Keith Kogane x reader

By wafflecakeswithsyrup

40.3K 592 267

Hi guys so I've never written an x reader story (or any story) before so all helpful criticism is welcome! No... More

Sup Guys!
Chapter one
Chapter two (training)
Aftermath of a prank
Aftermath of a prank 2
What is this feeling?
I got the power
I love you
I'm not fragile
Fun before the fire
Who cares?
I hate you
I need help!
pet names and confessions
What could go wrong?
This is why you dont drink magic potions!
But... you promised
Oh quiznak
No matter what it takes
Thank you soo much
keep you safe
How could you let this happen?
Break from the inside
Phase 1 complete
Broken trust
What have we done?
We are screwed
Sleepover 2
You motherquiznakker
Oh my gosh 1k! (Kind of important)
I'll miss you
No contol
Nothing can change that
Between us
Shopping detour
I hate magic trees
Tree civilisation
Ain't no impostor
Castle on a hill
Get out of my head
Get out of my head pt2
Risky is my middle name
I changed the cover! (A/N)
I thought you loved me
OMG We hit 2K!
Not that easy
I'm come get me
I'm no traitor
Without you
Fool proof
One big mess
Shattered glass
Woken up
Meeting the mother
Boom boom push pow
Haggar VS Y/N...
Ready as I'll ever be
So be it
Fight for me
Come back to me
Freaking lightbulb
In my eyes
Never again
Interrogate the snek
Hell breaks loose
17 seconds remaining
Pros and cons
Missed Chance
Stupid ass box
Useful ass box
Well, shiz
I got tagged!
Get out me car!
Entering the atmosphere
Space drugs
Raisin face
'Let's kick Lotor's a-' 'language'
'Holy shi-'

What if...

120 2 0
By wafflecakeswithsyrup

Y/N only had time to scramble up because the door had been blasted off its hinges and Keith frantically raced in . The first thing he noticed was the glass. Crimson crept along the once crystal clear shards, decorating the floor.

Keith's POV

My eyes flew towards Y/N. My heart almost stopped as I saw her. Her knuckles slit open as the red liquid seeped out of the deep cuts. "I said I didn't want to talk," Y/N snapped. Her eyes were cold and her tone was harsh. "Well I do," I replied.


I was getting more and more annoyed by the second. "I'm done with this conversation, we need a plan to get Lance anyway". I began to walk away from Keith only for him to grab my wrist and pull me. "You are not going anywhere except to the infirmary". I frowned "But why?" I asked. Keith sighed and folded his arms.

 "Y/N someone who just punched a mirror is in no shape or form 'fine'" He gruffly responded. Without another reply, Keith roughly yanked me down the hall ignoring my screamed protests. He slammed open the infirmary door and stormed in. He sat me down on a nearby table. "Do. Not. Move. Or I will personally slice your hand off with my bayard" 

I nodded as he mumbled incoherently to himself whilst slamming out different vials and bandages.

Author's POV

Keith mumbled a slur of curses before finally pulling out a set of bandages. The teen slammed them angrily onto the table and brought them out. The atmosphere grew heavy with tension as strong smelling antibacterial liquid was dabbed onto the ripped flesh. Y/N hissed in pain as colourful language tumbled from her mouth as it stung fiercely. 

The bandages were now tightly wound on. Y/N jumped down from the metal table. They then walked into Y/N's room stepping over the glass. "Thanks, Keith now let's go" "Go where Y/N?" Keith asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "To make a plan to save Lance'' She replied. Keith's eyebrows furrowed together.

 "Didn't you just hear me?" "But Keith I'm fine see?". Y/N plastered a fake smile on her face. "I don't think so". The phoney smile on Y/N's dropped instantly to a glower as she yelled out in frustration. "You don't understand!" "Yes I do we all want to get Lance, but we can't just rush in". Keith's tone was harsh as his patience wore thin with his stubborn girlfriend "Then we'll make one so go!" 

"NO Y/N!".

The H/C haired girl flinched slightly and looked down. The red paladin sighed in remorse but his tone remained rough. "Y/N your not thinking this through I understand Lance is your brother and you care about him but you can't go on a suicide mission, you'll be completely useless as your hand hasn't healed properly!". The H/C haired girl nodded and looked up at him. Tears welled up in her eyes. Royal blue droplets spilt over.

 "I-I just want Lance to be safe, what if he's not what if he's extremely hurt or shot into space at 1000 million miles per hour?". She sat down on her bed. Sobs erupted from her mouth and her eyes flickered blue. Keith was shocked slightly at the odd colour of the tears but dismissed it. He sat down next to his lover. He gently put her up and placed her into his lap. Y/N leaned into Keith's chest and cried. "Hey Y/N we'll get Lance back" His voice was gentle; as if he was speaking to that of a 3-year old "B-but what i-if he's... D-dead"

Keith's POV

I stroked Y/N's hair softly. She calmed down and I began to speak again. "If there's one thing I'm sure if there is no way in Heck Lance is dead I promise you we'll get him back". Y/N's cries turned softer and eventually died down. A sweet moment of silence washed over the two of us as we just sat there content in each other's embrace. I then broke it. "Hey Y/N it's been a long day you wanna sleep?" 

                                                                                                 Y/N's POV 

I nodded at the suggestion and crawled into bed. I could feel the mattress dip as Keith clambered in next to me. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist as my head was buried into his chest. A warm feeling spread over me as Keith kissed my forehead whilst mumbling a slightly drowsy goodnight which I replied with my own sleep-filled greeting. "We'll find you, Lance," I thought as I snuggled deeper into Keith's embrace. 

Oh my goodness that was a rollercoaster of emotions. Anywho so I haven't posted in a couple of days because I procrastinated on a boatload of homework so now I have to deal with the consequences *Shouts yay sarcastically*. I hate consequences. K so I hope you enjoyed the story byee 


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