||ON HIATUS|| Enigmatic Love...

By vibonboooooon

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A Love Story of Granger and Lesley. Due to misfortunes, Lesley Vance, who always ended up into something wors... More

Chapter 1: The Invitation
Chapter 2: Fanny, The Expert Wingman
Chapter 3: Watching Her From Afar
Chapter 4: A Fragment of Her Past
Chapter 5: The Preparation
Chapter 6: That Nosebleed!
Chapter 7: Lightborn's First Anniversary [1]
Chapter 8: Lightborn's First Anniversary [2]
Chapter 9: Lightborn's First Anniversary [3]
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: Please, Stay
Chapter 12: Back to His Old Self
Chapter 13: Where I First Met Him [1]
Chapter 14: Meet The Paxley Brothers
Chapter 15: Going Home
Chapter 16: The Dream
Chapter 17: Intertwined
Chapter 19: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [1]
Chapter 20: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [2]
Chapter 21: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [3]
Chapter 22: The Lineal Descendant
Chapter 23: The Mission in Empire's South [1]
Chapter 24: The Mission in Empire's South [2]
Chapter 25: The Mission in Empire's South [3]
Chapter 26: The Mission in Empire's South [4]
Chapter 27: The Cure
Chapter 28: Afraid
Chapter 29: The Trip to Moonlit Forest [1]
Chapter 30: The Trip to Moonlit Forest [2]

Chapter 18: The Return of Prince Aurelius III

846 55 292
By vibonboooooon

Chapter 18: The Return of Prince Aurelius III


Now that we reached at the entrance of the palace, there we saw Fanny at the hallway, with her Lightborn outfit... as her gaze went to us, Granger quickly let go of my hand and distance himself from me a little bit which made me surprised.

Fanny ran to our direction with a bright smile, "Oh, you're here, Lesley! And-oh! Granger was here with you too, huh. Let me guess, he fetched you from your house, huh." Said Fanny with a smirk on her face.

I looked at her nervously and nodded, "Well, yeah—"

"May I know if there's something uh... sweet happened between you two, like kissing in the dark or holding hands?" Said Fanny. My eyes widen as she mentioned holding hands. I quickly shook my head, and pouted.

The thought of Granger and I holding hands, makes my cheeks fluster, and I can feel my knees tremble, so as my hands. But, what if we... kissed?

Maybe this will be the death of me, oh Gord...

"H-Hey! N-Nothing has happened between Granger and I, he just came to fetch me up. No holding hands, and no kissing in the dark!" I stuttered as I raised my arms and made an 'X' sign. Fanny squinted her eyes and slowly nodded.

"I'm kinda... disappointed, Lesley." Fanny huffed and pouted like a kid, she was expecting that something will happen between Granger and—or I must've been in denial when she mentioned the holding hands even though what she said is true!

Is it bad that I'm denying something? Or what?

"By the way, Les. The winter festival will start after the welcome party of our dear prince," Fanny added as she beamed at me, well... I was kinda excited for the festival since I know it's going to be a lot of fun.

But I need to not let my guard down anytime, the thought of grandma giving me a warning made me feel nervous. I sighed at that thought.

"Are you okay, Les?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Fanny asked that made me flinched, I nonchalantly nodded, "Yup, I'm okay." I answered and reassured her as I gave her a thumbs up.

"Oh, by the way... you look like a general in your outfit, and you look really awesome!" Fanny squealed, jumping in joy. She held my wrist and dragged me outside the palace, and it leads us to the garden.

As we reached to the garden, there I saw a large stage, the tables for the guests, Harith and Alucard were helping the chambersmaid and the butlers to set up and decorate which I found it very heartwarming to see. "Let's help them, Fanny." I said as I tugged her wrist.

She shook her head, "Nah, I'm getting lazy right now, and you're staying here with me." She pouted and furrowed her eyebrows, I can't imagine that Fanny can be lazy too sometimes.

We sat at the bench watching them decorate for the welcome party, "The princess sure made an effort only for his brother, she really loves him... a lot. It took us a decade just to bring him back." Said Fanny as she stared at nothingness.

