The Forgotten Soldier (Doom x...

By ReaperTheDeadly

120K 1.5K 823

my Y/N L/N, and the end of me. I'm all alone, no backup, no allies, just pure death an... More

Welcome to Mars
The Missing Scientist
Unknown Enemies
Slight delay
good news
The Darkness
The Darkness Pt 2
The Chamber
The Plan
The Fight
The Spider
The Spider Pt 2/Argent Tower
Welcome to Hell
not sure what to say
just asking
Christmas Special (Short)
Welcome to Hell PT 2
It happened again
Welcome to Hell PT 3
Back to Mars
Argent Facility (destroyed)
Darkest Secrets Revealed
Death of a Soldier
Rise of a Sentinel
Rise of a Sentinel PT 2
new look
The End?
Bigger Evil
Bigger Evil PT 2
One Man Army
The Fall of a Soldier
Indestructible PT 2/ Darkest Secrets Revealed PT 2
Indestructible PT 3
300(+1) followers
The Final Round
The Final Round PT 2
The Final Round PT 3 (Finale)

Tortured and Escaped

1.2K 17 5
By ReaperTheDeadly

Y/n's POV:

I remembered when I was fighting some other demon, until I was being choked to uncounsious... Where am I now...?
I slowly opened my eyes, I realized that I wasn't in my armor... I was completely naked, well... At least I had my boxers on.

???: Well well well, what do we have here? *Chuckles* a Night Sentinel, who has fallen like his brothers and sisters.

Y/n: you.... You have no right to mention them *coughs*

???: *Grins* oh y/n, you should've joined us... I would've given you everything. Power, Riches, even women

Y/n: I already *slowly looks up* have a woman...

???: Oh please, that bitch of yours is nothing compared to what I offered you.

Y/n: your offer is full of shit!

???: *Smirks* if you say so *looks at demon* make him suffer...
I've been here for probably months... Tortured, beaten, bruised... As time went by, I slowly felt like I lost hope... I know I was running out of time.... As I was getting punched, I saw my life flash before my eyes... I saw my life before, and how it was when I met Ahri and her gang...

I slowly looked up at the demon, I felt my rage boiling inside me... If I fall, I done all this for nothing... I may not be the Doomslayer, but at least I have to fight... Like he did.

???: *Laughs* seeing you weak and helpless is so much fun... After I'm done with you, I'll go after your bitch and she'll be my playmate

Y/n: you won't touch her.... Because I won't let you! *Breaks out chain*

After I killed my torturer, I managed to free myself from these chains. I passed through a door, and saw my armor.. I smirked to myself, knowing that these assholes messed with the wrong soldier. As I grabbed my armor, I saw images of demonic symbols

(1:21 to 1:30)

I looked at the Sentinel symbol on my helmet, Hope was finally with me... I slowly looked up

And I promised two thing... To find Olivia Pierce and return home to Ahri

Y/n: I'm done messing around now! *Puts on helmet* what this?

I saw what it seemed like a shield or something... Now I'm starting to like this

Y/n: *smirks* now this will come in handy

Y/n: time to take the fight to them....
I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded for awhile now, work has been on me even harder and whenever I get home, I just get too exhausted to even do it. And again, I apologise for that. I hope you enjoy this part. Have a blessed day and peace out

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