Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[ COMPLETED BOOK!] (The next part to So We Meet Again?) Bianca leaves Bradford after meeting up with Zayn and... More

Author's note and Acknowlegements
Chapter 1~ Regrets, Mistakes, they're Memories Made.
Chapter 2~ Speechless.
Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.
Chapter 4~ Live While We Are Young... for Now!
Chapter 6~ For the Better or for the Worst.
Chapter 7~ Remembering my Summer Love.
Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.
Chapter 9~ The Warm Welcome turns Ugly.
Chapter 10~ Double Faces.
Chapter 11~ Tortured.
Chapter 12~ Scars of Pain and the Unexpected.
Chapter 13~ Wedding Woes.
Chapter 14~Surprises and Much more.
Chapter 15~ Hazel eyes.
Chapter 16~Give me Love.
Additional Chapter to Chapter 16~ Give me Love (Zayn's P.O.V)
Chapter 17~ Good News and Bad News.
Chapter18~ Missing Pieces.
Chapter 19~ Shocked!
Chapter 20~ Related.
Chapter 21~ The B-M Plan.
Chapter 22~ The B-M Plan Continues.
Chapter 23~ The Gathering.
Chapter 24~ Finding Her.
Chapter 25~ The Truth to it All.
Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.
Chapter 27~ Forget the Past, Spend the Present, and Live for the Future.
Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.
Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.
Author's note!
Chapter 30~For Every Action There is a Reaction!
Chapter 31~ One Weeks Time.
Chapter 32~ London.
Chapter 33~ Bradford and Memories.
Author's Note!
Chapter 34~ New Lives, Recollected.
Author's Note
Chapter 35~ Rollercoaster

Chapter 5~ Countdown.

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By RoseFarihaHarvestar

My alarm clock started to blast violently near my ears. I took my fist and slammed it. It didn't work. It kept on beeping that annoying buzzing sound. I scoffed reluctantly and threw it onto the ground. Then I noticed how come my party clothes where on the ground and how come I had a huge headache that banged on my head? I felt a chill that cringed from my back. I pushed my blanket from my body and realized that I was totally naked except for my bra and my  underwear. I turned  my head swiftly if someone was beside me. A human figure's back was facing towards me with tattoos on his bare back. Did I do it?! Oh my goodness, I committed a sin, I thought to myself. I saw a blood stain on the middle of the bed. I lost my virginity? Oh fucking shit! I am a bad person. My head banged constantly. It felt like little construction men just drilling on top of my head with their miniature pneumatic drills. 

 I sat up on my bed. I rubbed my temples with my index fingers in a circular motion to make my headache go away. I burped under my breath. I could smell alcohol in breath. Have I been drinking? Maybe I did! No! Now, surely I'm going to hell. I reeked of barf and alcoholic beverages. I am in need of a shower, pronto! I got up slowly, my head still hurting my temples. I couldn't move my head and every sound I heard,  it pained even more. I struggled to go to the bathroom without swaying my head. 

I washed my face and then took a warm, and hearty shower. While I was in the showers, I was wondering who I slept with and how come I wasn't alarmed. It's so weird. I felt like I knew this was suppose to happen or I wanted it to happen. Also, funny thing I  wasn't surprise to see a mysterious man appear beside me the next morning. I'm such a weird person to start off with. By now, I would've been freaked out about this, or the fact that I was dreaming. I pinched myself. Nope, this was for real. I got out the bathtub and wrapped myself with my bathrobe. As soon as I got out of the bathroom, I peered if the guy was still asleep. 

He was still asleep, flat on his stomach. Should I wake him up or not? In case if Whaliya suddenly appears. I think I should, just in case of a misconception. 

"Um, excuse me, " I whispered as I shook his shoulder to wake up, " can you please get up?" 

The guy moaned and turned his head towards me. I gasped in horror! I clasped my hand over my face, my eyes wide in despair. It was Zayn! I... slept... with... Zayn! He opened his eyes and saw me. He jumped up. We both started to scream in horror, too. How could I have not known that it was Zayn?