"I feel happy, Les. Seeing everyone happy makes me happy too," She added and giggled.

I looked at her and giggled, "You know what, you're awesome. Maybe I'll help you find your match too." I lowered my voice, then wriggle my eyebrows, making her shocked. She shook her head in disbelief, "Me? A match? Haha! No way. I-I'm not that i-interested." Said Fanny as she crossed her arms and pouted.

She averted her gaze and it made me smirked. Now I'm trying to catch her gaze my tilting my torso just to face her, "Looks like someone's stammering,"I teased her and hummed.

"I-I'm not interested to have a so-called love life. To engage in romantic and sexual activities, it sickens me!" Fanny grimaced, I poked her tummy and grinned, "Or maybe you're just hoping that you wanted to experience that someday...? Hmmm," Again, I teased her, making her blush. Even though it's dark, I can see her hands shaking.

"S-Stop!" Fanny exclaimed as she stood up from the bench, covering her face. She ran back inside the palace which made me laughed.

Gord, that was hilarious!

After she disappeared from my sight, someone called my name, "Sis!" I turned around only to find out it was Harith! He dashed in front of me and gave me a hug, "I miss you sis. How are you?" I giggled at his sweetness and hugged him back. Stroking his fuzzy hair and his fluffy ears.

"I'm fine, Harith. Thanks for asking, how about you?" I said as I broke free from the hug, then Harith sat beside me, "I'm fine too, sis. Thanks,"

"So, what happened while I'm gone yesterday night?" I asked, then my eyebrows were furrowed as Harith widened his eyes. "Oh, sis! If only you knew, Prince Aurelius has been looking for you! He roamed the whole palace just to find you! Good thing Fanny came and told him that Granger walked you home. We found it weird after Fanny told the prince that you went home, he just... pouted and heaved a sigh. Maybe he felt relieved that you walked home with Granger safely." Harith explained.

Huh? Who's Prince Aurelius?

"Prince Aurelius?" I asked, and Harith nodded, "That was Prince Dyrroth's real name." Harith briefly explained, I nodded and 'ooh-ed'.

So... Aurelius was his real name then, how cool! Still, I was surprised that the prince roamed around the palace just to find me. "Actually, the reason why he was finding you, it's because he wants to have a word with you, an important meeting or... a chit chat, I guess." He added, and I remained silent.

I wonder what is he going to say.


Someone yelled from the distance, it was a woman with an elven ears, her skin was paper white and her blue eyes were glowing in the dark, "Oh, Miya! You're here! By the way, where's Estes?" Harith waved his arms in the air. "He's in charge of the clinic, in case of emergency." Miya answered, and her eyes laid on me and let out a bright smile.

"Hi, Lesley! I'm Miya," The elven named Miya stood in front of me and bowed, and I smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Miya." I said as I lend my hand in front of her, Miya chuckled and reached out for my hand, "It's nice to meet you too, Lesley. By the way, the party is about to start, so better get ready!" Miya happily said as she bid her goodbye and went back to finish decorating for the party.

"I have to go, sis. I have some important things to do. See 'ya!" Said Harith as he stood up from the bench and dashed away from my sight. I chuckled out of the blue and went back inside the palace.

As I reached the the hallway, there I saw the princess, talking to Tigreal. I was about to walk away since it was really bad to eavesdrop but the princess yelled, calling my name, "Oh, Lesley! You're here, oh, how I missed you!" Princess Silvanna exclaimed as she went to me and gave me a hug, squeezing me. I chuckled and hugged her too.

"I missed you too, Princess Silvanna," I said and I giggled. But the princess grimaced and said, "Just Silvanna, Lesley." Silvanna chuckled and patted my head.

"By the way, you look good, Lesley. You look like the leader of the Moniyan Army than I do." Silvanna giggled as her lips turned into a wide smile.

I can feel myself blushing, "That's the only outfit I found, uh... thanks?" I nervously chuckled which made the princess laughed.

Then Tigreal butted-in, "You look more tough than I do, Lesley." Said Tigreal then he let out a hearty laugh. As I was about to say something when Silvanna tapped my shoulders.

