The new year

By dropsofrain24

12.7K 302 120

Penny, brain and her unique uncle are on a special mission to West Africa, to stop mad from stealing a precio... More

You need what now?
Go go gadget, guide of what to do in Liberia!
Just more mishief
Authors note,
Night of the ball part 1
Night of the ball part 2
A/N(What happened?)
New year revelations part 1
New year revelations part 2
Madness in the Mad lair
Questions & Missions
.....Uncle Gadget, No!
Put the 'new' in New year!
Extravagant A/N 💎✨💅🏽
~ EPILOGUE ~...!!!

Seeing through the blur

590 15 3
By dropsofrain24

Penny POV

One minute I'm trying to reach out to my Uncle, the next I lose my balance and FALL from a 50-storey building, This is just great, Good going Penny.....

I can't believe I let this happen! If I ever want to be good HQ agent in the future, I can't just let myself fall in silly situations like this!; I should have known better than to go foolishly close to the edge of the building.....

But now I wonder if I'll even SEE that future, because this is a life or death situation! I've been in tight spots before but I usually get miraculously saved by one of Uncle G's gadgets, but of course; that can't happen now since all his gadget power has been taken away. At least he's still safe, I wish I could say the same about myself...

What I would do for a pair of Talon's rocket boots right now!!! I could fly through the sky and safely land myself on the sweet ground but Alas! I'm a helpless human being with no means of air transport falling with increasing speed to her DEMISE!!!!!????

Could this really be it?!....The end of Penny Ruth Brown??? Who was too clumsy to avoid her totally all too preventable Doom??!!! This just can't b-be.....the end   My loved ones will totally be crushed by this and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye... to Uncle Gadget, brain, Kayla, HQ and Talon.........TALON!!!! He could be my only hope! I wonder if he saw me fall??? But he could just be busy being the villain he wants to be with his uncle, that he doesn't even have the time to notice.

Talon POV

You know that feeling when you feel like your whole world has shattered, you've lost something that's irreplaceable and crucially important; something  so dear to you.......That's how I felt when I saw Penny fall, totally depressed by the fact that if she's not saved in under a minute, I'll never see those sky blue eyes ever again.......

I didn't believe in heart break until now, that your emotions are twisted and you can't think straight yet you feel alot of hurt at the same time.

I had to act soon but as if he's trying to set the world record for worst timings ever thats when Uncle Claw says.

"HA! That's the last I'll ever see of Gadget's niece!!! Talon! I need you for something!!" He barks at me.

"WHAT??!!!" My mouth says as my brain trys to digest the two things he just said to me.

"Yes, I know I shouldn't dare entrust you with something else due to your incompetence but it's your chance to prove to me that your not as useless as I thought and maybe I'll start treating you like a nephew" He says sincerely.

That took me by surprise.....Finally, a chance for me to actually prove to Uncle C just how much he UNDER APPRECIATES ME!!! I've been dying to do so FOR AGES, basically since I joined Mad!...........BUT I urgently need to save pretty Penny, otherwise I'll lose her forever. Two things I desperately want but one needs to be sacrificed for the sake of the other...

But before I make that choice I feel two henchmen grabbing both my arms pulling me to Uncle Claw. WHAT?! Why are they doing this, exactly!!?? Is Uncle C forcing me into this!!!??

"Talon, don't be as incompetent as you just were and do what I'll tell you to do next-" He said as the henchmen dropped me right in infront of him.

"I don't know why you've developed a habbit of not doing orders as soon as you're told but this is your last chance. Go and distract that chief Quimby so that we can fully access the HQ power supply that he's trying to get back. OR consider yourself both as the MOST  incompetent Mad agent there ever was! And an ex-Mad's second in command!!!" He said with the best fusion of anger and seriousness in one voice that I've ever heard in my life.
This just became a whole lot worse....

Now not just Penny, but MY JOB is on the line. Just when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse, it just did!....It always does when you say or think so,anyway. But on more urgent matters, if I don't do anything quick. I'll end up losing both.

Penny POV

My heart is beating fast, I officially have not been this scared before in my entire life!!! Probably cause I might just lose that 'life' anytime soon!!!

