Leeway // Joe Mazzello

By Octavia_Mazzello

13.1K 383 946

~LEEWAY~ "What are we doing?" "Ruining our lives" "I'm glad we're doing it together." "I wouldn't want to rui... More

"Cast & Author's note"
1|| "Reverie"
2|| "Dinner"
3|| "Coffee"
4|| "Opportunities"
5|| "Cloud"
6|| "Oxy Octavia"
7|| "Irony"
8|| "Golden"
9|| "Job Positions"
10|| "Conversions"
11|| "Fuel to the Fire"
12|| "What Now?"
13|| "World's Worst Jenga Game"
14|| "Reality"
15|| "The Promise"
16|| "Average Joe"
17|| "Speak French to Me My Darling"
18|| "September 8th"
19|| "Boss Ass Bitch"
21|| "You Know What's Funnier Than 24?"
22|| "Star Shopping"
23|| "The Beginning and the End"
24|| "Mary Austin"
25|| "Roger Taylor"
26|| "Brian May"
27|| "Paul Prenter"
28|| "Freddie Mercury"
29|| "John Deacon"
30|| "Mozzarella Stick"
31|| "Say It One More Time"
32|| "What Happened?"
33|| "Loverboy"
34|| "I Think You're so Pretty"
35|| "When in Rome"
36|| "Delicate"
37 || "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"

20|| "The In Between Life"

272 12 42
By Octavia_Mazzello

Octavia's guide to the hell that is the English language

/nīn to fīv/

(n.) A term used to describe a normal and routine job, sometimes boring and unfulfilling.


"What do you mean you 'don't care'?" Octavia asked angrily as she paced the tiles of the coffee shop floor.

It was after hours when she forcefully entered her way into the old cafe she once loved. She knew Christian would be there and it was the perfect time to ask him what the hell was going on, because she sure didn't know.

"Can you stop giving me the 3rd degree now. I don't care about the article. It happened. I'm over it." He fought back wiping the counter down very aggressively.

"That's what I don't understand. This girl took private information and broadcasted it to people who have no idea what they're reading. Half the stuff she wrote doesn't even make sense."

"I don't care because there's nothing I can do about it. It happened, what am I supposed to do, email her? It's not gonna change anything."

"How are you so calm about this? She used you, Christian. Is something not clicking?"

"I'm calm because it's not that big of a deal. The information was going to get out anyway." He shrugged and slung the rag over his shoulder.

"But it is Christian! It is a very very big deal." She nearly shouted at him.

"Why, because she's wrong or because you don't want them to find out? What are you hiding Octavia?"

"Why must you be so philosophical with your questions. Of course she's wrong, I don't plan on dating Joe or anyone at all anytime soon. And I told you, I'm done hiding stuff. I don't care what you think about mine and Joe's friendship and I sure as hell don't care what Blaire Lewis has to say about it either. And you are absolutely no help because you're numb to society." She huffed, crossed her arms, and turned her back to Christian.

"I'm numb to society because everything is fake. Tell me Octavia, have you even felt alive since 2012?" He leaned just elbows on the counter.

"Oh what, like when the world was supposed to end?" She gave him a funny look.

"All I'm saying is, you're complaining about life, again, but are we sure we're even alive? I mean you would've been 19, 20 in 2012, and you can't tell me everything hasn't felt numb since then."

Without all of the superstitious bullshit Christian was saying, he did have a point. 19 and 20 was about her peak, and then it went downhill when her sister died and then Ethan ruined everything of course. But she still had good things like Amelia, Gwil, and the college courses she decided to take a break from, if that was even possible. Maybe the world did end in 2012, and now she was just in hell.

"Call me Christian when you get a brain, we'll talk then." She picked up her things and headed for the doors.

"Hey I thought we were supposed to be friends."

"We are. You just need to get your head straight." She shrugged and out the doors she went.


Well, the boys had done it. They absolutely crushed Live Aid, just like everyone said they would.

Octavia wasn't allowed to see the taping of it though because she didn't have the proper clearance, she was just the bass instructor. And being the bass instructor had officially lost its perks. The men went into normal acting, not shooting concerts or fun performances. How dare they do anything in order. But without the need for a bass, there was no need for a bassist.

They hadn't necessarily let Octavia go, they told her she was allowed to visit the set any time she liked, but fearing she'd get in the way, decided not to take them up on that offer. At least not right away.

So now she sat in her apartment void of any past excitements she once had here. What was she doing? Apparently wasting her life according to her mother.

Her mother.

She almost entirely forgot about the divorce, which is quite shocking, actually. It's not everyday your parents get divorced.

