BOSSY BOSS ( Completed)

By NiranjanaNepol

778K 38.8K 2.1K

They are different money and status. His attention is only on money and status whereas she is ful... More

1 Interview
2 First Meeting
3 ASR's PA
5 Positive Attitude
6 Khushi's AR Entry
7 The Fist Task
8 Second Task
9 Unexpected Solution
10 Soul Feel...?
11 Close to HIM
12 Trap for Khushi
13 Perception
14 Fan...
15 Apologize?
16 Khushi's Approach
17 Conference
18 Plans around Arshi
19 The Ring
20 Solution
21 Red-Eyed Monster
22 Deal
23 Rajkumar
24 Devil's Declaration
25 The Biggest Deal of Life
26 Celebration
27 AR Party
28 Shocking Proposal
29 Shocking Declaration
30 Khushi's Reaction
31 What Truth?
32 Unpredictable
33 The Burning Past
34 The Promise
35 Two more dots...
36 She likes him
37 Approach
38 Concern
39 Clause
40 Anonymous call
41 Out of RM
42 No one can imagine
43 Baby Shower
44 Surprise Visit
45 The Chain
46 Argument
47 The phone call
48 Payal's Plan
49 Lips' Mark
50 Crazy Feeling
51 Fire
52 Fire... Bckfired...
First Night 53
54 Sacred Relationship
55 Not a tough nut
56 Bangles
57 Concern
58 Genuine Apology?
59 Another Side
60 No matter what...
61 I know
62 Mrs. ASR vs Mrs. Bhatia
63 Trap
64 Slap over slap
65 Drunken Arnav
66 I'm not drunk
67 Private Area
68 Vikram's RM visit
69 Kidnapping
70 Sweaty Moment
71 Attack
72 Bossy Khushi
73 Work from home
74 Why?
75 News...
76 The Killer
77 Father and Daughter
78 Surprise...
79 Who's money?
80 Fashion Show
81 Boss of Boss
82 Last Part

4 Dirty EGO

10.2K 477 25
By NiranjanaNepol


Seeing Aman standing like a statue, Arnav shrunk is eyes.


"ASR... She has been selected as Akash's PA" he said hesitatingly.

"So what? What about me? Don't you guys ever think that I need a PA?" he asked seriously.

Aman dropped his jaw.

"But you never wanted one" Aman defended.

"Now, I feel to have one. Didn't you say she is the most eligible person, she answered all the questions? Maybe, she fulfills my expectations. Let me give a try " he said casually.

GIVE A TRY? What does that mean?

"But ASR...." Aman dragged hesitatingly.

"What's your problem? What's wrong if I need a PA?" he sneered.

"Nothing ASR... But Khushi was said that she will be Akash's PA"

"Being an AR staff, she ought to do what we say. Understood?" Arnav countered back.

"Yes ASR". Aman gave up.

"Appoint the second-ranked candidate as Akash's PA"

"As you said"

Taking the appointment order from Arnav's table, he left his cabin taking slow steps. Don't know what's there in Arnav's mind.

Arnav smirked. Let's see what MISS. COOL does...whether she agrees or refuses. Arnav was 100% expecting her to refuse the job. Because he thinks she doesn't have the potential to stand. She will definitely back off if she gets to know who her BOSS is. And he badly wants her to refuse the job because he didn't want her to be near NK. At any cost, if she takes the job, he wants her to be under HIS control.

Apart from the thought of her NK's girlfriend, he could not wipe the scene of eating her laddo, relishing. Being a diabetic, he never dared to touch sweets. He never heard a diabetic could eat sweets. Adding to it, her dialogue of...

"I know how to keep my body, heart, and mind in my control".

Those are fueling his dirty ego. He wanted to see how she does that in critical times.


Aman handed over the appointment order to Akash, sadly. Akash's face also became horrified, seeing the CORRECTION which was done by Arnav.

"Arnav Singh Raizada's PA?" Akash almost jumped from his seat shouting.

Aman nodded yes miserably.

"Don't know what's there in Bhai's mind. He doesn't like Khushi....he doesn't like any middle-class girls" Akash felt bad.

"In fact, he doesn't like any girls. But why doesn't he like her?" Aman asked.

"Payal told me that Khushi had an argument with Bhai the other day. He looked angry the whole day"

"Argument? About what?"