After a minute and a half of screaming, we calmed down, but inside I was still screaming in the inside. 

"What happened?" How did I get here?" He asked surprised but confused at the same time. 

"I don't know? I thought you knew," I said. I plopped myself on the other side of the bed. I dropped my head down as I fixed my eyes on the floor where my soiled clothes lay motionless and dead. 

"How could have this happen?" he asked. 

"I told you I don't know, Zayn. I wish I did." I raspy replied in shock. 

There was a silent moment. It was very quiet, a little too quiet. I didn't like it at all. I stared at my finger. No ring. Wait, where the hell was my ring?! Did I lose it somewhere? 

"Zayn, I lost my ring. What happened to us last night? How did we end up sleeping together?" I demanded. It was all a blur to me. 

" The only part I remember is when I threw your ring and you barfed, after that it's blank," he told me. I got up and briskly walked up to him and sat beside him.  No wonder I smelt like barf. 

"Why did you throw my ring? I barfed, really?" I asked dumb fondly. 

"That's the thing, I don't know why I did it and everything after that was just a complete blur, Bianca," he explained as his voice cracked a little. I thought he was gonna cry, but he didn't he got up and went to the bathroom. 

The ends of my hair were dripping with water, but I didn't care. All I cared about was the countdown to my leave. I had to tell Zayn about my leave before it was too late. Suddenly, my phone started to blow up. I checked the caller ID. It was Whaliya! I had no choice but to pick it up. 

"Hello?" I hesitated over the over end of the phone. 

"Hey Bianca, I'm coming in about 5 minutes to pick up somethings from the dorm, you know just a little heads up," she said on the other line. 

What?! She was coming in about 5 minutes so abruptly. What should I do about Zayn?! If she finds him here then there will be big consequences I thought to myself. 

"Oh ok, then so I'll wait for you," I told her randonmly. 

"Alright?" she replied confused as she hung up the phone. CLICK! 

I held my phone close to chest and started to have a mini panic attack. I started to hyperventilate for a short while. What should I do I thought to myself. She's coming in 5 minutes and Zayn's in the bathroom. What should I do with him? I was totally freaking out, right now. Fuck my life right now! Fuck it now! I needed to take action fast, so that's exactly what I did. 

I banged on the bathroom door with my fist as loud and as hard as I could until I bruised it. Then I heard a click on the door. Zayn opened the door with an irrated expression on his face. He cocked his head on the door. 

"What is it?" he asked. 

"WAHLIYA IS COMING IN 5 MINUTES!" I yelled in his face in worry. Zayn's jaw opened surprised. He lift his head from the door and pushed me out of his way. He picked up his clothes on the floor. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Zayn yelped , I hushed him. 

"Zayn, get under my bed," I whispered loudly pointing under my bed. 

"What?! Are you mad?" he whispered back. I gave him a look, He gave me his face Zayn Malik eyebrow look with a crazy smile attached to the whole package. I crossed my arms. 

"Get under my bed now, or either get your ass whoped by your sister," I whispered firmly. He scoffed and slide under my bed. I covered it with my duvets making sure it didn't look too suspicious. I sighed and combed my hair with my hands. I opened the door as I smacked a smile on my face. 

"Hey Wahliya!" I greeted. 

"Hey Bianca, I'm just here to pick up my books, you know to study for," she replied. 

I nodded as I pursued my lips inwards. I let her in. She strolled in casually as if she was an investigator. My heart pumped harder then usual. I could almost hear the heartbeats vividly. I hope she doesn't check what's under my bed.  Wahliya spotted her books, put them in her book bag and then walked passed by me. Until she stopped in her tracks and turned towards me. I gulped. 

"Hey, have you seen Zayn aorund?" she asked. 

"Nope, I was here all alone," I responded quickly making sure she didn't suspect a thing. 

She was quiet for a moment. 

" Oh ok then, maybe he crashed at his school mates place," she said. Probably she was talking to herself. She left and I slammed the door softly. I waited for a couple of minutes until the coast was clear. 