"Looks like someone wants to talk to you," Princess Silvanna whispered in my ear, as she pointed her fingers in front of us. As I looked forward...

It's Prince Aurelius.

His outfit was really different from before, he wore a white tailcoat tuxedo, with gold linings on his wrist that it shines, and reflects. His blonde hair were fixed, the bruises on his face were gone. His pale lips before, turned into deep peach that suited his skin color. His skin wasn't pale anymore, it was rosy white. His blue-colored eyes became more deeper, his looks were really dazzling... and it's more like Princess Silvanna's twin brother.

"May I have a word with you, Miss Vance?" The prince asked. I don't know why but I feel myself trembling, is it because of what he had done to me from the past few days...? Though I already forgave him. Is it the look in his eyes? Maybe...

"S-Sure," I answered and I nervously chuckled as he motioned me outside the palace, "W-Where are we going?" I asked him in confusion, he didn't gaze at me, "You'll see," Said the prince in a low tone.

As I followed him to the rampart of the palace, he looked above. I wonder what he's gonna do...

My eyes widen as I heard him whispered something, and a blue circle of light appeared on the ground, on where he stood, "Come," Said the prince as he use his hand and made a gesture. Huh? What does he mean...?

"Step inside the circle, Miss Vance." Prince Aurelius smiled, as he reached out for my hand, I looked at him with a hint of hesitation... but he just chuckled, "Trust me," To be honest, his childlike voices calms me. But Granger's voice is what I like the most, his deep voice soothes my soul.

The thought of Granger having a deep, raspy voice makes me blush, no joke. His emotionless eyes made it harder for me to read his expression, and the way he made a move was so unexpected. Like you'll never know which move he'll make.

As I followed him, and stepped inside the circle, and what happened next, was really unexpected.

We teleported above the rampart of the palace, the rampart was approximately forty feet! "Look down," He commanded. I looked at him, and nonchalantly nodded. Good thing I'm not afraid of heights.

As I look down, my eyes widen as I saw the beautiful view from above. I saw the whole village covered in colorful lights, adding millions of stars that were visible in the night sky as I looked up.

My jaw dropped as I realize how fascinating this view was, "This is... beautiful," I muttered, I heard the prince chuckled heartily, "I know, right?"

"By the way, is there anything you need, Prince Aurelius?" I asked as I looked at him, he then grimaced which made me snorted, "Aurelius would be fine, Miss Vance."

"Nothing, I just wanted to say... thank you, for bringing me back to my old self. How can I repay you for this?" He looked at me with a hint of sincerity in his eyes.

I flinched a little, him? Repay me? "N-No, it's okay. To bring you back is enough," I shook my head and smiled flatly, then the prince pouted and averted his gaze, "I'm really sorry, Miss Vance. It almost cost your life just to save me,"

Guilt, is all I can sense in his voice. His eyes saddened and he bow his head with a frown plastered on his lips, I felt chills as the breeze was getting colder, brushing against our skin. There's an awkward silence between us, seconds passed he broke the ice, "I'm really sorry, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Don't worry about this, Aurelius. I don't need anything in return, like I told you, bringing you back is enough." I said as I beamed at him and giggle. Seeing him pouting and frowning was one of the cutest and funniest thing to see.

But not as cute and funny as Fanny flustered just because she doesn't want to admit that she's interested to experience a love life, pfft!

"Are you sure about this, Lesley?" He asked, being hesitant. I nodded my head, "Yup, one hundred percent!" I said as I smiled at him again, then he smiled back, timidly.

"Let's head back inside the palace, Aurelius. I think they're now waiting for you." I said as I slightly poked his arm with my elbow and chuckle, "Chin up, you're already forgiven. I'm still alive and kicking, you should be happy right now." I said as I made a stance and acting like I'm doing a karate as I punched my fist in the air, and did the roundhouse kick, which made the prince chuckled.

"Okay, okay. You look cute, by the way." Said the prince which made me stop and lost my balance, my eyes-widen and my heart races as I thought I'm gonna fall down from the rampart!