This is the one mess Penny Brown can't get herself out of. My fall has been a quite long due to the length of this building but that just makes the impact all the more fatal....

As I feel the biting pain of the air as it blows against skin and the rest of my body, my eyes begin to water and I feel my tears being blown away by the wind as I start accepting that this really is the end and I have no way out of this.

I never thought this day would come so soon. But you never know what life has in store for you....... As I start seeing the ground which is becoming visible now that I'm approaching my doom, I just start screaming because I have nothing else to do; in this helpless state I'm in and I just close my eyes getting ready to hit the ground which by my quick math and physics was precisely in 5 seconds.

With my tear stained and completely shut eyes, 5 seconds passed....and I was in for impact.....

I'll know what death is in excruciating pain! I'll die with completely broken bones in my body due to the impact of this fall..........

And It was time for impact....

Time to reunite with the ground for my unfortunate and miserable doom....!!!!.....

Time for me to die, with the last and most unimaginable pain I'll ever feel in my life........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I didn't feel that pain..........? Nor did  I feel the impact......??? Instead........... I felt warmth and a familiar scent, I scent of something that I come across quite often. I didn't expect to smell anything ever again! and I tried putting my finger on what it was.......???

..Hair gel..!!!!????...

That's when my eyes flew open and  I pinched myself to check if I was dreaming.....

OUCH! Nope! I'm wide awake! Then it really is true that I'm seeing
the person looking right back at me....

"TALON.....???" I said with shock and relief flooding in my voice, my voice was still a bit squeaky because of the screaming but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was I was still alive and like most fairy tales describe it; my knight in shinning armour was able to save me.......<3

Talon POV

I couldn't wait any longer I knew what I needed to do....

I knew Uncle Claw, would basically DIS OWN me after this. I knew that he would be furious, angry and SO MAD.
I knew that my actions would make me lose my position as second in command......

But I didn't care. Saving my pretty Penny was on my OTPs and has always been basically. So I shouldn't have taken that long to realise it and just jump into action!

So I turned on my heel as quickly as I possibly could, running and moving almost as fast as light and without bothering to hear how my Uncle was going to react, reached the edge of the building and.....

Flew...!!! Believe me; I've gone at great speeds with my rocket boots before but this time I had the strongest motivation compared to the others and rocketed myself faster than I'd ever used those boots before in my life!

I was cruising! Plunging myself downwards the building, my skin especially my face was on fire with the biting air swooshing past it! I couldn't even see properly because of the wind and tears were coming out of my eyes; agaisnt my will! due to the situation...

Who KNOWS, what was happening to my HAIR FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!!
But all this was worth saving Penny.......

Because, if being a true villain meant not having emotions,endangering numerous lives, not caring about people at all; especially people who mattered the most....!!??

Then I don't think I want to be a villain anymore, I wouldn't live with myself like that and if Uncle C and Mad demand such of me then maybe it's time after all the shenanigans I've been through ever since I freed the ungrateful Uncle C from that iceberg came to an end. Time for me to throw in the towel...

I caught my damsel in distress, just in the nick of time too! The poor agent was in a pitiful state. Tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes were a bit puffy; she had been crying? I never saw Penny cry since the beginning of this year on the castle roof; back when were both in Liberia at the unforgettable ball-party thing! And her eyes were just red at the time, she didn't actually cry??!! But I shouldn't blame her; I would cry too if I fell off a building without having my trusty rocket boots! Or having a dangerously handsome ex-Mad agent who could save me!

"TALON.....???" She asked with a squeaky voice and disbelief.

And I let go of a breath I did know I was holding. I did it! Yes, I saved you my Pretty Penny Princess is what I wanted to say but that was a bit too cheesy even for me.

"Don't worry Pen, you're safe now" I said reassuringly to girl who changed my life in my arms.

"Oh geez, Talon I t-thought I was going to d-die, You saved me! ....Thank you......"  She said burying her face into my neck and I heard her whimpering softly while shaking a bit afterwards.

The action surprised me at first but I felt really bad for Penny. Then I smiled and replied.

"Don't mention it. I'll always be there to save you, Penny...." I began "Sh sh Don't worry, its okay now, your safe....."

I began drawing circles behind her back to comfort her and give her more reassurance that everything's fine....She must have been soooo sacred....but I'll let her know that she's safe now that I'm here....

