Jen and James

By ashiatheapple

1.9K 215 89

She was Jennifer He was James In the teenage world full of crushes, drama, fun, and tears, Jen and James thou... More

Character Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 43

15 2 2
By ashiatheapple

Shae's POV:

Ok, so, maybe I don't remember where exactly Sophia said the keys were...

All I remember from that argument was something about me being stupid for getting stuck in the baby swing at the park.

To be fair...

If all of the other little kids could swing while feeling secure, why can't I?

Ya see my point?

Anyways, after we searched the dirt in each pot, there was dirt everywhere...

From the floor to our hair and I mean everywhere.

How the hell did I get some in my pants, you may ask...

Welp, to be honest, I have no idea.

It probably happened when we had that mud fight. 

Or, when we were playing with the garbage shoot.

Or, when we dumped one of the flower pots on Cayden and Kyra when we found them kissing in the corner.

Yep, that was the one.

Ok, maybe it wasn't the best idea...

My point is, now that all of the plants are garbage, my pants are dirty, and everyone has dirt in places where it shouldn't be, I decided that it might be time to call Sophia...

"Guys, you think we should call her now?"

"You should've done that earlier but it is what it is..."

"Yea, just call her already, I have dirt in my freaking bra."

"Cora, I could've lived my whole life without knowing that."


The elevator doors open and a beautiful young woman steps out of it.

"Call who?"

"Sophia?" I question.

"Hey, guys!"

I rush toward her, pick her up, and spin her around, ending it with a kiss. Damn, I've missed her.

"Baby! How did you know we were here?" I ask her as the rest of the squad says their hellos.

"Oh, I knew y'all were here from the moment y'all pulled up. I was across the street at the small coffee shop when I heard Jen yelling..."

"HEY! To be fair, I got hit in the head with a damn pillow!"

"Jen, shut up. We all know you were just being dramatic. Did you apologize yet?"

"Why do you assume I have to apologize?!"

"Well for one, I know how you get when you're mad. Two, you have a tendency to threaten really mean things when you're mad, and three, as one of your friends, I already know that the threat had something to do with you hurting someone or something..."

Jen stood with her mouth hanging open...

"Also, my security called me about 45 minutes ago, saying something about a group of children playing in some dirt on my floor. They sent me the footage of you guys ruining my flowers. Then, I got a complaint from the nice old lady right below me about a group of people who were making a mess and kept throwing dirt down her lovely food shoot..."

"Oh, I thought that it was for garbage."

"Nope, Ms. Clark always sends me food when she's worried about me overloading myself."

"Damn, I'm sorry, it was my idea..."

"It's fine, Shae, but y'all do have to clean up this mess."

We all exchange looks.


Everyone catches on besides Alex.

Damn, I thought I was the slow one...

"Damnit! I've always been bad at that! Let's do it again!"

"Nope, what's fair is fair..."

"But it's not fair! Plus, I'm the newbie!"

"Welp, at one point, we all had to learn. So, today, it's your turn."

Alex let's out a big sigh and asks Sophia for a mop in broom. She makes a quick call and only seconds later, a petite older woman exits from the elevator.

"Hola, Marie, mis amigos hicieron un desastre con la tierra. ¿Puedes llamar al equipo de limpieza y asegurarte de que Alex los ayude a limpiarlo? Es el de cabello negro y piel pálida."

Oh man, it think someone is in trouble...

I can't really tell.

All I understood from that was the fact that Alex's name was mentioned and something about a Llama?

Whatever, it's fine.

As long as no one gets spot on by a llama...

What if Alex gets his eye spit in by a llama?!

It would be all my fault!

"Babe, is Alex gonna get spit on by a llama?!"

"No, dumbass, I asked her to get the cleaning crew and make sure that Alex helps them clean up the mess..."



"Well, now that we know that Alex will be fine and no one will get hurt, can we please go inside? My feet are starting to ache." Jen interrupts me.

"Oh, yea, I should do that." Sophia thinks out loud as she begins to make her way towards the door and unlocks it.

"Damn, Fia, when did you get so thicc?" I say, remember the cringy nickname I gave her when we first met.

"Oh, I'm glad you noticed, I've been working out more."

"That's good, but I just thought of another way we can both get a workout. It's a bit of a mix of pain and pleasure."

We walk into the neat, stylish, and cozy, penthouse before putting down our bags and heading to the Master bedroom.

"Why did you say pain?"

"I don't know. Isn't that what people usually say?"

"No, Shae, no, they don't..."

"Well, umm, damn, what do I say now?"

"You don't have to say anything, just meet me back here when Jen decides that she's hungry and wants to go out for breakfast when there's clearly food here."


"Alright, well, I'm gonna go shower. Please make sure everyone gets settled in their rooms. The couples are upstairs while Alex and Cora are on the first floor and have separate rooms. Y'all can figure that out yourselves."

"Ok, I'll relay the message."

We split our separate ways.

Sophia going to the bathroom and me, heading towards the living room.

I gotta find a way to tell her...

Hey Guys,

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! It was a peek into Shae and Sophia's relationship. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! I always follow back!

Until Later,
My Lovely Little Potatoes 🥔❤️

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