And of course with her parents being as dramatic as possible, decided to lengthen the whole process by viciously arguing over marital property.

Add that to the list of reasons why marriage was the last thing Octavia wanted.

Who was getting the house? Who was getting the furniture? Who was getting...? And blah blah blah.

She hated hearing about it. She shut as much of it out as possible. Gwilym was the one who had to listen. Constantly on the phone with their dad complaining about his wife. That's the last thing you wanted to hear, how much your own father hated your own mother.

That's the leeway their dad had though, he could get away with complaining about anything if he sugar-coated it enough. But Octavia wasn't buying it, her mom was getting everything even before it was put in writing, that was just her mother's nature.

She had to visit them, at least make sure they haven't killed each other yet. And what better person to bring than someone who has most likely experienced the same trauma.

She pulled up to Christians apartment, knowing he wouldn't be working today. She figure she might as well bring a friend and talk herself into a job as well.



Octavia (Tavi =])

Tavi =]
I'm texting you to make myself look busy. I'm at my parents house in the middle of a turf war.

You're not alone are you? They could kill you AND get away with it.

Tavi =]
Thanks for the encouragement but no, I'm with Christian he's just in the bathroom

Well good luck, don't die =[

Tavi =]
I will try not to but they seem pretty angry. They've clearly been bottling this up for awhile.

Well I might have something that might help

Took that during live aid

Tavi =]
You really do look like a mushroom top don't you?

My hair can never win can it?

Tavi =]
Nope :)


Mushroom Top


Calamari is squid not Octopus
The American education system really failed you huh?

Mushroom Top
The American education system failed us all
Get 👏it👏right👏

I couldn't tell time until I moved here so I guess you're right

Mushroom Top
Besides, John Deacon also looked like a Mushroom Top so I accept the title proudly

Joseph "I cosplayed John Deacon once and now I think I'm him" Mazzello

Mushroom Top
I am very much dressed like John Deacon right this very instant.

Just bc you dress like a king does not make you a king
John Deacon>>> Joe Mazzello 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mushroom Top
Very attractive and sexy age-range appropriate John Deacon lookalike>>> 60 some year old real John Deacon

Is that what your tinder bio says?

Mushroom Top
I don't need Tinder, the ladies come to me naturally

The block button is looking AWFULLY good right now

Mushroom Top
Not as good as me though

This message cannot be sent


"What are you giggling at?" Christian whispered to Octavia as he sat down beside her on her parents floral patterned couch.

"Oh it's... nothing." She shook her head and put her phone under her thigh. "But hey, thank you so much for coming with me, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone in this nut house."

"Anything for a... friend." He swallowed hard on the last word, choking it out almost.

"They never shut up do they?" She commented on her parents' fighting quietly. They were in the kitchen when yet another argument began.

"I... umm..." He answered uncomfortably

"You can judge them, it's okay. All my friends do it anyway." She shrugged and focused in on the terribly outdated wallpaper.

"Can you stop with that?" He asked harshly.

"Stop with what?"

"'Friend' this and 'friend' that." He rolled his eyes. "It still hurts, Octavia. It just seems like you've moved on so quickly."

"I'm trying not to think about it just as much as you are trying not to think about it. I'm still trying to keep you in my life, Christian. 'Friend' is so blatant so I don't screw up." She concluded the argument as her parents calmly sat down in front of them.

"Now sweetie, I know this is very hard for you and-"

"Seriously, 'Sweetie'? Just tell me what's going to happen." She was already over this.

"Well I think it's best your father keeps the house because  he bought it and decorated it all. And I well... I think I'm going to move back to New York for a little bit." He explained.

"Move back to New York? there's nothing and nobody there. All of our family is here, why would you do that?" She gave a puzzled face.

"A break, mostly. I'm not saying I'll never come back but I've got this very nice friend there and he's decided to take me in and-"

"Cenwien not now." Her father interrupted her.

"She has a right to know I don't understand-"

"What your mother is saying is that there's someone else. Now don't worry, she never cheated or anything but it's complicated and basically she just wants to visit him, right?"

"If you say so dear." She gave a plastic smile.

"That... what? Who is this man? Have I met him before? I'm so confused." Octavia was rethinking her decision on bringing Christian. She thought it would be a property discussion not a "reveal all family secrets" discussion.

"It will be discussed on a later date, Octavia. But since we've decided on property, feel free to take any of your belongings and tell Gwilym to stop by when he can." She smiled again and practically pushed Octavia out of the door.


"Well that was the biggest waste of time ever." Octavia threw her small purse on the Café table as Christian sat across from her.