And it seems it worked! Cuz she's calmed down now, wiped those horrible tears away and she's looking at me with that beautiful smile of hers again!

"I appreciate you saving me but I almost thought you wouldn't cuz you were too busy being evil with your Uncle" She said honestly. Wait, hold up!

"WhAT??!!!" I said putting her back to her feet from my arms.

"You know what I'm talking about, how you really want to be a villain and all, and this was a chance to prove yourself by following your Uncle; so would forget about me" She said shrugging as if it were nothing.

How dare she even think that! is kind of true. I  really have always wanted to please my Uncle(who is un-pleasable btwz😫😪) and I try and TRY to show him that I can be a good villain but that never ends well. Maybe it's a good thing that Uncle C will fire me from Mad. I didn't really benefit much from the place anyway. But I gotta convince Penny that I'm past my villain ego now.

"Pen, you think I would let you fall off a building just to please that un-pleasable maniac??!" I reply to her remark.

"Well, I don't know; you've cared about being evil for so long now. You've done so many surreal missions for Uncle and You even took part in one in which he was going to kill me and everyone else important in my life. So I just thought I wasn't as important" She says folding her arms again. That does it!

Penny POV

"I'm not a murderer Pen and besides the villain thing I admit; I was obsessed with, but I'm past that now! And you can't call me an evil mad agent anymore because I chose to save YOU over helping HIM he's basically disowned me now! Its was a pain working for that Mad man anyway!Andnomissionisworthyoulosing your life Pen!Like seriously! YouthinkIwasgoingtoLetyoudieforastupidlittleMissionI'm better than that Penny!-" And he goes on and ON rambling and rambling about how he cares more about me being alive than the villain thing and although it's a  pain to the ears it's actually kind of cute to watch....

But he has got to STOP talking! At this rate, he'll be worse than Kayla! I need to make him just snap out of it. I could slap him, but that's just too violent and won't be very nice of me to slap someone who just gave up their evil job to save me. Hmmmmmmm...............I wonder...??? AHA! This is the perfect opportunity to get back at Talon for that other time. This will be priceless...!!!

"-Andbeingthatkindofpersonwhojustgivesuppeople'slivesforselfishreasonsissooo wro-mmmmmmh!!!" Is the last words the ex-Mad boy could say when I grabbed his collar and gently pressed my lips on his. I felt the boy freeze before he could return the gesture and kiss back. But ofcourse this was my revenge so I wasn't going to make it pleasant for him so I quickly pulled back.

And for the first time..............I saw the confident witty Talon red as a tomato! It was hilarious! And totally worth going outside my comfort zone! And I broke into a hysterical laughter! I couldn't help it, he's totally lost his composure and just looked at me flabbergastedly!

"It's not funny PENNY!!!" He said pouting at me.

"You should have seen your face!" I said continuing my laughter.

"Not cool to mess with people like that!" He said folding his arms and looking away.

"You didn't think you we're the only sneaky one did you?! I told you I'd get you back!" I said while giggling and in a teasing manner.

He open his mouth to say something but he paused probably realising I was right! And he just smiled.

"You know what Pen? Your right, you've beat me at my own game. I'm impressed!" He said smirking.

"I had to shut you up somehow!" I said with a chuckle.

"But I'm serious Pen, I wasn't gonna let you die for the sake of completing a mission. And I've realised that maybe being a villain isn't meant for me. Because I'm tired of acting like I don't care when I should. Because Penny, you're like..........the best thing that ever happened to me! You brought color to a life that I once found very dull, something I could look forward to on missions. Some one I'd have teen-teen conversations with, Some one who could actually get me sometimes! And now that I think about it, besides being my long time crush; you were like my best friend! And I would give up anything for just that..." He said while looking into my eyes genuinely like it was the most natural thing he's ever said.

And my heart melted in warmth. That was possibly one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.....😢❤ I couldn't feel my knees anymore; I was at loss for words..

"Wow Talon,........that was beautiful.... I......I don't know what to say....." I replied.

"Well for starters, you could forgive me for the dang villain thing!" He said eyerolling playfully.

I giggled "Ofcourse!" I replied.