"Don't know. Khushi didn't say about it"

"Does NK know about it?"

"NO. If he knows, he would have told me. I'm scared Aman, why bhai is doing this?"

"ASR never mixes personal and professional issues. Hopefully, in Khushi's matter also he follows the same." Aman tried to give Akash hope.

"But, what made him change the decision at last?" Akash wanted to clear his doubt.

"Who knows? No one could predict ASR. He never liked to have a PA." Aman said wearily.

"Until today evening, he had not had such an idea"

"He didn't say anything about his decision even when he asked to bring the appointment order"

"NK was so happy that Khushi is selected. He went to RM to share the happy news with Di. Don't know how he will feel." Akash felt sad.

"We can do nothing in this matter, Akash. After all, it's ASR's decision"

"I'm leaving, Aman"

"Yeah, go and stop NK before he conveys the matter to Khushi"

"No. he won't. He is planning to surprise her"

Aman sighed. Taking his car key Akash left AR.


Anjali was so glad that Khushi got a job in AR. At the same time, she was scared about Arnav too.

"NK Bhai, is there any chance for Khushi to interact with Chotte?"

"NO Di. She is Akash's PA. Nannav will not have any chance to interact with her. It will be Aki, who is going to deal with Khushi. I'm so happy about it. She will work peacefully"

Anjali sighed in relief.

"Thank God, finally Khushi came to our company."

Anjali said happily.

"AR is going to see her ability, Di. She is so sincere you know?"

They saw Akash coming. They sensed him low and spared a glance.

"Aki, are you alright?" NK questioned.

Akash sat on the couch silently without answering.

"Akash, what happened? We thought you will be happy because you got a very talented and sincere PA?" Anjali chuckled.

"I would be happy if I had got such PA" Akash said sadly.

"What do you mean, Aki?" NK frowned.

"Khushi will not be my PA but Bhai's"

"Whaaaat?" Anjali and NK almost shouted.

They spared a horrified glance.

"Bhai had changed everything. He wants Khushi for himself"

"What rubbish?" NK sneered.

"He wants her to work as his PA"

"What the hell.... Why he changed it? Was not Aman selected her as your PA? NK questioned.

"I don't know"- Akash.

"I have been restless since Khushi fought with him" Anjali said in low tone.

"Fought with him? when? Why?" NK questioned.

"When she came to RM. Chotte was very angry that day"

"She didn't say anything to me" NK said disappointedly.

"Because she didn't take it seriously"

Anjali touched his shoulder helplessly.

"About what, they argued?"

"I have no idea but I apologized to Khushi"

"Apologized? What happened that you apologized to her?" he asked nervously.

Anjali told him that what happened that day.

"I'm scared, Di. What if Nannav hurts Khushi?" NK revealed his fear.

"I'm also scared" Anjali gulped.

"What will I say to Khushi? I was so glad that being her friend I can help her" NK sat putting his hand on his head.

"Khushi could refuse the job, right?" Anjali asked about the possibility.

"She is in need of a job, Di. Her family is in a crucial financial condition. Her father took a loan from his company for Khushi's sister's marriage. She worried a lot when Sinha decided to shut down the company. I have never seen her like that before. She concerns her loved one Di, especially when it comes to her father." He said feeling sad.

"Ask her to join. We will surely help her." Akash tried to make him feel good.

But... they didn't know that they could do nothing with it... the matter was something which had been decided by Arnav Singh Raizada the man who writes his own destiny.

Arnav Singh Raizada a prideful man...he won't accept anyone a talented that easily. Climbing Mount Everest is easier than getting appreciation from him. Making him satisfaction is next to impossible. He won't smile at anyone unnecessarily... he won't appreciate anyone heartedly...

Of course, he also won't expect anything from anyone. That's what he is.

Now... he doesn't like Khushi OR... maybe, he doesn't want to like her....

To be continued...

Next update available on Inkitt

Positive Attitude

Gupta House

Khushi was chitchatting with her sister Arpita who is pregnant. She just came with her husband Vijay to meet her parents and sister Khushi.

"How was the interview Khushi?" Vijay asked.

"Should agree, Jeejaji, there is no wonder if AR is No. 1 fashion house. Their interview method itself told their standard"

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