"I find your parents very entertaining." He mentioned.

"Well that makes one of us."

"At least you have parents. My dad left years ago and I only found out he died when his step sister walked into the café to buy coffee the day of his funeral. I wasn't even invited." Christian shrugged.

"Well that's... dark." She wasn't sure how to respond.

"And the worst part is is that his funeral was already over and he was buried before I could say goodbye. That's kind of why I gave up on fighting things that have already happened."

"Well that's a tragic backstory and a half. That explains a lot really. When did he die?"




"I feel like I can finally talk to him ya know? Like he actually talked about his family this time." Octavia said to Amelia as she curled up on her couch with a glass of wine.

"That's great. No yeah really that's wonderful." She said scrolling on her phone.

"Are you okay? you seem distracted."

"No I'm good, I actually talked to Christian the other day, dumb stuff obviously." She shook her head at the idea.

"Oh cool, what about?"

"Like I said, dumb stuff."

"You asked him about the break up didn't you? Were you at the café?" Octavia asked panicked.

"Where else would I have been?" She laughed nervously and continued scrolling on her phone.

"Ugh Amelia! Don't you understand? Blaire was at the cafe the same time you were! She heard everything about the breakup and maybe more. Who knows what else she'll write about!"

Amelias face went pale. She talked about a lot more than just a stupid breakup and if Blaire wrote about that, it could ruin everything; her whole plan about Joe and Christian and finally isolating Octavia. It would all be over and everyone would hate her. Again.

But it was too late when Amelia's phone buzzed loudly to reveal a notification from the same news source that Blaire worked for.

She slyly closed her phone not bringing attention to the article or her suddenly rapid breathing and heart beat. She continued on without a beat, leaving Octavia blissfully ignorant. At least for right now.

"Tell me about your parents." Amelia offered, completely dismissing the discussion of Octavia's breakup.


The rock and roll life really was glamorous, and the further Christian drove to the cafe, Octavia missed it more and more. She managed to talk Christian into recommending her for an opening spot at the cafe, and with just the perfect amount of pretty boy looks, Christian could practically talk anyone into anything. So now she sat in the passenger side of Christians car, huffing at her now average life.

"Hey, it's only temporary." He tried to remind her, but it really wasn't working. He knew her upset mood wasn't because of him, but he couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

"I know, I'm just thankful I can finally not waste all of my time at home." She rearranged herself in her seat, propping her elbow to rest hand on her chin.

"Just a reminder, you'll never stop smelling like coffee."

"Better than smelling like fast food." Octavia crinkled her nose. "Drive me home too?"

"Whatever you ask your majesty." Christian tipped his head to her and laughed.

Working along side Octavia was going to be excruciatingly hard. Whenever he thought of her it was an instant symphony of butterflies.

She made him feel alive again. She was his daily dose of serotonin, and just like any other illegal drug, he was instantly addicted. Octavia, to him, was the almost silent pattering of raindrops, but also the warmest of summer sunshine. She was intoxicating and sobering all in the same package. He longed for her, a girl who no longer felt the once mutual attraction.

But he clung to hope, that even if nothing came from his subliminal attempts at getting her back, he knew that he could at least use the same fore-mentioned pretty boy looks to convince her into anything.


Octavia's apartment erupted with the catastrophe of slamming doors and shoes being kicked. Not one pair, but two. Octavia hurriedly tried to kick off her shoes while not disturbing the rhythm of her and Christians kiss. It was clear they both were desperate for this, but for all the wrong reasons. They both feared change and difference, and with something so familiar, can quickly become toxic and unnoticed. But right now, they didn't care. They knew it was a mistake, and that's what fueled them. They felt the wrongness and utter disagreement from friends, and it only motivated them to not stop.

The only thing that mattered right now was them, and their awful attempt at making their way up the stairs. And not for a second did they break touch. Octavia now had her hand placed at the side Christians neck while running her fingers through his hair with her other hand. His were placed sloppily on her back, pulling her closer while the other fumbled with turning the door knob to her bedroom.

They were a chaotic mess. They lacked passion and tenderness, which only made room for lust and resentment. They were giving all of the terrible and negative things back to each other in the simplest way they knew how, with absolutely zero communication. Their inability to care right now made everything seem better.  All of the work Octavia had put into trying to help her behavior was washed away, and she was left with creating a universe of no consequences, zero regrets,  and no one except her and Christian.

And it was perfect, but reality is always the heaviest, hardest, and most painful slap in the face.


AN:: Wow this chapter SCREAMS filler and I'm super sorry but I'm trying to add more interesting events in the next chapters BUT THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME!!!


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