Out of place (MCSM Romeo and...

By AneesahAjam

2.2K 142 73

IMPORTANT!!! This book is no longer being updated!! Unsure of how she got here, a 19 year old girl by the nam... More

1. [A] New world
2. [R] Respawn
3. [A] Bigger problems
4. [R] Fight back
5. [A] Taking a hike
6. [R] Strange creature
7. [A] Companion
8. [R] New friend
9. [A] End of the road
10. [R] Thinking of home
11. [A] Strange things
12. [R] Curiosity
13. [A] Somewhat familiar mobs
14. [R] Health
15. [A] Potions and trust
17. [A] Live and Learn
18. [R] Adjusting
19. [A] Suspicious discovery
20. [R] Anomalies
21. [A] Trouble
22. [R] Peaceful Mode
23. [A] The journey home
24. [R] Outside
25. [A] Weather changes
26. [R] The present hunt
27. [A] The Encounter
28. [R] Home and not alone
29. [A] It's Christmas
30. [R] Happiness Exchange
31. [A] Playing with Fire(works)
32. [R] New year new adventures

16. [R] Sweet

66 4 0
By AneesahAjam

Well, that was something. If I didn't feel bad for Aneesah enough before, I sure do now. Missing your own birthday? That's rough. Surviving life for a whole year is a huge deal seeing as you never know if your life get's cut short. So after some chatting she's apparently 20 years old now, well at least she remembered. One day I completely forgot when MINE was, after becoming an Admin I kind of didn't consider it anything to celebrate anymore seeing as I would live forever due to it but now, I kind of just didn't think about it anymore. Then Xara and Fred threw me a surprise party and I was confused as heck, let me just say, of all the times those two gave me 'the speechless face', that was the biggest. After that I made sure to keep track of time from then on, knowing when christmas was, new year, all that. Keeping up with the time was simple, then figuring out the date. Wonder why remembering my own birthday was so difficult. It's the most simple thing to remember and I forgot. I'm still wrapping my head around things. Now that I think about it, it was actually kind of embarrassing but at the same time kind of funny.

Well anyways, I was snoozing in my room that I made in the witches hut, which was nicely renovated if I do say so myself, when I heard some kind of sloshing sound outside, slime. Well, we should probably get moving, we've still got to head home, well whatever home looks like. I've never seen Aneesah's place. From what I hear, the main room is at the bottom floor, the bedroom is on the top floor and a basement as a little hideaway, plus there's a mineshaft in a nearby mountain for minerals. But we still have at least one more biome to cross when we get there so hopefully we might get there today. Of course we'll still need to build my room onto it, I mean where would I sleep? No way I'm living in the basement. I woke up and stretched my limbs, relishing the fact that I slept without a traumatic nightmare of my past. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes I hear a disgusted voice in the main room. "Ugh, this tastes medicine!" I hear Aneesah yell, causing me to jump a little. Concerned, I push myself up off the bed and went to open the door to check. The moment I spot her, her face is scrunched up in ways past my understanding. She looked like she was asking someone who put them on the planet, whatever that means. Here demeanor changes a bit once she saw me. "Oh, good morning Romeo, I didn't wake you did I?" She asked awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head. "No no, it's fine." I mention with my hands up before I ask "Are you alright?" She shrugs. "I'll be fine, but my taste buds won't be." "What was the shouting for?" "Well, I checked the potion in the cauldron and noticed the colour of the liquid, recognizing it was a healing potion. I checked the chest for an empty bottle and I found 5 of them and a potion of invisibility. I just too one of the healing potions and...it taste disgusting like the medicine I would take for a flu." I lift my hand to my mouth to cover a chuckle. "A Healing potion..heh... tastes like medicine." I try to say while holding it together. "Did you seriously say that?" I'm pretty sure I just watched her cheeks colour to red. "I mean, yeah it's supposed to heal you but...still." When I finally manage to regain my composure, I let out a small ahem and clear my throat. "Well, I'm going to go pack up." I say as I walk back to the room to get my bed. Before I close the door I say this. "Also not to worry you but...the aftertaste lasts for a long while and it's... worse." If this is her first potion I can relate, first time I had one, it tasted like someone made drinkable wood. Not that I would know just saying.

I have to admit, seeing her all that embarrassed about saying something silly like that is pretty funny, knowing myself if I get to know her more I'll hold it against her. That's a problem I have, I hope she doesn't get too mad at me for it. Now that I think about it, she also blushed when I carried her to the witches hut, and when I gave her that blue orchid. I can understand why she did the first time, it was kind of sudden, but the orchid? That was just a small gesture. I know it's probably nothing but...I wonder why she's so easily flustered.

