Classic Rock And a few Others...

By ringostonee

1.1K 47 77

COLLABORATION WITH @GEROGEEHARRI The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Bob D... More

1 - aaah
2 -
3 - hubbub B)
4 -
5 - Freddei is gay Brian in love Rogah making potions and Deaky wants sleep
6 - An inspector cals
7 - Ladies Night
8 - Nowhere Boy George's Realisation
9 - Obsession and True Love
10 - Nowhere Boy George has a crisis about life and Sniggy
11 - basically a gay club
12 - tagger us real
13 - Some othwr schools show up
16 - Brick by Boring Brick
17 - THE GHOSTS also nbg first challenge๐Ÿ˜ฎ
17 - the not so grand reuturn


37 1 0
By ringostonee

Elton john was watching the kther sudidwnrs put their names innths cup but he was more intrerested in bts1 omg hes beautiful

Also I'm admding in animal crossing because im a furry now i guess

ABBA STOOD AT THE FORMT "OK /9 so we're holding tbe tri wizard tornement thus year woooooo!!!!!!"

Everyone cheeered because it was cool.

"But unfortunately no babies can enter"

Everyone booed because it wasnt cool.

"Write ur names on pArhcment and youre entered for tbe random choice of partisipants,"

Nowhere Boy George turned to his saquad. "Bro thus is rediculas what if a baby wantd to enter??"

Rami aggreed. "YeH i agree"


"Well uku can't enter so get over it!" Said rogerina, chewing a gum.

"Would be cool tho" siad nbg sighing.

"It's pretty dangerous anyway yourlll probs die and thats no good" ziggy replied

"Bruh ok"

"Also you notucd anything weid about Professor Epoy???"

Everyone said no


"Ok maybe hes a bit wierd but there arw weirder people at thos school ans the other schools" Rami said

"Yeah u right i guess" ziggy spaid "specially the other scools"

"Yeah one school keeps bursting into song and the others are anime" NBG added glaring at a stupid purple haird guy with stupid mask "i bet theyre gay"

"Everyone here is gay"

"Oh yeha"

"Or bi"


Now everyone was going to the cup to put their names in. First that push up boy named jake put his name in the cup. All the musical kids cheered for him and he did -19292991919392929910/9493920293939392922992 pushups

Next a petite girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail went up and put her name in the cup. A bit ooc for her but whatever. The Pokémon school all clapped and were very nice to her because she's Lillie how can you hate LILLIE IF YOU HATE LILLIE THEN FIGHT ME

Next, Robert Plant threw his name into the cup and the 10 hufflepuff cherred for him!!!

Some other pipel tried their luck including John, Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen, Leon, Rich, Jared, Will (🤮🤮🤮), Gladion (Lillie brother), Red, Blue, Jenna, Alana, Heather, Veronica and Hamilton.

At the ene of the day everyone retrewsted to the common rooms except for Nowhere Boy George and Zigggy

"Remind me why were staying oit after hours NBg" ziggy siad

"We're going to see the other schools. Theyre weid. " nowhere boy georgw said combing his greasy hair. 🤢

"Mk but couldn't this wiait till morning??" Ziggy asked and yhey turned a corner and went outisde

"Well yes but I'm impatient"


So they went done the steps and founf the two other schools vibing. Theyre not mingling but shh

The same olf man from yesterday suddenly appeared infront of the boys and spoke weirdly.

"Hello theyre and welcome to the world of POKOMONS i am OAK but most peiple call the the POKEMON PROF."

"Ok???? We jsut came to say hi?" NBG replied

"Now tell me are you a BOY or a GIRL" Oak continued.

"Yes," said ziggy
"And tbis is my grandson," he said gesturing to the same ginger kid who was chattin to Paul and Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen, "Hes also your rival........,.,......, er,,,,, whatz his name again???"

Nowhere Boy George and Ziggy glanced at eacheroet confusedly. "Bruh I don't know hes your grandson!!" Nowhere Boy George said

"Ah, BRUH, I remember now. Now go and enter the world of pokemong"! Oak said and pushed them towards the anime kids.

