)

you slightly get red and quickly turn around so he can't see you. you get dressed and tell him your ready. you both head downstairs to get greeted by your dad.

"hey baby. where you going?"-dad

"oh we're just going to the gym."y/n

"could you stop by the grocery store and pickup something to make food. get snacks too."-dad.


you both get in the car and head to the gym. the car ride was very awkward but good thing he turned on some music. both of you guys hum to the songs that played on the radio and shorty enough, you arrive to the gym.

both of you guys separate and go do your workout stuff. about an hour or 2, he texts you if your ready to go. you say yes and meetup at the car. you guys haven't ate so he suggest to eat somewhere before going grocery shopping.

"ya cutie. where you wanna go eat. i'm staving."-jk

"i don't know. kinda craving some mexican food."-y/n

(bruh i want some mexican food so bad. like i'm actually craving a burrito.n e ways. bak to the story)

"how does chipotle sound."-jk

"yea. i'm fine with that"-y/n

"thank god ur not a picky eater. everytime i go somewhere with the boys we can never decide on one place"-jk

"i just eat anything. i don't really prefer anything specific"-y/n

"are u still going to college?"-jk

"nope. i graduated last year. i majored in cosmetic engineering."-y/n

"whatt! you look like your 18."-jk

"girl. i am 21."y/n

"loser. i'm older than you" -jk

"no one asked. like no one."y/n

"why so mean.  i was just tryna talk to you"-he says this while he pouts.

"i'm sorry."-you say while  rolling ur eyes.

"you're so cute"-jk

"what?"-y/n (you thought u heard it wrong.)

"i said you're cute"-jk

"isn't that bad. we're still related."-y/n

"we're not actually. your dad isn't our real dad silly."-jk

"ain't no way. then like what is he to you. how do u even know him."-y/n

"he took us in when we were teenagers. me and the boys used to live together to try and pursue our music career. today is our 7th anniversary.


"oh my god. really?! are y'all like famous?"-y/n

"we only have a little over 30 million followers."-jk

"you're fuckin lying."-you say shocked.

"wouldn't there be rumors then. we literally just worked out in a public gym and now we're bout to go grocery shopping and go eat."-you say nervously

"don't worry. army's think you're our sister."-jk

"what do you mean think. i basically am ur sister."-y/n

"don't play around. we don't think of you as a sister, baby mama."-jk (he puts his hand on your leg GENTLY)

"isn't this basically disrespecting my rights. get ur hand off me weirdo"-y/n

you try to take his hand off but you can't. why are they so strong for no reason.

"you know you like it."-jk (he squeezes ur leg a little harder)


while he grips your thigh, you guys are pulling up in the parking lot of chipotle. which is thankfully right next to the grocery store.

"okay. i think your moment with my leg is over. now take ur hand off."-y/n

"just a little longer"-he winks

you quickly push his hands off and get out the car before he can get you. you run inside the restaurant while he walks behind you. you guys get inside and order.

(they are wearing mask and hats. just in case something happens)

you get ur order and sit down. jungkook sits by you with his food but you get up and leave to sit somewhere else. he texts you after u sit down in ur new spot.

Baby:( why don't u wanna sit by me. you know you want too. -jk

excuse me sir. this is a restaurant. and i don't know how to read so bye. -y/n

shut up brat. if u didn't know how to read then u wouldn't be texting me. -jk

can i not eat my food peacefully without trying to get hit on. leave me alone. 🙄🥱-y/n

fine then. you can go shopping for ur dad by yourself since u want me to leave you alone.👹-jk

i'm just kidding come back. i don't wanna go by myself. what if i get kidnapped?do u want me to die."-y/n (you text that to him while glaring at him across the restaurant.)

you must like looking at me. -jk
Read 12:30

author's POV
after getting that message you turned ur phone off and began eating. not once did u glance at him because you were flustered. they might not be ur biological brothers but it still felt wrong.

you started thinking to yourself.. what if i messed around with them instead? you thought about this while eating ur burrito. when you were done, you decided to have some fun. they're not related to you. so why not experience something you've never done. there's nothing wrong with having a little fun..




this is an extra long chapter. and yes. i know i post these chapters like 4 years apart. anyways. let's talk about BTS festa. sis. that made me cry. i never realized how much i love them until quarantine happened. i used to be really up to date with them and watched everything they posted. eventually, i fell off and didn't even associate myself with them as much as i used too. and then when quarantine happened, i realized that i need them. they make me the person i am today. they make all of us. without them the world would be much different. congratulations to bangtan for being together for 7 years. i love you. and i love you armys too.

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