Damn, I'm scared! I closed my eyes emphatically, as I felt like I'm in the verge of dying.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him gasped loudly and casted a magic spell on me which I stopped falling, floating in the air, "I got you! Calm down, okay?" Said the prince as I heard him breathing heavily, he slowly lifted his arms, then I was lifted back to the rampart.

As I set foot on the rampart, I chuckled nervously as I saw him staring at me wide-eyed, "You could be clumsy sometimes, Miss Vance. You made me nervous... let's go back now, it's dangerous, you might fall again." He said as he held my arms and created a cirle on where we stood, and teleported back to the ground. Then we walked to the palace together.

Am I that clumsy? Sometimes, I was being careless when I enjoy things that it'll harm myself.

I looked down, shame filled my voice, "I'm sorry," I muttered. Then the prince looked at me, "There's no need to say sorry, Miss Vance. Just... be careful next time," He heaved a sigh of relief and chuckle.

"By the way, can you teach me how to do the roundhouse kick?" Said the prince which made me cupped my face in embarrassment as I remembered my karate gone wrong. Oh, Gord.

"S-Stop it." I said as I averted my gaze and pouted, "You're really cute," The prince chuckled, as I gave him a look.

"Accept it, it's a cute compliment," Then again, he chuckled.

"And by the way, enjoy the party, Miss Vance." He added as he patted my head and headed back inside the palace, then I looked at him, dumbfounded.

I was about to reach the garden when someone called me,

"Miss Vance,"

The voice, was familiar. "Granger," I muttered as I faced him, he's walking to my direction, "I saw you with the prince a while ago, what did you guys talk about?" Asked Granger as he cocked his head to the left side, looking at me, uninterested.

"Why?" I asked as I looked at him and pouted.

"Nothing, I just... want to know." He answered. I squinted my eyes, "Sure?" I asked, then he nodded, "We just talked about few things. Come on, the party is about to start." I said as I dragged him to the garden, and it's a good thing we're just in time for the party.

I remembered the look in Granger's eyes a while ago, why do I sense sadness in his eyes...? Did something unfortunate that has happened to him...? Or maybe not?


The guests were now coming, all the royal guests from the royal houses of Moniyan Empire. There I saw Guinevere and Gusion from the distance, waving her arms, "We're back!" She yelled.

I'm with the chevaliers, Miya, Estes, and Princess Silvanna was here with us too...We all noticed her presence, "Oh, Lady Guinevere! It's a pleasure to meet you again," Princess Silvanna formally said as she step in front of us, and went to Guinevere just to hug her. Guinevere hugged her back and giggled.

"About the abyss, your majesty..." Said Guinevere as she faked a cough, then continued, "We found a way, the entrance to the abyss it may be a little dangerous but there's a stairs that was naturally carved inside the deep, dark trench of the abyss." Guinevere added as she broke free from the hug.

Gusion butted-in, "Yeah, and during night time, it was Selena and the other one who was once a leader of the smiths in Moniyan Empire became an abyssal demon... It was Terizla, I assumed."

Princess Silvanna nodded as she continued to listen some more informations about the abyss, "Let's continue this later, the party is about to start. Let's enjoy this party and the festival after the welcome party of my dear brother." Said the princess, and we all agreed.

Then Fanny went to the stage, and took the mic from the speaker, turned it on and started to speak, "Now, this party is about to start," She took a deep breath and continued with a very loud voice!

"DO YOU GUYS STILL REMEMBER ME?!" Fanny yelled through the microphone which made everyone laughed, and they all answered in unison,

"IT'S FANNY!" The crowd shouted her name in joy and glee, Fanny faked her tears and smiled at the audience, "I feel so touched, I'm really happy!" Said Fanny as she jumped on the stage again and again which made the crowd laughed heartily.

"Before we start the welcome party of our dear Prince, again, Harith will be the one leading the prayer." Said Fanny.

"Oh, my cue!" Said Harith who was standing beside me, he dashed to the stage and then Fanny gave him the microphone, then we all started to pray.