So rhey first went to Bruh because makes sense he was using a weir looking bird to figt red cap guy's wieird looking lizard with wings

"Oi bruh what are you doj g?????" Nbg asked scared bc it scary

Ginger kid turns around lookinh all smug like😏😏😏😏😏 the other kid was just like😶😶

"Sup losers were having a battle obviously what are you like stupid??????" He asked foldin his arms smugly

"No you. Anyway I'm Nowhere Boy Goerge and this is Dziggu and we're just here to say hi"

Kid did some weird salute smugly and said "oh yeah??? Well I'm Blue and that's Red. I'm a power trainer!!" Green said.

"Is powerful trainer a way of sayjng im gay or something" Ziggy asked kicking a pebble. Poor pebble

"... ... ..." said Red

"Ah, thought so"

Nowhere Boy George looked between them confused. He swore Red just said dots.

"Yeah and BTW I am going to beat your school so much in this tournament hahahaha!!!!" Said Gary smugly

"... ... ..."

"Shut up, Red i am going to be the chamion"

"... ... ..."


"Yeah whatever have your quarrel Bogwarts is win," NBG said b

"Stfu" Green hissed smugly

"Alright calm down we're leabing now look bue!!" Ziggy said

"Good. Smell ya later stupids!!!" Gary said smugly m.

They quickly turned and walled away from the weirdos and found some more weirdos.

Suddenly they smelt the smell of drugs or something and followed it to some stupud llooking people.

"Oi what are you guys up to" NBG shouted in close proximity to the two. One looked up at him and the other didn't.

"WAht does e want??" The one that didn't look saidd. The other one stared at NBG for a few seconds (at least nbg thought he was since he couldn't see his eyes) before replying.

"He wants your drugs, mate," he aaid folding his arms. The ofher boy suddenly looked up and whACKed MBG across the face.


Nowhere Boy George helf his sore face and said "How tf did that Robin lookin dude know that????"

"Bro chill nobody wants ur non existent drubgs," Ziggy said.

Blond kid who punched NBG paused for a monent then sighed dramatically. "Will, is he lying or not?"

Will dude glared at Ziggy for a moment again "Yup, they want your drugs, Morty"

"Bruh I'm not givin you anything BECAUSE INDONT HABE ANYTHING!!!" Morty shouted

"So you just smell like weed then?@ nbg asekdd confused.

"I do not smell like weed the heck???? Do i smell like weed, Will?????"

Will laughed. "What is weed."

"Bruh" Ziggy said

NBg was like😳 "Wait your name is Will???" He wasked Will.

"No it's Karen,"

"Stop messing about your name is Will and you have purple hair?!!?!!?"

"Huh. Didn't notice that, thanks for pointing it out. No i am not your weird teacher who kills kids in disguise i am Will."

"PMHGJBH HOw did you know thattt I didn't even say it dude!!!!"

"i am Will"

Nowhere Boy George was like UGHHHHHH "Morty why he like that?"

Morty shrugged. "He's Will. Does his own thing,"


"Dude he's a psychic" Morty sighed.

"See that wasn't so hard"

"Surely jt was obvs though mate he was literally staring at you then saying your thoughts," saiyd Morty

Ziggy glared at Will. "Didn't he put his name in the cup tho? Sureely thats against the ruels?"

"Are you serious rn?? You're discriminating and it's disgusting. Stop it or I'm reporting you," Mordty said angrilyy.

"I'm not u was nust asking surely there's things that he can do that normal wizards cant,"

"What like levetation bro spells got you covered for most of what he can do,"

"Stop talkin about me I'm right here☹️" said Will sad.

"Soz Will but they're being mean😡"

Morty tjrrdn backnto the bfs and said angry "Your negative vibes are not welcome here. Go away before my gengar puts a curse on you!"

"Col you can do that I thought Willbh had the powers?" Said NBG as Morty took a red and white ball off his belt and let itnopen. A giant purple mondter appeared from the ball.

"Oh no I can't, but he can😏"

"oh we'll be on our way now. nice meeting you Morty." NBg said shaking

"Yes you too, Will, hope you get chosen as the champion..!" Ziggy added

"Ok that school is weird maybe we shshould meet the other school?"

"We met Jake yesterday though and hes a major character + im tired," Ziggy replied yawing to prove her point.

"Alright. We can meet more pople tomorrkw,"

So they wnet back to dorms and slept


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