But anyway, after packing our stuff and having breakfast we make it about halfway through the forest biome. She's moving faster now and she doesn't need me to lean onto. Good, the potion is working. I also noticed she has a sour expression on her face again. Oof, the after taste must be settling in. I was abiut to check before I spot something. A bunch group of unknown yellow mobs with stripes and big blue eyes, they buzzed around near the flowers. What on Earth ARE those? I thought to myself. They're actually kind of cute though. As cute as they are, I'm not sure about them. "Hold up." I say quietly as I hold my arm out for Aneesah to stop, unsure of what that thing is. "We'll be fine Romeo, just try not to agitate one of them and upset the whole hive." She said as she just casually walked ahead. Wait what...what is she doing?  "Aneesah do you even know what those things are?" as soon as I say that, she gives me a look that's hard to decipher due to me not understanding her complex facial structure. All I can guess is that she's unamused. A lot of people tend to be unamused with me, mostly Xara, but this girl is different. But then out of her mouth came not just word, but a whole definition. "Yes, I do.  They're honey bees, they fly to nearby flowers to collect pollen and turn it into honey, a sweet nectar that helps with your food bar by 6 and removes poison effects. They don't attack unless provoked. Where I come from Bees normally attack if you move to fast so just walk. And if one comes near you, walk slower." Um...okay? I really shouldn't be too surprised, she tends to know more than I expect but um...I'm still kinda surprised. They have these in her world? Does she just go out say, oh bees, be slow. I...I don't even have a clear thought process for this. "Come on, we need to get moving. unless ..." She said softly. Oh no...I don't need to reed her face to know she's going to try something. I didn't even have time to react as she snuck to where the 'bees' were. Worried, I followed behind her, cautious of them. The sound they make kind of makes me nervous.

Aneesah walked to this tree as carefully as possible. There was something up with this tree, there were two odd looking blocks hanging from it. They were striped and it looked like they had some kind of liquid dripping from it, it was filled to the brim. "Perfect." I hear my companion say silently to herself. I was about to ask her a question until I noticed her putting two of her spare campfires under each of them. My question changed. "What are you doing?" I whisper. She looks at me dead in the eyes and explains her plan. "The smoke from the campfire will calm the bees in the nest. That way the won't alert their little friends and I can get two bottles of honey from this." I look to her in disbelief, "Why?" I ask, again at a loss for words. "Because I need something to help with the potion's aftertaste." She just says plainly. "Trust me, it'll be worth it." I really have no idea what to say. Is this what Xara and Fred feel when they witnessed ME do certain things? Huh. If I was them, I would wait somehwere far away to help in case she got in trouble but...I'm still me. So I just sat there and watched as she collected 'honey' from these blocks. Once that was done, we broke the campfires and left quietly, luckily not attracting any unwanted buzzing attention.

With that we continued, onward. It was almost sunset but we were well on our way out of the forrest and an actual house to rest at. Aneesah seems proud of herself for getting that honey. It must taste really good, once she drank her one bottle of it, she had this huge smile plastered on her face. I think it counter balanced the aftertaste of the healing potion too. She's not making the disgust face anymore. My thoughts were cut short as my stomach rumbles, oh snap. Aneesah gives me another weird look, this time she looks like a cat mother disappointed in her kitten. "Romeo, what did you have to eat?" she asked me. "Uh..." I trail off, "The rest of my cookies?" She comes to a stop and I join her. She reaches into her inventory and pulls out the other bottle of honey. "Here," she offers. "I meant to give this to you once we get to my place, but I think you need this right now." "Wait what?" Honestly, I was kind of expecting a huge lecture to how I should watch my hunger but I'm getting honey? Oh well, I took the honey bottle. I didn't exatly think to ask why because last time I did, a certain purple haired engineer always gave me the 'take it before I change my mind' look. I uncork the bottle and bring the bottle top to my lips. The liquid was syrupy but it saw really sweet, almost sugary. "That was...sweet." I saw amazed. No wonder she really wanted this. It's amazing. Aneesah chuckles. "Told you it was worth it" she said. "Come one, my place is just up ahead."

As I follow her, I almost get a sense of de ja vou. She's kind of like a mix of Xara and Fred. All jumbled into an impossible yet perfect combination with a bit of something new. A kind heart  really smart. Hey, that rhymes. I like being around her, she's great. Not long do we reach what looks like a house. It had bare logs at the corners and plank walls, the roof was decorated well with staircases and it was two stories tall. With a proud look and her hands on her hips, Aneesah proclaims "Ah, Home sweet home."

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