After the prayer, Harith went down the stage, "Okay, tonight is gonna be the best night! We want all of you to enjoy here as we celebrate the welcome party for Prince Aurelius III!" The prince went to the stage then Fanny handed him the microphone which they received a round of applause from the crowd.

He tapped it twiced and faked a cough, "First of all, I just wanted to say... thank you for coming to the party! And special thanks to my sister and the chevaliers, they prepared all the decorations." Said the prince, as the crowd went wild and shouting with joy.

"And... there's someone that I wanted to mention. I owe her my life for saving me and bringing me back to my old self," My eyes widen as Aurelius gave me a look, which turned out that the whole crowd was looking at me, so as Guinevere and Gusion, the chevaliers, and the princess.

"W-What's happening?" I yelled in Fanny's ears, then Fanny gave me a smirk. I looked at Princess Silvanna and she did the same!

What happened next, was Fanny and Princess Silvanna dragged me by my arms to the stage unexpectedly which made me felt nervous, "W-What are you doing?" I asked nervously, then Fanny grinned.

"Giving you a proper exposure, Lesley." The princess answered and giggled. I tried to break free but I can't as I thought it'll make a scene in front of the audiences so I have no choice but to let those two drag me to the stage.

And now we're at the stage, Fanny pushed me harshly to the right side, causing me to bump on the prince's chest! I glared at Fanny, but Fanny averted her gaze and whistling like an idiot! Argh!

I stood straight and looked down on the wooden floor, "Chin up, Miss Vance," The prince whispered in my ear which sent chills, "O-Okay," I muttered.

I lift my chin up as I saw the audience were looking at me with amusement, there I saw Granger looking at me with his usual cold stare.

"Here's Lesley Vance, she's the one who saved me, from the darkness that has been corrupting my mind for years. I owe her, a lot." Aurelius spoke on the microphone, and beamed at me. I couldn't help but to look down. Then I glanced at the chevaliers, but there's no Granger in my sight...

I wonder where is he?

Third Person

"AWWW," The audience chorused, the way the prince mentioned Lesley, they found it sweet and amusing, Fanny is now squealing behind Lesley, the same goes to Princess Silvanna.

Harith was now grinning, but Alucard's expression was serious. As he glanced to the left, "Granger's missing," Alucard whispered.

Harith stopped grinning like an idiot as he glanced at Alucard's left side, "Yeah, I wonder where he is. But don't worry, he'll be back." Said Harith as he laid his eyes on the stage.

While Guinevere, who was staring at them happily, this woman was really friendly and sweet but gets jealous when someone would dare to take Gusion away from her. She thought of befriending Lesley and forgetting the past, "It would be a good idea, then." Guinevere mumbled, as her eyes spakled. As for Gusion, his feelings for Lesley, won't fade. He was looking at her with his sad eyes, and of course, Guinevere noticed it.

She can't blame Lesley, after all, Lesley haven't done anything wrong and she realized that it was Gusion who made a mistake. That he didn't told Lesley about the arranged marriage he had with Guinevere before, "I know that look in your eyes," Guinevere whispered and sweetly smiled at him. Gusion ignored her which made her chuckled half-heartedly.

"Someday, you'll love me back," Guinevere mumbled to herself.

Meanwhile, Granger is at his favorite spot, the rampart, where Lesley and the prince went a while ago... he can see all the crowd, all the way up where he stood, and there was Lesley, who was looking at the crowd nervously, Granger couldn't help but to chuckle at her cute expression.

Suddenly, he remembered what happened earlier, he saw Lesley and Prince Aurelius up above the castle rampart, "Maybe they talked about something," Granger mumbled to himself, then he huffed and frowned.

"Yeah, maybe they talked about what happened after the incident." He then muttered again, as he stared at Lesley, a look that no one would ever see from him.

Perhaps, a longing look, or not.

'I shouldn't think too much, they only talked about something.' Granger thought. But no matter how he tried to get off the image of Lesley and the prince on the rampart, he can't get out of his head.

He felt his heart ache a little, he held his chest and closed his fist emphatically, 'Why do I feel like this?' Granger thought, as his gaze was still on Lesley.