I pulled the duvets over, and seeing that Zayn fell asleep on the hard, cold floor. He is so much like sleeping beauty. I giggled. I poked him. He was still as a stone. I poked him again, still nothing. Then I go my wedge and smacked it on him. He jolted up and hit his head a beam. 

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He complained as he rubbed his forehead. I started to laugh uncontrollable. 

"Zayn, come out coast is clear," I informed him as I couldn't stop laughing. He turned to my side and gave me a look. I stopped. I moved out of his way and he slide right out. He was sort of dirty from all the flith and dust bunnies. 

"EW! Dirt!" he complained more. 

"It's not that bad," I lied to him. I covered my mouth trying to urge myself from laughing again. I helped him brush the dirt and grim off again. He started to put his clothes and shoes on. 

"Zayn, do you want breakfast? You can't leave without breakfast," he offered as I went to the dorm's mini kitchen where the fridge was. 

"No, babe. I'm alright. I have to leave as soon as Whaliya figures out where I've been off to," he explained as he tied his shoes. He sat up and exhaled. I poured myself some orange juice in a glass. I took a glimpse of what he was doing. He stared at the ripped photograph with a protective golden thick frame surrounding it. He picked it up from my nightstand. I drank my orange juice as I watched his every move. 

I think he was just staring at it long and hard. After a while he asked, 

"Where did you find this?" 

"I kept it with me from the first day you came to my old house when I was 16," I told him as I helped myself to another glass of juice.  He turned around and scrunched his nose. 

"You kept this with for all these years?" I've been searching for this for a long time. I thought it was long gone," he explained. 

I smiled. 

"Nope, it was with me for the whole time. I wanted a memory of me and you," I told him. There was an awkward silence. Then Zayn placed back the photo at its rightful place and got up. 

" Bye Bianca," he said. 

"Bye Zayn see you around sometimes and tell Ayesha and your family that I said hi," I demanded. 

He nodded and left behind the door. I sighed. Why was it so awkward for me to say that. I think we slept together probably but it was an accident. I fixed my eyes on the emptiness of my glass. It had pulp stuck on to it  but who cares. I think that the empty glass represented something. It represented the emptiness of my life----- the one thing I was truly missing. The pulp around it kind of showed the stuff  that happened around my empty glass. I washed my cup. I casually strolled to my bed and laid flat on it, forgetting that I am partially naked from my shower, my hair dripping wet and the massive pounding head ache I have. Oh whatever, that all didn't matter right now. What mattered was how am I gonna confront myself in telling Zayn I was going to leave soon. It was so hard. I just got here and now I am leaving. It made no sense whatsoever.I'll just tell Zayn about this concern on a latter date, most probably.  I think it was better to call my fiance Zain and inform him about my arrival. What choice did I really have? I grabbed my phone under my buttocks, and speed dialed him. 

It rang once then twice, the third one someone picked up. 

"Hello?" the other line asked. It was a male voice. 

"Hey Zain, how are you?" I asked glumly. 

"I'm good, what's up with you?" he asked. I assumed he was tried by the way he spoke on the phone with me. Broken, airy and hard to hear. 

" I need to tell you that I got a letter from the board here saying that they kicked me out of the institute and I only got about today and tomorrow to evacuate. So, you have to pick me up from the airport on the 28th of November," I told him unenthusiastically. 

 "Really? I am so glad!" he perked up. Something's telling me that he is behind all of his evil plot. 

"Hahaha, yes and so am I. I can't wait to plan for our wedding!" I sarcastically said. 

"Ok then, I'll be there on the 28th, I'm gonna begin the countdown Bye love you!" he remarked and hung up on me. I threw my phone somewhere. 

The countdown. I sprawled all over my duvets, then I realized that there was blood on it from last night. I still didn't care. I sure can't wait for the countdown, which has only begun.


Hey fans! Hoped you loved this one! This one was a little less intense then the other one, I'm guessing. Anyways, please vote, comment and most of all read. Thank you! 

Love you guys all so much!  (wish I knew each and one of you personally :) ]

Luv~ the mindf***ked author of this book! XD

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