costume party 🍒 snamione.

By InsufferableKnowItAl

68.8K 2.1K 133

COSTUME PARTY ━━ ❝ hogwarts is having a halloween party and all of the students are encouraged to dress up. i... More



1.9K 69 10
By InsufferableKnowItAl

Slowly zipping up her heeled boots, she grabbed her mask off of the bed. Holding it between her hands, she smiled to herself. After confessing everything, she felt much better, though she hated it might be a burden on him to think about with his presence in the school still, she knew he'd be alright.

He was over by the liquor cabinet, swirling rum around in his glass, watching her intently.

"You sure you want to leave?" He asked her. She laughed lightly. Standing up, she walked over to him and smirked.

"Oh, but Professor, I thought you wanted me to leave?" He rolled his eyes. Looking down his nose at her, he gave her a small smile.

"Well, that was before your intentions became clear." She swatted him in the arm.

"Well, I best not call suspicion. That's why." She said, nodding at him. He just sighed.

"I wish you wouldn't. We could stay in the sheets all night." He said, a slight twinkle in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She rested her head on his chest.

"Mmm, that would be nice." As he held her, he had hoped this would change her mind. But she pushed away from him and walked to his bedroom door. "I've had enough mischief for one night." Then placing her mask on her face, she left his bedroom, closing the door behind her.

He looked down at his glass and placed it on the counter. Walking to the bedroom door, he stopped and looked down at himself. If he was to rejoining the party as well, he'd better look presentable.

Making sure no lipstick stains were on him and all buttons were buttoned, he smoothed over his robes and left his room. Though it was nearly two in the morning, he could still hear the music drifting down the hall. Locking his quarters door, making sure no one else would be able to slip back in, he sauntered off as well.

Hermione walked quickly and stealthily down the hall, wishing to make it to the girls lavatory without anyone stopping her so she could change back into her robes for the night. But just as she rounded the corner, she collided with someone and almost fell to the floor, if they hadn't grabbed her hand and pulled them to her.

"Sor-" She began, until her eyes met sea-green ones and platinum blonde hair. Her voice hitched in her throat as he toothily smirked down at her.

"Best watch where your going, love." He said, biting his lip. She pushed away from him.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your love." She hissed, trying to walk past him, only to be stopped by his goons Crabbe and Goyle. Draco whistled at her.

"Ooh, someones got an attitude on them. Well how about I can make you my love, eh? I'll be your Slytherin. . ." He said slowly, walking up to her until her back was against the wall. His seduction swayed her no way, it disgusted her to no extent. But of course, he didn't know it was her under the mask. If he had, she knew he's regret every word, thought and look.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy." She said, pushing him away from her. He widened his eyes at this and looked at Crabbe and Goyle. They both approached her and grabbed her amrs. "Let me go!" She said, wretching herself from their clutches.

"How do you know who I am?" He asked her, placing his finger under her chin.

"Everyone knows who the bleach blonde son of a snake is." She hissed at him, a smile curling at her lips at the certain anger that flickered in his eyes.

"Well then you must know, what a Malfoy wants, a Malfoy gets." He said, about to put his hand around her throat until a voice stopped him.

"Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing?" He quickly dropped his hand and turned to look at his godfather, Severus Snape. Hermione smiled to herself at the sight. He looked at her as if questioning was she alright. She just nodded her head.

"N-nothing Professor." He stammered, as Crabbe and Goyle slowly began to retreat.

"I surely hope you weren't assaulting a student, Draco. Thats highly against the code of conduct..." He said, approaching him quite suddenly, speaking in his dangerously low tone. Draco just frantically shook his head no at Severus, taking a few steps back away from her. As if something flickered in his eyes, his sudden Slytheriness stepped forward within him. Clearing his throat, he stood up taller and stared Severus in the eyes.

"I was just teaching her a lesson, Professor. Her kind isn't welcomed here at Hogwarts." He said. Severus just glared down at him. Then stepping closer towards him until he was towering over Draco, he sneered.

"Just because your my nephew means nothing, Mr. Malfoy. You best know your place." He said, but Draco didn't stand down. He was being as ignorant as ever. As if testing just how far he could go with Severus.

"Easy Uncle, its just a bit of innocent fun..." He said coyly, with a smirk on his face. Hermione wanted to slap it right off, but remained calm. Severus stepped back away from him, looking over to her, he sighed.

"Don't let it happen again." He said, before taking the initiative to leave. He had hoped Hermione would follow after him. But just not so soon. She glared at Draco.

"I hope your happy with yourself." She said through her teeth. He stepped forward to her.

"Oh trust me love, I am. But you ever want to find me, Daddy Draco will take good care of you." He said, his eyes tracing her curves. She just turned away from him. But just as she had her back turned, she felt a stinging feeling go across her bum, he had slapped her in her arse!

Instinct kicked in and she swiped her hand and it connected with his face. He fell to the floor clutching it, crying out in horror. He moved his hand away from his face ad three long cuts crossed along his cheek. His hand was covered with blood.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" He screamed at her. She just bent down to his level, looking at him. Retrieving a handkerchief from within his front coat pocket, she threw it at him.

"Clean yourself up, you ferret." And walked away from him, happy with her handy work. She was just down the hall when a hand stopped her, she turned around but no one was there. Then, Severus appeared and pulled her to him. "Severus! He scared me half to dea-" He crashed his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds before she pulled away. "Severus, what if someone see's?" She said, looking around them. He just smirked.

"Let them look." He said, and kissed her once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened. It lasted for some time before he slowly pulled away, both of their hearts beating as they both stood there breathlessly. "I'm sorry about Draco." He said quietly. She just smiled at him.

"Its fine, I can handle myself." She said, looking in his eyes. He shook his head, a smile gracing his lips.

"I know you can, and I especially loved your handiwork you did on him." He said, smirking. She just laughed.

"I knew you weren't just going to leave me."

"Of course." Sighing lightly, he let go of her. "I guess we should rejoin the party." She nodded her head.

"Only just for appearances, Severus. Afterwards, we can maybe do something together. . ." She said, winking at him. He laughed lightly.

"Oh your so insatiable." Then they walked off down the hall together. Once they were getting closer to the party, Severus decided it would be best if he stayed behind just for a few, that way no one would suspect anything. She just only made him promise her that he would be there. Nodding his head, she left him and made her way, confidently back to the party, where all things began.

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