After the announcement, the prince went down the stage with Lesley, the princess took the mic, "Now, it's 11:29, after one minute the feast for the party will start! Everyone, please take your seats," Said Princess Silvanna, as the crowd followed her, and everyone sat down on the chairs.

All the chambersmaid in the castle took out a thousands of golden plates with a grilled turkey on it and served it for every guests in the garden.

Granger flinched a little as someone called him,

"There you are,"

He glanced at the right side only to find out that it was Lesley, his eyes widen fir a moment then it returned back normal, "What brings you here, Miss Vance?" Granger asked in a monotonous tone, then Lesley, she just shrugged her shoulders.

"For some fresh air, and by the way, you're a chevalier and you should celebrate the return of the prince," As Lesley mentioned the prince, Granger couldn't help but to grit his teeth.

"You should be the one celebrating there, don't mind me, and leave me be, Miss Vance." Lesley's eyes widen as it was her first time Granger raised his voice a little at her.

Granger widened his eyes as he realized what he had said to Lesley, just now. Lesley looked away and stared at nothingness, "I-I'm sorry, Miss Vance. I didn't mean to r-raise my voice on you," Granger sincerely apologized as he gave Lesley an apologetic look.

"It's alright, I understood. I feel like you're stressed. You should have some rest," Said Lesley, as her gaze was still at nothing.

"I-I'm alright, Miss Vance. And besides, I don't wanna miss the festival," Granger replied, while his gaze was on Lesley.

During the feast for the guests, Tigreal and Fanny performed for entertainment. Fanny made a comedy show, Harith, Alucard and Prince Aurelius III was a part of it. While Lesley and Granger were watching them, it took them more than twenty minutes, and those two lovebirdsI mean, marksmen... watched them in amusement.

"EVERYONE, SINCE THE PARTY IS NOW OVER, NOW, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A FIVE SECOND COUNTDOWN AND THE WINTER FESTIVAL WILL START! COUNT WITH ME!" Fanny's voiced boomed through the speakers that almost explode because of her undeniably loud voice.

"5..." The crowd counted down along with Fanny, and everyone can hear her squealing through the microphone.


"3..." Lesley can hear her heart race, for an unknown reason, and it's the same for Granger.



Then the crowd went nuts as Fanny started to use her cables everywhere in the garden, doing the freestyle! Princess Silvanna took the microphone from the speaker where Fanny placed and yelled,

"HAPPY WINTER FESTIVAL IN MONIYAN EMPIRE!" The crowd yelled with her, silence was nowhere to be found as if the noise from the crowd making the party and the festival colorful, and alive!

Lesley beamed as she looked up above, her eyes widen and her jaw dropped. Little did she know, Granger, still staring at her with amusement... the look in Lesley's eyes almost made him fazed... in a good way.

"The snow, is now falling," Lesley muttered and Granger heard her, as the snow starts to fall heavily above the sky, Lesley couldn't help but to squeal in excitement.

The Christmas Eve was done, but it'll never be lively if there's no festival after receiving gifts, and fortunes.

Granger was still staring at her in awe, the snowflakes behind her, added her charisma, plus her charming smile that made his heart beat.

Lesley looked down as she saw the ground was covered in snow that fast, she looked at Granger as if she was planning something that maybe he would dislike... or maybe he would like and join with her.

Her words made his heart skip a beat, Lesley never failed to amuse him,

"Wanna have some fun?"

Lesley beamed at him as she reached out for his hand, he was hesitating at first. But something in his mind urges him to get out of his shell. And gladly, he accepted it and held her hand, real tight. Like the urge of not letting her go while having fun on the snow.

'It's Winter Festival after all, everyone deserved to have fun.' Granger thought to himself...

And out of the blue, he smiled radiantly, it was his first time smiling like this, in front of the girl named Lesley Vance.


Hello, and good evening! How's quarantine, everyone? Hope that you have a great day!

How's the chapter? Is it good or bad? Yes, it's a long chapter so I thought it was kinda boring, hehe. :3

Anyways, thanks for the support! Take care always, and lots of love!


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