love or not

By AbbieMc2003

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*panting* why am I running? *panting more* what happened back there? *stop panting* why did I run? to find ou... More

chapter 1: Blind date!
chapter 2: Him!
chapter 3: The Plan!
chapter 4: The Fight!
Chapter 5: Unexpected Plans!
chapter 6: THE WEDDING!
chapter 7: The After Party!
chapter 8: Unexpected Guest!
chapter 9: who's this?

chapter 10: New Girl!

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By AbbieMc2003

"WHATTT!" I am so shocked at what I am seeing like who is this person and why is she looking at Jason with heart eyes.

"Kasey, I didn't know you were coming today. I thought you said you would come down on Saturday?"

"Well I changed my flight so I could come in earlier to see my favourite boy" *Kasey jumps for a hug from Jason* wait what. Are they together because that would be a massive plot twist but seriously what does she mean by favourite boy and why is she giving me death stares.

"Well my name is--"

"So Jason, do you want to tell me what's been going on?" *starts dragging Jason inside* 

"Wait one second Kasey, you didn't let me introduce here."

"Oh no that's fine Jason I don't need to know your new friend." Seriously. Well for first impression you are one stuck up B*TCH.

"Kasey don't be so rude. Now like I was saying Kasey meet Lily, Lily meet Kasey. Kasey is a childhood friend of mine before I moved here but now and then we both go to each other house to catch up, and that's why I'm guessing your here?" Nah mate I think she's here to take you as her own and kidnap you.

"Yeah, WE'RE childhood friends so basically Best friends but better."

"Well it looks like you got your hands full right now Jason so I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Stay for a bit because I still want to know what's the plan for your birthday tomorrow" and how can I say no to his cute smile.

"But Jason you gotta respect the girl wishes, so if she wants to go she can now bye by--"

"Actually sure, I'll stay and  don't worry I'll take my time." Just to see that annoyed face of your Kasey and if she thinks she can take him away from me she got another thing coming.

~in the living room~

"So Lily, how did you meet Jason?"

"Well funny story actually, so I was walking--"

"So Jason have you wrote any new songs yet, because the last one you sent me blew me away and--" DID SHE JUST ignore MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE.

"Erm... Hello sunshine, yeah you. I was done answering your question about how me and Jason met."

"Well that's because the second you opened your mouth I stopped listening to you." Oh THATS It.

"Come on now Kasey that was too far now I get you might be jealous because she's new friend and she's gorgeous but there's no way for you to be talking like that to her." He just called me gorgeous, Ha I bet that ruffled Kasey feathers a bit and yeah, I also thinks she's jealous of me because I mean look at me, I'm goddess.

"For starter, I'm not jealous of her I mean she looks like she just came out of a bin and second she's a NEW friend so I don't know why she would be walking you home."

"Because I just came back from her house which her parents invited me too. Kasey all I'm saying is before you start chatting nonsense and starting beef maybe wait and find out why me and Lily were walking back to mine together." Well spoken Jason. Extra brownie points for wise words.

"I'm sorry Lily" I can see you crossing your fingers you dirty cow. "And for the way I behaved it was uncalled for and I'm sorry." Sorry my arse you little rat, until you stop crossing your fingers maybe then I might turn a blind eye but for Jason sake I'll show that we're civil. But when he's not here. IT WAR.

"Apology accepted." *beep beep text* when I look at the text its my mum asking me where I am. "Sorry to cut this short but my mum is wondering where I am and it's nearly 12am and even though its my birthday tomorrow I still have school so bye."

"I'll see you at school plus party." *Jason waved goodbye as I starting to walk back home.*

"And me too!" Gosh I want to punch that fake smile off her face. But does anyone else get that sick vibe that I shouldn't have left or is it just me. Oh just great, now the rain is on. Is this your way of telling me that bad sh*t is about to happen because if so Imma shove my middle finger in your face Weather. Why is my life so complicated.

so I start to head home, and of course I forget its nearly midnight and pitch black but when I look behind me there's a creepy man, so I start to run praying that I he won't catch up and kidnap me. until I got to the door of my house.

"Well you were at his house for some time. So what happen--"

"I don't want to talk about. Goodnight." so then I head upstairs with tears rolling down may face as my body fell onto my bed. I was having some mixed feelings about what happened at Jason  house and to the fact that his friend girl was the most RUDEST PERSON I'VE EVER MET! if he wasn't there I would have giving her piece of my mind, but I also get why she said those things because she must be jealous of mine and Jason something. Something? huh, I still forgot that me and him still haven't addressed the feelings we have for each other. Well I think its a feeling I have. so after an hour of over thinking I head to sleep because 1)I've got school tomorrow 2) its now my BIRTHDAY! 3) I've got to get  my house ready for the party.

~~Morning time~~

"Quick, quick. I need the shower and to get changed an--"

"Its ok dear its just 6:30am. You got up earlier for your birthday because well your excited. But now that you are up i've got some full English breakfast for you." 

"Thanks mum, you're are the Best! Where is dad?"

"Sadly work had to call him in for an emergency, but don't worry he will be here for your party. now I better get to work now, so I'm hoping you can get to school safely?"

" Don't worry mum, I've already called for back up." Then my mum left leaving me with a lovely breakfast in bed. 


"Crap, Imma be actually late for school now!" So I quickly ran out off the door to find my knight and shining leather jacket waiting for me on his motorbike.

"I heard you need back up"*wink* Did he just WINK AT ME. I think my heart just melted. So I walk over to him and grab the spare helmet and we head off to school. Being On Jason motorbike feels so alive and mostly with the speed we're at it feels like a rush just being here.

"Well thanks for the ride but I have 5 minutes to get to my next class so I'll catch you later"

"Uhhh wait a second, don't I get some reward of saving you a detention on your birthday?"

"Oh yeah,*whisper in ear* wait until the party" Then I quickly run off to my class just making it in time before he closed the door.

"So you actually made it to class on time for once."

"What do you mean actually, I'm always on time."

"Please just go and sit down. Now is Paul here?" So another lesson of history and I feel like crap because the only history I want to learn about is Jason and his new friend past. I mean yes they already told me how they met but that was it so I don't know if they are those friends who go out then find they just want to be friends but then go out again like I need to know these answer.

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