"And-..." He said stepping forward "-there's only one thing left" He said.

"And what's that?" I question.

He gently cups my cheeks and looks at lips then my eyes "We could do this the right way for once........with both of our consents this time!" He said with a chuckle.

I stared back at him and smiled and just nodded to what he said and slowly we found ourselves both leaning in.... And this was an impact that I could actually look forward to😆!!!

A few moments later.......and our lips met!!!......... In perfect bliss❤.....

It was more incredible than I remembered to kiss his lips! Even more than Liberia! Maybe because we were both into it! And it felt like completing  a puzzle, putting all the pieces together something; that was just meant to be....

I let myself go......forgetting everything else that's around us, and just focus on the moment we have at hand. I put my arms on the sides of his face for support and feel one of his arms move to the top of my back and the other on my waist and he leaned in more to make it even better and I expressed my true feelings for this boy in every second that passed by..... It felt like fireworks in and around my whole body! And I couldn't think about anything else....

But even the best things have to come to an end...... So when we run out of air, we pulled away.

And we just stood there, in a comfortable silence, just staring at eachother........ Feeling company in each other's arms and nothing else felt more right...........

But eventually, Talon spoke up.

"Well......I guess I finally have a chance to say this, huh?" He began.

"Say what?" I said with furrowed brows.

"I LOVE YOU, Penny Ruth Brown❤....."

I widened my eyes. I NEVER expected those words to ever escape from Talon's mouth. Like at the top of my list for 'nevers' !!! It made me feel .......different. But a good different; a heart warming different! Besides my heart beat picking up it's pace, I could almost feel tears trying to fall from my eyes. OMG I feel like crying again!😢 But I can't let that happen! But this was just the most beautiful. Never did I think my evil crush would return my feelings like this; Let alone say he loved me! But honestly, I'm just happy, because I've always loved him back......ever since we first met.......; I just never got a chance to say it until now..............

"I Love you too, Talon Claw❤" I replied and soon we were in for yet another kiss....💋❣


(Just some fanart to give you a picture of how the smooches went down!!!😂😂😂😊)




Credits to the artists; The first two 'true bluflo' and 'madxquartz' on the 3rd except I edited it a bit to show the 'firework' experience😂😂😂

Anywho,  back to the story!


Meanwhile, elsewhere.....

"THAT BASTARD!!! I can't believe, He had the audacity to bail out on me like that!!! WHY DID I LET HIM BECOME A MAD AGENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! HE'S SUCH AN IDIOT!!! THAT'S IT!, I'M DISOWNING THAT BOY! I can't live with such a disgrace in my own household!" The mad mastermind cursed in his head as he and the rest of the other lucky agents escaped into his jet that he had ready INCASE something(even though he strongly doubted) would go wrong. A few of his agents had been caught and taken into custody on their way to prison, but he and some others got away as usual.

~Dr. Claw POV~

After my good for nothing nephew just ran and dived downward the building for who knows why(what a coward!) That annoying professor Von slickstein was able to get Gadget's blasted power system back up! And somehow that idotic Cyborg was able to crash into my scientists computers system; jeopardizing my entire operation!!!!

The ultimate plan I had worked on for months, ruined! All because of my irritating arch nemesis! I'LL GET YOU  NEXT TIME GADGET, NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!

And since I have that hairgel dead weight off my shoulders. A new important position has opened up for only someone worth the responsibility. Someone who should have had since in the very beginning. Someone more competent..

That's why I'm making Mad cat my new number two!!!

The feline just purrs happily in response.

"Come hear my precious!" I pet the back of her back as she continues purring on my laps.

"But don't worry, even as my second in command; there wont be any shark tanks for you!!!!!" And we both snickered together at the beginning of something that will drive Metro city MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's that!😊 Don't be shy to show love for this Sweet and adorable chapter❤🤧😢🥺🤤

I really hope you enjoy this and the next chapter because It took A LOT mentally from me to come up with the stuff and fit everything together properly and I just really love it❤ I smiled while editing 😊 And
If they're any errors plz inform me incase I missed it somewhere.

But please VOTE and COMMENT!!! Your votes and remarks are what had inspired me to write on in the first place!!! 😪😌So please do!!!🙂

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