Shattering the Alpha (Book #1)

By melodies123456

6M 145K 12.2K

His gorgeous green eyes met mine, and my whole world stilled. The only thing that can be heard was my stupid... More

Hey Everyone!
Author's Note:
A New Alpha
The Woods
The Mystery Man
Unfamiliar Territory
Meeting Him
That Was Close
Mixed Feelings
Tears and Pancakes
Anger and Elation
Five Days
What Happened?
Stuck in the 1800's
The Mall
New Friend
It's a Possibility
Setting a Date
In Over My Head
Unwanted Thoughts
Better Ideas
Dresses and Boxes
Shouldn't Have Done That
Maybe Overreacting
Saving Face
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Not a Wuss
The Lunar Trials Part 1
The Lunar Trials Part 2
The Lunar Trials Part 3
Princess Moment
Behaving Like That
Accept the Loss
To the Ground
Doubting Me
Light of Day
In My Head
Feel Like Alpha Again
Due for a Chat
Alcohol Understands Me
Pure Hatred
Evil Curse
Marking Him
A New Kind of Alpha
Adoring the Beta Published on Wattpad


51.7K 1.4K 68
By melodies123456


"Where is he? Where is Knight?" I heard a very angry William boom as he made his way into the dining room where Mason, Victoria, Axel and I were sitting having our dinner. I quickly glanced at Ax, letting him know that our cover is blown. William is here and he is going to see Axel's mark, see that I'm here, and that Vicky and Mason and Axel are back on good terms. 

William walked into the dining room and at first glance he didn't seem to notice me. He seemed too focused on the paper he was holding in his hand as he slammed it on the table staring at Axel. "What the hell is this?" he asks.

"I see our article made it all the way to you," Axel said calmly.

"Do you see what this says? It reads, 'The Council is guilty of murdering Luna Arabella.' I'm sure there has been a printing mistake and you must fix this misinformation immediately," he ordered. However, Axel didn't seem to be doing too well with receiving orders from an inferior wolf, let alone someone he despises. Axel's eyes kept shifting to gold, and I could sense Victoria freaking out. I think this is the first time that she sees Axel in this state after he kicked her and Mason out. I bet she was wishing she didn't come back from Tyler's pack today.

"There's no mistake, and you know that. Unless you wish to resign from your position and accept the consequences of what you have done, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for you," Axel responded.

"What are you going to do when this blows over. People will forget, and in a few days this won't mean anything," he said.

"Then, I will tell the pack that you conspired with rogues to take down the Sliver Pack and erase them from existence because their Alpha didn't agree with your oil plans. Then if they forget about that, I will tell them that you stole money from our pack to serve your own selfish needs. I will tell them every little thing that you have—," Axel started to say when suddenly William shouted, "Enough! I have been very patient with you, Knight, and this ends now," he exclaimed before pulling out a gun and aiming it at Axel.

I couldn't help but shriek in shock and shield Axel's body with mine, which drew William's attention to me. I was much smaller than Ax, but at least his vital organs would be protected. At that moment I could hear Mason whisper to Victoria "Get out of here now. And let Jace know to come here armed. But don't you dare come back with him." From the corner of my eye, I could see that she didn't want to leave Mason, but finally gave in.

"She's here," William yelled, "No wonder you're not drowning in your sorrows anymore. I should have guessed this! And from the mark on your neck, it seems that you two have already mated. Well, I guess you leave me no choice," he said before aiming the gun at me.

"Leave her out of this, William. This is between you and me. God, I should have killed you when I had the chance yesterday." Axel said.

"William, put the gun down," Mason said as he tried getting as close to me as possible, standing between William and me with his arms spread out. 

"If any of you even take one step towards me, I'm emptying my gun in her head," he threatened. I looked at Axel and saw that his hand was shaking, so I tried giving him the best reassuring smile I had, telling him that I was fine. I tried to maintain my composure as much as possible because I wasn't going to let William have the benefit of knowing he has the upper hand, even though I was scared shitless.

"Fine, what do you want? Just move your gun away from her," Axel sounded like he was pleading with him at this point—something that I knew was taking a lot out of him.

"I have brought someone who is willing to challenge you for the Alpha position. He is outside. You will accept the challenge today. This is the only way that the pack members would get off my back about what happened to Luna Arabella and understand that a better Alpha needs to take your position. When you lose the challenge, they will have no say in the new Alpha who has agreed to let me keep my position and run things in the pack how I like," William says.

"And if I don't accept the challenge?" Axel asks, already seeming to know the answer.

"Then, I will kill your dear mate here. Such a shame for her to die so young," he threatens.

"The pack will know, and they won't be happy," Axel reasons.

"Unlike you, Knight, I have nothing to lose. Without this, I will be thrown in the dungeons until I die or killed by you, and I don't wish to be a dead man."

"And if I win the challenge?" Axel asks.

"Trust me you won't win," William confirms. I didn't like how confident William was being throughout all of this. He seems so sure that Axel will lose. And if an Alpha loses a challenge that means he dies, after all these are to the death.

"Fine, now get your gun away from her head," Axel agrees. However, William doesn't do anything. "You have my word, William, the deal was her life for mine," which prompts him to  drop his weapon away from my head as a target and Mason immediately takes it out of his hand.

We head outside and find that a man who was much bigger than Axel waiting. I was trying my best to think of a way to make this stop because Axel could die at the end of this, and I don't think I can handle that. We finally were on the same page. How could this be happening? Why were we so unlucky?

" Axel, I'm Wes, and I am challenging you to the Blood Venom Alpha position," the man says.

"I accept your challenge. Do you understand that this is to the death?" Axel asks as his role is during a challenge.


Before Axel heads over to face the man and start fighting, he faces me, and says, "I have to do this, but promise me you won't jump in the middle of the fight if things start going terribly."

"I can't just watch you die," I whisper.

"Well, if you get in the middle of that fight, you'll definitely die and then I wouldn't be able to focus. Besides, it's my role as Alpha to do this. It comes with the territory," he shrugged.

"There should be something I can do. I can't just stand here and do nothing."

"I can take him. Don't worry."


"If this doesn't go how I plan on having it go, I want you to know that I love you," he confessed.

"I love you too," I replied, watching as a small smile graced his face before he stepped away from me and facing the man who came here to kill him. 

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